
Heartache On the Celestine Sea | Fantasy High: Sophomore Year | Ep. 4

Gorgug tries to escape the doghouse. Ragh opens up. Adaine has a chilling encounter. Welcome to Dimension 20,'s anthology actualplay show! Enjoy watching every campaign, every behind-the-scenes, every one-shot, and every talkback, only on Dropout: Sign up for the Dropout newsletter here:

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3 months ago

- Hello and welcome back to Dimension 20 LIVE presents Fantasy High: Sophomore Year. I'm your humble dungeon master, Brennan Lee Mulligan. With me as always are our Intrepid Heroes! Say hi, Intrepid Heroes! - [Everyone] Hi, Intrepid Heroes! - [Brennan] Oh gosh, it's so lovely to have you back. This is Dropout's weekly game of D&D. We're here continuing the story of the Bad Kids, a group of adventurers (fun adventuring music) from the Aguefort Adventuring Academy in the town of Elmville. Kind of
modern, 1980s-esque teen group that goes out into the world of Spyre, beyond the borders of Solace, on wild adventures. For their spring break and 60% of their sophomore year grade- - Oh no! - The Bad Kids have been sent out to retrieve the Crown of the Nightmare King. They find themselves outside the hotel- sorry, inside a fancy restaurant in Bastion City called The Swan's Little Parade. And as they are here in The Swan's Little Parade, they have just dealt with the recovery of their captured f
riends, Riz and Fig, who they got back from the clutch of some demons. You guys stole a guestbook, you guys got your friends back. - Oh yeah. - You made out with the Chief of Police, disguised. (Ally laughs) - By the way, did I get a name? - Can you give me a quick Intelligence check to see if you spotted his name? - Anyone wanna give me a help action? - [Murph] Sure. - Yes, yes! (dice tapping table) (players chuckling) Did you say Intelligence? - Intelligence, yes. - 15! - Police Commissioner R
unce Buggins. (players chuckling) - Wow. - [Siobhan] Oh, that's so hot. - [Murph] He sounds- - Commissioner- - Runce! - Oh, that's so cool. - Runce. - Buggins. - [Ally] You always know how to pick 'em. (Emily laughing) - You certainly do. However, we're not there right now. We're actually over at The Swan's Little Parade. And The Swan's Little Parade is an extremely fancy, well-to-do dining establishment. The waitstaff dance out with various foie gras and lovely little caviars. And we see that,
here at the dining table, Gilear is recovering from his- (Lou and Emily chuckling) I would say near-death experience, but it's actually, it's a full-death experience. - And coming back to life. (laughs) - And coming back to life. (Emily laughing) We also discovered that Ragh Barkrock is terrified and sees something in the photograph. (delicate classical music) Tracker has offered to do some kind of magic to hopefully help him and prevent whatever weird situation would occur here. And we also hav
e just received a text message- Gorgug, on his phone- - Oh! - from Zelda Donovan, his girlfriend, asking if he left Elmville without saying goodbye. - (sighs) I'm in the doghouse. (players laughing) - You know, Gorgug, (Lou barking) do you know what I think will get you out of the doghouse? - What? - If we write her a really good song. - (sighs) I don- like, I probably should- - [Ally] Don't talk to her until you finish the song. - Talk to... - Yeah. - Yeah, don't text her back. - I don't... - S
pend a lot of time on the song and make it perfect. - Yeah. - Shouldn't I just- - [Emily] Turn off your - No. - Read receipts. - Reach out? - No. - [Zac] Read receipts are off. No, no, no, no. - What is he, a dealer? (players laughing) - I think Gorgug, I like that idea, is just going to call Zelda. - Just at the table? - Yeah. (players laughing) - [Lou] Good, this is the way we should do things. - I don't wanna ask everyone to move. It's a booth, right? - There's no booths here. It's lovely lit
tle banquet tables, there's... - It's super loud here, Gorgug. (Ally laughing) - Can everyone be quiet for a second? - You see as you do that, the maître d' just appears next to you as the phone starts ringing and says, "Um, monsieur, um, if you can destroy your phone?" - [Zac] Destroy it? - Can I cast Suggestion on him, (laughs) to allow this to happen? - What does Fig say? - [Murph] If we get killed by the staff of The Swan's Little Parade... - If we have to fight here... - [Zac] Total party k
ill. - [Siobhan] How humiliating. - I suggest, okay, so phones are allowed now. (laughs) - He looks at you. You have never felt a spell of yours more powerfully rebuffed before. (Emily laughing) He says, "Um, excuse me, please, also do not cast a spell on me. The phone, you cannot make a call at the table-" - Monsieur, I'm sorry. These people are commoners. Poor folk who've just recently come into wealth. They're not accustomed to our- - I'm actually super loaded. - Well you're super loaded now,
all right? But you haven't been super loaded for as long as some of us have. (Emily laughing) - If it is all right, we would like to brush the gentlemen just to make sure everything is all right. - [Lou] You brush him? - Just brush him. - [Lou] Of course. They're going to brush you. - About five waiters come over with small, white feather dusters- - [Zac] To me? Are they brushing me? - And just kind of- - Is this a rich thing? - This is a thing, yes. - [Siobhan] This is normal. - This is very m
uch a rich thing. - Am I, do I... - Very much normal. - [Zac] I haven't heard anything about looking dirty. Do I look dirtier than everyone? - Are they dusting you? - You made a phone call in the restaurant so we just want to brush you to be sure. - To make sure, for fingerprints? - Exactly. (mimics mini-brushing vigorously) - For fingerprints? - No, I mean, I did not hear what you said. What? - For fingerprints. - No. (mimics mini-brushing vigorously) - [Siobhan] Just step outside. - [Zac] Shou
ld I go outside? Is it-? Okay. - Do you have a phone area? - Oui, we have a phone area. It is downtown. It is about a five-minute drive. - [Zac] Different place? - Just to make sure. - Just go outside. - Okay, I will (pause for bowing) leave. - [Ally] My parents always made a big deal of stressing that we were upper middle class and I feel like that was a lie for a long time. (Emily laughing) We ate hotdogs with cheese in 'em when it was my birthday. - [Siobhan] Yeah, no, no, you were working cl
ass, and that's fine. - That's pretty far. - I've never seen a brush like that before and now that's all I wanna buy. - No- - Can you brush yourself? - You don't buy it. You just have to inherit it. - Yeah. - That's... - I'm so sorry, you mentioned that you have never seen one of these brushes before? - No, but I- - If it's all right, we would like to just brush you very quickly. - [Zac] Run! They're gonna brush you! - What? No, I love it! (Brennan mimics mini-brushing) - Embrace the brush. - I
love it! This attention. - Okay... - This is one of the best things about money. - At this point, my curiosity is piqued. Please brush me. (Ally and Murph laughing) - You are asking to be brushed? - [Siobhan] Please brush my friend. (Lou laughs pitifully) - (sighs deeply) I am afraid we are going to need to hose you down. - (laughs) Oh my god! - Nothing that has happened- We don't do it in the restaurant. You're going to have to come in back of the kitchen- - [Ally] Oh my gosh, it's like in pris
on. - [Emily] You know what? After everything that happened, I do feel dirty. So yeah, let's go do this. - You see that Gilear looks and says, I was a diplomat for the Elven people for some time. This is a level of wealth that- - [Siobhan] Is that true? - [Emily] What? - [Ally] Yeah, Gilear, I've always wanted to know more about your past. - [Siobhan] You were a diplomat? (classical music playing) - I mentioned it before. Yes, I was, I worked... Remember when I was applying for the guidance coun
selor position that ended up going to... - [Emily] (laughing) Jaw- - Jawbone? - [Ally] You were gonna be a guidance counselor? - [Emily] I was trying to get him hooked up with a guidance counselor - Those were the two jobs, - job. - yeah. But then in a twist of fate, possibly that shows you how life knows better, you became the lun- (laughs) - [Ally] You were the lunch lad? - And then the vice principal, so that's good. - [Murph] Who did you think- Kristen, where were you? - Yeah. - I thought yo
u looked familiar! That's why I was so glad you were our intern. - Ah. - You just- you thought you didn't know him at all before this? - [Murph] Gilear, this does not represent how any of us- - I really thought- that's crazy. You know, I wanna get to know you more, man. - We have spent an amount of time, I mean, truly a tremendous amount of time. - [Siobhan] Gilear, have you considered that you might be faceblind? - Riz takes a lap around the building, just... - Can I palm some money to someone
to brush down Gilear? - [Murph] What is everyone doing? - I'm outside. (laughs) - You're outside. Gorgug, you are outside by yourself. (players laughing) As you go outside, you basically, you know, the phone starts ringing. As it does... Rings once, (Lou gasps) twice. - No... - Three times. - [Zac] I hope she picks up. (scary hollow music) - Fourth time, click, hi. - And then she picks up? - This is Zelda Donovan. (Lou gasps) - Hi, Zelda- - Thanks so much for giving me a call. - Oh. (Lou groans)
This is a message. - All you have to do is leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks so much. Beep. (Emily exhales softly) (gentle instrumental music) - (laughs) Uh, hey, Zelda. It's me, Gorgug. I, um, was just calling because I freaking messed up, (soft guitar music) and there's a lot going on. Fig and Riz got kinda taken or something and we had to leave town real fast. But that's not really a good excuse. But yeah, I'm gone. We're in, um... We're out of town
in- what's it called? - Bastion City. - Bastion City. - We're in Bastion City. Call me back when you can or I'll try you later. I'm really sorry. Bye. (Lou chuckles awkwardly) Goodbye. I hope you have a good day, goodbye. (laughs) - [Murph] Nailed it, dude. - It's definitely nighttime. - Fuck, good night! - Does Gorgug immediately come back in or no? - (sighs sadly) What's around here? (chuckles) - Sort of an empty street. You know, it's a fancy little restaurant, so it's a very upscale kind of
neighborhood. There's a few little restaurants around. But, you know, there's also some sort of fancy sort of townhouses and things like that in Bastion City. - Maybe Gorgug just goes a little bit on a walk just to clear his head and see if he... It feels like he- I think he thinks he wants to call her again but that seems crazy as well. - Mm-hmm. - So he's just walking. - You go on a little walk around the corner. (Zac laughs) - [Lou] It's too real. (players laughing) I feel like I've been in
this position. - [Ally] Are you crying? - [Lou] A little bit. Stop! - Cool. - I think if I see Gorgug walk away, just 'cause people have been captured recently, I might sneak out and just kinda watch him from a distance. - I was going to say that I would like to maybe leave a note at the police station, so I might have also been prowling about. - Okay, you go take a look at the police station. - Oh, but I don't wanna... I'm just saying, I might be sneaking out while Gorgug is... - While Gorgug i
s there. Cool, each- go ahead and give me a Stealth roll real quick. (die taps table) - 19. - Okay, I'm gonna need a Perception from Riz and Fig. - Yikes. - Oh, I see. Okay. - Is there a roll to order more foie gras? (die tapping table) - For you, Mister Seacaster, there is no roll to order more foie gras. - 10, I can't see him. - Seven. - Seven. I'm gonna roll back here as well, real quick. (dice tapping table) Okay. Gorgug, you head off on your own. So you guys finish eating here. As the meal'
s sort of wrapping up, you see Sandra Lynn looks around a little, while- You leave to go to the police station? - Actually, I'll probably wait till we go to bed. - Okay, cool. So as you guys are hanging out here, you know, right after Gorgug kinda goes for a walk, Sandra Lynn looks up and says, "All right, well, we'll have whatever Tracker's going to do tonight, but what's the plan after that, gang?" - [Emily] Jailbreak, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Murph] Well, not necessarily a jailbreak. We shou
ld talk to her. - Yeah, she's- - [Siobhan] Why is it that we think that she, specifically, will have information? - I think- - We know that there's things in Fallinel, and we know that the Shadowcat was an agent of Fallinel. Why does that mean Aelwyn? I don't see how Aelwyn is in any way connected to any of this. - [Murph] I think your family might be involved. - Well, I would rather talk to my parents than to Aelwyn. - [Murph] Do you know where they are? - No. - [Murph] So... - [Lou] I feel lik
e The Ball's making a great point right here. - Well, I'm saying no jailbreak. I'm saying we speak to her. - [Siobhan] Why don't we look in this hotel book and see what's going on there? - Great, give me, anyone that wants to check that out, give me an Investigation check. - [Siobhan] Can I have have Boggy give me the Help action? - Yes, absolutely. - [Murph] Does anyone wanna help me? I have good Investigation. - Yeah, yeah. I'll help you. - Okay sweet, thank you. - Ooh, hell yeah. - [Lou] I go
t an 18. - I got a 25. - 18, 25. - Hey! - I got a 27. - Damn. - Hell yeah. - I thought I was gonna contribute. (players laughing) - Anyway- - [Lou] I thought I would help. - [Siobhan] You held the book really effectively while we- - Thank you, everyone. - [Emily] Fabian with the contribute. - Fabian, I'm gonna say that the 18 has to do with the- - Oh, hell yes! - I'm gonna say that 18 has to do with the fact that as you're going along- you guys are moseying in the registry that you guys have sto
len from the Hotel Cavalier. You have to go months and months and months back. You see your father's signature. (Emily gasps) - Oh. - Hm. - My papa stayed here. - Not only do you see that. As you guys go and look back, Bill Seacaster's signature is here in the hotel book several times. - Wow. - Huh. - Look at that, my papa. - (laughing) It's not good, Fabian. - What? I mean, is... What do you mean? I mean, it's not bad. - Where did he stay? - It was sort of a den of criminals and Mr. Seacaster..
. (laughs) Have we ever said, "Mr. Seacaster"? - I don't think, that feels like- - Or Captain Seacaster? - That really felt new and weird. - (laughs) Weird. - Professor Seacaster was a criminal. - Yeah - [Emily] Mr. Seacaster was a criminal. Is there any name in conjunction with? Are we seeing it in tandem with another name? - Right, what- - As you look for that, that specific question, literally that specific question, there is a name that appears in the room prior to his stay for every one of
his stays. - [Siobhan] Dang. - And that name is Garthy O'Brien. Garthy is spelled G-A-R-T-H-Y. - That's for real. - Garthy O'Brien. - [Emily] Can I Google Garthy O'Brien? - Do I have any knowledge of this person, familiar-wise? - [Brennan] Roll a Charisma. Like, roll a... Yeah, roll flat Charisma with advantage. - All right. (dice tapping table) It's gonna be 15. - Garthy O'Brien will not probably be findable on a Solesian search engine because Garthy O'Brien is not Solesian. You know that he li
ves out on the wide open sea. This is another pirate. - Ah. - [Siobhan] Oh, but we're in a seaport, right? - You are. - [Emily] Cathilda, have you met Garthy O'Brien? Do you know tales? - She looks and says, hold on one second... (die taps table) Oh, right, well, Miss Fig, Garthy O'Brien, I know them quite well. - It's Mrs. - What's that? - Them! - Mrs. Fig. - Them, yes, I know them quite well. Garthy's, well, they're a, how do I put this? A pirate. - Mm-hmm. - And they run the Gold Gardens, whi
ch are a series of houses of fortune and pleasure in Leviathan. (Lou laughs joyously) - [Emily] Okay, I will go to a casino over a jail. - [Siobhan] I don't think it's a casino. I think it's a whorehouse. Well, maybe it's both. - I mean, anytime you have sex with a, you know, it could be a gamble, right? - [Ally] And you always - lose the bet. - You might lose your heart. (Ally and Emily laughing) - [Siobhan] How much experience do you have- - Riz takes another lap. - Is this your Netflix specia
l? - What? - What happened to you on tour? - [Ally] You can't say anything anymore! - What happened to me was I let some walls down, okay? - No, you- all right. - [Ally] Leviathan, is that what you said? - Oh yes, Leviathan. - The Gold Gardens. - It's like- me and Papa used to go there sometimes. It's this incredible pirate fortress. It sails the seas, and it's like a bunch of ships that smashed together. It's honestly the coolest place in like, the whole world. - Huh. - And I could totally get
us in because, you know, my dad is like, a bigshot there. Or, was a bigshot before I killed him. Hm? - Okay. - It's honestly so cool, though. And I would totally love to go. - [Emily] Like dinner theater? - No, no, no, no, no. It's like a, we're talking a city-sized place made up of ships that have all kind of- like, broken wreckages of ships that have all been kind of put together and they've kind of built a city on top of this floating mass. And it's kinda like a pirate haven or like- - It sou
nds like Spring Break. I'm not here, but... (laughs) - [Emily & Siobhan] It sounds like Spring Break. - [Emily] Whoa, jinx. - I don't know what that is a reference to, but yes. - It does. - It sounds like the trash island off the coast of Texas. - Don't know any of those specifics, but yes. (players laughing) - [Siobhan] What did we find in this hotel book? - In this hotel- well, that's what you guys found, is this clue about the fact... - Oh. Okay, great. - The months that you see there line up
