
Heavier vehicles on U.S. roadways putting strain on guardrails during crashes, study finds

A new study has highlighted a concerning safety issue. As the vehicles on the roadways in the United States have gotten heavier, the guardrails are not functioning as well when there is a crash. NBC News’ Kathy Park has more on what researchers found. » Subscribe to NBC News: NBC News Digital is a collection of innovative and powerful news brands that deliver compelling, diverse and engaging news stories. NBC News Digital features,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline, and the existing apps and digital extensions of these respective properties. We deliver the best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism and segments from your favorite NBC News Shows. Connect with NBC News Online! Breaking News Alerts: Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Get more of NBC News delivered to your inbox: #RoadSafety #Cars #Highways

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7 days ago

charging ahead at about 60 MPH this 2022 rivan r1t all electric truck tears right through the seel guard rail watch again it barely slows down before flying over the concrete barriers in another crash test this Tesla Model 3 lifts a guardrail passing underneath it the alarming results of a recent Universal Nebraska Lincoln study highlight a growing risk on roadways with more heavier EVs and gas powered vehicles in the 90s lightweight pickups and SUVs made up about 10 to 15% of vehicles on the ro
ads now that number has jumped to 50% so are guard rails across the country keeping up with this trend and ultimately keeping us safe as more Vehicles become heavier and there are centers of gravity change and their geometries change and move towards more electrification we're going to have to prepare new roadside infrastructure to capture these vehicles as well if something isn't done now what do you fear will happen down the road we will continue to lose people in 2016 Steven imer's daughter H
annah died in a different kind of guardrail Collision in Tennessee I knew my daughter was dead at 17 years old that same trauma that I've experienced is experienced by families on an almost daily basis across the United States I'm out here I'm us321 Steven has turned his tragedy into a lifelong mission to improve guard rail safety and that's my goal now is to Rob America's streets of future victims of traffic violence caused by guard rails according to the Federal Highway Administration guardrai
ls can lessen the severity of crashes but they cannot completely protect drivers in every situation the goal of the guard rail is to deflect the vehicle back onto the roadway and keep it from going to a place where it would be in much bigger trouble in this case it's the drop off Transportation expert Kevin Hep says guardrail safety has improved over the years but these infrastructure updates do take time and Vary from state to state if the standard change that doesn't mean all of the infrastruc
ture changes right away these roadside Staples are now being put to a new test with cars of the future exposing potential hazards Kathy Park NBC news Knoxville Tennessee thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media



It’s crazy how many people in trucks and SUVs literally have no passengers and no cargo


It's more so a car weight issue than guardrail issue. You can change guardrails but you can't change humans. Pedestrians will die more at the hands of heavier vehicles and lighter vehicles will be crushed by them, forcing people to buy even heavier vehicles. Eventually this will have to stop. We need lighter, lower cars to come back.


Imagine what happens when these cars hit you in your vehicle...


SUVs and "light trucks" are also more likely to flip over the guardrail rather than just crash into it


Then there is a 7000lb suv flying in the air and decimating a 3000lb Sedan


Speed runners didn’t know you could pass right under the guardrail. Thats a game changer.


This is why larger cars pay more for auto registration stickers


Just when we all thought bigger was better 😬


I love how they were gonna wreck this Rivian but still felt the need to top off the windshield wiper fluid.


"Heavier vehicles" Just like the occupants.


Improve the standards of the underride rails on the back of trailers.


That tivians windshield didn’t shatter even though it went head on with a guardrail. I’m impressed with that


unfortunately this maybe not going to play out very well,as it will take 10 yrs to revise crash standards across all of the usa/ world


I don't think those gaurdrails are meant to be hit at 90 degrees like that. Likely hitting it at a 45 angle deflects it to stay on the road.


Yeah but they are not heavier than commercial trucks. They also blow right through gaurdrails


Wait... Just imagine what a 9,000lb GMC Hummer EV will do to a guardrail. It'll probably go straight through it like a bullet through cardboard.


You'll be surprised to find that a lot guardrails are already substandard protection for regular cars due to improper installation


😂 as if guard rails were ever sturdy enough.


I believe that since EVs have a lower center of gravity due to having the battery packs in the bottom, the current design of guard rails are not designed to be able to dissipate the momentum effectively. If you look at ICE vehicles when they hit a guard rail, typically they will want to almost tip over. With that, the guard rail uses this to steer the vehicle away from danger. Now I don’t believe this happens 100 percent of the time, but that’s what I’ve seen at less extreme angles than used in this video. I’m not sure if it’s the angle used in this video, but due to the low center of gravity, the EVs didn’t even appear to tip a bit. This does not allow the guard rail to steer the vehicle and renders it completely useless.


The more alarming result is how badly these guardrails are installed