
Honest Government Ad | Visit Puerto Rico! 🇵🇷

The US Government just released this tourism ad for Puerto Rico and it's surprisingly honest and informative. -*- Ways you can support us to keep making videos: -- Become a Patron: -- Tip us on PayPal: -- Tip us in Bitcoin: bc1qevsxr6a8uytqj63fjemdyevjkctnj3tlk3r9cq -*- We have a PODCAST now! Make sure to subscribe on your podcast app: ☛ CREDITS - 100% produced by Patrons of TheJuiceMedia - Written & created by Giordano Nanni - Performed by Zoë Wilson, voice by Lucy Cahill - Legendary support and input from Adso, Lucy and Franklin - Special thanks to all the Boricua who sent me info about Puerto Rico and advice + feedback - Instrumental created by MasterMind: - Outro beat by Mozart x Eric Parsons: ☛ TRANSLATIONS: - Spanish translation by Vitama - Russian translation by Prokhor - French translation by Julie - Serbian translation by Tamara - Portuguese translation by Vitor - Italian translation by Niccolò Piras - Farsi Persian translation by Bruce - Indonesian by Hendri - Turkish by Antigone09 - Dutch by Jonas Maebe


6 years ago

访问波多黎各! 美国人最爱的殖民地 我意为,领土 这个加勒比海的岛屿以它的热带海滩而闻名 历史图标 欣赏风景 但主要是 Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee 《Despacito》 然而,幸运的是,很少有人知道真正的波多黎各 自1898年我们从西班牙中夺取美国领土以来 ‘ 美国! 谁又把它从泰诺岛偷走了 西班牙! 这使得波多黎各成为美国公民二等公民... 因为尽管我们每个人都在自己的战役中战斗 他们仍然不能投票选举总统,在国会也没有代表。 换言之,美国公民在美国政府为他们制定的法律中,都有发言权 为了给你带来终极的殖民体验,我们多年来制作了一些... 比如言论钳制令,禁止他们的国旗,并且残酷镇压独立运动... 60年间来一直轰炸别克斯岛 在波多黎各妇女身上进行节育实验... 当然,还有琼斯法案 是什么导致了美国公司的垄断从而削弱了当地的工业 和其他垃圾一起,创造了大量的债务 华尔街秃鹰基金创下的债务想吸血的卓帕卡布拉斯 当波多黎各人无法偿还债务时 我们制定了新的法律 不,不是为了缓解贫困和失业,而是为了实施紧缩措施 削减养老金和最低工资 减少学校基金 关闭学校和医院
今天,许多波多黎各人正在逃离这个岛,逃离我们创造的这个邪恶的烂透的世界 当然是富有的外国佬,他们有机会搬进去,以折扣买下热带海滩 请不要给我们的新殖民主义特殊包装做弥撒 你也可以成为卡特尔的一员 当波多黎各人被赶出他们的家园时,他们和卓帕卡布拉斯一起喝着椰林飘香(鸡尾酒) 拜访波多黎各。数不胜数的殖民地欢迎您的到来 由领土战争部授权 (也负责美属萨摩亚,美属维尔京群岛,北马里亚纳斯&关岛)



There is no war in “ba sing se”


As a Puerto Rican myself and someone who currently lives here this is all true unfortunately and it's just getting worse from here out which is heartbreaking


As a Puerto Rican, this is 100% accurate. Only thing missing is showing how shit our local government is!


It brings a tear to my eye how truthful this is and how barely any Americans know of the harm is being done here.


Wait, I need that Spainish version of the Team America theme


America, who fought because we weren’t getting any representation in Great Britain is now doing the same to Puerto Rico. The hypocrisy in this country is overwhelming.


I am puerto rican, I've seen this all and my great grandparents told me about it too, its unbearably true


I did visit Puerto Rico in 2014, had a wonderful time but the poverty was appalling. I didn't know about the horribly abusive laws like the Jones Act and I wish we could repeal it and get Puerto Rico back on it's feet. They deserve so much better.


whoever's behind these videos...they're waging a war on injustice..and i love it.


As someone who's lived her almost her whole life in puerto rico...can confirm this is all true and it still is true...just keeps getting worse.


If history was taught this way in schools a) kids would pay attention, and b) they would remember it.


Your stuff is always so intense that after a show of barely two minutes I have to stop and breathe for a while. Everything you do is so deadly on point. That's amazing.


Karens: go back to your country Puerto Rico: but I'm your colony


Is it just me or would a full version of "ESPAÑA, fuck yeah!" be awesome


The U.S. Virgin Islands desperately needs a video like this!


Now we know the truth!


her smile is legendary.


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ah yes because nothing says democracy like government and corporations milking out of your own territory


They teach us about the whole colonizing period in PR since 5th grade and every year they give us a little more insight on how it has affected us both economically and culturally