for the several months at the end of your freshman year. - Ah, okay. - When you guys were largely in jail, and a little bit before that. - Mm-hmm. - This was during the time when you know that Bill Seacaster was supplying palimpsests to KVX Bank. - Ah. - Hmm. - Interesting. - [Ally] Do you think maybe this is how they got all those rubies that are in that bag that you have? - Oh, maybe. - It's interesting. Why would- - Is this guy, Garthy O'Brien, anywhere else in the hotel book or only in rela
tion to Bill Seacaster? - Only in the room that Bill Seacaster was staying in directly before he was- - [Siobhan] Okay, so Garthy would stay after Bill Seacaster didn't- - It's strange that they wouldn't be able to meet with Bill Seacaster... You know, it's strange that one of them couldn't just check in, they couldn't meet. Why did- - [Emily] Well, they might have overlapped. - But why couldn't- - Check out, check in are usually different. - [Siobhan] You're leaving something in the room and th
en he- - Yeah, right, but why can't Garthy O'Brien just talk to Bill Seacaster? - Because that would implicate them. - Criminal activity. - It's like a drop, The Ball. - Yeah. - You know, it's like, Garthy goes in, - But they're both pirates. - leaves a thing. - Everyone knew they were both pirates. - [Siobhan] No, because Bill Seacaster- once you become a citizen of Solace, - [Murph] Got it. - they forgive all of your former crimes. - Right, right. - So he was living pretending that he was done
and reformed. - Right. Also, not to accuse everyone's parents of crimes today, - Please. - but Bill Seacaster is in Hell, right? - Oh, big time. - And we just fought a bunch of devils. - [Siobhan] Oh! - "Demons," says Sandra Lynn. - They were demons. - Oh yeah. [ Siobhan] Demons are different from devils. - Okay, they were demons not devils. - Oh yeah, can I see- - Got it, never mind. - The ruby that you got? - Yeah, I take it out and this is my other dad. - [Ally] And this looks crazy, right?
- Yes. The ruby is almost jet black with this roiling kind of storm cloud within it. You can see sort of billowing of smoke with- - [Ally] Do we think it's cursed? - I mean, eyeing it, you would say almost definitely. - 'Cause I have Remove Curse that I could try to cast on this. - [Emily] Yeah, anything. - Okay, yeah, I... - Give me a Religion check as you look at it. - Okay, cool. - [Emily] You do that with advantage right, already? - Yeah, 'cause of my book. (dice tap table) - Uh... (die taps
table) (players chuckle) - Okay, okay, that's pretty good. Let's see. Oh yeah, 19! - As you look at the curse on the thing and you begin to cast the beginnings of Remove Curse on it, you see that there is a powerful contingency effect in this. - [Emily] Oh, like... - [Ally] Meaning? - [Emily] If something's cast on it. - [Murph] There's like a - Meaning that the effect is not hard to get rid of, but there's an effect behind the effect you can't get to while the first effect is there, and if any
thing happens to the first effect, the second effect triggers. - [Ally] It triggers the- - And you think quite possibly destroys or annihilates whatever is within the gem. - [Siohbhan] Ah. - [Ally] Okay. Hey, actually, that's too... I can't actually remove that curse. That's a powerful... - Well, you could. You couldn't do it without- - Dying. - Without, no, you'd be fine. Gorthalax, something would happen to. - Yeah, I can't. - [Emily] No? - No. - Is Gorthalax a devil or a demon? - Sandra Lynn
says, "A devil." - Okay. - [Emily] Dang. Lawful? All right, girl. - Gilear says, "I'm going to go to the bathroom." - Wait, hang on, Gilear. When were you in the... Can you tell us about your work in the diplomatic corps? - Well, again, I was a counselor so I was not a full diplomat, you understand. But I provided counsel to the diplomatic corps about the inner workings of different cultures and how best to respond, and the customs and formalities of other nations beyond Fallinel. I possessed an
insight into the minds and hearts of other people that eludes high elves, at certain times. - Yes, we can be a little cold. - Yes, and there was something, I suppose, to the empathy that I was able to wield on behalf of other people. Yeah, sort of a foggy memory at this point. You know, I helped. I helped out, you know? - [Emily] Why did you stop? - [Ally] What do you mean? - Hm? - Why did you stop? - He looks at the ruby in your hand and he looks over at Sandra Lynn and he's like, (inhales sof
tly) I don't know, you know? Sometimes you hit a sort of inertia, right? It's like, sometimes you just, you know, the wagon's stopped and the rest of the road is kind of uphill. And it's not that much uphill but no one's pushin'. Anyway, I'm- - Can I cast Detect Thoughts on Gilear? (laughs) - Sure, if you wanna cast Detect Thoughts on Gilear, go for it. - Great. - You cast Detect Thoughts on him. (die taps table) He certainly fails. - Great. Yeah. - Cool. You see that his surface thoughts brim o
ver with memories of himself, you know, a little happier, a little bit more confident, looking a little bit younger. And you see him tendering his resignation in the diplomatic corps to move and start a life with Sandra Lynn. She had a promising career as a ranger. He had met her while she was adventuring as an Aguefort adventurer. Sandra Lynn went to Aguefort. Met her, fell in love, and kind of gave up his life to go be with her in Solace. - That's sweet except it's weird that he was a grown ma
n with a job who followed a high schooler back to Solace. - No sorry, she was not a high school student when she came. She was a full- - Oh, okay, it was post- - She went to Aguefort. - Post Aguefort. She wasn't like, on her junior year abroad in Fallinel. - No no, she was a full-fledged adventurer. This was back in her days- - Okay, cool. - When she was like, had her nose pierced and was much... You know, she was sort of like a punk, and he was this, like, sort of young guy working in the diplo
matic corps. And he fell for her and moved to Solace and you see his- sort of lost direction in his life. D&D, how's it going, gang? - Brutal. - Do you think, Gilear, that there's any reason that these demons would want to hurt you? Did you have any run-ins with any demons before? - I think Riz sort of established last time that they couldn't imagine that I was behaving so erratically in that combat and wasn't casting a spell of some kind. - Mm-hmm. - So they went for me first. - [Ally] The Chos
en One? - [Siobhan] He's absolutely not - The Chosen One. - [Murph] I think they just wanna kill people. - [Ally] You're The Chosen One? - [Siobhan] He's absolutely not The Chosen One. - All right, I am going to go like I said I was. He heads off. Dinner concludes. You guys exit the restaurant. Sandra Lynn, after a few minutes, also leaves and says, "I don't know where Gorgug is. I'm gonna go check out for him real quick." - Yeah. - She flies off. The rest of you go to the van. You see Tracker s
peaks up and says, "Um, could we take the van maybe somewhere a little bit more secluded, if that makes sense?" - [Ally] Okay, babe. (laughs) - Cut it out. Also, it would be helpful if we go get some... If we could get extra blankets and stuff. - (laughs) Okay, babe! (Emily laughing) - I'm sorry, just, are you talking about sleeping in the van? - Oh my god! - What's wrong with sleeping in a van? (Lou groans) - [Siobhan] I've always wanted to sleep in a van, this is actually very exciting to me.
- Oh, all right, okay. - Let's do it. - Yeah, I'm in a band. I sleep in a van all the time. - Hey, I hear you. This is gonna be nice, hopefully. - Mm-hmm. - [Ally] How's Ragh doing? - Ragh looks messed up. He's being very quiet but sort of sullen. Gorgug, you're several blocks away and you hear a (mimics wings flapping) of this griffon landing behind you. Oh, an enormous griffon. (Zac chuckles) You see that as you hold up your arm, Baxter starts to go for your arm and Sandra Lynn goes, "No, no,
no, no, no!" (Zac yelps) And pulls it up. She says, "Don't do that! He'll try to do it. His depth perception on entry is not as good as it could be." - I just always thought it'd be cool to catch a falcon on your arm. - He is the size of- like, bigger than a Clydesdale. He's an enormous, enormous beast. - I thought maybe he could flap while he was hanging on my arm. (Emily laughs) - Gorgug, what's up, bud? You kinda peaced out in the middle of dinner there. Is everything okay? - Everything's fin
e. I just, I kinda screwed up things with Zelda a little bit. I forgot to tell her we were leaving, with all the crazy stuff happening. And I feel... (sighs dejectedly) I'm a little sad about that. - I'm sorry, bud. That's really hard. Well, you're a sweet, sweet boy, and I'm sure, even if her feelings are a little bit hurt, that, you know, she'll... I'm sure you guys can work it out, okay? - Okay. I appreciate that. - Yeah. - I was just kinda wandering around. I was fully lost. Thanks for findi
ng... (laughs) (players laughing) - I'm glad I could find you. Well, let's head back together. You guys swing back and Tracker picks up some blankets somewhere. You guys stop by a little convenience store. You head out in the van. Was there any business that people wanted to do before? You needed to go to the police station, right? - I just wanted to leave a note. (Lou laughs) - Cool. I'm gonna roll a Luck check in front of the board. You guys want a high number. (die taps table) It's an 11, coo
l. It's cool. You walk into the police station? - Uh, I think I just leave a note. I think I pretend to be (chuckles) a citizen, but I disguise myself as just a really nice woman. - The same woman or a different- - A very old woman. - A very old woman, cool. (players laughing) - So when you said, "Just a very nice woman..." - You're gonna end his career! - You meant a very old woman? - I'm just gonna say, "I found this on the front porch." (Murph coughs) (players laughing) - Front porch of the p
olice station? - The porch of a police department? - And then give them a little note. And the note is just "To Commissioner Buggins." - Mm-hmm. - And it just says, "Sorry I boarded away so abruptly. Here's my new number." (laughs) And then I give him my- - Wow. - Oh man! - You see that- - Wow. - The attendant looks at it and says, "Uh, you found this note on your porch or our porch?" (Ally and Lou laughing) - Yours. - Ours? - Yours. Anyways... - Detective Decker left a written note changing her
phone number on the steps of the police precinct? - Well, if her number's changed- - This sounds like drama - I can't get into. I've gotta walk my dog. - No no, we're in this now. Hang on a second, I'm interested. - Uh-huh. - Hold on, okay. So her number's different, but she only wanted to tell the Commissioner. It seems- - [Ally] Are we watching this? - [Murph] No, we're not there. - Nope. Fig has just gone off on her own to do this. He says- - Yeah, it does seem strange. Yeah, maybe whoever d
id it probably was having a hard day. Anyways, my dog is tied up outside. (Ally laughs) - Okay. - Yeah. - Well, if you- all right. Did you see anyone leave this at your house? - No, it was at your house. And also I'm not gonna- - They left this at my house? - Your police house. - The police house? - Yes. - You mean the precinct? - Yes. - Okay. - Oh god. (laughs) - I'm a very old woman- - I got it. Well, we should take your information down. What's your name and address? (players laughing) - Hild
a. - Hilda, great. Got a last name, Hilda? - Hilda. - Hilda Hilda? - Oh man. (laughs) - Great, what's your address Ms. Hilda? (Lou laughing) - It's at 22 Hilda. (laughs) - 22 Hilda? (Lou continues laughing) Okay, is that Boulevard or Street? We got two in Bastion City. - It's both. - You have two houses. Your name's Hilda Hilda, and you live at 22 Hilda Street and 22 Hilda Boulevard? Which address was the note left on? - Oh no. - Yours, the police house. - Okay, the police house, I forgot. Thank
you so much. Great. Well, Ms. Hilda, we'll be in touch if anything else comes up, okay? - I use Prestidigitation to make a loud dog barking sound outside. - Oh, sounds like your dog's- (Ally mimics dog barking) (players laughing) Fittin' to get moving. Well- - One loud bark. - Yeah. - Thank you so much for passing by (players laughing) in the middle of the night. That dog goes on a long walk. We're pretty far from 22 Hilda Street, and we're across town from 22 Hilda Boulevard. So that's pretty
wild! - He's the size of a Clydesdale. - Oh, that's a big dog, for sure. - Very big. - Well, this all checks out. I'm gonna update Detective Decker's information right now in our police database. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. - Okay. I think that was a personal note that's only for one person to read. - Oh, she left a personal note for one person on the steps of the police precinct? (Lou exhales deeply) (players chuckling) Well, you know what? That sounds like Detective Decker to me. Well,
this all checks out, and thank you so much for being so helpful. - Okay, I'm gonna leave and then come back in as (laughs) Detective- - What? - No! - Wait! (cast laughing) - This is crazy! - Wait, where are we? We're nowhere near- - You guys- - In the van? - Are we in the van waiting for her? - I'm gonna quick turn into Detective Decker. - Okay. - And then run by the window. (players laughing) - Just run by the window? Okay, hold on. (laughs) Hold on, hold on. - How is this helpful? - What, wha
t? - Okay, you see that the older, sort of receptionist police officer sees you run by and goes, "Detective Decker!" And vaults over the desk and begins to sprint down the street after you. Detective Decker! - I keep running. - Detective Decker, wait! Wait, Detective Decker! - I get on my skateboard! (laughs) - Hold on one second. - What? - Oh my god. - Okay. - Cool, you get on your skateboard. - I botched this. I'm gonna have to cross out Runce Buggins as one of my love interests. (players laug
hing) - [Lou] I botched this! - Oh. (Emily sighs wearily) - Well, miraculous, incredible. (laughs) - Back to Dr. Asha for me. - [Murph] I just never know what angle you're coming from. - Yeah, yeah, totally. - Running past? - I run by the window. - I thought it would be like, oh, okay, I guess it was. - [Murph] Just establishes that she's in town or something? - [Lou] Oh, and she's dropping notes. - Yes! - There it is. I get it! I see the vision. - [Siobhan] You're gonna get this woman fired fro
m the police department. - Oh my god! - You're ruining lives. - Look, I crossed out Runce Buggins, okay? - [Ally] You know, you could have gone in - He's no longer - as her and said, - a love interest. "Can you make sure..." - I don't know how crossing it out is any better. - (laughs) Cool, you head out. - I crossed it out, okay? - You're on the way back to the van where everybody else is. As you're on your way, you get a little blip on your cellphone saying, "Decker, this is Runce. Is this your
new number? You're texting me on your old number saying it's not your new number but the front desk just said you dropped this note off. Is this some kinda prank?" - I throw my phone into the river. - What? - No! - You throw your phone in the river. As you throw your phone in the river, about a minute later you begin to hear police choppers. (Brennan mimics helicopter blades whipping air) - Oh no! - And you see spotlights on the river where your phone is located. You look back in the distance a
nd you see cruisers pull up. And you see that Chief Buggins comes out, looks, and sees someone say, "Phone's at the bottom of the river." And you see him drop to his knees and go, (screams) "No!" - [Emily] He did love me. (Brennan laughs) - Oh my god. - I skateboard away. Skateboard away. - A horrifying short film. (cast laughing) - What's up, Fig? We bought blankets. - Cool. I think I'm actually gonna go to bed right now. (cast laughing) I take Gorthalax and I cuddle in the fetal position and g
o to sleep. - I think- well, I just think on that, this is such a scary curse - I know. - on this gem. I do think we should, and myself included, always saying I'm Teddy Geiger, keep our lies to a minimum. - Yeah. - [Emily] Oh, I completely forgot, but my whole thing is lies. - Right? 'Cause you were saying that they're being used against us. - Yeah, I don't know if it was just one attack on me to be creepy or if... - Yeah, we should... - Baron was actually- - 'Cause I am wondering- We definitel
y can't have a character named Teddy Geiger come after me, 'cause we'll get sued. - Yeah. - But, you know... (laughs) - [Siobhan] We'll get sued? - What? Nothing, never mind. - Is that a real thing? - Yeah, that's a real person. - Oh, fun. - But as someone who operates in shadows and deceit, I can't exactly turn my back on lies. - Interesting... - I feel like it's more like a choosing more carefully when we lie and how we lie. Just maybe not being so casual about- - [Emily] Like I should have ac
tually - [Siobhan] Maybe making up people - been Decker. - is a problem. - Like, whatever- - I'm sure my- - Maybe shenanigans you got up while we were- - I'm sure my daughter wouldn't have come up with a lie frivolously for next to no reason. Fig, what aim of the quest were you advancing with your deception? - I don't know, Gilear. What aim were you advancing? - Hm? - Honestly, good point. - I have only ever tried my best to help and failed incredibly, so I am not going to sit here and defend my
self. That's the last thing- - I'm wondering, do you think- Do these, this bag of gems, does it look like those people will be coming after it or that there's a way to track them? - Hard to say. - Why don't we make sure we take shifts? Just in case people have crazy nightmares. - Tracker looks at you guys- - Yeah. - And says- - Oh, yeah. - Well, if everybody wants to back away from the van a little bit, I'm gonna try something that hopefully will maybe- - Babe! - What? I'm not even doing anythin
g flirty right now. - Oh, sorry. I misread all of that. Sorry, what are you doing in the van? What? - I guess you'll have to wait and find out. - (laughs) Okay, okay. - Oh my god. - Riz takes another lap. - Are we invited? - Everyone's insane. - Me and Riz are just really talking about the book but in a way that's so intense because we can't fucking pay attention to anything else that's happening. - Oh, you meant you and Ragh. Okay, okay. - No, I'm gonna try to do something to... - Protect us? -
