
Hiroshima Bomb 3d Animation|Hiroshima Bomb|3d animation| ai

Hiroshima Bomb Blast 3d Animation |Hiroshima Bomb Blast|Hiroshima Bomb YouTube search terms: 1. hiroshima nagasaki 2. hiroshima nagasaki bombing world war 2 real footage 3. hiroshima bombing place now 4. hiroshima bomb blast animation 5. hiroshima bomb attack anime 6. hiroshima bombing documentary netflix 7. iroshima bomb survivor 8. hiroshima bomb "Explore the chilling events of Hiroshima's atomic blast, its historic aftermath, and the resilient rise of a city from devastation. Witness the power of nuclear weapons and the pursuit of a peaceful future." Tags: History, WWII, AtomicBomb, Hiroshima, EnolaGay, LittleBoy, Peace, Resilience, NuclearWeapons, Documentary Hashtags: #HiroshimaHistory #AtomicImpact #WWIIMemories #NuclearAwareness #PeacefulFuture #ResilientCities #EnolaGayLegacy #LittleBoyBomb #HistoricalInsights #DocumentaryExplore #ai #Hiroshima bomb social media:

Future AI

11 hours ago

Welcome Back to Future AI where history comes alive today we're delving into one of the most significant and devastating events of the 20th century the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Blast join us as we explore how it happened the science behind the bomb and its profound impact on the world it was the morning of August 6th 1945 during the final stages of World War II the United States Army Air Forces deployed the atomic bomb little boy over the Japanese city of Hiroshima little boy was a uranium gun type
bomb which exploded with about 13 kilotons of force one it was loaded aboard the b29 bomber the anola gay named after the mother of its pilot Colonel Paul tibits 2 the anola gay took off from tinian island in the North Pacific carrying the bomb that would soon change the world as the aircraft approached hirosima the crew ready the bomb for release at precisely 8:15 a.m. the bomb bay door was opened and little boy was released it took 43 seconds for the bomb to fall from the aircraft descending
by Parachute before detonating approximately 600 m above the ground the explosion created a massive Fireball which engulfed the city buildings were flattened and tens of thousands of people were killed instantly the intense heat and subsequent shock wave caused unimaginable destruction in the days weeks and months that followed thousands more Su come to injuries and radiation sickness the total casualties were estimated to be between 129,000 and 226,000 people most of whom were civilians one tod
ay hirosima stands rebuilt a city that has risen from ashes embodying peace and resilience the memories of those lost and the lessons of that day remain etched in history reminding us of the devastating power of nuclear weapons and the importance of working towards a peaceful future thank you for watching if you found this video informative please like share and subscribe for more historical insights until next time keep exploring and learning
