
helluva boss gachaclub hell: BLITZO HAS A GUN

moxxie is traumatized from last time #gachaclub #helluvaboss #blitzohelluvaboss #strikerhelluvaboss #milliehelluvaboss #moxxiehelluvaboss #loonahelluvaboss #stolashelluvaboss #billhasagun

‣ ES !! ★

11 months ago

Finally, after all these years! BLITZO HAS A GUN. [laughter] [violent gun sounds] BLITZY! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE A GUN! [especially not after last time] I CAN DO WHAT I WANT, FART FACE! [fearful gun sounds] Moxxie! It looks like Blitzo's gotten a Moxxie! It looks like Blitzo's gotten a gun. Listen, Moxxie, it's not safe to go alone. This is a This is a GUN. I'LL SHOOT YOUR FAMILY! There's only one thing to do now, Moxxie. [Loona, in background:] Just, he pulls out a gun too. Blitzy's got a
fucking gun.. SO WILL I. [Loona, in background:] And they just have a shootout in the middle of the street.. Yeah, it's just like- it's just like friggin'- Saddle up, Moxxie! Hands him the fucking shotgun. [Loona's violent laughter] [more violent Blitzo gun sounds] Remember! Reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram- BUY GOLD, GUUUUUUUN!