Protect the van. - I'll just tell you what my plan is. - Sorry, yeah. - I'm gonna try to turn the van into a Moon Haven. Normally, it wouldn't work on something that's purely mechanical, you know what I mean? But because there's the celestial that's in the van now, it felt like maybe there's a shot that it would work. Do you wanna talk to- - Yeah, sure. - The van a little bit just to see? - Moon Haven is a place where moons hang out? - No. Well, good guess. A Moon Haven is a place that, well, i
t can comfortably fit a lot of people, and if I burn a little bit more spell energy, I can create a magic circle within it that should be able to repel fey or dream entities and stuff like that. - Cool. - Whoa. - So I can only do it up to about nine people. So, like, Baxter couldn't fit, and we'd have to have some people find a way to stay outside of the van. But it would be a safe place to sleep and if we did it right, I think it would stop- - [Siobhan] Well, I don't need to sleep. - Sandra Lyn
n looks over and says, "Me and Gilear don't either." - [Siobhan] Great, so we can stay outside. - [Ally] I worry about Gilear, but okay. - [Emily] I do too. - I'll go talk to the van then. - Cool. You walk over and start to... So the van's parked. You guys are near a little copse of trees. You're kind of near a roundabout, like where the highways that circle the larger city are. And there's a little copse of trees and a small field. There's a dust, little turnoff from the highway. One of those p
laces that's just a forgotten little stowaway of a larger industrial place where nature has started to come back a little bit. And the van is parked over there, sort of rusty old van. As you approach and turn the van back on, (mimics energy pulsing) you see it gleams sort of blue a little bit. And you see, as the van glows blue, you hear the voice come over and say, "Oh, what's up? Gorgug!" (chill relaxing music) - Hey, van, how you doing? - I'm doing honestly so good right now. I've been trying
, and I think that the systems that your folks put in place in the van keep the driving and stuff separate from the main CPU. So I don't think I can actually control the steering and the gas or brake or whatever. - Oh, okay. - But like, the radio, the AC, all of the van's other stuff, we should be, honestly, good to go. - That's awesome. (chuckles) - Yeah! And if you wanted to tinker around with the van or whatever to try to reconnect some of the stuff, I bet we could do that. - That's awesome.
I think I definitely wanna do that long-term. I might have to call my parents to get them to help me go through some of the steps. I guess I'm okay at it. I would never say I'm kind of a master of that sort of thing but I'll give it a shot. Oh, but I was just coming in here... (chill relaxing music continues) Well, I had two things. First thing, we're trying to figure out how to do a Moon Haven in here. And we just wanted to run that by you and see if that was cool and see if maybe we could do i
t 'cause of your celestial energy. And also, have you ever beefed it in a relationship real hard? - (exhales empathetically) I tell you, dude, I sure did. Relationships are super hard. I was a planetar of the plane of Elysium. My purview was harmony, relaxation, being in tune with just the chill forces of the cosmos. - Hm. - And there was another planetar that I loved very deeply and they were sort of my superior and they had set a clarion trumpet call for us to embark on a crusade against the f
orces of fiends and evil. And I just got deep in a nap and I just didn't show up. (Emily chuckles softly) - Hm. - Yeah, that's- - And I was cast out from paradise. - Sure. - So, you know... - I feel a similar- like, I didn't take a nap. I don't think I took a nap. - Mm-hmm. - But yeah, I feel like my planetar's all mad at me because of me- I forgot to check back in. - Totally. - And I get it, (sighs) but... Yeah, but would it be cool if we did the Moon Haven? - Yeah! Oh, absolutely. If you wanna
do some magic, I can like, help maybe elongate the duration or funnel some celestial energy into it. Honestly, look, I'm not about confrontation and I'm not about violence, but this van should be a safe place. - Cool. - And I am comfortable, if demons or spirits try to come in here and be, like, harsh in the van, to be like, "Dude, with only love, like, that's not this space, you know?" - Cool. You know what, I'll give it a shot. Let me tinker around in here. Can I try to tinker in some way? -
Yeah, give me just a flat Intelligence check. We'll say that there's some modest improvement on a 15, and on a 20 or higher, you can attach the celestial to the driving column. - Okay. (die taps table) - You have a minus one to Intelligence. (laughs) - Mm-hmm. (players chuckle softly) - That's a nine. - Nine? - Maybe you want some help with this- - Cool, you guys see Gorgug kinda banging around under the hood. - Yeah, some other time I could give you some inspiration. (Ally laughing) - Lovely. S
o you see- Gorgug, you don't fix it in time, and the van says, "Dude, honestly, I think that's a A for effort, my man, but let's give this a shot another time. Maybe we'll keep an eye out for some tools or a garage 'cause I bet this would be easier to do if we had the full rack of gear, you know?" - Yeah, I don't have any. I'm just sort of grabbing pipes with my hands, so it might be a good idea. - Hey, man, at least you got hands, dude. (laughs) - Hey. (laughs) We're gonna find you some hands.
- Oh, what? Look out, here comes a van with hands. (players laughing) Oh man. - Yeah. - Terrifying. - Here it comes. - Like instead of wheels. (players laughing) (Lou growls) - [Lou] Oh, four hands just crawling. - [Siobhan] No, thank you. - [Zac] I guess I go back to the group. - Cool. - [Lou] It's ripped. - You see Tracker says, "Cool, I'm gonna give something a shot." She steps forward, kneels down. - Babe. (Lou laughs) I'm sorry, that was a bad joke. - She kneels down. The clouds part overhe
ad, and the crescent moon shines down on Tracker. (warm celestial tones resound) You see that as she prays, (mimics energy whipping) white, spectral energy spirals around her and a pure ghostly-white wolf moves out of her. And you can see her projecting her own soul out of her body. The wolf grabs the pile of blankets in its mouth. Picks them up, and trails of sparkling energy with almost- it's like, not liquid, it's like a smoke, but it does flow down out of the wolf's mouth. - [Zac] Put that d
own. (Brennan growls) Put it down. - The wolf bounds off towards the van. And you see that the wolf jumps with the blankets into the van and begins to throw the blankets over the seats and up onto the sides of things, and there's some cushions that it throws around. And you see that the wolf, this spirit wolf starts digging in the van. And you see that it's creating an extradimensional space, like a wolf burrow inside of the van so that there's a place to squeeze through blankets and pop down in
to a little bed area. It's basically this nest of blankets and different, almost like a spectral extradimensional pillow fort crammed into the backseats of this van. - [Ally] Sick. - And you see that runes surround the van in a magic circle, and the van glows with this light of the moon, this bright celestial energy. The wolf returns, (mimics wind swooshing) slowly leaps over the field and (gasps) back into Tracker's chest. And she stands up and says, "All right, should be good to go. If we wann
a go talk in there it should be safe." - [Ally] That was so cool. - Was that your soul? - Yeah. - Wow. Babe, day after day, I just get more and more impressed. (Ally laughs) - Stop. - I just- I wrote you this note while we were at dinner. - You see she goes, "While we were at dinner?" She opens it. What does the note say? - "Fuck me." (cast laughing) - She goes... (players laughing) She writes something in it real quick. And you see it's just the word "when." (Ally laughs) - (laughs) You see...
- I just- I can't. - Cool! - All right, shall we talk in the van? - Yeah, let's... - You guys walk into the van. It looks like a combination of- sort of like a Leomund's Tiny Hut spell and a Magic Circle spell have been cast here in the van. - [Emily] Gilear, can I smoke in here? - Yeah, that should be totally fine. You see that- - [Siobhan] Actually, I would prefer you didn't smoke. - [Murph] I would prefer if you didn't. - Can I Prestidigitation so it looks like nothing's coming out of my ciga
rette? - Gorgug is just next to you. (Zac and Murph coughing) - So you see- so Sandra Lynn says, "Just lifting that unburning clove to your mouth over and over again while we all smell and can feel smoke?" (Ally coughing) - Maybe it's psychosomatic, but it's making me cough- - [Murph] This is a small room. - You see- - [Ally] All the pillows start smelling like smoke. - (groans) Are we going to be... We're gonna be sleeping in here all the time? - [Siobhan] Absolutely worst place to smoke. - A m
agic wolf just made this for us and you're smoking in it? - Yeah. - So you guys all squeeze into the van. The Hangman is outside going, "Under no circumstances will I enter." - No, but of course you won't, all right? I mean, honestly, Hangman, you have the most important job, right? You get to keep watch and if anything comes anywhere near us I want you to ram the van as hard as you possibly can. - Sire, if a drifter or some young teen walking from a gas station holding on to a little portable p
lastic canister - Right. - dares to walk by, I will destroy this van! - Hangman- - I will sunder it - Hangman, use your judgment. - Bolt from nut! - You can use your judgment. - I will send this van straight to the bottom of the ninth pit! - Teens are okay. No, I mean it's more like- teens are cool and drifters, I guess, are sometimes cool. We're talking more like demons, you know, like the big ape men and the vulture guys. Like red dudes who are on fire. Normal, like, just kinda, like, people h
aving a hard time, they can stroll by. But if you see those other guys, you smash this van asunder. - I will destroy the van. - [Siobhan] Hangman, did you just eat a bunch of cheese? (Zac and Ally laughing) Maybe some meats? - I'm feeling pretty lonely. - All right, hey. (players laughing) My vehicle's allowed to eat, all right? If he wants to chew, he's more than welcome to. He consumes gasoline or souls or whatever he runs on however he damn pleases. - You leave the Hangman outside. You see th
at Baxter the griffon does that lanky kind of cat lying down on the roof of the van and just kinda goes to sleep on top of it. - Can I give Ragh the Teddy Bear of Helpfulness to hold? - He takes the Teddy Bear of Helpfulness. He's got his little magical spoon from Adaine. - Oh! - He looks at you and says, "Okay, this is honestly messed up and I'm really sorry that I didn't tell the truth and it's messed up and I'm sorry." - [Emily] It's fine. Some of us made- We all made mistakes today. Let's ju
st chalk it up to a bad day. - (inhales deeply) I see that lady in the photo. I see the lady in the photo. And he looks over at Tracker and says, "Nothing can get to me right now or hear me, right?" You see she says, "Hear you? Are you worried about saying something?" And he's like, "Yeah." - Okay, why don't you think it and I'm gonna cast a spell on you and I'm gonna, oh actually, I can just Message you. I'll Message you and then you can Message me back. - [Ally] And then you can Message it to
each of us. - And then I can Message to everybody else. - I also have Message. - Yeah. - Cool. Ragh imparts to you that on the night of the Prompocalypse, - Mm-hmm. - he saw this person. - Where? - Being relayed to Adaine and then to the rest of the group, Ragh mentally says without having to physically say, "So after the fight, I was pretty amped. You know, it was a lot of emotions. Like, I had my whole toxic thing with Dayne. And I kind of, like after a lot of talking to Jawbone I kind of like
, relapsed into a lot of self-loathing stuff, And then you guys were so awesome. And Gorgug, I know we had a moment that meant a lot to me. And then we fought Kalvaxus. And afterwards I was just kinda pumped and I was running around the school and I went and I saw there was this conversation and I was going- 'cause like, a lot of the teachers had been trapped in the crystals and had come out again. - Mm-hmm. And I saw Jace, the sorcery teacher. - Mm-hmm. - Talking to this woman that I didn't rec
ognize. She was an elven woman. She was wearing sort of, like, black, dark robes, it looked like. They were very light. She was blonde, she had glasses." - [Siobhan] She look like this? - She look like you? - Mm-hmm. - I mean, yeah, yeah she looked like a... She actually looked like you. (Siobhan sighs in exasperation) But like, older. She didn't look like- - Right. - You know, I mean, elves never look that old, but she looked like, you know, not a high schooler. Jace and them were talking, and
they were talking to somebody else who I couldn't see. I just assumed somebody was invisible. Later, Jace and Porter came and talked to me. - [Emily] Porter. - And Porter- - I don't relay that Porter was involved in this. - Cool. - I'm eavesdropping via Message. (Siobhan and Emily laughing) - He's like, "Porter was still somewhat injured after the fight with Kalvaxus, and Porter... I didn't feel that injured, honestly, but they did some healing on me. Not Jace. Porter did some barbarian healing
stuff with me. And after that, I was walking home and I saw this, like, cat woman, this, like, tabaxi. And she came up and told me all this stuff about my mom. And she said if I ever talked to anyone about it, she would kill my mom. - [Siobhan] Oh my goodness. What about... Do you feel comfortable telling us about your mom? - My mom fucking slaps. She's hardcore as hell. She's a half-orc like me, which means that my dad, wherever he is, was probably a half orc too. Or he could have been a human
or orc and I just like, you know, but... - Mm-hmm. - Her name's Lydia. She was an adventurer. And she was a barbarian like me. And they were out on this mission in the Red Wastes and there were these soul gems, honestly, kind of a lot like the one in the van, and there was- - [Emily] Like this one? - You see that Ragh looks at it and nods. And you see he says, "But this one was fractured and the thing in it was leaking out and it was gonna escape and she basically took it and plunged it deep int
o her heart so that it couldn't escape." - [Siobhan] Your mom did? - Yeah. - What does that do? - Well, she didn't die. She's just sick, really. She's really sick and she's been really sick for a long time. There's, you know, there's like... They're figuring out stuff that they could do to try to remove it, but she has turned down a lot of the experimental stuff because none of the people have ever been able to guarantee 100% that the threat wouldn't come back. And she's just basically like, "I
knew what I was doing when I did this." - [Emily] What did she say she was doing? - Saving the world. She's a fucking hero. - [Ally] That's really cool, man. Do you know if she knew who specifically was trying to escape from that? - It was some devil, I think. I'm not sure which one, but... - [Murph] Was it a devil or a demon? - She always said devil but I don't know that I'm super up on the difference between those two things. - Yeah, I just learned them myself, too. Okay. - But you had a night
mare when everybody else had a nightmare, right? That was true? - Yeah. - But you can still see the Shadowcat? - Yeah. - Okay. - Hmm. - What exactly did the Shadowcat tell you? - Yeah. - She told me if I ever mentioned to anyone what I had seen about that elven woman. - Mm-hmm. - That she would kill my mom. - [Zac] So Jace is in on whatever? - Oh, that is messed up. - [Zac] On something? - [Siobhan] Well, Jace is a high elf, right? - [Emily] And Porter is as well. - [Ally] And do you think - [Mu
rph] No, Porter is later. - that person was your sister or your mom? - [Emily] Yeah, Porter's made of rock. - He looks and says, "I wanna say- - [Siobhan] I think that might be my mom, yeah. - Yeah. - I don't, Jace and Porter- - [Ally] Do you have a picture? - [Emily] Yeah, I was gonna say, on your speaking stone. - He says, "Jace and Porter were super nice. I don't know. Like, the conversation I saw them having, the reason I walked up to them was that it didn't look secret. I don't know, like..
." - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, Jace is an open guy. - I don't wanna get... Yeah. - He seemed nice. - She coulda just been speaking to them so that she could get to the office. - Yeah. - To take the crown. - Is there a picture? Do I have a picture on my crystal of my mom? - Yes, you do. - Great, so I show that picture to him. - That's her! - Damn! Okay. - Okay, okay. - Okay. - Yep, that's for sure my mom. - And you remember that faint teleportation that night, the residue that was at the house that would h
ave been months gone if it had not been so recent. - [Ally] And your mom's in Solace now? - Yeah, she lives in Elmville. - Cool. - It's just me and her and I take care of her. - That's cool, man. - [Emily] Who's taking care of her now? - The school. - Okay, okay. - They have caretakers coming to take care... - Cool. - She was like- When I first started going to Aguefort, I was really not about going on field missions and she was basically like, "That's the end of your life. You're not gonna stay
in Elmville your whole life taking care of me." And so I was like... - [Siobhan] Wow, your mom rules. - [Ally] That's cool. - Yeah. - Your mom rules. - [Emily] She does slap, you were right. - Does she ever- - Ragh just starts... (sobs) - You can cry, man. It's cool. - [Murph] Yeah, it's fine to cry. - Hey, do you think that she'd wanna move into Mordred Manor with us? I think that there's a couple extra spooky rooms. - Yeah, the living room isn't taken anymore. (Siobhan chuckles) - You see, he
