
Home updates, New Bag and Jewellery plus Important Girl Talk | Tamara Kalinic

In This Video: I unpack from busy fashion month and pack again during this video. I also show you some new, beautiful Missoma and Hermes pieces and discuss with you some beauty topics. This video contains an integrated partnership with Missoma. NEW BLOG: NEWSLETTER SIGN-UP: MY COLLECTIONS - ———— ✨MISSOMA PIECES I MENTION: Dome Ridge stud earrings- Ripple oversized studs- Ripple silver plated earrings- Other oversized studs- Ovate double link hoops- Mismatched pearl earrings- Necklace- Missoma trending pieces- ———— ✨I WORE: Knit- Earrings- Pants- ———— ✨HERMÉS NEW IN: Coat (similar)- Trousers (similar)- Belt (similar)- Santorini sandals- Bag- ———— ✨BEAUTY: CT lip cheat- Buxom lip liner- CT lipstick- Pat McGrath lip gloss- Buxom plumping lip gloss- Buxom lip gloss- LED mask- ---- Refy brow- Hourglass palette- Kosas concealer- Brushes- Ice Roller- CT concealer- Sponge- Westman Atelier foundation- L’Eauxygénante- Kosas brow- Patrick Ta palette- Chanel blush- Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat- Buxom Lip liner- Buxom Lip cream- Chanel lash primer- Gucci mascara- ———— ✨CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: BLOG: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: Disclaimer: All opinions and views are my own. I sometimes use affiliate links. Love, Tamara xo

