
Hendersonville neighborhood practices a Thriller flash mob for their trick or treaters

This neighborhood has been going all out for Halloween for 15 plus years, and this year they danced to the Thriller for their visitors

NewsChannel 5

4 months ago

well folks in one Hendersonville neighborhood tell us they see about 500 to 600 kids on a Halloween night so of course they want to share something special with the crowds including choreography our forest Sanders has a look at their monster moves something you should know about North Country Club Drive in Hendersonville it is full of Halloween people people like Stacy Crockett I couldn't have better neighbors people like Jimmy and Scout Edwards everybody here just loves the spirit of Halloween
the houses are decked out inside the great sulan sees what is to be and out what is it a werewolf the werewolf that's not to mention the smoke breathing dragons Dr Frankenstein's laboratory it's all inclusive I've been here 15 years it has been this way since I've been here I don't know how it started but it's gotten bigger every year we just like making people smile yeah but there's something else this neighborhood does that makes their Halloween special oh this one right here all right good ch
oice we know the trick-or-treaters are coming in numbers so we wanted to provide something spectacular for them last night we practiced for about two hours and I think I have it down now I hate T-Rex Mike wasowski you guys are going to want to come see this as Darkness Falls across the land the neighbors around North Country Club Drive are in a flash [Music] mob so is this neighborhood made up of trained dancers no no we struggle that's why we picked the simple version but that's okay this is al
l just part of the joy they get to bring people on a Halloween night everybody loves just to get together and have a good time and just celebrate and be happy for a moment it's a great [Applause] [Music] neighborhood at Forest Sanders News Channel 5



That was a BLAST !!! last night in our Street - North Country Club Dr, Hendersonville - Happy Halloween !!


Going there next year πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


My sister!!