
Heroes of Carentan - Teaser 2024

Heroes of Carentan Step into an unknown battlefield of Normandy, France with ‘Heroes of Carentan,’ a documentary that brings to life the incredible valor and sacrifices of unsung WWII heroes who liberated the small, but strategic, town of Carentan. Present-day 101st Airborne Division soldiers share their perspectives through intimate interviews, creating a powerful juxtaposition with the untold stories of these WWII heroes. This film explores the threads of heroism that bind the past and present, revealing a shared legacy of bravery and resilience. Coming: June 6, 2025 Directed by Christian Taylor Edited by Bill Ebel Score by Jeff Kurtenacker Sound Design/Mix by Jason Hoban ------- This content is produced by Documentary First Productions. All rights reserved. Follow our Substack Blog: Watch our first feature film "The Girl Who Wore Freedom" NOW on these platforms: Donate to help us tell more stories: ------- Get the latest blog posts, podcast episodes, and trailers for at Follow us on social media: Twitter: @Doc_First Instagram: @DocumentaryFirst Facebook:

Documentary First

5 days ago

Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied  Expeditionary Force: You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade toward which we have  striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty  loving people everywhere march with you. I've seen combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. I haven't  seen combat to the scale of what they saw on the first day they jumped into Normandy. There's just  a lot of emotion, but a grim determination that they're going to beat this
enemy no matter what.  However successful the jump was the night before, it doesn't matter a hill of beans, if they had  not been able to seize the town of Carentan. It was a key crossroads. It controlled access to  both Utah and Omaha Beach. Whichever side controls it has a marked advantage. Carentan's going to  become important. The Germans have decided is an important piece of terrain too. They made the  decision to reinforce Carentan and fight to the last man. There is no tomorrow. There is
no time  to fix this, it has to happen now. When you see how hard the Germans fought to keep Carentan  and how hard it was for the Americans to take Carentan, then you realize that it's the entire  American Invasion that was at stake. Somebody's going to have to make some of those those  sacrifices. If you are a leader in the 101st, you are the first one out, you are leading from  the front and you're leading the way. Follow me were going. Things did not go exactly as planned.  Robert Cole - he
had 732 men on June the 8th. By the early hours of June the 12th he will have 123  men standing. Every time you look at the soldiers that came before you, you can't help but take  inspiration from it. They said in World War II, where the American Soldier went Freedom follows.  At the end of the day, it comes down to a group of paratroopers fixing bayonets and assaulting  a farmhouse, man it's a pretty pretty amazing story.