Tamara Kalinic

4 days ago

now we have one that I didn't mention yet in here and I really really love this bag so I think you're going to have to as always pause this video to make a little guess good morning guys and home sweet home oh guys I'm so happy to be home I can't even tell you like how nice it is to be in my comfy clothes in this setup I'll be very honest with you I feel like I have been so long on tour that I don't even want to go on a holiday I want to stay home I'm loving it it's amazing and I want to take tw
o days just to like take care of myself to get facials get my hair done to moisturize my skin and my body and do all of those wonderful things that you finally get to do after an intense period of work the thing is like I have so many things that I want to speak to you guys about that I don't even know where to start now first things first I actually have so much to talk to you about we have some home updates which I think is quite like useful to discuss I have you will notice that I'm quite a l
ittle bit more maybe shinier than usually I will discuss about a skin procedure that I have done recently while I was in Paris I want to tell you so many things I also have some new jewelry moments to share with you and some new airs purchases to show you in this video yep mhm you heard that well but first things first I actually wanted to show you a little lip combo that I have discovered during the fashion month now I think you guys know me and I'm not somewhat that gatee keeps you will see th
ese are like products from one two three different brands so it's not like a branded content it's just genuinely I discovered the most insane lip combo that I look at and I'm thinking how is it possible that these are my lips and I want to show you before and after so you can see like the hugest transformation you have ever seen what do you think about that I'm just thinking it's a gray gloomy awful day in Milan which it never really is usually at home I have like such a nice natural light but I
think for one I want to show you I might need some light so let's start with that let me just go grab it and we start okay I'm setting up let's the light situation right is it too bright I don't know I think like for showing you makeup maybe it will be good maybe it's too bright hold on I think this is better right so anyway you can see my skin you can see everything and like I said I will talk about like my skin and stuff that I've done a little bit later but first things first obviously this
is my nothing on my lips right now right so natural color quite pale if you think about it maybe I have a bit of foundation on them accidentally not sure but this I have like two lip pencils that I really want to talk to you about they're insane first one is shalot tilb lip cheat in iconic nude obsessed with that color it's more like brownie nude or like more like grayish brownie nude and this one is more like a flesh color as you can see this is from from bookum and I need to order a ton of the
se I don't know what shade it is in I'll link it below so anyway what I love about this also is that you don't need to sharpen it now I know that overlining is not the chest thing in the world to do but I'm going to show you what you can achieve with this lip liner it's insane it's not like overlining as in to create bigger lips it's more like perfecting it to create the shadow effect around the lips which makes them look completely different so I go in with this lip liner I hope it's going to w
ork cuz I have got a mirror so first I'm going to look completely ridiculous like ridiculous okay there's a lot of lining the you see ridiculous and then you use this brush over here at the back this brush is magic magic and you go like this you start blending this in that it almost looks like you're wiping it off but you blend it inside okay doing this without a mirror is really crazy and now lips look 25,000 times bigger but I like to also go with a concealer brush brush on the outside a littl
e bit you see so this is like a different lip shape completely for me now lip product that I really like if you use this lipstick which is charot icon baby I've spoken about this before this stays on for the whole day love it look at this just so you can see the color look at this lip combination this compar this to how it was before two different lips but then I really love this lip product this is now from p gr I've spoken about this before I will link this as well below because I think it's o
ne of the most beautiful lip glosses on earth look at this color how is it possible to achieve this kind of effect with makeup with these three products however I also have a incredible experience with the bookum lip glosses that I've tried these are like lip maximizing glosses and I like my lips to look like this when I wear makeup like if it's kind of like a very special event where I'll be taking pictures and things like that but I don't want my lips to look like this every day so so it's not
like oh obviously I don't like the effect on myself of lips that are done so I like when I can achieve this effect with makeup but obviously each to their own right not everybody wants to you know do this with makeup but if you use this lip product guys the way the lips look plump juicy you know the little lines on the lips they completely disappear also with this now using it over this product is not ideal but it's just like a lip Plumping thing that you you can also apply just over the lip li
ner itself the lips look best ever it is stinging like you cannot imagine but these two I have like this one the juicy one you see like this bottle here it's actually really really Plumping this one is more like a gloss this one is more like extreme plump situation so I just wanted to share these lip products with you I will link them all below I think they're honestly for me personally the most incredible lip Discovery I've ever ever had in my life and it's unbelievable for me that I can look m
aybe I'll try and insert before and after two different lips in 5 minutes I don't know how that is possible but look at this if you see me and I look like in the morning like I have no lips and then in the evening I look like I have huge lips or like completely different shape lips or whatever just know that it is makeup because I love you guys and because I do not like to gatekeep and you ask me so much about my lip combo I had to share that well that was the first thing that I wanted to share
with you as we all know there's more that I want to tell you and first thing is like we are finally coming to a point where we're getting a lot of things updated in the house my makeup vanity table is getting built we're finally getting a table for this part of the living room we're already talking about getting a TV which Philipa and I are in two minds about like because we just don't really watch TV if I can say so but whatever so we're kind of finalizing things and what's really exciting is t
hat our final chairs for the dining room have arrived and it took forever are you ready to see them let's show them to you also I have have now switched the light off so there's me without the light so you can see better as well so home sweet home you guys know everything is the same well not everything is the same actually we have framed this photograph from yanella it is a slob of marble actually I don't know if you can see here it is and we finally framed it I love that but here we go these a
re our new pet chairs that have arrived and Philip and I were both so into the design and obviously you know ran is very trendy popular but also these are such classic chairs I don't really know if this shows well on camera I don't think so but these are our new chairs okay now that room over there looks like this so a little bit different because there's that contrast edit with the dark chairs what you guys think let me know I am so used to the older like very pale light Vibe but I think this i
s much more like design strong and shows our character a little bit more this bouquet over here you guys know I literally have the most incredible fian in the world this is what I got when I got home it says another fashion month is gone and as always you killed it baby endlessly proud of you and also my favorite colors of flowers I love when spring comes for all of these beautiful beautiful shades and I just think filipo like I don't even know what to say about this man he's just the best okay
we quick relocated here familiar place so this is my makeup of the day which I actually have on because this morning I had like several meetings and lots of things to do so you guys know how it works so there are a few things that I want to share with you by the way like how cute is that pop of orange that wasn't there before I actually want to talk to you about jewelry novelty in my wardrobe you might have already noticed something new on my ears and guys I am obsessed with vintage looking jewe