looks and says, "Yeah, I mean, like... Is the rent good there? We were actually really... We have a second mortgage on the house so it would be..." - [Ally] You gotta move in, man. You gotta move in with us. - Yeah. - You got to. - He's fully crying. - There's rules about nighttime partners for teens but other than that, no rent. - I was such a dick to you guys! You guys are so nice to me these days. - Yeah, dude. You're the best, man. - [Siobhan] Yeah. You do have to be nice to Zayn. - Tight,
yeah. I'll be chill, yeah. Zayn was honestly very mean to me before he died. - Right, yeah. - Is that wrong to speak ill of the dead? - Both of you, I feel like... No, I feel like both of you- - [Lou] No, it's totally cool. Honestly, so chill. - Had some issues that made you aggro in a way that was toxic to everyone, including yourselves. - (sobs) Fucking hurt people hurt people, dude! - It's true, man. - Ragh, does your mom ever lose control? Like, besides just regular barbarian rage? Like from
the- - Well, she hasn't... - gem that's inside her? - She's medically been in a prolonged state of rage for like, years. - [Siobhan] Oh, wow. She has to stay raging- - [Emily] And are they putting her - or the thing will come out? - in that to protect her? - Yeah, it's medically necessary, but she's... It's not like when you rage in combat. It's just like- she's like.. - Right. - 'Cause part of rage is you quicken your pulse, your muscles grow. She's just like- she's very sweet. She's honestly-
like, you couldn't tell she's raging. You know, she lost a lot of weight. She's lost a lot of muscle mass. She's just sort of like... Like, she can't walk. Like, you know. - [Murph] Can she sleep? - Mm. - She doesn't. She doesn't, really. Like, she'll go out for a few minutes here or there but she like- it's not like us where you're walking around for the whole day and then you get tired and go to sleep for a lot of hours at night. - [Murph] I wonder if she can't sleep. - Mm. - Because if she s
leeps... - Then she'll be taken control of. - Then the Nightmare King comes out. - Yeah. - Hm. - Um... - Okay. - Yeah, sorry to unload all that stuff on you guys. - [Ally] That was really helpful and brave. - No, it's really helpful. - [Lou] It's good stuff. - [Siobhan] Yeah, better out than in. - Okay, so we know your parents are involved. - Mm-hmm- - Should we go to Aelwyn or should we try to find your parents? - We can probably stop at- try to find out what's up with Garthy O'Brien, maybe, on
the way to Aelwyn? 'Cause it's all in the sea, right? - Leviathan is definitely in the sea. - I mean, definitely if we went down to the port we could try to hear- We could try to ask some people about Garthy O'Brien. - We need to get a ride, anyway. - Oh, hey, Fig. - Yeah. - Can you call Doctor Asha? - Yes. - And see if they know anything? - I did the same move that I did tonight, but it worked. - Do you have your phone? - I don't have my phone. (Siobhan laughing) - [Lou] But you have Dr. Asha'
s number memorized, right? I'm assuming you could- - Yeah, it's a tattoo. (Siobhan laughing) - (laughs) Wow! - Sandra Lynn goes, "Uh, (sighs) sweetheart, who is Dr. Asha?" - It's just a 40-year-old doctor. - I love middle-aged men (players laughing) who work honest middle-class jobs. - Sweetie, a doctor is not a middle-class job. - [Ally] I was just gonna say! - He works in the emergency room. It's different. He's not a specialized doctor. - (sighs) Okay. Does he know that he's dating a minor? -
We're not dating. And there's nothing minor (laughs) going on between us. - My daughter is a rich rock star and I have... I feel that I have lost complete control. As a mother, I feel I've lost complete control. You see that Gilear goes, "Up top." (cast laughing) And Sandra Lynn says, "I'm not gonna up top that, Gilear." And he's like- - [Ally] I whisper to Fig. - [Lou] I will! Bop! (Brennan groans weakly) - [Ally] I whisper to Fig. We're gonna get them back together on this trip. - [Emily] I w
ant Gilear to join Jawbone and my mom. - Yeah, that's a great plan. - I would love that. - Oh, a little poly? - You know, I think he's not good one-on-one. But I think joining a party, he can really add a lot. - I think he's not good one-on-one. - Yeah. - But I think in a threesome... - [Zac] Is he good with any number? - A great complement. - We don't know. - We're in a small van- - [Ally] Whenever a relationship - isn't working, add a third - with all these people. That's what I learned from t
his binder - Wow, really? that I found. - Should I add a third? - [Ally] (laughs) Yeah! It's definitely- - Cool. Is there any business before you guys all go to bed that night? - I just want to apologize to Gorthalax as privately as I can. - You apologize to Gorthalax. You cannot hear a response, but you feel- - You know, apology isn't about getting an "it's okay." It's about saying it 'cause they deserve it. - You feel your warlock spell slot restored in your body. - (whispers) Is that you? (Lo
u laughs) I think he's okay! He's in there, he's in there! - [Ally] Is there any risk of that accidentally falling on your chest while you're sleeping and it sinking in and consuming you or like... Not to be, you know... - I don't think so. - Yeah, I would maybe- - Too blunt, Ragh. - Wrap it up in something. - And I'm sorry, but did she have to cast a spell and shove it into her chest? - The rest of her adventuring party bit it and they had done the spell work already to break a lot of the curse
s on the gem so she was just kinda the last step. - I think also, not to be, you know, too much of a disservice to myself, but I think that half-orc barbarian is gonna have a lot more oomph to the thrust than a bard. - Okay, cool. Good to know. - I think I couldn't even if I tried. - [Lou] You could. - You see that the- - Thank you. Inspiration. - So you cuddle up with the gem. You see that Sandra Lynn looks over at you, Adaine, - Mm-hmm. and says, "Well, Madam Oracle, you wanna take first watch
?" - I would love to take second watch so that I can get my long rest in and then I will have spell slots. - You see that she says, "Oh, if you need to be doing rest, we need you at your- - But I only need four hours of trance. - Well unfortunately, sweetie, there's 11 of us and only nine can fit in the van so that's as- - Well, but I can trance outside the van 'cause I don't need protection from... - Okay, sure. - 'Cause I'm immune to sleep. - You'll be outside the van. Maybe in that case, I'll
get one more pair of eye- No, you know what, that's fine. You know what, 'cause I can let someone else ride Baxter- - (coughs) I'm sorry. - Or I'll sleep in the van. That's fine. I'll keep watch. - Thanks. - So snuggling up, you see that there really are like- you know the crease in between the back and the seat of a car seat? There are blankets in that and if you push through, there are literally little rooms made of folded blanket that are very warm and swaddling. There's snacks in them and s
tuff like that. - Cute! - Tracker and you cuddle up in one. Riz, you're in there as well. Fabian, you find a little spot in there. Gorgug, is there anything you do as you're... You see Ragh, Cathilda, find a little space as well. - I think Gorgug just kinda sleeps on the, like, across the front two seats uncomfortably. - Cool. - Just, like, in case I have to, like- You know, it's like- he likes his stuff too much. - Mm-hmm. - So it's like his van, like- - Your handbrake is sticking right into yo
ur ribs. - Cool. - Give me a Perception check. (die taps table) - Nine. - The van's gonna give you advantage on that one. (die taps table) - 19. - You see the van is talking to you and going, "Dude, sorry to interrupt. I know you're trying to catch some z's, but check it out. I just found a setting in here that waterproofs the van. And we can, like..." You see the van pops out a little gnomish, like, single-engine propeller, like a little water propeller on the back. - What? So the van's a boat?
- Dude, amphibious mode unlocked, bro! - I think we just found your last name. - What's my last name? - Boat. (cast laughing) - Van Boat! (laughs) - Toot toot, Van Boat on deck! On deck? - On deck, man! - Oh, dude, check it. And you look down. Your phone is open to the text from Zelda. And for a flash, a little ellipsis comes up (players gasp) underneath the text. - No! - Oh... - And then it goes away. - Oh, man. Okay, I just put my... - You hear a rumbling outside the window and you hear, (mim
ics motorcycle revving) Coward! (Lou chuckles) - Bike, stop. - Master, we've got to get... Look, I hate this van. - Yes, I know. - But if we're going to get girls onto or into vehicles- - [Zac] You saw that? - I was listening in. (players laughing) - My bike is very jealous. I was honestly going to say we shouldn't mention the fact that the van has an amphibious mode to him. He will be jealous. - You see that the van says, "Hey man, it's up to you, you know? In matters of the heart, the best thi
ng you can do is just move with kindness and try to be true to yourself." - Thanks, Van Boat. - (claps hands softly) You got it. You see, the last little scene in here is, Fig, you're holding your gem there and you see- You're in the very back seat and sort of moving along through the van. I don't begin to understand the extradimensional spaces created by the blankets in this van. - Hi. - Darling daughter... - Yeah. - How are you feeling now? - (sighs sadly) I feel like I had one of the worst da
ys I've had in a while. - Hm. - And I still feel like I'm the reason that we're all here, and I know I'm the reason that Gorthalax is here. And I'm the reason that you died. And I'm the reason that Riz almost died. (sighs) And I'm also the reason that some innocent officer's probably gonna get fired. - What? - Wait, just ignore the last one. (players chuckling) Ugh, I just can't believe that someone... I can't believe that once I was like, okay, I'm gonna try to connect with people more because
I need to have a healthy relationship with someone instead of (sighs) tricking all these middle-aged men. And as soon as I do, I get absolutely taken for a ride and used, someone used my body! And there's nothing I could do to have stopped it. - Figueroth, there are dark forces at work in this world. But even when there's not, control is often an illusion. I can never stop anything from happening. And I think most people come to terms with that. And I think only because you and your friends are
so exceptional do you feel such a pain around failure. Failure is an anomaly for heroes of your status, but it is still an inevitability. There will be times when you are not strong enough, and I don't wish for you to add further injury to yourself. - But I just feel like everyone else resisted and I was the weak one. I just feel like I let everyone down. Yeah, failure's inevitable, but I'd feel a lot more comfortable if we all failed together and it wasn't just me who failed. - Darling, I love
you very much. You succumbed to power of Nightmare and were possessed for a short time. Your biological father, a powerful prince of the Nine Hells, failed once again to not get stuck in a rock. - Okay, you don't need to cast aspersions on him. Just, this is not the time to take a shot at him. - And I failed to not get absolutely rocked in the dome by a gorilla demon. (players chortle) - Gilear- - Failure is a part of life. - Gilear, listen to me. - Yes. - (whispers) You have a part to play yet.
(Zac laughs) - What? - You have a- - I know, tour manager. It's on my lanyard. - This is why you're The Chosen One, 'cause you're so innocent and simple. - All right, you're- okay. Well, here's the thing. I care about you. Your mother and I do talk and we are worried. The middle-aged men, the tours. (Lou laughing) It just feels like a lot of lashing out (Emily laughing) and I wish, I don't know. - If I'm being honest, I think what happened tonight with... Commissioner Buggins. (players laughing
) - Sorry, what? - Oh, nevermind. - I mean, I can't just breeze over that one. - Fine. I think that- I think that my imagination latched on to a fleeting moment I had with a police chief at a really respectable police station. And I think that I wanted to think about that instead of thinking about the fact that I got you killed and my dad trapped in a gem. So I might have leaned into the middle-aged thing a little more than I should have. - Okay. - Look, I'm on it, okay? I want to also have a he
althy relationship with someone someday. - And I know that you will. All right. I'm going to head off to one of these little blanket pockets, because there's one that does have some transportable yogurt. (Emily chuckles) You know, yogurt on the go? - Yeah, I know, I have a- - You don't need a spoon. It's just a tube. - I know because it's on the rider. - Ah! - For you. - (laughs warmly) Very good, my daughter. All right... And you see he toddles off. Adaine- - Mm-hmm? - What are you up to outsid
e of the van? - Well, I see the van turn into a boat and I get very paranoid and cast Water Breathing as a ritual on myself and everybody else. (players laughing) Up to 10 people. And then I'm gonna just, I guess, camp out under the stars. - You see that without you even saying anything, while you're studying, Sandra Lynn hops down off the van and literally builds a tent around you as you study. - Oh, can you, how do... I wanna- how do we- how do you do this? - You're doing a thing I can't do. I
t's okay if I'm doing a thing that you don't know how to do, but... - Okay. Or you could teach me. - You wanna know how to pitch a tent? - Yeah! - All right. And you see that Sandra Lynn sort of walks you through some ranger basics of pitching a tent. And you see that she leaves you with a little lantern afterwards and says, "Don't stay up too late, huh?" - Oh, I won't. I'm gonna get my four hours. - Great, I'll be up here on watch. You're good. - And then I can take over from you if you want. -
Cool, I'm gonna need Adaine to give me a Wisdom saving throw. - Oh, can Froggy help me with that? Or is that- It's comin' out of nowhere so probably not? - I think that's coming out of nowhere. - A Wisdom saving throw, eh? 16. - Cool. (Lou chuckles) - Fuck. - You finally finish your studying. You turn off the little lantern. What's Adaine doing to snuggle down for the night? Where's Boggy? Where's her orb? - I think Boggy is in the sleeping bag with me. - [Ally] Cute! (Emily chuckles) - Like, m
aybe I'm using his little- - As he breathes, he gets so small and then big again. (cast laughing) He's almost moving you. Yeah! (laughs) - And then the orb is probably right where I can touch it just in case, if I get woken up I need to... - Gotcha. You're settling down to sleep. - Mm-hmm. (cold piano music) - [Emily] This is creepy. - You're in a trance. - Mm-hmm. - The runes of your spell books going over and over in your mind, capturing the spell slots you need for your new day, for your new
rest. (Lou chuckles nervously) (Ally sighs) Give me a Perception check. (cold piano music continues) (die taps table) - 15. (cold piano music continues) - You open your eyes to feel Boggy's breathing stop very suddenly. And you see his eyes go wide and shift into his something's-happening-that-I'm-not-sure-about expression. (Lou chuckles nervously) - Can I see which way he's looking? Is he looking at a specific thing? - You turn to look in your little sleeping bag. There is something in the tent
with you. - Can I cast Friends on it? (Ally slaps fist) - You do cast Friends. Give me an Arcana check, real quick. (die taps table) - Not-nat 20. (soft chilling piano music) - Casting Friends right now at this thing will allow you allow you, momentarily, to see its face with your elven darkvision. - Mm-hmm. - Because right now, you see that its face is obscured because it is humanoid, clothed, but you can't see in bright color enough, so you're not sure what color the clothes are. But there is
something roughly your size sitting with its knees to its chest, with its hands or arms wrapped around its knees. But the fold of fabric (eerie haunting music) is obscuring everything from the chest up, like the actual, natural fold of the tent. If you turn to cast Friends, you will be able to see this thing's face. Give me an Insight check very quickly. (eerie haunting music continues) (die taps table) - 11. - If you see this thing's face... - Mm-hmm. - Something is going to happen to you. (Lo
u chuckles anxiously) (players sighing) - Goddamn it. - Yeah. - [Ally] We have to sleep tonight. - I'm so glad this isn't me. - Oh my god. - I would probably just be like, "I see the face." - [Lou] Just lemme see the face. - Show me the face. - [Lou] Show me the face! - I wanna see the face. - [Lou] I'm ready to see the face. - Okay, I say, "What are you doing in my tent?" (eerie haunting music ends) - (laughs anxiously) Oh my god. (Lou pants nervously) - There is no sign of movement or recognit
ion from the being in response to that question. - Goddamn it. Guys! Hello, is anyone awake? - You hear Sandra Lynn up on the van call out to you. Adaine, everything okay? - No! - You see that, Adaine, you hear her jump down. You look back (snaps fingers) and the thing is gone. - Yeah... - Mm, there's something here. I saw something. I definitely saw something. (die taps table) - You see Sandra Lynn has arrow in the bow immediately, is looking around. You see that she... Yeah, she's looking arou
nd and says, "Okay, can you cast any detection spells? Anything to try to find it?" - Yeah, I can cast... God, I don't have any, I have so few spells left. I used all my spells today. - Is there any chance that's it's like- - I could cast Detect Thoughts. - She looks and says, "If you think that would help, you can." - Do you think that would help? I don't... Okay, I'll cast Detect Thoughts. (Brennan mimics magical energy whipping) - You detect... Give me a Investigation check. - Can I use Boggy
