
His Adopted Daughter Was Brutally Attacked By Gangsters, So The Ex-Con Takes Ruthless Revenge

Attempting to lead a quiet reformed life, an ex-con finds refuge in a motel run by a single mother and her daughter Clara. The peace and freedom he has found in this safe haven disappears when Clara is assaulted, forcing him to face his old demons His Adopted Daughter Was Brutally Attacked By Gangsters So The Ex-Con Takes Ruthless Revenge, His Adopted Daughter Was Brutally Attacked By Gangsters, So The Ex-Con Takes Ruthless Revenge, Daughter Was Brutally Attacked By Gangsters, Tags : Crime movie, crime show, movie review, story recapped, story, recapped, story recapped movie review, story recapped explained, story recap channel, full movie, thriller, thriller drama, drama movie, mystery movie, movie recap, story recap, detective recapped, daniel cc, daniel cc movie, sci fi, sci fi movies, sci fi review, sci fi summary, detective recapped 2, movie recap, movie summary, mystery recapped, minute movies, cinema summary, movie trailers, movie recapped, movie commentary, pink movies, movie, summary recapped, trailer, full movie, Netflix, movie recap, movie summary, mystery recapped, minute movies, cinema summary, movie trailers, movie recapped, movie commentary, movie review, pink movies, ms horror, storyline movie, General recap, story recapped, recapped movie, film recaps, movie recap scifi, movie recap, mystery recapped, movie recaps, story recapped, film recaps. fox recaps, movie recaps channel,