lry it doesn't necessarily have to be vintage because I'm also particular with obviously the state of the pieces and how they are and how well they're made Etc but this morning I opened something new wait I'm trying to find where it came from I think it came from here yep it came from this little box and this was the pouch in which I found these earrings these are my very brand new M my earrings now I think like if you ask me what jewelry I wear the most is probably I think necklaces in earrings
is that right and especially when it comes to M I love their necklaces and their earrings we know that right we know they like chubby Hoops the bigger kind of chunkier earrings that they produce how much I have actually worn them I think it's insane now you might be wondering what are these earrings and these are actually oversized studs I love how they suit me especially like this morning I went to this appointment and I wore Old Brown look right I had my jeans but I had like a brown sweater I
had like Brown coat my brown bag and these were the earrings that I chose for the appointment so cuz they're like so chunky like chunky oversized studs they actually brought such a nice amount of light to my face and that's what I really love about earrings I also think that the design of these earrings is really vintage like which makes them super super super special but I'll take this off for now because I have more to show you which I'm sure you guys excited about already so first of all I d
on't know about you but both my sister and I we got very excited when we saw the Misa new packaging I think it's really beautiful like the minty colored boxes let me show you I have few here around me so sorry like look at this blue and the green the blue and the green are so cute love it well anyway in the other box and pouch we have another pair of oversized studs which I'm trying to decide which ones I prefer but they're quite different actually so I I will link all of these products below so
you guys can check them out as well just to compare the two that you have just seen so these were the ones that I had in my ear and these are the ones that I'm going to put on right away so I can't quite explain I think they look very chic also not like I love these which one do you prefer did I put this on the right ear I wonder if there's like a way that they should be but I normally don't really follow rules like that so it doesn't really matter I also want to keep unboxing what we have arou
nd us so that we can see everything right so over here we have more earrings because your girl likes her earrings I just think okay let me put things in perspective for you I personally believe I have a lot of jewelry I have a lot of pieces I believe that these oversized studs that you have just seen are the earrings of the Year these are the ones that I will be wearing whole summer I think like I don't have to really style my ear game because I can just wear these I think they look very expensi
ve they're obviously made of incredible quality because I love and I have been wearing Mima jewelry since I've known myself and I've been working with the brand for the longest time now but I really really believe in their quality I love that it's like a woman's Leed brand I love the founder Marisa she's just like such an inspiration when you listen to her talk about each project like each design each kind of idea that she had and she developed from the idea to the actual item I think it's just
like so inspiring from woman to woman to kind of have that flow and that work and that passion put into product that then looks like this so anyway I think that this is the item of the earrings of the year are these two obviously I will show you more products right now but I just wanted to kind of put an accent on these because I really really really love them and like I said I will link them below as the first two products so anyway I'm the kind of like gir that wears mostly gold jewelry and I
got these two but this collection of oversized studs has actually four different styles and there's a mix of silver and gold and I'm now thinking I should also get a pair of silver because like I have actually when it comes to those like big statement earrings I have a pair of one pair of silver earrings but I wor I wore them a lot did at one point Filip was like you wear these earrings a lot so I feel like I need to get another pair I'll insert a picture of different oversized studs in the coll
ection and I will link them actually all below so you guys can check them out because they are my absolute favorites and I really feel like I can vouch for their quality I wear them every day you guys know I should not really be saying this I wore my Mis jewelry at the beach in the shower probably not recommended maybe I won't be like washing my hair with these because they're a little bit bigger but like you know your girl I get so much scolding for you guys for wearing my jewelry at the beach
and stuff like that but it's just who I am and also the jewelry is kind of part of me and my personality so I could not not mention that because I've had Misa jewelry last me years and years and through lots of different Adventures let's just say that but I also got these because I like the mix of gold and silver these are like Hoops but they're kind of like chain Hoops because they're two different Hoops attached to each other look at this so some of you might prefer something more simple like
this just thought I'd show you my new jewelry because then I have to show you also some other newness that I have because during Fashion Week I didn't really show you lots of newness how beautiful these are very like understated completely different but I'm just more into vintage design pieces now can you blame me okay so next little orange pouch I think you guys are going to love these I love asymmetric jewelry I think filipo is the same actually we both like things that are not like same same
or I don't know how to explain it but they're a little bit more special in design and look at these earrings they have like this gold kind of very special detailing and then the asymmetric pearls look at this I love and then here we have this I'm just like a girl that loves earrings because I think earrings they really really add a lot to every look you know like I said for me it's just you know something quite that adds like statement pieces like I like one big ring or big earrings anyway I als
o have a gorgeous chain because I have some dainty chains but I feel like this one is quite nice and chunky look at this for when I need this kind of necklace in my collection you see I like these kind of necklaces with corsets for example with something really low cut or over a knit because when I wear a net you can't really see a dainty necklace and now to go back to kind of give you a 360 of everything I still think these are my favorites the ones that I started with are the ones that I love
the most what you guys think what are your favorites I'm indecisive between this initially I thought these will be my favorites but I think now I think these are I just love them very very very much what do you guys think do you like them I really like them I think I'm going to stain them later on today I want to give my hair a lot of love I'm going to wash it I'm going to keep the mask in for like 30 minutes at least because honestly guys after the fashion month and styling the hair pretty much
every single day I just feel like I owe it to my hair you know so while I still have my kind of hair done in some way and I have my makeup on I thought would be nice time to show you what I got from Misa like I said really strongly recommending I love love love the oversized studs I love the Vintage like jewelry and M is and has been My Chosen brand for years so I strongly recommend them check the links in the description box below check the products it's a 10 out of 10 for me and I'm super gra
teful to have Muma as my ongoing partner for years now over here next to me I have lots of stuff that I want to show you and also the reason why I want to show you everything now yes because later on today I want to do a little TLC day but also my in-laws are coming at 5:00 and now it's 3:15 so I also don't want to be like vlogging and filming what when they come because not that they would mind at all it's not that it's just that I want to give them my time and love Etc I also am packing becaus
e I will be going for one day only to bgrade I have some work but also I'm very excited to go like just to see my friends who I love and me so so so so much because I haven't seen them since the fashion month has been guys I feel like fashion month's really like you know what I need I need some alone time it's not even that I need to have fun or watch Netflix or I don't know what I just need some alone time because think about this for a whole month I spend time every single day with my photogra
