
Holes in clothes? That's fashion didn't you know! | Family Feud Ghana

If you've never had a pair of socks with at least one hole somewhere, then have you ever owned a pair of socks?? They make all sorts of clothing where it's covered in holes, but Steve Harvey is going find out exactly what... a belt is a good answer? #FamilyFeudAfrica Welcome to The Official FAMILY FEUD AFRICA YouTube Channel! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Go to our website:

Family Feud Africa

2 years ago

- All right, ladies. Surveyed a hundred people, top eight answers on the board. Name something you wear that has holes in it. (buzzer rings) - Socks. - Socks. (audience claps) (board dings) (audience cheers) - Jeans. - Jeans. (audience claps) (board dings) (audience claps) Pass or play? - We're gonna play. - We're gonna play. Let's go. (audience claps) Well, what do you do? - Well, I'm a graduate student and a gender activist. - What does that mean? - Well, fighting for equality between the sexe
s. (audience claps) (Zainab laughs) - Introduce everybody. - Okay. We have Comfort here, Samson, and Emmanuella. Comfort is my sister from another mother. We are all friends. We've been friends for quite some time now. - Oh, okay. (audience claps) So Comfort, how are you? - Fine, thank you, Steve. - Yes. What do you do? - Well, I'm a graduate student as well, and I'm also into humanitarian activities. - Humanitarian activities. - Yeah. (audience claps) Yeah. - When you say humanitarian activitie
s, be more specific, like you are? - I take about 50 volunteers to rural areas. - Yes. - In Ghana, and we spend like a whole week, sometimes a month in remote areas in Ghana. And we make sure that by the time we leave, we make an impact, put smiles on the faces of the people in the community. - Yeah. - Either through education. - Right, there you go. I got it. Developments. - Yes, developments basically. - I gotcha. That's good. (audience claps) All right, Comfort. Let's play the game. Name some
thing you wear that has holes in it. - So Steve, I'll say a lace dress. (audience claps) - Good answer. Good answer. - Yay. (Comfort laughs) Yay. One of my favorites. You got a dress with some holes in it. Yay. Put the dress with some holes in it. (board dings) (audience cheers) Samson. How you doing, man? - I'm okay, Steve. - Yeah. What do you do? I teach and then I travel with groups to tour. - So, when you're on these tours, you like go to other countries and towns? - Yes. Perfect. So we go t
o other countries, South Africa, Italy, Dubai, Singapore, and stuff. - You've been to Italy? Where you go in Italy? I like Italy. I go there every year with my wife. Where you go in Italy? You've been to Italy? - No. (audience laughs) - So when I said, you go to Italy, where have you been to Italy? He said, "I've never been." (audience laughs) He just said. (Comfort laughs) Did y'all hear it? - [Audience] Yes. - So, Samson? - Yes. - So, no. Yes, please. (audience laughs) - Okay, so, yes, please.
- So, you, this touring you do? - [Samson] Yes. - You travel? - [Samson] Yes, please. - And so you traveled to... - South Africa. - Mhm. - Singapore. - You didn't say. Don't be trying to add Singapore. (Comfort and Samson laugh) So you go to South Africa, Singapore. - Yes. - Dubai. - Yes. The Italy vacation has not yet been executed. - We are going to Italy to be executed. (audience laughs) (audience claps) - Well, I wouldn't get on the plane if I was you. Not flying over there to get executed.
they gon have to come find me in one of these remote villages. Okay. I got you, man. Very good. Yeah. So how do you, you're friends with all the ladies? - Yes, please. (audience laughs) We're in school together. - Oh, okay, in school together. Yeah, are you married? - No, please. - Yeah, no. (audience laughs) You can't have all these pretty friends and then, you know, be married. So you the only single dude in the group? - Steve? - Yes, please. - Yes, please. - Yes. (audience laughs) And so whe
n you all travel, you travel with a lot of women. - Sometimes. Sometimes, but usually. Usually. (audience laughs) - You travel with a lot of women? - Yes. - Sometimes? Usually? - Usually. (audience laughs) - So, you're very smart, man. - Thank you, Steve. - I Like you, man. - I like you, too. I love you, Steve. (audience claps) - Well, Samson. That was... That was a lot. That was a lot. - Okay. Okay, okay. - I was just taking it step by step. - [Samson] Okay. Yeah. - I would just want to like yo
u first. - Okay. Then we'll keep it at a like. - Just keep it to like right now. - Yes. Yes. - All right, Samson. Welcome to the show, buddy. - Thank you, Steve. - Let's play the game. Name something you wear that has holes in it. - I'll go with belt. - Yeah. (audience claps) - The belt. - [Emmanuella] Good answer. (board buzzes) Oh. - That was a smart answer. That was very smart. - Emmanuella. - Hi, Steve. - Hello, darling. - Hi, Steve. - Wonderful. How are you? - I'm fine, thank you. How are y
ou? - Good, good. What do you do? - All right. So I'm a marketing personnel in the bank. - Name something you wear that has holes in it. - I'll go with a shirt, Steve. A shirt. - A shirt. (audience claps) (board dings) (Emmanuella cheers) - Z... Zainab. - Yes, Steve. - Name something you wear that has holes in it. - Well, I'll go with a hairnet. (Zainab laughs) - A hairnet. (audience laughs) (board dings) (audience cheers) All right. Only one strike, Comfort. Name something you wear that has hol
es in it. - Steve, I'll go with shoes. - Shoes. (audience claps) (board dings) (audience cheers) Boy, here we go. This is my man right here. Samson. Come on, baby. Name something you wear that has holes in it. - This time, I'll go with trousers or shorts. - Because you thinking this time, you want your answer to be up there. 'Cause you the only one getting strikes right now. - Yes, please. Yes. - I mean, all the girls is just bam, bam, bam. You, belt, err. - Oh. Oh. - And so you need to. - [Sams
on] Yeah. - You've gotta stay in the groove. - Yes. - 'Cause y'all friends, and if you don't answer one of these questions, they're going to put you out the group. - I know. I know. - No more touring for you. - Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. - You can forget about that execution package deal. (audience laughs) I was going trousers. (board buzzes) - [Audience] Aww. (audience claps) - Yeah. This is two strikes right here. Y'all didn't hear what he said when his answer wasn't up that way. Err. He went,
"Ooh." (audience laughs) Ooh. I am not going to be in the group anymore. (Samson laughs) - Emmanuella, we got two strikes now. We gotta be careful. Dubanas family can steal. Name something you wear that has holes in it. - I wear this a lot. A skirt. I'll go with a skirt. - A skirt. (audience claps) (board buzzes) (audience gasps) - Underwear, underwear, underwear, underwear. Underwear, underwear, underwear. Underwear. - Ladies, name something you wear that has holes in it. - [Team Member] Underw
ear. - My team and I have collaborated, and we think it's underwear. - Underwear. It's up there, Steve. (audience claps) - Now, let me ask you. Since you all collaborated, let me ask you something, ladies. Now, these holes that's in this underwear that you have on, are these holes that's in there, are you talking about a tear? - Wear and tear, Steve. - Oh, no, no. Let me finish. (Salma and Khadija laugh) Or did you buy the underwear with the holes in it? (audience laughs) - Wear and tear. - Yes,
with the holes. - The one that accidentally comes. Yeah. - Oh, yeah, right. Okay, good. Holes in the underwear. (board dings) (upbeat music plays) (group cheers) (audience claps) Number eight. (board dings) - [Audience] Singlet. Vest. (upbeat music plays) (upbeat music ends)
