
Homeless Hollywood man with TV projector defends fancy tent setup

FOX 11 got a tour of the fancy encampment setup that features WiFi and a TV projector inside his tent.

FOX 11 Los Angeles

10 months ago

well his name is Pedro he lives in that tent there's actually two tents there a lot of pride of ownership we just saw him come out with a little electric vacuum to vacuum the sidewalk so one of the tents that's where he lives the other tenth that's where he stores his belongings including an electric generator we've seen tents in Hollywood before but at night it's clear this one is different clear Amplified sound and TV projected on the tense walls Austin Rye took this video on the way to a club
the tent sits near the corner of Selma and El Centro 33 year old Pedro Ramirez says he's been living here for about two years wow this is so nice inside a wall-to-wall carpet and air bed projector and sound system you said it took you just a week to set this all up he uses a hot spot his phone an Apple laptop to stream and screencast his entertainment this makes me feel like I'm home but for most home costs this home comes rent free no utility bills I bring a extension cord from over there here
instead of paying DWP Pedro says he has an electric generator in another tent he's quick to point out he's not plugged into the light pole I'm not doing anything wrong I'm not stealing power from no one is coming from my generator I have to charge it up every like two weeks and how do you do that take another train station did I just plug it in and they charge us up I asked him if he would accept help if permanent housing was offered the Traders like prisoners in there they you can't even take
a lighter in there they wanted to take razors or to shave off before you go in the building they're searching you with the with a metal detector no I signed up for housing not enough for rehab or prison well it turns out the Hollywood Station where Pedro says that he recharges his electric generator is not under the jurisdiction of the city of Los Angeles but Metro so we called Metro to find out if there was any kind of ordinance that makes something like that illegal Now Dave sotero told me tha
t those Outlets there are meant for maintenance Crews but there's no ordinance per se that makes what Pedro does illegal now we also got a statement from council member Hugo Soto Martinez and that statement was basically yeah we understand that the unhoused need power but tapping into City lighting is very dangerous and a fire hazard but again Pedro claims he is not tapping into the city lighting reporting live in Hollywood I'm Susan harrisona Fox 11 News



She and her team literally went out of their way to destroy this man's "home" and to possibly find criminal charges against him. She deserves to be homeless.


holy fk i can't believe she literally tried to ruin a homeless guys life even more.


If a carpenter becomes homeless, hes going to have a nicely built setup . If an electrician becomes homeless he gets power and tv


leave this guy alone hes living the best way he can at the moment


“I signed up for housing. Not for rehab or prison. “ - real shpill


Everything about how she handled this is terrible. To hell with Susan


These people actually went to see if he was doing something illegal by charging his stuff up. So I am sure the city will now make sure that he is roughing it like all the other homeless people by not allowing him to charge his stuff up and calling his setup a fire hazard.


My biggest concern is what’s to stop anyone from robbing this guys things? He has a bunch of expensive gear and electronics. I don’t understand how it would last even a week without getting stolen.


he is totally plugged into the light pole when there's not a tv crew there 🤣🤣


Got a note from my apartment complex, “ overgrowth in patio needs to be cut” meanwhile people like this get to do M3tH in front of elementary schools


Bro u just made it worst by talking to tv reporter look how fast she telling on you!


Shame on the news station for trying to create more problems for this man. They went out of their way to let the station know someone is using one of their outlets every couple days. She seemed upset that she didn't get the exact answer she was expecting.


If you really think his living too luxurious then live like him. Just because his homeless doesn't mean his in drugs or has mental problems.. have you seen the rent prices?? Its unaffordable! Shame on the reporter for making it seem like his more of a criminal then someone who's just struggling. As well as putting him in danger by disclosing his location.


Lol he is not tapping into the light pole power, as the metal panel is un screwed off the light pole. LMAO


People that have never been to Hollywood have a whole lot of opinions 😂😂


I hope he locks his tent when he’s out recharging the generator.


Man’s is cappin so hard


I loved how inventive he was and made the best out a bad situation. But shame on that news station and the reporters for trying to dime him out. That was cold blooded.


Camping is free, if you have a job you can buy that stuff every month and it's still cheaper than rent in LA


He is living his best life. Live him alone!!!