pher assistant hairdresser that's at the minimum plus my boyfriend plus occasionally my sister plus occasionally my management team so the team's growing and it's great like I mean touch wood everything's going so well but at the same time it's like you're constantly surrounded by people and I know it might not seem like that but I actually am an introvert I really enjoy my alone time I've said this millions of times I enjoy spending time with people because I like to pay a lot of attention to t
hem I listen to them I give feedback I try to kind of like understand people I try to read people while I'm with them but when I'm alone is the time when I thrive and it's very important for me to have personal space which when you're staying at a hotel no matter how big the hotel room is please tell me like if this makes sense or let's say you're at your home do you have personal space at your home that is just like your personal space because for me like for example my bedroom or even my wardr
obe are such like personal spaces for me they're not like communal places whereas my living room and my dining room in my house are communal places where I have people and I bring people and we have pizzas and dinners and fun but I guess I'm just such an old school person when it comes to having personal time and personal space versus everything else and look who's calling me now filipo we just split like 1 hour ago because we went to odmar P AP house in Milan but I guess he misses me already le
t's see what he has to say no answer I guess nothing then so yeah let me know what you think about these earrings let's proceed with our day guys we don't spend a lot of time in the kitchen while at least hi on today we actually had a friend come over for like 5 minutes literally and then filipo was giv a little tour of the house and he said here's the kitchen Tomorrow Never enters there true anyway today I actually have to organize some things because like I told you my in-laws are coming short
ly in technically 45 minutes in the meanwhile I sent filipo to go and pick up some gifts for my friends so those are the things that were getting them and bringing them because I told you we're going to Belgrade actually we're both going to Belgrade because I'm going for w and Philip was like I also want to come because it doesn't happen often that I go to Belgrade for the weekend like for non-working days so was like well actually I could also come and I would love to come but that being said c
urrently I'm organizing some things before for my inlaws come because I don't want these things in should put the lights on is that better or worse like now it's kind of yellowish but whatever anyway remember I told you how I was the only person that didn't get sick this passion week well besides the fact that I obviously take my supplements regularly that I feel like I have taken my health after December in December guys I don't know if I actually properly told you but I've never been more upse
t than in December when I did blood test and I understood that my my immune system was like really neglected like my neutrophils were non-existent it was really really bad situation with my health in terms of immunity so I had a little chat with myself and I was like listen Tom Mara okay you know vlogmas was tough it was a busy period of traveling but health comes first so after that I really took it seriously I also increased like intake of protein in my diet I went back to taking my vitamins r
egularly and during the Fashion Week I really was very very fiful to these Ju juices I think this is my favorite is this my favorite they look different because this is so yummy it's like carrot ginger turmeric and I was drinking one a day now as someone who really obviously cares about their diet and all of that good stuff I don't think like carrot is necessarily like the best vegetable because also it's full of sugar but I do think it's obviously very healthy so I really totally prioritized my
health and Immunity over anything else and I ordered these from this place in Milan and now I ordered the because I want to be like really feeling great great great for the period that's coming as well after the fashion week and I honestly I'm so grateful that I've been drinking a lot of like fresh juices no sugar added no stuff like that I haven't been anyway eating like white sugar for a while which is another reason why I think I did not get sick which is crazy because guys how crazy is it t
hat because I didn't take any white sugar since January 1st until now today is 8th of March happy International Women's Day to all of my wonderful ladies out there by the way um even though when you're watching this is not going to be at March anymore but you know what I mean little Millennial heart I honestly think the main reason besides that I was taking a lot of healthy drinks and things like that the main reason why I did not get sick is that I haven't been having any white sugar I genuinel
y think as much as I have the sweetest tooth of all sweet teeth ever out there I'm that person okay I'm that person that opens a bag of Nutella biscuits and finishes it guys the fact that I haven't had any white sugar meant that I have much higher energy level than ever I had great sleep my mind is so clear and not clouded and don't forget what I wanted to say I'm so like sharp and I think fast and on top of everything my immunity is like really good I was just not loving the fact that there wer
e so many germs everywhere around but even my sister was like how come you didn't get sick you're like the only person that didn't get sick I genuinely think it's the no white sugar thing I don't know what do you guys think are we on the same page when it comes to that let me know let me know what you think but that's just my kind of current little opinion when I feel like eating something sweet I have a porridge with like peanut butter like an organic one or almond butter or what else do I have
with cinnamon that's yummylicious and things like that what else did I want to tell you a few things oh there's another thing that actually arrived in the post today so usually before I go to Serbia I ask my friends if there's anything that they want me to bring them because obviously there's a lot of things that you can get in Italy but not in Serbia for example and my best friend one of my best friends who's by the way a guy he asked me to bring him a laundry scent booster and I'm like I am n
ot someone that ever thought on this channel I will be showing laundry softener but let's smell it cuz he says it smells like the best thing in the world and it's not available I mean it smells very nice even without smelling it I bought one for myself let's see who's called me yes baby love okay Philip was calling me to come down to get some stuff because he actually um went to the agency to pick up a Gucci look for me that arrived I have a Gucci look and one of the presents for my friends some
of the presents too presents actually so that's good these I'm going to pack because my best friend asked for it and these I'm going to put in our laundry room so that we also use some clothes softener but you guys know I'm not a very Domestic Goddess kind of person so it's not really like my interest but it's so interesting for me because I have around me a lot of people that are very into like my girl best friend my female best friend she is such a domestic goddess if I was like her I guess I
would be the perfect wifey but I'm just not I'm I'm learning I'm trying but also I learn a lot from her I learn a lot from my mom I even learn a lot from my male best friends so you see here now I bought a lot of clothes like fragrance boosters and I'm learning I don't know if they're like clothing detergents that I can buy in Italy that are better than the others because I actually have noticed that I'm not very happy I I love when the clothes smells really fresh and nice when it comes out of
laundry and I told Philip ear I was like I'm not sure that we use the best stuff so I'm learning but yeah let's see let's hope that there's hope for people like me you guys because sometimes I'm not really sure if I'm very honest with you it is what it is now let's go and grab the stuff that she depos me to go and get guys okay look at this Gucci look and some more stuff of gifts and things for my friends that we collected and a gift that I got from so cute actually spent a day with them discove
ring the new launches for the year which I wish I could show you because they are so good anyway it's something from kolina Bui I'm actually wearing today my Carolina bchi on my let's see oh wow it's a bracelet and it's a really really beautiful one it's kind of like intertwined thread and metal and then it ties around like lucky charm bracelet it's so adorable and I love the rainbow colors thank you so much old Mar on this gorgeous karolina BCI bracelet let's put it nicely inside so that I cann
