
Hixson-Lied Science Building

The Hixson-Lied Science Building is home to several undergraduate science programs including physics, chemistry and math, and the professional programs for pharmacy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. The building connects the Rigge Science Building and the Criss Health Sciences Complex, which houses our College of Nursing and School of Medicine. Schedule a visit to Creighton ➡ View our academic programs ➡ Apply to Creighton ➡

Creighton University

8 months ago

I'm Ella and we're here in the Hixson-Lied  Science Building atrium. Hixson-Lied Science Building is home to our physics, chemistry and  math departments here at Creighton. There's also lots of research opportunities that are  really easy for freshmen to get involved in. It also connects the Rigge Science Lab  Buildings and the Criss Nursing Complex.