this time? - Yes, you can. DC is 20. (dice rattle and tap table) - I rolled two 11s, which means I got an 18. (Brennan mimics magical energy whooshing) - Spell doesn't hit any thoughts but you know that there's nothing thinking within 30 feet or whatever of the van. - Okay. (Siobhan groans in annoyance) Can I look through Boggy's eyes and see anything using his darkvision? - You look through Boggy's eyes. Yeah, give me another Investigation check. - Okay. (die taps table) - Mm, no. 15. - Sandra
Lynn looks at you and says- You see that she whistles, Baxter takes off and starts circling around. You see, Sandra Lynn looks at you. Give me an Insight check. - Okay (die taps table) Eight. - Sandra Lynn looks at you and says, "Okay, Baxter's looking for it right now. I'm looking for it. You cast Detect Thoughts. There's nothing thinking here. We can wake up everybody else in the van. I'm just gonna offer something to you right now." - Mm-hmm. - This is a really scary quest. - Mm-hmm. - Are y
ou certain you saw something? (Siobhan slaps table) I understand, I understand. If it was there, it's gone right now to the best of our knowledge. Maybe it would be best if you went into the van and maybe Gilear can come out or Cathilda or somebody else. - Okay, yeah. But I only need four hours and then I can come out. - I know, Adaine. It'll be okay. It'll be okay. I will say, for whatever Sandra Lynn is talking about, based on your Perceptions and Investigations and everything else like that,
I don't know if Adaine would be left with a conviction that there was definitely something in the tent with her. She stewards you into the van where the protective Moon Haven that Tracker has created leaves a celestially-powered little extradimensional space. Boggy croaks comfortingly and you're able to do your spells not out on the hard earth, but in a soft little place of blankets. You see that Cathilda comes out in her trainers on her way up to join Sandra Lynn. A moment later, you see Cathil
da pops into your little room and says, "Oh, Mistress Adaine, you'll have to forgive me but I noticed that you look a little bit of a pallor on you while you walked in, so here's a nice glass of milk and here's a little tray of fresh-baked cookies." - When did you bake these? I mean, thank you. They look delicious. - What I did is I jury-rigged a little grill tray on top of the engine so it heats up and you can bake cookies while we're driving. - Cathilda! - Oh, please! Why, what kind of maid wo
uld I be if I couldn't bake some nice chocolate chip cookies on the engine of a moving van? - You're so much more than a maid. Not that I want to dismiss the job of maid as not being important, because that is a life-saving job for a lot of people. - [Lou] It's essential! - You're great. - Thank you very much, Master Fabian! My darling Adaine, I do appreciate your kindness and I am well aware that Master Fabian has some misconceptions about those of us in the custodial professions. The truth is,
before I was a maid, I lived a life that was much richer, in terms of glory and risk and adventure and everything like that, and honestly can't say whether or not I am worse off for, you know, making cookies and cleaning up and things like that. At the end of the day, somebody needs to clean and cook and all that, and I don't know. I did a lot of more grand things in my youth and I don't know that they did anybody, including myself, much of any good. But I do know that cookies do. (Lou chuckles
) - Hm. - She smiles and says, "Also, just so you know, Captain Seacaster set my salary at an exorbitant rate so I am- - Oh, good. That does make me feel better. - I'm not, this is not a bad gig for me. - My parents actually, we did have Unseen Servants but they made us do a... Or me do a lot of housework as like a character-building... - That's, uh... - You know, you have to be able to serve to know how to lead. That was my parents' attitude to everything. - Right. Well that's certain, and ther
e's a bit of wisdom in that to be sure, although from what I've heard, your mother and father were um... - Not great? - Not great. - Mm. - Well, I'll leave you to your cookies then and have a good trance, milady. - Thank you. - And you see that she leaves you with milk and cookies. - I have a little cry as she leaves. It's just the sweetest thing. - And you hear her and Sandra Lynn- You haven't seen Sandra Lynn or Cathilda kind of hang out, you know, one-to-one. - Mm-hmm. - You hear a kind of pl
easant humming conversation up there and realize that they seem to be getting along swimmingly up on the roof of the van. - Great. - Cute. - The next morning arrives. - Oof! - You all wake. Nobody in the van has to make any Wisdom saving throws, no nothin'. It looks like Tracker's plan worked. - [Ally] Wow. - [Zac] I'm glad we brought Tracker. - Yeah, definitely. - Yeah. - Shucks. Thanks guys, appreciate it. - Adaine, you came into the van- - Oh, I said that out loud? - Yeah. - In the middle of
the night. - I saw something, I think, in my tent. I don't know. I might have just been paranoid or something. - [Ally] What did it look like? - No! - I didn't see its face and it didn't move. And I tried to talk to it and it didn't respond but it was... Maybe I just freaked out, I don't know. Maybe it was- - Hey, Adaine? Seriously, we're working with an entity that is shielding itself from detection. You are not, like... - Right. - This is a very logical conclusion that you jumped to. - Yeah. A
nyway, I stocked some spells that maybe can help us. - [Murph] Did it have cat feet? (Lou chuckles) - Did it have cat feet? - No. - No. - Did I see its feet? No. - You saw its hands. It had- again, you can't tell, because your darkvision doesn't read color that well, but it didn't have claws or paws. It had humanoid-type hands. Honestly, its hands didn't look that threatening. They looked kinda dainty and sort of fancy. - [Murph] How dainty were they? - (gasps) Was it your mom? - No, was it... -
Was it Baron? - No. - I describe Baron. (laughs) - The thing you saw was medium-sized, not small-sized. - Okay. (shudders) - Oh, okay. - [Emily] Is it your mom? - Is Baron growing by the day? - I feel like I would have recognized my mom. - [Lou] Baron is growing. - Can I talk to Ragh? - Yeah. - Ragh, can you explain, like, what you... Were you hanging out with your mom before, like the night before we left for this thing or what was she like the night before we took off on our big adventure? -
I mean, mostly good. You know, like, she was happy for me 'cause I was probably gonna have to... He gets a little choked up. He goes, "I was probably gonna have to repeat this year if nobody asked me on an adventure." - Oh. - That's crazy. - But if our grades are good then I can graduate, probably. - Do you have security on your house? Doesn't that seem- - Cool. You probably don't need it. (laughs) - You see he says, "Oh," he's like, "Oh you mean like..." He's like, "You mean like physical secur
ity?" - I mean like any kind of security. It sounds like... - I think we're probably not talk- - Professor Aguefort is looking after your mom right now. - Yeah. No, she was like, an adventurer. - Professor Aguefort owes me a magical creature. - You see that he looks and says, "What?" - [Murph] We're all Messaging this conversation about his mom, right? - Oh, probably. - Yeah. - Nothing. I just have a letter to send. Strongly worded. - But yeah, so she wasn't asleep or anything? She was still ver
y much awake like she always is? - You see he says, "Yeah, I mean like, she was awake and talking and stuff." - Cool, cool. - Did she get worse after prom? - No, not really. - Okay. - Cool, cool. - Is there any way that we could talk to her? Give her a bell? Talk to your mom? - I don't wanna tell her any of this stuff. - That's fair. - Totally fair. - Oh, that's fair. - I think we've got this boat- - All right, yeah. - And we should go- - Can I real quick, I just wanna look- This is totally unne
cessary, but I just wanna look through that book that we found from the hotel, and see if Goldenrod or KVX ever was there. - Mm-hmm. - You did not. You guys rolled really high on that. I would've told you if you guys had ever seen KVX. - Cool. - [Siobhan] Can I do a Detect Magic as we're heading off? - Mm-hmm. - Are we going to Leviathan? Is that our plan? - Yes, well, we're on our way to Fallinel, by way of Leviathan. - Great. - Yeah, I think that's smart. - So as we're driving, can I Detect Ma
gic as a ritual on this hotel book, just to make sure that there isn't anything magically hidden? - Sure. You don't spot any magic here. - Okay. - Can I ask you guys something on the way to the harbor? - Mm-hmm. - Totally. - I've been feeling not... Feeling a little down, and I was just wondering if, um, when we get in the water... - Mm-hmm. If you guys would mind calling me Skipper? - [Ally] Yeah, man. - [Lou] Absolutely not. - [Ally] I'll definitely call you Skipper, yeah. - You'll call me Ski
pper? Okay. - Why? - It doesn't have to be a, it's just kinda... - Can I call you Skipper outside of the water as well? - Yeah. It's just, you know, 'cause I've been- - Hey man, why you been feeling down? What's up? - Well, it's just some stuff, you know, I'm just kinda sad about where I'm at with Zelda right now, and I think it'd make me feel better if people call me Skipper. - Do you want us to text Zelda and tell her - No. - that you didn't leave? - I talked- I left her a message. - Right, bu
t like- - You haven't heard from her since? - [Murph] Is she going to The Red Waste? - I think, yeah. - I think she, yeah. - I think maybe her adventuring party is. Is that... Wait, is that... - That's where Ragh's- - That's where the crystals were. - And they were doing a whole crystal thing. - [Siobhan] Yeah, I think that we should call Zel- - Should I call her? - Do you want... Can you do an unknown number call to her? - Why not just one of us? - [Ally] Just call her. - [Lou] Yes. - [Ally] Ju
st give her a call straight from you. - I'll call her. - I think Riz could call her. - [Lou] Leave her a voicemail, one of those things. - [Murph] Yeah, I'm really good at talking to people. - [Ally] Absolutely not. - Okay. - What? - Gorgug, give her another call. - I can call her. - No, no, no, I- - She doesn't wanna be tricked into talking to you. - It wouldn't be tricked. Riz would just call because we have this information about The Red West. Red West. (laughs) The Red Waste and we need to-
- [Lou] It is west. - The Red Waste in the west. - Maybe you call her and I'll just- - But if we share that information it could put... - Ragh at risk. - Oh. - Yeah. - Oh, what we could do is send her a letter- - In Illusory Script? - Using Illusory Script. - Can we text with Illusory Script? - Can we text with Illusory Script? - Give me a DC 15 Arcana check. - Great. - [Zac] Can I give you the Help action? - Great. (dice rattling) - Can I give you Bardic Inspiration? - Arcana? Oh, I don't need
it. I got a 19. - I don't give it. - Yeah, you do... One of your crystals has that little thing where you can stylus draw, like, fading things on it. - Yes. - Mm-hmm. - And as soon as you get that, you can apply the Illusory Script to it. - Amazing. So can I text Zelda the information that we got about Ragh's mom? - How do we feel about Zelda, though? She's like, for sure- - [Siobhan] Zelda rules. - I mean, obviously, Zelda rules, but- - [Emily] Yes, but we all thought Goldenrod ruled. - [Zac] W
hat are you even talking about? - No, I'm not- - What are you talking about right now? - I'm definitely not trying to insinuate that she- but I just- it feels like her adventuring party, maybe something was going on, I remember. - Yes. - Yeah, I cannot help but agree with Adaine in that Zelda is a perfectly capable adventurer and it feels like maybe we don't need to enter this realm of risk for her benefit. - (sighs) Yeah. - I don't wanna, okay. - [Ally] You should call her if you wanna talk to
her about your relationship, but I guess we don't have to tell her all of this crazy stuff. - I think that, and separately we should maybe- - Well, but if they're investigating something- - Give them a heads-up if they're gonna get in danger. - [Murph] They're investigating something at the Red Waste. - Yeah. And if they're investigating something that's tangential to ours- - We should share. - We can help each other. - I think it's good to share the information. - Yeah. - I just wanna, can we-
- Maybe tell her to keep it a secret to herself. - That's what I was gonna say. - Are we graded on a curve? Because if we are, then we should avoid them. But if we're not, then we should help them. - Adaine, come on. - Wow, that was dark. - [Ally] We're not graded on a curve. - I'm sorry, what? - That was so dark. That was so dark. - That was tragic. Hey- - Truly the darkest thing that's been said so far. - Wow. Whew! Can I smoke in here again? - [Siobhan, Ally, and Lou] No! (Zac coughs lightly)
- You're doing it anyway! - I'm not, I'm not. - We can tell! - All right- - Oh my goodness. - So I'll just start driving. - I cast Ray of Frost on that. - Let's drive. Driving to- - I'll just start driving to- - I cast Hellish Rebuke and light it back up. - Let's just drive into the ocean. - That sounds good, Skipper. - Skipper, drive us into the ocean. (Lou groans) - I cast Water Breathing on us again so that we're all safe. - Oh, if we have Water Breathing on us, can I swim and retrieve my ph
one that I threw into the river? - It's in the river. The police definitely already have that. - You guys can take... Yeah, you think that probably the phone would have been retrieved by the police at this point. - We can buy you a new phone. We have so much money. - Yes, we're rich. - I just had some pictures on there. - Well, they're definitely dead. - Wow! Wow! - They're not there anymore. - You see Sandra Lynn just goes, "God!" And Gilear goes, (groans sadly) "Yeah, this is another one right
on the chin for old Gilear. This is... (Emily laughing) It just hurts so much to have failed this profoundly." You see that... (laughs) You guys head off towards the water. Fabian, you're on the Hangman. - I'm not gonna call him Skipper, all right? He's not a captain. He's never even sailed a boat before. - You see that- ♪ My van is a boat ♪ - With... ♪ Boat is a van ♪ ♪ Van is a boat ♪ ♪ Boat is a van ♪ ♪ The van is a boat, and the boat is a van ♪ ♪ My van is a boat ♪ - The most Jack Johnson-y
. - Oh my god. - Just, that's all the van plays. ♪ I'm making banana pancakes ♪ - Oh, man. - You guys head off towards- - Make you banana van cakes. (cast laughing) - What? - What? - As you all head off to the harbor, you see that Sandra Lynn - Banana boat cakes? - actually does go- You see that Sandra Lynn says- talks with Tracker briefly and Tracker's gonna go fly up on Baxter. - Cool. - And Sandra Lynn's gonna take a little trance. You guys head off. You guys approach the harbor. You pull up,
you see that the van looks at you, or doesn't look but the headlights flash on, the radio plays, and on the radio it says, "Well, you know, it's bon voyage time. Hangman, if you wanna hop up on the rack, then we can set sail for clear blue seas and that good ocean livin'." - Climb aboard, Hangman. - Hangman, it's your call. - I burn with hatred for this van. I would sooner drive into the sea and ride along the bottom of the ocean. - [Siobhan] Please! - Make a Persuasion check with advantage. (d
ice rattle and tap table) - 15. - 15. - Okay, Hangman, look we're going to pirate central. Isn't that like, your thing? - He's a demon, not a pirate. I mean, he looks- - Oh, 19! - 19. - Hangman, this is what Bill Seacaster woulda wanted. - Give me a Persuasion with advantage. (dice tap table) - I think I have good Persuasion. 24. - Whoa! You see he says, "Do you truly believe Captain Bill Seacaster would wish for me to strap myself to the top of this van?" - You're making it sound bad but what h
e would want for you is to taste the salt in the air and feel the wind in your pipes. - I don't know. I'm his son and- - Fig is really good, you guys. - Oh, do you wanna be the captain? - I mean, there's already Skipper, so, you know- - No, you can be the captain and I'll be the skipper. - Isn't that the same thing? - That's not really how a ship, you know- - I don't know. - I think it is. - No, I don't think so. - We can make up our own rules. - Yeah. - I guess. Fine I'll... (sighs) - I guess I
'll be first mate. - You see Ragh goes, "And I'll be king of the boat!" - Yeah! - King of the boat. - Hangman, I need you. - Captain, first mate. - Hangman looks at you and says, "For the new Captain Seacaster and the old." (mimics motorcycle revving) And you see he like, (mimics tires screeching) rides, hits the hood of the van, goes up onto the roof, and gets tied up there. And you see that Baxter lands and puts one claw around the Hangman just to hold it in place. You see that Hangman- he goe
s, "All right, everybody pile in. All aboard!" - All right, let's do this. - Okay. - And we're sure that this is sea-ready, this vessel? - Mm-hmm. - I mean, I trust the Thistlesprings. - Got a propeller. - [Zac] Not really. (mimics water splashing) - You guys drive, as you drive you see, yeah, the (laughs) van boat begins to head into the harbor. It goes, "Toot toot!" (mimics air bursting) And these big old gnomish pontoons inflate around the front and sides of the van. And you see he says, "Get
ready for the spring break road trip of our lives, gang. Heck yeah." (upbeat chill guitar music) - Nice! - Adaine, can I grab something from your jacket of many things? - Yeah, what do you want? - I need a phone that's my same phone number. - That is worth 10 gold pieces? - It can be a cheap one. - All right. - Just the same phone number. - Pre-paid. - Pre-paid. - I pull out a full- - Pre-paid with 10 gold? - 1980s-style brick phone. - (laughs) Cool, great. Thanks. - Uh-huh. - Hey, can I look a
t that bag of gems again? - Yeah, absolutely. Have at it. - Okay, are there any gems in here that kind of look like the ruby that she stole from that jewelry spot? - The only things you saw that were that large and flawlessly cut were the ones that have gone into the van here and the Devil's Heart it's holding. - Those were the only two? There's nothing that kinda looks like it? - There are other nice gems but all of them are quite small or are not as finely cut. - But do they- they're all... (c