ot create more mess than I've already created around me because honestly guys I need to check that the Gucci look is fine before I pack it because well high heels SK top always perfect is there a bag I don't think there's a bag or is there there's a tank a handbag lovely sandals skirt earrings all we need that's a fabulous so now we need to like wrap up things and like mess around here because I still have those lipsticks on the floor that I was showing you and I have so now filipo told me that
my in-laws are coming at 6:00 it's 4:33 so technically I have 1 hour and a half at home to kind of make it look perfect right that's the plan guys just when I told you all of this stuff about white sugar I'm thinking like oh my God my um mother-in-law will be coming and she makes the best the ever like how can I even explain to her that I might not want to try her incredible so difficult difficult situations anyway I wanted to talk to you about a face treatment that I have I had done but I have
makeup now so I'm not sure it's actually the best situation however I think like tomorrow there might be an opportunity if I can actually show you my face without makeup because I do think that my skin now looks so much better without makeup it's still in the process of healing but obviously I had events in meetings today so I couldn't just go barefaced or I could but you know I wanted to look like I put effort anyway so on the last day of Paris fashion week I went to New Age Paris which you guy
s probably know I discovered that place during pandemic I believe in 2021 or maybe even 20120 and it's honestly been a place where I've tried so many different things it's a place where I did my laser hair removal I went there for Tesla former for x and Prime I've done a whole video on this whole like beauty treatments that I do there I go there I even fly there sometimes to have the best ever Hydro facial I've had a hydrofacial at the beginning of Paris fashion week and I got so many compliment
s from my friends for the GL that I sent lots of them there like my friend Gloria for example who you guys saw at the off-white show as well I told her like listen you have to go and try this Hydro facial it's really that incredible and I really think so so anyway there was a treatment that I really wanted to try but it does leave a little bit of redness and it takes time for your skin leader to recover so I did not do it during the fashion week but on the last day I ran there and basically firs
t we cleansed my skin removed everything that I had on and then um they applied numbing cream because the treatment that we were going to do is like a laser like a vaporization of the skin kind of laser and uh we put like numbing cream on for 15 minutes while that was kind of working I was under an LED light I love LED lights every single day I'm using my LED mask you guys know that it's next to my bed so in the morning sometimes what I do I think I told you this during one of the fashion weeks
in the mornings what I do is I set my alarm half an hour earlier and then my LED mask is programmed to work for 20 minutes so I put an mask on while I'm still snoozing and when it switches off it makes a little noise like and it goes off and then I wake up and it's like the best way to wake up I don't know why but for me it's such a soothing lovely way so I was under a LED mask after that we went to another room we started with the laser treatment which is basically like you will see now on the
screen that my skin was kind of like almost smoking up a bit like this was not painful for me at all I mean I do have a high pain threshold so I don't know what to tell you the lady was like are you really like are you really okay and I was like I feel zero out of 10 pain like zero after that uh she went in with exosome which is basically like a grow factor which I don't know if you guys know but it's basically what we have in our endocrine system up until a certain age after that you do not pro
duce any more growth factor later on at some L stage in certain conditions and stuff it can sort of manifest itself but anyway now I'm going off tangents it's something that really can help you also recover Etc so what we did we put some exosome and she went with this like um frequency device which was then making sure that it penetrates deeper into the skin after that I believe we went in with collagen mask more LED and that was it and now if you come close to my skin I don't know if you'll see
there are like some tiny little dots these are not pores these are actually tiny little dots because what it does basically kind of aggravates the skin a little bit because when I left I was red not too red but like red because it aggravates it almost like inflames the skin a little bit to kind of get it to produce more collagen and to be plumper and better and this is called the baby skin treatment so they've told me that I should try three times and it's really good for reducing the pores for
kind of getting rid of like some scars I do have a scar on my chest here because I think I've told you this already when I was 21 I got chickenpox and I have a scar like one big scar here because it was the first chicken poox that I got there and I wasn't sure what it was so I kept like scatching it off and yeah but I have two scars tiny scars here like there like really look like big pores but it really annoys me I have one in my eyebrow I have one here I have one here and it's so annoying bec
ause I wasn't even scratching these chicken pox the very Chella but what happened is because when you're an adult they kind of after a few days I don't know if it's also the same thing when you're a baby but anyway they like burst by themselves and they Scar and it's really really really annoying even though my mom did everything she could to help me not scar and she was really like the best my mom's just the best anyway but yeah I have few of those cars so I'm trying to kind of see if we can us
e this treatment to help battle that but apparently it's also very very good for stretch marks and you probably don't want to see that but I have a lot of stretch marks also on my knees on my T like um bottom on my like hips I have a lot of stretch marks but honestly I could not care less I even have stretch marks on my back and I really really care zero I'm so super confident with my stretch marks which brings me to another topic of confidence I think like the reason why I'm more bothered about
the scars like the one on my chest that nobody ever sees and the ones on my face is because for 21 years I never had spots I never really had acne like or something that you know like can be very obviously tough on like mental health or confidence Etc but because I never had it and then all of a sudden I got these like chicken box when I was 21 which left me with a little bit of scarring I was like so so unprepared and not like I couldn't work on this with myself it was something that I felt li
ke is unusual for me you know whereas stretch marks they happened one and then another one and then another one and then another one and then before you knew it I was like it's okay it's just part of me the one thing though guys that I wanted to talk to you about I thought it was really really interesting so you guys know I do therapy I do life coaching I work a lot on myself I talk a lot of myself I try to do as much personal growth as possible to be a better person a stronger person uh like to
myself and to others and I think like I often say this that people who don't go like we go to therapy because of people who didn't go to therapy right and I really want to deal with lots of things in my life so that I can be better person also to other people and if I look back to my past I look at myself in my 20s I look at myself through my life I'm very proud to see the progress so that's one thing that if I could on this channel inspire you guys to do as well I would really love to and yeah
just wanted to leave that as message but I don't that this is something that I might want to bring with my therapy I've spoken about this before so let's go back in the past when I was like 11 years old or something like that I don't know I was in elementary school we had these we called them like systemat which is basically you have to go like at certain time to um like GP surgery your whole school goes there and they check up different things like for girls they ask them like you know have yo
u had your first period like have you you they make sure that you had all of your shots they make sure that like you know like they talk to you about your General Health they measure how tall you are how much you we they check your feet if you have flat feet and things like that so I always was like oh my God I'm such a healthy kid isn't this great like you know grateful for the health until one year when I went for this examination or whatever you want to call it and they were like so you have
