
Home of spoof: Megan meets Chris on Halloween and the explosion is a total ruin! Dumplings Become

惡搞之家:梅根萬聖節豔遇克里斯,爆炸情節讓人三觀盡毀! 餃子成為最大贏家丨Family Guy【馬大嘴聊美漫】#funny #美漫 #配音秀 大家好,這裡是【馬大嘴聊美漫】頻道 專注美漫解說三十年,騷話連篇的非主流動漫解說! 搞笑動漫吐槽,一起發現快樂~ 喜歡美漫的!幫忙點個訂閱支持一下吧~ 【 / @mdzliaommx #Family Guy#惡搞之家#动漫#动漫解说#搞笑 嚴正聲明:此頻道內容均為獨家授權,未經授權禁止任何人搬運,近期已經在YouTube平台開始維權,如有盜版冒充可留言~ 我們強調了影片內容的合規性,絕對沒有任何違反規定的行為。


2 hours ago

It was another Halloween year. After Chris blackened his face Wanna cos Bill Cosby But Louis doesn't want this stupid kid to come out like this. If he's wandering around with a black face on his face... would be considered racist Then he backhanded and asked him to wear the Indian chief's clothes. These are just small things And the most important thing is This year's Halloween is the first since the dumplings were born So when he saw the demons and ghosts all over the street At that time, he wa
s very scared. The whole people were so frightened that they began to tremble. So in order to protect their own safety He decided to deal with these strange monsters himself. all right you dead boss it's time to send you back to hell a hey stewie all set to go trick or treating well what the hell you doing we're under attack brian by zombies in vampires on a mican princess steee those aren't monsters their kids they're trick or treaters trick or treat or Brian. Quickly explain to dumplings what
is called Halloween children's exclusive activities If you don't make it clear The dumplings will be mowed directly in the crowd. Time came to the night Megan wore a sexy wildcat outfit Ready to go out for his first big Senior high school Halloween party Look at that. It's a little horny. At the same time Dumplings are also dressed in a cute duck suit go downstairs The heart of Louis is adorable. But dumplings specifically stressed that they are not ordinary ducks but bitten by a vampire Vampire
s are prepared in advance. But dumplings look at the streets full of monster shape Still some trepidation Brian comforted him. Don't worry and encouraged him to go to the mayor's house and ask for candy there you go a cornish game hen for you a cornish game hen for you everybody gets a hen would you like some gravy sure you'd like some grav After a night of fighting The dumplings have got a lot of candy Your pockets are full. But when he was ready to go to the next house Suddenly I found that Br
ian, who had been following me, did not know where to go. At this time, three older children came to the dumplings. At first glance, it is not a good thing. But dumpling is a one-year-old child after all Never been bullied. Haven't realized what's going to happen Always greeted them with enthusiasm. So when the big kids ask for his candy He's kind of nice To divide them a little But what he didn't expect They just copied the house. After that, he also laughed at the clothes of dumplings. It's ri
diculous Leaving only dumplings in situ incompetent rage Dumpling finally met Brian on the way home Sad to say Someone robbed him of his candy This is his first Halloween Gotta get the candy back See so Brian could only sigh promised to help Let's go back to Megan's side. She's hanging out with her girlfriends. Begin to fantasize about the affair later. Steel tooth sister said At the Halloween party As long as you wear a mask Even if it looks ugly again That can also get a period of adolescent l
ove If they all wear masks too The boys at school don't recognize them. And there's a better chance of meeting up. At the Halloween party Megan sits around with everyone wearing a cat mask. Play a game of turning the bottle Men and women of the opposite sex pointed at by the mouth of a bottle You can go to the storage room and stay alone for ten minutes. The next person to choose is Megan. As he turns the bottle The mouth of the bottle pointed to an Optimus Prime. They were also given the opport
unity to use the storage room. This is very exciting for Megan. The first time in my life is coming. But fate never saw Megan The host found Megan in the storage room and never came out. Delay others continue to play the game you guys oh my god chris meg ah oh my god what are you doing here try to grab some boo from your sister I didn't know it was you who did you think it was so bench who cares oh oh my god oh we did so much shut up shut up shout we're disgusting we're disgrace to our fami All
right. Let's look at the dumplings here. After they find the three animals Dumplings wanted to get the candy back. But Brian said As an adult dog Do not use violence against children. He's got to reason with him calmly When the time comes, we will naturally return the candy. Uh, how do you say that? the idea is quite good But the problem is that the three Chusheng don't care about this. After they tricked Brian into the corner hey hey what you doing tm hey let me go no no oh my god you look so c
ute what is that spray paint yeah those little punks want to war and now they've got one hey here is someone who might understand how you feel hey how are you doing first day be pink yeah welcome to hell It's clear that quality education doesn't work Dumplings said viciously I'll just cut off all three of them later. Just bring back the candy. And Brian was probably mad. Even agreed to this idea So they sneak into the vicinity of the three animals. After setting good goals Dumplings with the hel
p of Brian Slowly climb up the roof Then he took out a bazooka. trying to bully those people into handing over candy But... guys guys guys I don't want to ot my own horn here but I think that was me there's only one thing to do now go to plan B mo Louis took dumplings and stuck them in front of their homes. The other's parents are quite reasonable. Always apologizing to Louis. Louis told them to return the candy But when the older child returned the candy to the dumplings Louis smiled. Then quic
kly change face Let the big boy give his candy to the dumpling too If you don't agree Then they're out of luck. well all right that's what I'm talking about yeah serious problem good now going your purse take out forty dollars and put it in a bag all right all right lewis you kind of scarcely now I don't have forty dollars all right I understand I'll be back tomorrow for the eighty dollars and I'm taking your welcome mat Although this bowl has been quite bumpy But the dumplings ended up with a l
ot of sugar. Overall a very memorable Halloween To express our gratitude and condolences for Brian's help Kid also allowed him to pick some favorite candy to take away Right at the moment Chris and Megan came home with a melancholy face. Brian soon smelled a sweet and shy breath All of a sudden, Chris was stunned. I really don't know what to say you know what I don't care I hooked up with a chick tonight and I am pretty dark and proud of myself you're right chris I hooked up with a guy tonight a
high school guy and I think maybe he'll call tomorrow you may disappointed OK, that's all for today's story. What do you want to say Can point a concern Message interaction Love you Mwah