heerful chill guitar music) Like, when I did the Identify spell, they're all components of the magical jar? They all have things trapped inside them? - Yes, they all look to have magical things trapped inside them. You see that Cathilda, by the way, comes sort of- the van is much larger for her- comes around. She apparently at some point bought little plastic coconut drink holders and starts passing out- - Oh! - [Ally] Oh my god! - Little coconut- - [Emily] Can I do a Perception check on Cathild
a? - Make a what? - Perception check. - Sure. (die taps table) - All right. - [Murph] Is Cathilda the new Porter? - I love Cathil- - A dirty 20. Can we trust her? The cookies, I wanna know about the cookies she gave Adaine last night. - You glare at Cathilda as she passes by. She looks at you and says, "Oh, Mistress Fig, would you like a virgin daiquiri?" (Lou chortles) - Only if you taste it first. (Ally and Emily laughing) - You worry that I've poisoned your daiquiri? - Do I need to be? - I do
n't know. Maybe you lie so much that you're always worried other people are doing it. (Ally laughing) - [Lou] Fig, she's a maid! She can't lie! - Slam down! - [Siobhan] That's not true. - Maids aren't allowed to lie. It's in Maid Law or something. I don't know. - Now, Fabian, you know that I made a joke about Maid Law many years ago, and I've insisted ever since I made it that it's not true. - I mean, it sounded very real. It feels like there would be a code that maids would follow, something th
at keeps maid society together. - I understand. Would you like a virgin daiquiri? - Of course I want one! - Yeah, okay. - [Zac] No thanks, I'm driving. (cast laughing) - In my "On the Subject of World Religions", do I have anything that I can be reading about demons? - [Siobhan] Oh, and the planetar as well, maybe. - Yeah. - Go ahead and make a Religion check for me. - All right. (dice tap table) Interesting. Okay, that's 11. - You don't find anything about- Planetars are a very powerful type of
angel, second only to solars. They're just a powerful form of angel. - Question, how do- This is such a- I feel like Riz, as soon as he sees the open air and everybody chilling, is completely incapable of chilling and goes inside and starts spiraling into conspiracy theories. How do you spell Garthy? - G-A-R-T-H-Y. - An H, huh? - Mm-hmm. - I immediately come out with a bunch of pins and papers put together and say, Garthy O'Brien, I thought it sounded weird like a fake name. You can spell night
in there, and I don't know what the other word is, but it's all mixed up. - Oh. - And night orby, maybe? What is a night orby? (Emily gasps) Have you thought about it? - A night orby? - I don't know what the second word is. - Is it O'Brien O-B-R-I-E-N or O-B-R-I-A-N? - E-N. - Interesting. - Fabian jumps in the water. (Murph laughing) He's swimming. - Just swimming in the beautiful sea. It's a beautiful day. You're swimming along. You're heading out. You can see the Solesian coast fading behind
you. - Can I do a little something with the- - The Ball, come down! - [Ally] I'm gonna get a gem. (groans) They already have people in it. - The Night Bore. - Nevermind. - Are they people? - Night rope, no. - Or different spells, I guess. - You see Cathilda and the other two adults watch a van full of children unable to sit still or be happy and just kind of hold their heads. - [Zac] Night Yorb! - [Murph] Night Yorb. That's what I have right now. - You see that the Hangman on top says, - [Murph]
"The Night Yorb! (players laughing) What know you of the Night Yorb?" - The night- - Is the Night Orb a thing, Hangman? - Night Yorb. - The Yorb, the Yorb, Fabian! - Oh Yorb, I'm sorry. - You can't forget the Y. - You see that the van goes, "Oh man, yeah, the Night Yorb is bad news." - [Lou] Wait, is it actually a thing or are you guys playing a joke? - No, I would never joke about a being as terrifying as the Night Yorb. - Yorb! - [Emily] You can almost spell Gilear. (Murph laughing) - This, o
h, Fabian gets out- - You see Gilear says- - This is a whole lot. - So how often in sleuth stuff does almost making an anagram come up? (Murph laughing) A lot? - You tell us. - I have an idea. I would like to take all the gems- Is the bag decorative and memorable, that they were all in? Or is it just a bag? - It's a lovely little velvet pouch. Seems nice enough. - Okay, I wanna take all the gems out and have you put it in something else. A sock. And then I wanna cast Glyph of Warding on this bag
. - Okay. - With exploding runes in it. - Cool. - So just in case someone - Oh, so if someone - comes back- yeah. They'll take - tries to steal it. - a shit-ton of acidic damage. - [Emily] Kristen Applebees, - That is genius. - Yeah. So no one open this bag! - [Zac] What's in the bag? - And then I go around individually to people and say, this is a fake bag. - Let's put it in the glove compartment. 'Cause that seems like a place that people would try to rob us. - Yeah, okay. - Nice. - [Ally] Wai
t, actually I'm just gonna keep it on my person just in case. - Okay, that's also good. - You know, Gilear is always looking for yogurt. So I put it in my jacket. - [Emily] He's like a squirrel. Okay, that's good. - If we're ever running away from something, maybe I can accidentally drop it and they'll think that they got it back. - That's good. - You, as you are heading out to sea, the music's playing, having a little fun. Fabian's swimming out in the ocean. You get a call on your crystal in th
e front seat from Zelda returning your call. (Lou gasps) - I got a... Captain or first mate, please take over. - Yeah. - Definitely. I outrank you. I swim up- - What? (cast laughing) Oh, I cannot! - Gorgug just tries to find whatever would amount to privacy on this. - Cool, you could probably call- The only things on top of the van are the Hangman and Baxter. - Okay I'll go up there. - Cool. - What's up, y'all? - The phone rings and you hear Zelda's voice. Hey, Gorgug. - Hey. Did you get my mess
age? - Yeah, I got it. - I just wanted to say how sorry I was because I don't really have a good excuse but it just felt, I... Yeah, I'm sorry. It was, like I said, I don't have an excuse. But yeah, how are you? - I don't know, you know? I'm okay. I, you know, spent last night over at Antiope's house with Katja, just kinda hanging out or whatever. Like, played some crystal games and... Yeah, I don't know. Like, it just sucks. (chuckles awkwardly) This doesn't feel good. - Well, I just hope that
you know that I would never do something like that on purpose, and I still really, you know, care about you and our relationship and it just... I'm excited to see you when I get back, and I hope your stuff is going well. - (sighs gently) Yeah, I'm excited, too. Like, I don't know. I really- I really care about you a lot, and it just kinda, like- I don't know, Gorgug. It just kinda sucks because like- - What do you mean, you don't know? (Brennan inhales and exhales softly) - Look, I'm so glad tha
t Fig and Riz are okay. I know how stressful it is. And if we're gonna be a couple, like a relationship, these kinds of things are always gonna come up. This is, like, what an adventurer's life is. And... (sighs) I know that you were busy and it makes me feel bad that I'm even upset because obviously you were doing something heroic. But, like, you did stop at the mall, right? You did, like, swing by to get Cathilda. Like, there were other things on your mind. It wasn't like you were just racing
to get them. And it's just, like... Look, I just think sometimes you think that you're, like, awkward or whatever, or you think that, like, you still think you're this loser guy. But, like, you're a rockstar, literally a rockstar. And you play on the Owlbears and you literally saved the world and, like... (sighs deeply) It's not crazy for me to worry that... - I didn't think it was crazy that you were worried. You're right. I totally had the time to... I shoulda called you. I shoulda texted you.
Or I shoulda seen you in person before I left. I mean, I know that... (chuckles awkwardly) Yeah, I guess maybe I have some confidence issues I need to work on but... - But I think it's like your confidence issues keep you from, like, doing the... Like, because you don't realize how important you are to some people, you end up hurting people. I don't know. - I think, oh, I... - But I don't know. Like, we can also, like... (mimics static hissing) We can like... - We can do what? - We can talk abo
ut this more later. Did you hear me? - It sounded like there was a weird noise there for a second. - You see she says, "Oh, I... Well, I... (mimics static crackling) If you- - Hey, we're getting closer. We are going to Fallinel right now, if you can hear me. I'm maybe losing service right now, can you hear me? - No, I can still hear you. Well, okay, but just give me a call tonight. Just give me- - I will try to... I'm worried that we won't have service but I will- - Well, you said you were gonna
get the generator, right? - The generator? - You said that you were gonna get a thing so that we could call each other. - I thought... (groans softly) - You said you were... Gorgug, you said you were gonna get a... - Oh! - I can't... - Oh! - We're, we're breaking up. - (laughs nervously) Oh man. - Hey, what did you say? (players chuckling awkwardly) - Oh no! - I try to put Baxter on my arm. (chuckles) - Giant claw on your forearm. - And just sit up here for a while. (soft instrumental music) (Z
ac sighs dejectedly) - Everything good up there on top of the van, hombre? (soft instrumental music continues) - I'm just gonna hang out up here. I think... I think- you don't happen to have some kind of powerful generator in you, right? - I'm, like, generating- yeah, like, I have a power source. - For cell service, so I can- - Yeah! - Really? - Yeah! - Can you turn it on? - Sure, just plug in a cell tower and I can power that bad boy right up. (Lou chuckles softly) - Gorgug tries to make a cell
tower. (players laughing) - Go ahead and give me an Intelligence roll with disadvantage. - Hangman, can I borrow some pipes? - Double 20s. - Okay. - Oh, you still rolled... - 11. - Oh. - 11 does not allow you to make a cell phone tower. - Make a cell tower. - What would the DC check be on that? - Can I maybe pull one? How expensive is a cell phone tower? - [Ally] Definitely 10 gold pieces. - Yeah, you could say around 10 gold pieces. Or maybe 10 different components that I could pull out that t
hen join together. - [Lou] Slowly just start building. Bolt, bolt, nut, bolt. - (laughs) You guys head out to sea. - Wow. - Oh, brutal. - Gorgug, just so you know, I also kinda messed up a sure thing yesterday, too. - What kinda sure thing were you talking about? - Jesus - Like, we're talking about relationships. - Yeah, who? - I don't know. That I can't really- talk about. - I kinda just grab Fig and pull you away. - What? What? (laughs) - I'm pulling you away. - I will also ask for just Insigh
t checks from the party. Gorgug, and you can just give me a flat Charisma check. - Can I have Froggy help me? - Yes, you can. - I have bad Insight. Can I give a Help to... - Sure, yeah, you can give a Help to Riz. - 21. - That's a four. - I'll guard you so you have time. - 22. - I also got a 21. - What did you get, Riz? - 22. - Can I do Insight if it's better than my Charisma? - I'm actually asking you for a Charisma check. - Oh. (die taps table) (Siobhan and Emily chortle) - What'd you get? - F
our. - Four. What did Fabian get? - Two. - Two. Okay. And what did you get for your Insight? - Oh, I gave mine to- oh I just got a Nat 20, actually. - Nat 20, great. So literally every single one of the Bad Kids can immediately tell what's just happened on the roof. You can hear it, except Fabian who assumes that everything is completely fine up there. - [Lou] Guys, this is gonna be a great spring break. (cast laughing) Then I swan dive back into the ocean. (Emily laughing) (Brennan clapping) Yo
u guys gotta come swimming! - You see Ragh goes, "Cannonball!" (Brennan mimics water splashing) - We're going forward, aren't we? - Come back, come back! (players laughing) - Round number two! - I throw some ropes. - Sincerely can't. - You see that Sandra Lynn goes, "Oh god, dumbasses," and jumps up on her griffon and picks them out of the ocean to be like, "Do you have any idea how bad it is to go overboard on- - Drop us! Now drop us! Drop us! (Brennan mimics splashing) (Lou shouts) - I have my
ice cream pouch. - [Emily] Yeah, Mom, get into it! - My ice cream sandwich pouch, so I think I take out an ice cream sandwich and give it to Gorgug like, man, that sucks. - Yeah, I give him Boggy. - Thank you. Thank you. - I don't wanna push you in a direction you're not ready for yet, but I put the drumsticks in his hand. - I can't hold that right now. - If anything comes to you- 'Cause a lot of times these are the feelings that we mine that turn into gold. - I guess, lyrics-wise- - Platinum r
eally. - The first things that come into my head are, I'm feeling really bad and my van is a boat. (Brennan laughs) I'm feeling really sad and my boat is a van. - Oh, okay. - Oh! - Oh, that's good, actually! ♪ Feeling really bad and my van is ♪ - Okay, yeah. - That was great. ♪ The Night Yorb is coming for us ♪ (cast laughing) - Night Yorb! - Is coming for us. - You see that the Hangman goes, "Speak not of the Night Yorb!" - [Lou] Guys, don't talk about the Night Yorb! Ragh, stop pushing me unde
r! - Van, is there a song called "Night" by OAR? - [Siobhan] Oh, or Night Araboy. - Is there? - [Zac] Where's the Y? (players laughing) - In Garthy. - Garthy. - Oh, okay. - You see that the van says, (mimics digital beeps) "Playing 'Night' by OAR." (chill cheerful music) - Oh. (Murph laughing) - Oh, it's very chill. - This song rules. - Honestly, this song is great. - Yeah. - Wow, sick uke. - I really wish the van would play a little more rock and roll. - If you guys have music, you can just pla
y it straight from your phone. - Oh, with an aux cord? - Oh. - Is that, do I have consent? - I don't think your phone has any songs. - Yeah, your phone, specifically, is not gonna play anything. - I try with my brick phone. - You put your brick phone in there. It says, "To add more minutes, press star." - Riz puts on a really old "This American Life." (players laughing) - "This Solesian Life," yeah. - Yeah, "This Solesian Life." - "This Solesian Life." - You put on a very old "This Solesian Life
." This week, wondrous items. Who makes them, and how are they created? - Oh, this is so interesting- - [Ally] Hard no! Hard no! - I can play along with this. - I love this one. I put down the windows- - It's like they purposefully look for a smaller and smaller story each episode. I don't wanna hear two hours about the bassoon. - This week, cantrips. Why do we cast them? (cast laughing) - I loved the cantrip episode. - Yeah, it's so good. - I learned so much! - You think they're not spells just
because they're level-zero spells. - Gorgug puts his headphones on. - But they're spells. - Gorgug can, oh... - You guys, you see Gilear says, "There's one I want to listen to," pushes the button. You see it goes, "This week on 'This Solesian Life,' 50 feet of hemp rope. (Siobhan laughing) Why do so many people seem to have this?" (players laughing) - Why do they have the rope, Gilear? I don't know. - I like this. This sounds like a nice, respectable, middle-aged man. I could listen to this. -
Gorgug, you put your headphones on and Zelda's playlist comes on. (players groan sadly) (Zac mimics munching) (players laughing) You guys sail into the wide open ocean. I'm gonna need somebody here to make a... I guess Gorgug is the one driving, so go ahead and make a flat Wisdom check for me. - Oh Lord. - You have Boggy to help you. - Hey, Gorgug? You got this. That means you have inspiration. - How much do I add? - A d8. - D6. Oh wow, it's a d8 now. - Ooh! - Don't add it unless you need it. -
Okay, so with the help from Boggy, Gorgug takes the wheel. (die taps table) 16... (die taps table) 21. - 21, awesome! You sail the van over the wide open sea expertly. ♪ Sally Brown was a nice young lady ♪ ♪ Way, hay, roll and go ♪ ♪ My van is a boat, my boat is a van ♪ - Yeah. ♪ I'm feeling sad ♪ - Cool, I'm gonna go ahead and let's see how many days you guys are at sea. You are at sea for two days. What I would like from you guys now is, who are the people that... Or is anyone planning on spen
ding the night up on top of the van because only nine people can sleep at a time. - Can I do it? Like, can I go on top of the van but sleep? Like, do it for the experience of how nice it would be? - Yeah, can we take turns? If we're taking two days we can- - Basically, all the kids- - Take turns sleeping inside. - Can stay inside, right? - Yes. The hirelings should go on top of the van. - But I'm saying I think it might be nice. - Yeah, night one, Fig, if you wanna go there, you see your mom loo
ks at you and says, "Why don't we spend a night on the van together?" - Yeah, that sounds great. - Can you give her... - Hey, you trust Cathilda, right? - Sweetheart, yes. - [Zac] Can we give her Bless? - Yes, I trust Cathilda. - Or Guidance or anything? - Absolutely. - Yeah. - If you're gonna be on the top of the- - [Ally] Yeah, let's do it. - It didn't target Sara Lynn before. Is there something about- - Oh, Mom, do I need to be in the van or could I... 'Cause I might need to sleep in the van.
- You see she says, "Well, you do sleep so if we're worried about that thing happening again, we can. Or if you want, we could try to protect you up here." - I didn't wanna put anything on you. I'll just go to sleep in there. I just thought it'd be nice to be under the stars, but yeah. - We can hang out and then go to sleep for a minute. - Okay. - [Ally] It only lasts for a minute. - Yeah. - Oh. - Like, Bless- - Cool. So the first night you guys are out there. And she's like, "If you wanna hang