flat feet so you have perring ribs Pro throughing chest bone you have a hyper elastic bones and this and that and D and the list was like going on and on and on and I was like om mg so anyway I went school I went home with this paper and my mom was like okay we need to go to all of these doctors right so first I had to go to Physio I went to Physio for like 7 Days of intense intense training and I kind of continued doing some of these workouts at home and it was for my back and because my back w
as like getting crooked and stuff and I was about to have like scoliosis so we kind of managed to fix that then I went to another doctor which then uh made special shoes for me or opedic shoes to be honest they were quite pretty Pleasant to the eye so I was very happy they were not like the ugly shoes cuz I could choose the style but they were so tight on the foot and cuz my foot was like really flat I had to wear these shoes and whatnot and blah blah blah and I was like so okay with it you know
then I went to the third guy doctor whatever who gave me a body brace I remember what this body brace looked like you couldn't really see this body brace because you could wear it like under like a knit like this but guys it was I mean I salute my parents for trying but honestly it's so ridic ulous so it was like this thing that you put like on like a vest and in front here it had like a triangle like a metal or like it was I don't know on on the back maybe it was a triangle and in the front it
was a rectangle L thing and it was like a metal thing with a little cushion in front and you tighten it so hard and it's pushing your sternum to go back in and they were like you know you can wear it at home or you can wear it whatever or like maybe don't wear it at school because you maybe will get teased I didn't really care I wor it even to school sometimes under um knit if I would forget to take it off and stuff like that so I had to wear all of these ridiculous devices and to kind of I was
only like 11 or 12 right and to kind of help not to get that sternum or my like breast bone more protruding because apparently it can go in or it can go out and it can be very bad and it's some sort of mality of skelet I've spoken about this million times before but the reason why I'm like I got so shook so several years later like let's say 2016 I'm like 25 or something at the time I don't know I was with my ex-boyfriend who was a really really lovely guy whatever 2015 I can't remember when it
was we were in Las Vegas and I wore a jumpsuit and at one point he told me like oh my God all these guys are looking at you and I was like what and he's like yeah it's because like you're wearing a low neck and your chest bone looks really strange and I remember like thinking what chest bone even after like all of these like treatments that I went through and stuff I was so used to my body looking the certain way that I never thought about it you know and it was like you know your chest bone an
d I was like ah like okay he thinks it's clearly weird you know but honestly didn't even touch me like this because I feel like I'm such a person that my therapist said that my way that my self assurance was built in a way that I'm very comfortable with who I am today because I worked a lot on myself so I'm very aware of the situation I see it some people think it's horrible some people don't think it's horrible doesn't really affect me you know what I mean whatever and then during the Paris fas
hion week I wore this Valentino outfit that you guys all know right OMG guys because obviously I have the protruding ribs and protruding sternum some people might think like oh wow she is malnourished which obviously if you look at like my arms or my legs or anything like you know that that's not the case so somebody well actually the satorialist posted a picture of me in that look and I read the comments and I was like shik Shack shoke to read the comments the comments guys I was like a whole n
ew world off realization came to me so one of the top comments says oh my God I can see her sternum and then people say like definitely one of them check on your strong friends moments yeah not a good look it's making me feel sick looking at it so ick don't get me wrong everybody is beautiful in their own way but as a senior nursing student I haven't seen a lot of sternum on non- malnourished people as a senior nursing student you haven't seen someone with a protruding Exum malformation okay the
n then you know people discuss what it is what it's not someone's laughing people are like saying like feed these people oh my God you can see her bones she's not eating and guys I got so upset not for the fact that people think my sternum is ugly because I think you're fine but because I was like oh my God some people might think that I am like like an example for an extremely skinny person which I would hate to be online like I would I would really really not want to be on internet a person th
at people think is not eating or is too skinny for the younger Generations you know like this is the thing that bothered me what like it bothered me that it was so misinterpreted like my deformity was misinterpreted that it's like my skinniness and no matter how much weight I gain unless I gain extreme amount of weight but even then I think my sternum will be protruding because it's protruding it's like that it's like skelet deformity I don't know how to explain it and I just wanted to make sure
that people who watch this channel know that it's the way my body is so like I told you I'm super comfortable with like imperfections of my body that I grew with because that's it's been like that it was like that the fact that I like to I don't know like color my hair or cut it or try different beauty treatments it doesn't mean that I'm doing them for the sake of what you call it like vanity or to be be prety or whatever I do cuz I'm experimenting cuzz I want to try new things cuz I cuz it's a
vailable and it's possible for me to try it you know what I mean it's like you paint your nails because you can not because you think it's going to change your life right so I just was like thinking I went down the rabbit hole of thinking like do you think someone looks at like my deformed sternum and thinks like wow she is on a diet I really hope not because one thing I really really think like you see someone says ladies a visible St is not aspirational it's dysfunctional okay someone responde
d she has a condition I mean someone who clearly knew yeah it's someone who follows me I just think like you know I don't want to see the younger generation cuz that's not even possible to get a visible sternum unless it's deformed that's it that's what I wanted to say okay so that was my little 2 minutes of sharing stuff and you know what else someone told me H someone left me a comment saying like with your body how it looks you should never wear things that show your sternum and I disagree I
think there's nothing more beautiful than people who are aware of what they look like but they also are comfortable and confident enough to show that it's okay to look different because we cannot all have the same bodies we cannot all have perfect bodies I certainly don't I have the body that I have I cannot remove my sternum or I don't know do what with it so even if I could not sure I'd be doing that so yeah I just want to set an example if I can and where I can that having imperfections is al
so okay yes maybe I can work on a scar that I have from chickenpox but maybe I cannot work on other things or I don't want to work on other things and I think that's absolutely absolutely fine so there's me with my imperfect sternum freezing in the cold at the Valentino show hope that's okay now ladies and gentlemen I think it's that moment that we can go and do a little a Ms unboxing who agrees so okay let me tell you something lately never before in my life I started grinding my teeth at sleep
and I never used to do that I think it started like sort of towards the end of last year because I remember when I went to the dentist before I had my dental work done in December he asked me do you grind your teeth and I was like no he's like yes you do so I think I I think I told you um sometimes in janary I went to dentist to pick up my like teeth guard which is like that kind of like clear braces you put in your mouth and you sleep with so you don't damage your teeth with the broism so the
problem is at this point I don't even care about my teeth the point is that I'm actually waking myself at night because I'm like grinding so much and I have such perfect sleep you guys you cannot even imagine I could like sleep I sleep like a baby I have the best sleep the best dreams I'm never having trouble falling asleep never having trouble waking up I never wake up throughout the night I sleep I don't have any issues but the teeth grinding is actually problem because it's giving me like Jin
