
Heidi Klum Won Halloween with Her ‘Thriller’ Costume

She’s done it again! Heidi Klum owned Halloween this year as the werewolf from the Michael Jackson video “Thriller.” “Extra” caught up with Heidi at her annual Halloween party in NYC where she talked about her transformation. Watch!


6 years ago

I can't talk that well. It's all good. >> And you probably haven't brushed your teeth in years. >> I haven't brushed my teeth in ages. But Michael had to do that too, for the video. He had also prosthetics on for hours, and hours, and hours, and hours. And I think it's easier to do them now than they were then, I mean it took all day and kind of all of the zombies, I also inspired by the video. A lot of them you will see in the video, so we really tried to get as close to the video as possible.
>> What made you decide to go with Thriller? >> Because it's such an iconic video, and Michael Jackson is such an icon, and thriller is something that we all know and love. I happened to never dance this dance, so I had to really start from scratch. you know everyone is always like, yeah the thriller dance is this right? Well it's not just this, there were a few other steps I had to learn. >> Do you ever get tired of Halloween, 18 years you've been doing this. >> I mean, I love Halloween so much
. I don't think I'm ever gonna get tired of it. I think it's just once a year where we all go a little crazy, a little loopy. We can be someone else for the night. Usually when we're just us, and you kinda go to party, and you just stand there, and no one really lets loose. But, like this, you have fun, no? Because I always try to recognize my friends. They're all staring at me. They're like, I can't see you in there. This is so weird! So it's just fun, it's all around fun. Happy Halloween, aah!



It's one big scary wolf but when she speaks it's just so cute




Trivia: Michael Jackson wanted to make a video in which he transformed into a four-legged beast, similarly to the transformation scene in "An American Werewolf in London". This idea was replaced with a two-legged monster, as this made it easier for him to dance. John Landis felt Jackson should become scary and creepy, but not ugly. Landis suggested that Jackson should become a werewolf in a 1950's setting, inspired by the 1957 film "I Was A Teenage Werewolf". Makeup artist Rick Baker decided to turn Jackson into a werecat, "Because I just didn’t want to do another werewolf.".


She always has the best costume❤


she looks incredible


I been looking for this outfit for years


i am sorry about that but i love mj


Wasenge nyie


She’s the cosplay model ! And thriller sucks is too cliche I like more Bad is more real from the hood .


officially first