
Hokuto no Ken - Kenshiro vs Raoh - Ken-Oh Last Stand

Anime: Hokuto no Ken Episode: 107 - 108 Song: Shape of Lies by Eternal Eclipse Instagram: #Kenshiro_vs_Raoh#Hokuto_no_Ken

Kenshiro 🐐

2 years ago

رأو, لن تسيطر على السماوات ستموت هنا مع طموحك لم أعد مهتما بالسماوات حتى أنا قلبي حافل بالدماء و الحزن ماذا؟ ذاك يوريا بسبب حياتها اتقنت الموسو تينسي يوريا...أعطيني حياتك سامحيني الأن كل شيء سينتهي لقد كانت رحلة طويلة علي أن أشكر الإله لإرسال رجل قوي مثلك أمامي من المحال أن أتراجع بل أتقدم فقط بمكنني رؤيتهما, عندما كانا طفلان رأو الهجوم القادم سيكون فراقنا الأخير ذلك الأخ الأكبر المدهش رأو الذي كنا أنا وتوكي نطمح لنكون مثله حتى الآن ذلك الشعور لم يختفي و لا يزال يحترق في قلبي كينشيرو! خذ هذه الق
بضة بكامل روحي عد إلى السماء يا كينشيرو أنا...رأو...أرتعد؟ رأو...يرتعد رأو...هذا ما يسمى الخوف



its so sad that HnK and similar animes don't get the love they deserve anymore , its all about waifus , cute stuff and unmanly people mostly doing unmanly things . WE NEED TO BRING MUSCLES BACK INTO ANIME 🦍💪❤


Awesome editing




Impressive, very nice


much better than remake


With the recent release of Tekken 8, I hope Katsuhiro Harada will consider Kenshiro to be the guest character like Akuma did in Tekken 7 but there is problems..... Kenshiro will be nerfed a lot because if Hokuto Shinken is a moveset, it will be very op due to its diverse amount of move not just the damage but effect it will inflict as well, especially Musou Tensei that make him literally untouchable and Tenha Kosatsu that basically unblockable. Lorewise if he is involved in battling Kazuya, he will be defeated under 1 minutes and Jin and the gang is just there doing nothing but watching Kenshiro kicking his ass, many people don't realise this but Kenshiro is stronger than most Street Fighter, Tekken, KOF and Baki fighter combined lol


Roah never mastered muso tensei( or shichi tensi) only kenshiro did after unlocking of the seal of hokuto Soken


Where did you get such high quality episodes


Raoh ha perso solo per amore...m


Where the hole on raoh hand lol


I always wondered what technique Kenshiro used here @2:10. It looks like he punches through Raoh's fist but he didn't