g so I I like Googled what's the cause of teeth grinding and apparently it's Stress and Anxiety also I don't suffer with Stress and Anxiety like of course we're all stressed I'm stressed when I'm running late in traffic or anxious I'm stressed when I forget to do something and then I remember but right now I don't understand why am I grinding the teeth so much have any of you had this issue and please if yes let me know about it anyway I feel like I've covered so many random Topics in this video
that you guys are going to be like okay tomorrow let's see what's in these arms boxes because I have four actually here but it's only three things that I can show you because one of them is my birthday gift that philipo just liked he just left it here and he was like ha it's going to sit there until your birthday but it's okay my birthday is literally in a week so these are my three that I'm going to show you today there's more as well there's five Ms things that I'm going to show you today but
this is from filipo and there's even a receipt so I could have a look but let's not do that cuz then I'll ruin a surprise for myself anyway okay where we at we are showing you few things okay are you ready it's heavy so ladies and gentlemen I'll start with ready to wear I want to show you the item that I bought first which is this item first of all I actually initially really really really really really really love this piece so much but I wanted to wear it at the show because it was so cold an
d my look which was sample from the showroom was just not keeping me warm enough so I was like maybe I'll need something over it then it rained and I was like this is my coat I'm not going to damage it with rain it is an incredible a top leather eess like this is like butter coat now look at this m so gorgeous it's kind of like equestrian inspired this is like removable so you can just wear it I think so or not I don't know there's a lot of stuff going on here that I need to understand there's a
belt that goes with it and this is the second coat that I got recently from Ms you will know if you followed that I got the burgundy one as well should I try it for you guys quickly well clearly this is not the best context but it looks just incredible it's like a spring coat you know what I mean a spring coat right love it so soft gorgeous so I got one more piece of right to wear which is what I'm going to show you next and this comes also in a shorts version is this beautiful or is it just me
it's a pair of trousers I love her mess trousers in fact I have quite a few pairs I I also like the very cool effortless paper bag trousers it's kind of like denim but in this brownie gold color it will go perfect with this right or this or this lots of options even even even you know what I mean anyway love these trousers and now we get to this part so first things first I've already told you guys that I really wanted this so good I wanted is because it's Perfection for what I want to wear and
I got that burgundy coat from spring summer collection but it comes with like a normal Cotton Belt and I really wanted to wear it with this particular belt with this particular Buckle because I prefer it that way so I got this in size let's see our my belts usually say inside 75 so I can wear it around my waist love it I don't actually have a burgundy belt and obviously I don't know if you're new to the heres game but what's really good is that buckles are removable and this is actually two sid
ed belt so it can even be orange if you want and you can also change the Buckle and put another one this is my belt of choice then I wasn't planning on getting this at all but then I tried them on and I really really really loved them I tried on lots of things I even pre-order one dress that my Boutique which is for Borg which I love so so so so so much wasn't going to buy so I paid for it and I was like please can you order it for me cuz I definitely definitely want it but this is a pair of not
orang sandals but sanini sandals and like I said I wasn't going to get these but when I tried this color I really love these sundal I tried them with a pair of jeans it was pair of my toan cropped Denim and I really like with my skin tone with like denim or white dresses white and yellow I love the combo so I told thought this is perfect for my collection I tried another color which was sort of similar to these and I know this is such a beautiful color but guys I've had these for 2 years and I
never really wore them because I think on my skin tone it's a bit anemic cuz it looks like pink like this right but then on my skin tone it's a bit I don't know what to do anyway we'll see we need to figure that out and last but not the least so you might know that it's actually a bag but you might also know that I have already finished my quota for this half of the year because I got a mini Kelly which is okay with me because I love that bag but there is a particular bag that I really want so b
ut there's actually a few non quter bags that I've been wanting for a while now and I know that's quite surprising that it's true I want a few non-quota bags right now so this is a non-quota bag what does that mean that means that your Ms classic bags your mini Kelly your Kelly are quota bags at least that's the rule like in France the non-quota bags in France are constants are Kelly poet our Kelly cut our Kelly too pans lindies bolid all the others okay so her bags Etc now we have one that I di
dn't mention yet in here and I really really love this bag so I think you're going to have to as always pause this video to make a little guess they brought me two of these and the first one was too colorful for me but the second one was pure perfection and it is my very first Kelly Elon it's kind of similar to a poette which we're going to discuss in a second but it has a shoulder strap and it doesn't have a top handle and it's also similar I would say to a Kelly cut you can wear it like this b
ut obviously it doesn't have the top handle and hold on I want to compare want to make some comparisons I like to make comparisons on this channel the difference between the two no top handle top handle side to side side to side okay and this one has a shoulder strap it is a Kelly Alan in a top with padium Hardware this is the shoulder strap it's not too long which I actually prefer and you can remove it or you can strap it in like this okay I so this bag at spring summer 24 collection when hers
just came out with it and I really really love it also I have an a top bag already which is a back in 30 with Gold Hardware and this is just something that would go so perfect with this for this spring summer so very as you can see it's different Leather So it seems like it's different colors but it's the same and I am so so excited what fits in this bag everything fits in this bag it has inside soft smooth leather as you can see a back pocket kind of like the pette actually I just love this as
an evening bag I love this even more than a mini Kelly as an evening bag I love a mini Kelly right not a secret but I just think this looks a bit more casual and even wearing it like this look at this cute no look at this I really like it and as a clutch obviously like this super super cute I really love it what' you guys guys think so that was it for the a mass unboxing I created so much mess and my in-laws are coming in 25 minutes so we need to tidy up I need to put some things in place and t
hen I'm going to update you because I also need to wash my hair do a face mask wash my skin obviously and pack one night of sleep later and I am ready to go you guys I mean what can I tell you I didn't really sleep that much because I was packing to late of course this morning I woke up the alarm woke me up at 5:45 it's now 6:29 the car's picking us up in 1 minute and I'm still not fully ready so I think I'm going to finish this Vlog here I just I actually wanted to show you I've changed up my e
ar game to the other Muma oversized studs that I've shown you these are so gorgeous they actually look like like a biscuit but do not eat them W them they're gorgeous so just a quick little reminder about this collection which I think is so beautiful durable wellmade uh you guys know I'm a huge fan of Muma and so so so proud to be working with them as always I'll be wearing these actually to travel today my outfit is going to be pretty simple like baggy denim of course a v knit and a beige coat
because I think when we ared in PG it's going to be pretty cold so that's the idea I don't know let me know which earrings you prefer better this is just like such a nice piece of jewelry to kind of you know bring the outfit together going to close the bags now and today is going to be a very long day so wish me good luck I love you so much guys thank you so much for following along for being a huge part of my life and part of my community so happy to have you here wishing you the best of this w
eek and the best of this day and I'll see you in my next one bye