out for a couple hours and then, you know..." - Yeah. - [Zac] You can maybe give 'em Bardic Inspiration if they're gonna sleep out here. - No, I'm not gonna sleep out here. I'll just hang out, enjoy the stars- - For whoever has to be out here, I mean. - Yeah. - You see your mom looks at you. You spend this beautiful night on the stars, the night ocean. You're both, like- you're sitting on the roof of the van, feeling the wobble of the sheet metal underneath you. But also mostly pitched back wit
h Baxter's enormous weight. So Baxter's become a furry feathery back sofa for you guys to lean against. - Cute. - I offer my mom a clove cigarette. - She looks at you. (Brennan mimics lighter clicking and inhales sharply) - I knew it. - What the fuck, right? We're adventuring. - Yeah, yeah. (players chuckling) - So what's up? You're making out with old guys? - Uh... Can we just smoke in silence and not talk about that? I'm working on it. I know you and Gilear and definitely Gorthalax and probabl
y Jawbone and every other adult in my life would advise me to stop doing that, and I'm working on it. (mimics puffing cigarette) It's a bad habit, right? (clicks tongue) You know something about that. (players chuckling softly) Cigarettes. I'm talking about the cigarettes. - Yeah, that's what I thought. You're a piece of work, kid. - Well, you made me. - Yeah. God, I guess I did. You're gonna be all right. (players chuckling softly) It's hard, you know? Not even... There are so many fun mistakes
. And I think sometimes for me, the idea of living for centuries gets daunting. You know the feeling of vertigo, right? - Yeah. - It's like, because you can fall, you almost want to. - Want to, yeah. - I think when you got centuries staring you down, it's just this weight of, given enough years, aren't I going to fuck this up? And if so, maybe I should just get it out of the way. I don't know. - I guess I don't have centuries, though. - You might. Tieflings don't all live to be the same age. Som
e tieflings live hundreds of years. See, that fiendish blood in you is not human. It's not extra mortal. - Hm. I keep a pretty healthy lifestyle. (Emily mimics puffing cigarette) - Yeah, real healthy. (Zac coughs) All right, you wanted us to shut up so let's shut up. She reaches into her ranger pack and takes out a flask of whiskey and hands it to you. - I was gonna be straight edge except for drugs but okay. If I'm doing it with my mom, yeah. (Brennan laughs) - Straight edge except for drugs. (
laughs) - And you guys hang out looking at the stars that night. I'm gonna make some quick... (hums) (dice tap table) Okay. - I'll give her a Bardic Inspiration if she's making Wisdom checks. - Wisdom saves. Cool, great. That's good to know. Second night, who all is... The second night, you guys begin to see that it goes from sunny to overcast. Who's gonna be out there on this starless night on the sort of- on the black ocean? - I will just 'cause, with Boggy, I have darkvision. - Cool. - I have
darkvision as well. - You see that Tracker looks and says... No, actually Tracker needs to get her spells back to be able to create the Moon Haven. Cool, so you are gonna go up there. Do you and Gorgug wanna go up there that second night? - Do we need two people to go up there? - Yeah 'cause only nine can fit in the van- - Okay. - And sleep at the same time. Sandra Lynn says, "I will say this, I love being outside every night but one night of trance on a soft thing would be great." - [Siobhan]
Yeah, I also, I mean, I didn't use any spells the previous day and so I can... - Yeah great. - Do you guys want a healer up there with you 'cause I could do it too if you want. - Okay. - The three of us. - Sure. - Yeah, okay. - Okay. - 'Cause you guys could have presumably slept during the day. - Yeah. - Yeah, what're we gonna... - Well, but who knows if the Nightmare King... - Cares about what time? - Cares about what time of night it is. - Yeah. - It's just nightmares. It's not night-mares. -
Okay... - [Zac] You have the ability to give us Bardic Inspiration. - Yeah, I mean, I think I would just- As you guys were going up the spiral staircase to the top, (laughs) I would give you all a little inspiration. Hey. - [Siobhan] I love this crow's nest up here. (Siobhan and Emily laughing) - Cool. - [Ally] We all hold hands. - Lovely. Tracker's also gonna cast a second-level spell on Gorgug to give you advantage on Wisdom saving throws. - Nice! - Cool, you guys go kick it on top of the thin
g, looking- - I wanna whisper, Sandra Lynn left a flask of whiskey up there, so... - Okay, I can just also... - Should I give it back to her? (Siobhan chuckles) - Nah. - What? - I don't need to steal anybody else's whiskey. - Okay, cool. I can just- - I was trying to hook you guys up, okay? - I mean, no, look, I have it in my... - Right. Yeah. - You guys look - [Zac] Does she know it's - at endless black ocean. - up there? Less romantic than the starry skies that Fig and Sandra Lynn got to see.
What do you guys, as you are up there before you're all going to sleep, what do you guys do up there on top of the... - I think I'm like... I don't really have anything that I can cast 'cause everything's a minute or something. - I'd like to think that Gorgug would have asked you this earlier. - Mm-hmm? - But is there any way you could find a skipper's hat in that bag? (laughs) - Oh yeah, here we go. (Emily laughs) I pull out a headscarf and put that on. - Is there an eyepatch? - Oh yeah, absolu
tely. I pull out one that looks identical but slightly shinier than the one that Fabian has. It doesn't have any powers It just looks cool. - So cool! - And I think Gorgug's also trying to grab like, driftwood and stuff so he can try to make a cell tower. - Oh actually, we have a minute. Can I- hang on. Cast- - You know what? I think I wanna talk to you guys. Sorry, cast what you want. - Actually, Adaine in real life, in game life, is looking through her spell books trying to find this. - Yep. -
While you're on the roof so. - You know what, I... - [Siobhan] Can I conjure some minor elementals? - Sure, you begin casting. It takes a minute to cast. - I just wanted to say, and no one else can hear me, but I feel like they'll hear kinda like, the vibe of what I'm saying but like, you know, Gorgug, like, we aren't gonna be good at our first relationships. Like, I've messed up so many times with Tracker and- - [Zac] You guys... - Yeah! - Seem really good. - Yeah, yeah, but it took a lot, you
know? I mean, it's just like- - You guys talk about 69ing and stuff. - Yeah, and it took a long time to. At first I wouldn't talk about it at all. And then I did a hard swing the other way. Is it, I want this to count as an Inspiring Speech to give everyone temp hit points. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - Okay. - [Zac] I saw you the other day. It was like a playing card. - Oh, what's that? - Just like a, you know, you ever seen a playing card? It has a head at the top and a head at the bottom. - Yeah,
that was us. Totally. - I didn't mean to see that. - Yeah, I mean, we did talk about you doing that in the van and you did say that you weren't gonna do it. And just because it's a boat doesn't mean that- - I mean, listen, everyone. I didn't come up here to be shamed. I actually came up here to- - I'm not- - Release us all from that shame. - shaming you. I'm just like, holding you to your word. - I just, look, it was a private s'more pouch- - Public. - And... (laughs) - S'more? - [Zac] It's gonn
a get pretty inspiring soon, I'm pretty sure. - Don't worry. Here comes the inspiring part, okay? We watched relationships on TV and we're like, "I'm sure when I get there, I'm gonna nail it, 'cause I've been obsessing about having someone to kiss for my whole life." And then you get there and you're really bad at it. And you just keep being bad at it. - [Siobhan] Is that a thing that you've been obsessed with your whole life? - Yeah. Having someone to love? Definitely. - Oh, right. Yeah. - What
? (Zac sighs sadly) - What? - Oh, well, maybe not everyone, but me specifically, always wanted it to happen and, whew, it finally did. And Tracker's had other relationships so she's got a lot more stuff figured out than me. There's still a lot of things that I'm really not good at. Like, did you know for her birthday I got her a toy? I got her like... - You got her- - It's this fun putty- - Like a car? - That you can put on a newspaper. - And then it comes off and it looks like the newspaper. -
Yeah, and her birthday was on our one-year anniversary so I thought, "I just have to get one gift." - Combo gift. - It's the same day. - [Siobhan] No! Nobody likes a combo gift. - But she didn't really like the... I just kinda still feel like maybe she still- - Did she get how it works? You put it right on the newspaper. - You put it right on the news- and it's like, you could throw that newspaper away, baby, 'cause you got it permanently here. - You got a putty newspaper. - It's like, babe! - B
ut you'd have to read it in a mirror. - What? - What? - Oh, the Hangman! - Oh, I'm up here on the roof too. - Oh yeah. - You couldn't just read it right off the putty. It would be backwards. You'd have to read it in a mirror. - Yeah, totally! - That putty rules. It's really good. - Yeah, thank you so much! - [Zac] Can I see if I found enough driftwood to make a cell tower? - Yeah, give me a roll with disadvantage. - [Emily] Maybe some putty would help that. - [Murph] Is this the "Are you my dad?
" of this season? this putty? - Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! - Oh, hello! - Intelligence. - Okay. - [Murph] Do you guys think there's any way he's gonna- - 15. - let you do it without like a 30? - Hey, 15. You find, coming out of Adaine's jacket, a pipe. If you get a couple thousand more of these, you'll be in business, baby. (Ally and Emily laughing) - Let's get this started. - Adaine, you finish conjuring elementals. What kind of elementals do you summon? - I'm thinking, I mean, we're in the water, so
is there some kind of like a thunder/lightning situation? - Yeah, you could do like- - Sorry, I had a sheet and I can't find it. Oh, here it is right here. - [Ally] Everyone has 11 temp hit points, by the way. - Amazing. - If you wanna add that to your sheets. - [Emily] Ooh, even me, downstairs? - Yeah, I think it would count for the whole party, right? - Poison and fire... - I'll take it. - Inspiring Speech? - Yes. - Or is it just anyone who hears it? - Yes, yes, yes. - You guys can all take th
at 11 temp HP. - Sorry, this is not as useful as I thought it might be. (groans) Poison, fire... - Probably the best thing you could do here would be like steam mephits. - Great. Yeah, let's do that. - So you guys see cresting off of the sea-foam (mimics ocean water swishing) a group of four little, skinny, impish with- they have long pointed noses and long pointed chins and these little pointy ears. Impish, they're made out of sea-foam and vapor, (mimics wind whooshing) fly up and circle around
Adaine. (Brennan grunts animalistically) - Hi, can you keep watch for us, please? (Brennan snarls animalistically) Thank you so much. How do I make you look like cheerleaders? My sister was so good at this. (Brennan snarls animalistically) - Rah, rah! Rah! - They're cheerleaders. It looks like they're cheerleaders. - Yeah, okay, we'll work on it. - [Emily] I think they're cuter this way. I'm not there, though. - Rah, rah! (snarls) - [Ally] So have you not talked to your sister at all since home
coming? - No, she's in prison, I think. I don't know. - Yeah, but you can still definitely talk to people in prison. - In Fallinel? I don't know. - Huh. - Also, just to remind you, she's not a good person. I don't even know if she would want to talk to me, honestly. - Yeah, I just feel like once we get there, you're probably the one who's gonna have to go talk to her. - As night falls, Adaine, you don't have to trance at all. You have these little mephits that are flying around. You see they sor
t of circle around the van going... (Brennan grunts cheer music and claps rhythmically) (Emily laughing) - You know, we didn't have to make them cheerleaders though. - I wake up. What? - Everyone's awake the whole night. - What's all that clapping? Who's clapping? - I'm gonna need Wisdom saves from Gorgug and Kristen and Adaine. You may roll with advantage, Gorgug. - What about the Bardic Inspiration? - And whoever has Bardic Inspiration. - I mean, I kinda just gave it to all this. - I think you
gave it to all three. - Yeah, all of you guys can add- - Can I roll with advantage with Boggy? - Yes, you may, yes. - Great. (dice tap table) (players groan) - Definitely use that Bardic. - Thank goodness. - What is Bardic, an eight? - You roll a d8. - Oh yeah, an eight. - Hell, yeah. - 22. - 22, okay. - A dirty 20. - Dirty 20. - What's the DC? - Well, I won't tell you the DC, but go ahead and tell me what you roll. - Okay. (dice tap table) - Interesting... Okay, I'm using Human Determination t
o roll- - Cool, cool. - With advantage on this. (dice tap table) Okay, good! This is a Wisdom? - Yeah, Wisdom saving throw. - Very cool. Okay yeah, that's 26. - Oh, damn. Great. An uneventful night passes. - Great. - The mephits keep you all awake. I wish I could say that day comes the next day. - Oh. - But it kind of doesn't. - Mm-mm. - Not thick, but like, drizzling rain, the kind which is just enough to churn up the sea and create a dense, thick layer of fog comes over you. It is cold as you
journey further south and east out into the Celestine Sea. You can see fog (mimics wind rushing) rise up, and it's not super opaque. You could probably see like 60 to 100 feet out into it. But when you're used to seeing the horizon, 60 to 100 feet feels like you can't see anything at all, right? And you venture out into the ocean. As you guys awaken, you see that the van comes on and says, "All right. Morning, broskis and siskies. Just wanted to give a holler 'cause I've been fiddly-iddly-in' ar
ound with these readers and odometers and whatnot, and it looks like there's somethin' on one of these doodads, like a radar or something like that?" - Mm-hmm. - Sick. - Oh, cool. - That's cool. - Definitely, let's turn that on. - [Emily] Like for whales and submarines? - Oh, like sonar! (gasps excitedly) I could probably do whale song! (Brennan mimics whale vocalizations) - [Zac] You're doing it! - Don't do it too good 'cause we don't want a school of whales attacking the ship. - Or do we? Oh,
attacking? Yeah. - Fabian, give me a Perception check with advantage. - I believe it's a pod of whales. (Emily laughing) (dice tap table) - We're gonna go- Perception? - Yeah. - Oh, that's an 11. - Oh no, you get a, you rolled a 17. - I rolled a 16. (Brennan and Emily laughing) - You look down into the water where it's clearer, and you see the water churning with sharks. (Emily gasps) - Hm, interesting. - And you see that the sharks are all moving. And you can see cross waves. So, like, there is
something causing the water to move not only with the tide. Something is competing with the tide to create changes in the sea. - (gasps) A ghost ship! - No. That would be incredible, but- - Night Yorb. (Siobhan groans) - No- - How many fucking times do I gotta say speak not of the Night Yorb? - I believe- - You see the van speaks up and goes, "Seriously, I am not an angry dude. You gotta fucking stop with that Night Yorb stuff, man. It's not a joke. Me and the Hangman don't agree on a lot. You
gotta can it with that Night Yorb stuff, man." - What is it? So we see rippling in the water? - Do we think it's Garthy O'Brien? - I think we're approaching Leviathan. I'd like to climb up on top of the van. - Fabian, you climb up on top of the van. (eerie haunting music) You look up into the fog and you guys begin to see that night is setting again. And then you realize night is not setting again at all. Towering over you in the fog (mimics wind rushing softly) is the darkness of a ship. But yo
u see this ship is pushed up out of the water. And it moves forward like it's not sinking. It's almost directly at a 90-degree angle, surging up out of the depths. And you see behind it is another ship and another, a colossus of ships lashed and wrapped together, towering up into the sky. (Brennan mimics haunting wind whipping) You hear the call of gulls, (mimics gull calling) the jangling of music. You hear cries and see the vastness of not just a ship nor a fleet, but a city sailing on the sur
face of the waves. (Brennan mimics wind oscillating) You look in front of you. And Fabian, you turn to look and see behind you, it looms as well. (mimics wind whooshing) Each moving past you. (mimics wind whipping) Suddenly you realize, you are surrounded on either side by the city. (upbeat jaunty music) Stuck in the middle of the sea as two, let's call them what they are, neighborhoods of shipwrecks, hodgepodge and quilted together, move past you on either side and eclipse you as they move in t
he same direction. And you realize that the bulk of the city is not to your right nor to your left, but the bulk of the city is coming up behind in the pincher of these two arms that are swallowing you up. And as you turn to the third direction from whence these shapes are coming, you see approaching you (mimics ocean whipping) white froth and something swallowing the ocean up. You hear laughter and lashes and you hear, (laughs boisterously) "Get ready, me hearties! It looks like the city's hung
ry for another meal." And that's where we're going to stop this week. - Oh, feels good. - No! - This week, on "Dimension 20 LIVE." Tune in next week as we meet Leviathan herself. Also, if you guys would like, check out, we have many seasons of Dimension 20 that are available on You can go check that out. We got a bunch of awesome merch. We got Boggy shirts. We have this from last week. Roemaence Partnaer shirts, which you can have if you like. - [Siobhan] Roemaence Partnaer! - So go c
heck out our merch store where all this awesome stuff is. And make sure to stay tuned next week when we continue the adventure of the Bad Kids. See you next time, Intrepid Heroes! (Brennan laughs heartily) - [Emily] Oh, I can't wait.



