
[HIGHLIGHTS] Pelo Strem - Tattletail

GIVE ME A TREAT! [Full Stream] If you want to be part of the stream follow me on twitch!!! ___ ___ If you want to react to any video, make a youtube poop, remix, put it as a clip in one of your video reviews, or even subtitles for your country, is 100% ok for me, just put the credits in the description (links for the original video and channel), is not that hard, some of us want to let people know who is the creator. and Please, DO NOT REUPLOAD OR MONETIZE A COMPILATION WITH ANY VIDEO, I really don't want to report. If you have any doubts please let me know before using a video thank you for understand.

Sr Pelo

7 years ago

*噗 *咳 所以.... ㄜ...我不..我不喜歡... 我不喜歡 我真的真的不喜歡玩...你知道的... *苦笑 恐怖遊戲 啊! 因為...我-我會怕怕... 喔! 音樂! 我恨這音樂!我恨任何東西!D: 我真的會怕 *因為害怕重複而模糊 和遊戲 *抽氣 你看好可愛 好可愛 *重複 (痛苦)喔!!!看看他 他好可愛,他很好! 給我 yo- 你是 怎麼 吃東西的? 你沒有嘴巴! 我是說 你有嘴唇但是... *笑 啊哈!抓到了齁 你這屎furby(玩具名稱) *Tattletail打哈欠 喔! *Tattletail打哈欠 *Tattletail打哈欠 Tattletail:我累了... RRRRRRRR!!!!!!! Tattletail:我累了... 喔喔喔喔不!D: 我不去那裏了! 我不... *吸氣 hee HEE hee(笑聲) *笑 那是我唯一喜歡這遊戲的地方 就是- hee Hee hee 閉! *Tattletail唱歌 閉閉! *Tattletail唱歌 閉閉! *Tattletail唱歌 閉閉! *Tattletail唱歌 閉閉! *Tattletail唱歌 閉閉!
*Tattletail唱歌 *Tattletail唱歌 閉嘴! *Tattletail唱歌 閉閉! *Tattletail唱歌 閉!閉!閉!閉! *Tattletail唱歌 閉!閉! *Tattletail唱歌 和vase玩? 好喔...? (痛苦)RRR!!! (痛苦)RRR!!! 你有聽到那聲音嗎...? 不~ 不,我不要- (痛苦)啊!!! 那是一個- 浴室(*笑) [Pelo被浴室嚇到wwwww] 好..我喜歡Tattletail 它帶給我生命 它帶給這遊戲生命,hee HEE hee Tattletail:hee HEE hee (*痛苦兼笑聲) 等等,你知道嗎? 這是-和我玩的時間! 和我玩的時間! 閉閉! 閉閉! (*拍桌 閉嘴! (*Tattletail唱歌 嘿! 欸!滾出去!這是我的房子!D: (*吸氣)你是種族主義者? 就因為它是紫色的? Tattletail:車庫有好大的回音 (痛苦)RRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mama在這......? 喔不! 喔不!!! 喔!! Tattletail: 給我糖糖! 閉!!! 嘴!!! 不!!! 不
!不是現在! 好啦好啦 Tattletail: 給我糖糖! 好啦好啦 我給你糖糖 好啦! [茫奇模式啟動] 喔看! 黑色的Tattletail! ;D 給我黑色的... 把杯子蛋糕... 把杯子蛋糕... 好好.... 把點心: 杯子蛋糕- -到地下室!!! 好啊!我會把它們放到地下室啦MAMA! Tattletail:給我糖糖! 不!!! 我們現在正在開趴 ...! ...? 搭 搭 嘟 搭兜爹喔 [Tattletails: 沒有Mama!] (*PELO自嗨 VHS: Tattletail, 是我! (*PELO自嗨 那是你!Tattletail!! YUM YUM YUM (痛苦)RRRRR!!!! *前方高能 請把音量調低 否則後果自行負責!* 是聖誕節!!!!!(茫奇模式再度開啟) 是聖誕節!! 聖誕節!! 驚嚇給你們 RRRRRR!!!!!!



the “IH CHRIMAAAHH” was more of a jumpscare than all of the other jumpscares.


1:59 T: Playtime for me- Pelo: SHH SSSHHH SHH- Aggressively slams table C A L L A T E!


2:28 Pelo screaming “shut up” at this part has become an inside joke with my siblings and i


1:33 I like how Sr.Pelo just gets scared by the bathroom


1:51 was too perfect tho


tattletail: makes noises Sr pelo: SHHHH SH SHHH SHH SHH table abuse Sr pelo: C A L L A T E 1:59




Tattletail: Give me a treat Sr Pelo: SHUT UP, NO. Sr Pelo: There's no time. 2:26


Every mother when her child is 18 2:09


If you want to watch the Full stream pls wait :'D I am uploading it with my slowass internet


God it's been so long and I'm still blown away by this video


2:45 he actually thought it was a black tattletale


We need more of Pelo playing horror games bruh i made this comment 4 years ago sh




1:59 ”¡¡¡CALLATE!!!” 🤣🤣🤣 me muero


2:20 got me dying


2:00 (Tattletail: talks loud) Pelo: SHUS SHUS (hits table) Pelo:CALLATE! (Tattletail shuts up) Best moment


2:20 "I SAW BA SOBA!" "S O M A M A M A" My favorite Pelo quote


Screams: 0:21 0:42 1:00 double scream 1:20 1:29 double scream 2 1:37 XD 2:00 poor table. 2:14 2:28 double scream 3 2:57 3:18 3:20 3:32 2:39 my dissapointement is immesurable and my day is ruined