Since you asked, i definitely preferred the previous chairs. They were so luxurious and unique and created a cohesive look in the space. These rattan chairs are so heavily duped that they've become cheap looking. And now the light fixture looks out of place as well. But, love you and your man!


I’m so amazed on how people feel so comfortable to literally belittle others on their appearance without even knowing if they have any disease or something.. hopefully Tamara is a very smart person to overcome these situations.


Hi , Tamara! ❤ Please bring back the old chairs, they looked wayyy better in the room, chic and comfy. Congrats on your Hermes purchases, they are insane! Sending love, xoxo


Of all the videos I've watched of yours, this one touched me the most. I LOVE that you are comfortable with the way you are made, you don't let others try to push you into a box and you don't hide your differences! Your confidence will truly help others to shine in their own beautiful way! Well done, Tamara! Now that is being an influencer in the best possible way!❤️


You are the best!!! Those haters hate their lives! You are beautiful as you are! Always get so much positive energy from you! Big hugs!!!


Tamara I'm so glad you have such amazing confidence and you know your self. Your absolutely stunning! I want to thank you for showing people that imperfections to some are beautiful. You should embrace them because they make you different and not like everyone else. Your my absolute favorite content creator and I hope I can one day meet you or even be able to have a single conversation with you one day. Your so beautiful. You inspire me everyday and I want to thank you for that.


❤ your channel & your boyfriend Nice to see a woman who is kind, generous, smart & beautiful on youtube. Keep up the greatness❤


You’re one of the few influencers who get Hermes RTW. The pieces you chose are impeccable. That buttery leather coat…I mean…wow. & love the gold earrings. They elevate any outfit and give you that old school Italian aesthetic.


Tamara: as you know guys i am going through my classic and neutral colors era! Also Tamara: i bought an orange mini Kelly and a yellow santorini sandals in the same month 😂😂😂 I love how almost every girl in the planet can relate 😍😍 Love you and love your content ❤❤Don’t change anything and f*** haters


You are right Tamara. No body is perfect . You can use What Ever you want.👍👏👏


The purest most genuine soul! Beautiful inside and out ❤️❤️❤️


You are beautiful the way you are. I don't usually comment on video, but this one touches me particularly. It took me years to like my body. Now I feel like a masterpiece and don't care about people comments😊.


The best alone time is with Tamara vlog’s 🙌


The Hermes jacket and pants are so cool! The jacket is so tailored and color is gorgeous. Perfect for spring. And the material and shape of the paper bag sacks are so cool! I love your choices of hermes ready to wear!


Oh my god, Missoma earrings with pearls! Aaaa! So unique, feminine but also stylish! Absolutely adore them! 😍


You & your friend both looked beyond incredible in your white Valentino dresses 🤍🤍 Perfection.


To be honest, you owning your stretch mark on part of your body really inspired me to embrace my own. I was always conscious about mine and I’m skinny. So, thank you so much, again, for your openness about imperfections on your (our) body and embrace them. I cannot thank you enough. ❤


Tamara, you are so positive and light in this world of weirdness. You remind me there is goodness in this world.


Hello Tamara! I am a cardiac OR nurse for over 20 years and I always see sternum at work. Protruding sternum is Pectus Excavatum. You look great!!! Don't worry about other people say! As long as it doesn't affect your pumping heart , you're ok!!! In my eyes you are beautiful inside & out! Best wishes to you and your super cool fiance! You guys are perfect couple. ❤️❤️❤️


That’s my favorite bag you’ve shown in a while