Good news: in anticipation of the premiere of Dimension 20: Fantasy High - Junior Year on Dropout, we're releasing all of Fantasy High - Sophomore Year to Youtube! Episodes will release Mondays and Tuesdays at 1:30pm ET, so tell your friends (and hey PS you can watch all of this show and every Dimension 20 series on Dropout whenever you want ad-free, just sayin')


For anyone confused, they're releasing more episodes of Fantasy High season 2 to drum up more excitement for the next season!


When Gorgug said no thanks I'm driving when being offered a virgin daquiri I cracked up so hard


Riz taking laps whenever people get too flirty is all the ace rep we need


The SILENCE from the crew during the phone call with Zelda...dang, I feel like I'm back in high school all over again


Riz: We need to stop lying because our lies might come to life! Fig: Hello, my name is Hilda Hilda...


i fucking love Brennan's lowkey dungeon master (good natured) outrage at how well emily rolled for the hilda hilda bit and how absolutely terribly she acted it out, like i cant fuck you over bc we play by the rolls but you're gonna have to explain fucking hilda hilda too me


AFTER THREE. LONG. YEARS. I FINALLY CAN WATCH IT! Im too poor to buy dropout so this. This is a miracle.


I love the bonding moment between Sandra Lynn and Adaine with pitching the tent, because Adaine never really got to have this kind of bonding with a parental figure because her parents never really showed her stuff in a way that is just family bonding. This definitley healing some inner child for her


i really enjoy the tradition of making fantasy high more accessible before the next semester starts. love dropout and all y’all do!


🎵I'm feeling really bad and my van is a boat, I'm feeling really sad and my boat is a van🎵


I'm really glad that they opted for honest communication when talking to Zelda, instead of trying to do some sort of joke. It really hit me that way.


I love the veiled desperate DM expression Brennan drops at 19:34 when Ally says "I can remove curse" and Brennan has to immediately think "oh god oh fuck this basic PC spell could ruin this fun Macguffin reveal I need for later in the story, how can I pull this out of my ass"


I want the van and the bike to be enemies to lovers because that’s hysterical


I love how brennan is just using sandra lynn to keep everyone on track


Now even non Dropout subscribers will get to meet the fabulous Hilda Hilda!


2:17:55 How much you wanna bet the ‘speak not of the night yorb’ thing was Brennan’s way of keeping them from careening off into almost-anagram based shenanigans 😂


I'm howling over the Hilda scene, just in tears 😭 "a horrifying short film"


The full Hilda Hilda episode! The internet has been blessed!


Gorgug’s “No thanks, I’m driving,” KILLS ME EVERY TIME LMAO