General Recap

7 days ago

the movie starts with a girl playing around with a  piece of paper she folds it rolls it and then sets it on fire with a lighter then we see her sitting  in a messy room full of broken chairs looking bored while chewing gum later she's shown lying  in a car and smoking on the rooftop of a hotel it seems like she is Disturbed and has nothing  productive to do then we see a man arriving at the hotel with some bags the girl sees him and  goes back back inside she's in the laundry room when the man
checks in at the front desk after a  chat with the lady at the desk the man named Dany pays up front for his stay However the lady offers  him a deal she tells him that he can do some work around the hotel instead of paying money if he  ever needs to after this Dany goes to his room but there's a surprise waiting for him as soon as  he enters a police officer puts an ankle monitor on him the officer tells Danny he has to stay in  his room from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. every day if he breaks this r
ule he'll go back to prison after  this the police officer leaves and Dany tells him to keep the door open next we see the lady from  the front desk and the girl from earlier eating together it is revealed that they are mother and  daughter the girl is named Clara and the lady is named Lawrence Lawrence is a single mother who  runs a hotel Clara asks about Dany and him being in prison and we learn that Clara's father is in  prison too Lawrence tells her that she is going to meet him on Monday bu
t she is not taking  Clara with her Clara hasn't met her dad for 3 months and she becomes upset at this at night  Clara waits in the parking lot and spots a man arriving and getting into a car as he settles in  she approaches him and obtains some weed meanwhile Danny observes this from his room's window the  next morning while Dany is having breakfast Clara enters and takes a seat at the table next to his  seeing a pack of cigarettes in front of Dany she requests one but he remains silent ignori
ng her  this frustrates Clara prompting her to try to grab the pack only to be stopped by Dany as Clara  leaves to assist Lawrence with the dishes Lawrence engages in conversation with Danny mentioning  a job opportunity she shows him a room plagued by water issues and he agrees to tackle the  task in return Lawrence pledges to wave one month's rent for his assistance they proceed to  purchase the necessary supplies after which Danny sends Lawrence ahead and makes his way back to  the hotel late
r Clara finds herself once again in the parking lot when Dany shows up disposing  of some trash curious Clara questions Dany about his silence toward her she expresses a desire to  join him for lunch to which Danny reluctant ly agrees under the condition that she remains quiet  during their lunch outing Clara bombards Dany with questions probing about his Origins and whether he  has been incarcerated Clara proceeds to answer her inquiries asserting that she knows he hails from  Denmark and has a
prison record she confides in Dany about her father's incarceration lamenting  her inability to visit him due to her mother's reluctance feeling neglected Clara questions  the fairness of her mother's actions in a tender moment Dany consoles Clara educating her about  the challenges families face when a loved one is imprisoned and urging her not to pass judgment on  her father Clara shifts the conversation inquiring about dany's family to which he reveals he does  not have children prompting Cl
ara to delve further into the matter Dany noting Clara's curious  questions accuses her of breaching their agreement attempting to distract her he demonstrates a magic  trick involving a cigarette but But ultimately refrains from executing it rising from the table  Dany engages the cashier unwittingly leaving his beer bottle behind which Clara opportunistically  takes a few sips from as they make their way back to the hotel they Traverse a vast open  space with trees and a passing train providin
g background noise during this Clara's attention is  captivated by a dog and she tugs at Dany urging him to observe despite Danny's warning that the  dog won't allow her here Clara approaches it only to have the dog Dart away puzzled Clara asks Dany  about the dog's Behavior to which he responds he doesn't trust you later while Dany is engrossed in  his work Lawrence comes to talk to him she reveals that Clara informed her about their lunch outing  Dany confirms this explaining that Clara mentio
ned she was hungry however Lawrence cautions Dany  about Clara's tendency to play games and advises him not to indulge her hearing this Dany reassures  her asserting that he has no interest in young girls and prefers women his own age after this  Lawrence insists on repaying him for the meal but Danny declines prompting Lawrence to express her  aversion to being indebted to him as night falls we find Lawrence and Dany seated at the dining  table as Dany is savoring the meal prepared by Lawrence
grateful for the hospitality Danny  inquires about settling the debt but Lawrence brushes It Off stating that her gesture of cooking  for him is her way of reciprocating the meal he provided for her daughter meanwhile in Clara's  room she busies herself preparing and smoking a joint back at the dining table Lawrence strikes  up a conversation with Dany revealing Clara's admiration for his father whom she perceives  as a hero Danny reassures Lawrence explaining that it's natural for children to i
dolize their  parents Danny mentions to Lawrence that Clara told him she can't visit her dad because her mother  won't allow it Lawrence agrees explaining that prison isn't a suitable place for children and  reveals that Clara's father is due for release in a few months however Danny notices a lack  of enthusiasm in Lawrence's tone and inquires further reluctantly Lawrence discloses that  Clara's father plans to leave her for a younger woman a teacher he met through a prison program  despite Law
rence's somber Revelation Danny lets out a small chuckle prompting Lawrence to question  his reaction Danny apologized es admitting that he's heard similar stories before understanding  the sensitivity of the situation Lawrence tells Danny not to disclose this information to Clara  the following day Danny heads to the diner where he's spoken to a woman named Nadia about potential  employment Nadia leads him to the kitchen where he's offered a job as a dishwasher due to their  broken machine nece
ssitating handwashing after Dawning the necessary attire Danny dives into his  work scrubbing dishes walls and sinks diligently Nadia brings him food and they engage in light  conversation during which Danny Reveals His Name once Nadia departs Danny proceeds to eat his  meal before modifying his shoes to accommodate the ankle monitor he then completes his tasks  including inspecting the broken dishwasher as Danny arrives at the cafe he spots Lawrence  behind the bar and requests a beer they enga
ge in conversation over their drinks but Danny soon  notices the time approaching 7:00 p.m. on the clock realizing he's about to be late he hastily  bids farewell to Lawrence and rushes back to the hotel when he gets back he quickly picks up the  phone call from his parole officer he tells them he was late because it was his first day at his  new job however the parole officer scolds him saying he should have told them earlier to change  his schedule he warns him sternly that if he's late again
he'll go back to prison meanwhile  Clara is in the laundry room when her phone rings revealing Lawrence on the other end Lawrence  informs Clara that she will be back late at night and advises her to eat and go to bed after this  sensing clar's concern about her father Lawrence delivers the heartbreaking news and tells her  that he won't be coming back as he's chosen to leave them behind this news shocks Clara and  she does not say anything to her mother about it meanwhile passing by the laundry
room Danny  overhears Clara's tearful conversation prompting a sense of empathy within him Danny is busy working  in the room when Clara knocks on his door but he doesn't respond she then tries knocking on his  window but before Dany can react the man who gave her weed earlier arrives in a car Clara gets into  the car with him but things take a dark turn when he forces her into trying cocaine and assaults her  meanwhile Danny is enjoying a cup of coffee inside when he hears a scream Pierce thro
ugh the air he  rushes outside to find Clara running towards the hotel pursued by the man just as the man catches  up to her and she falls Dany intervenes only to have the asent pull a gun on him unfaced Danny  stands his ground causing the man to flee quickly Danny rushes to CLA aside placing her in the  bathtub and helping her remove her sweater to warm her up sensing her shock and coldness he  urges her to stay awake as he showers her face with water when Clara becomes agitated Dany gently  r
estrains her assisting her in washing herself and offering comfort as she stops afterward Dany  wraps her in a towel and guides her to a nearby room where he offers her a cigarette and inquires  about the identity of the as salant however Clara rebuffs his questions insisting on being left  alone as she curls up on the bed concerned for her safety Dany tries to persuade her to leave but  Clara remains adamant revealing her despair over her father's absence later at dawn Dany finds  himself outsi
de puffing on a cigarette as the sun begins to rise he then heads to work where he  attempts to repair the malfunctioning dishwasher despite his efforts the dishwasher remains out of  order prompting Dany to resort to heating water manually to wash the dishes however he does  not back off and persists in his efforts to fix the dishwasher and eventually succeeds  meanwhile at the hotel Lawrence approaches Dany expressing concern about Clara's condition  she reveals that Clara has bruises covering
her body which she attri uted to a school fight the  Lawrence remains skeptical Danny however claims not to have seen anything unusual suspicious of  Foul Play Lawrence suspects that Clara may have been assaulted but Clara remains tight lipped  Danny advises Lawrence to remain patient in her approach the following day while Dany is busy  washing dishes using the repaired dishwasher at work he catches sight of the man responsible for  Clara's ordeal sitting at a table in the diner seizing the op
portunity Danny confronts the man  as he leaves and delivers a severe beating his retribution for his actions after rendering  the man unconscious and leaving him in the passenger seat Danny speeds off into the woods  he gets really mad and punches the car's roof in frustration exiting the vehicle he discovers  a bottle of flammable fuel in the trunk with rage still coursing through him Danny takes the  tank and covers the man and the car in fuel then retrieves his blooded hoodie saturating it w
ith  the remaining fuel with Trembling Hands he ignites the makeshift torch with his lighter before  leaving it inside the car Danny swiftly departs the scene but unbeknownst to him a homeless  man Witnesses this harrowing event returning to work Danny is clinging the gun when Nadia  unexpectedly enters the kitchen prompting him to hurriedly conceal the weapon Nadia admonishes  him for his absence before he retreats to wash and tend to his injured Knuckles concealing the  gunun inside the dishwa
sher Danny attempts to resume his duty at the hotel Lawrence arrives  visibly distressed and informs Danny that the police had visited inquiring about the man's death  sensing Lawrence's anguish Danny hesitates before reluctantly recounting what happened to Clara  overwhelmed with emotion Lawrence breaks down in tears but Dany honoring his promise to Clara  refrains from divulging the full truth however as Lawrence begins to piece together the events her  shock turns to anger demanding to know w
hy Danny did go to the authorities despite her Fury Danny  manages to calm Lawrence down pleading for her understanding in this tumultuous situation the  following day Danny resumes his routine at work but his day takes an unexpected turn when Clara  arrives clutching an HIV testing kit concerned she asks if she can perform the test there and Danny  assists her through the process fortunately the results come back negative relieving Clara and she  Embraces Danny before departing in the following
days Danny carries on with his life finding  Solace and distraction with Nadia meanwhile conversations between Dany and Lawrence turned  to Clara's father with Lawrence expressing her Newfound resentment towards him however tensions  escalate when two menacing individuals accompanied by the homeless witness confront Dany at work  recognizing him as the perpetrator behind the burning of their Associates drugs the first man  demands restitution when Danny refuses the second man resorts to violenc
e striking Dany in a fit  of self-defense Danny retaliates driving off the aggressors fearing further reprisals Danny  retrieves the hidden gun from the dishwasher and conceals it beneath a nearby dumpster near the  hotel hoping to keep it out of sight and Out Of Reach later Danny somberly informs Clara that he  must leave but their conversation is interrupted by the sound of a barking dog sensing danger Danny  urges Clara to seek shelter indoors suddenly a mask disent appears firing shots at th
em swiftly  Danny grabs Clara and ushers her into the store room with quick thinking Danny cats the power  plunging the hotel Into Darkness as the menacing figures of the masked men are seen on the hotel  premises while they are looking around the hotel Danny seizes the opportunity to slip away engaging  in a tense Pursuit with the man outside another member of the group attempts to intercept Dany  but Dany gets rid of him after this Dany retrieves the hidden gun from the dumpster and turns the 
tables fatally shooting one of the asants as the confrontation escalates Dany finds himself locked  in a brutal physical struggle with the remaining attacker Dany resorts to biting his opponent's  neck in a desperate bid for survival in a final Act of defiance Dany gets his hands on the Fallen  as salant gun however Clara intervenes pleading for mercy and halting Danny's vengeful impulse  cesing seing the opportunity Danny flees into the night shedding his ankle monitor in a symbolic  Act of Li
beration with the help of Lawrence Danny escapes biding her a heartfelt farewell as he  disappears into the darkness meanwhile Clara seeks Solace enclosure finding comfort in the  company of her father at The Familiar Chinese Diner where she even manages to befriend the once  unapproachable dog this is where the movie ends remember to subscribe and turn on notifications  so you can watch more movies like this thanks for watching



What Did You Think About This Movie? A Bluebird In My Heart (2018)


Nice vid this is def Gunna help me sleep 😅


yaaaaaaas gooood video habit


Good review but I wish GR would post the movie name and the country. It's like there is a third of the movie missing...


The daughter is a terrible host.her actions torwads the guest is just a horrible experience


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