
Hoshiyar Student Ki Nishani Hai, Model Tests Solve Karne Mai Interest| BK Sis Ananya,|Brahma Kumaris

Murli Date- 12-12-98 #brahmakumaris #wellnessforlife #meditation

Peace Power Purity

5 days ago

Om Shanti today, watching Sunday's Murli, because everyone has heard it, let's revise it and if anyone has any reflection from Sunday's Murli, we will take that here too, so this is the Murli of 12 1298 and we start the passage. If you are there, then Brahma Father says, should we end in 99? Then Brahma Father says, should we end in 9, we will give a clap to the nature and the nature is standing ready. Have you become double light like an angel? So, whatever time is here, it is ready. And if the
nature is ready, then the game can be ended. This drama show that is going on can be ended. Nature is also ready, time is also ready, but here Baba is saying, are you all? Have you become double light? Have you become an angel or not? Because this is the plan in the drama show, this is also the script of the drama, that such souls will also play a part in it, who were considered complete before the time and emerged in the form of double light angels. If there are any, then here Baba says that a
t least 108 have become victorious, who, in any way, have always become victorious. What does it mean that if you come close to any kind of wasteful and negative thoughts, words or actions, that is, in contact with everyone, then Baba has declared you victorious? It has given us a parameter of accurateness that any kind of wasteful or negative thoughts are in close contact with words and deeds i.e., wherever we have any negative or wasteful thoughts, the words have come from somewhere. Or there
is any negativity or waste in any relationship or contact, but seeing all that, the soul is still free from it, then it is close, that is, it is not staying in it, victory means that it is above it, it is dependent on its influence, then this when 108 There must be those who will pass in this, then it is being said for them only that this wasteful or negative burden does not allow them to become a double light angel forever, then this same wasteful or negative burden does not allow them to becom
e a double light angel forever. Let us see that even if we have heard something negative or worthless, it happens that we have spoken something worthless or negative on our part, then the burden of that is the feeling of guilt, because now the soul has knowledge, then that guilt. No matter how we are feeling or in whatever way we are experiencing it, no matter how much we are resolving inside that the drama that has happened has happened, but we will be sure that it has happened according to the
script, so we will pass from it as soon as possible. At the time we only see the determination that how quickly it comes to a full stop, how quickly our focus is on crossing it, whether we are memorizing the points or revising the points, then still when If one has spoken negative or in vain or has made some resolution, then we can see that his burden remains and the more the faith will increase, the burden of the faith, we will quickly put a full stop and move ahead, scene by scene, because as
much as the soul is If I am leaving this part too, then someone else does it or if it is this part, then she will not stop there, she will not stop there, she will not catch anything from him, otherwise, but what happens to others too, if we have heard something negative, heard it in vain. Even if we don't participate in it, even if we haven't said anything in it ourselves, but that resolution and what we have heard, that too, makes it heavy, that word, that thing, that thing again and again ma
kes it heavy, so what is more important than that the soul is there. It is stopping above, we are not looking at it from above, we are not moving, but we are staying there, so wherever we stop, whatever burden it is, whether it is from this part or from another part, its burden is experienced. Will do and this means that the one who is victorious will be from above but the one who has come below, who has come into that part of the drama, then this is what Baba is saying that this is this burden
that does not allow one to become a double light angel for all time. The double light angel who is there forever, so this burden of any kind of drama does not allow it to be created, which part is whose part, but ultimately the one who is not allowing the burden of drama to be created, then this is called Baba. So Father Brahma asks, have you become an angel who is light from this burden? If there is any disturbance in your own mind or if there is any disturbance in the mind of someone else, whe
ther it has come in words or in deeds or in relationships or in contact, then ultimately this is the burden of the drama. There is only one hindrance which does not allow the soul to fly and there are not many other things, it is just that if somewhere you become drama conscious, then there is not that stage of eternal life, so Baba says on this that with this awareness one becomes a light angel. Underline is always here, let's underline the word 'sada', the word 'sada' can be used only when we
are not like that 'is here' and then We are trying to go up from here, isn't it, it is not forever, forever means that we remain above, always come down from above, always look down from above, then only this can happen forever, rest if our field of There is action, it remains the land of drama and then from here, to make a little of these things or if we have less effect on us here, we go up for a while. If our understanding is like this, then it will never last forever because we are drama. I
am practicing this to feel a little safe, to get a little help in the drama, here to cross the sinus, that's why we are doing this, Ver S Baba means to bring us to a higher level of consciousness than this. We are always above, we have this kind of accurate feeling within us, which is the exact feeling that whatever we are, the soul, is above, the soul is in its home and from here we are going in between to watch lessons, to watch cartoon shows. Then everything is always there because our field
of action, our place of residence is not a drama at all, we are just going there for a while, our world is different, that is why the underline is there. Always say at least 108 words and then always experience the angelic life, only then you will say that you have to become equal to Father Brahma. Then the Father asks whether you should clap in 2000 or whether you should clap in 2001, when should you clap, what do you think, if you clap, you will become like this. Maya also gives us the thought
that when the time comes to clap, when the final scenes come, we will be ready. Such a thought also comes that we can see the resolution at any time, so Baba is saying, do you think like this, do you clap? When the ring will ring at that time, then tell me to be ready, take the paper, if you accept the paper, then tell the teachers, take the paper, you will have to leave everything, neither is there only one paper in the final, nor in the final, when it was said that whenever the marks of studi
es are revealed, When everyone's number has to be revealed to know whose number it is, then there is a paper, there is a paper from the Supreme Teacher for which Baba is saying that the teacher will take the paper only once because only after that it will be declared that it is okay. This is the first number, second number, this is the third, this is the fourth, then it will be read, rest of all the papers before that, should we ever think that Baba is testing us or before that, someone is comin
g anytime, it is just a rehearsal. And what will we understand about that paper ? We consider it as a gift, that it has come so that we can still know before the time, where it is, which thread it is, how tight it is, how tight it is, if there is a knot, then it is on time. Earlier, whenever we came to know, we never thought that brother, this paper has come from Baba, it is just that this situation is being created because of the extent of our own identity which is here. So whatever Maya is is
a creation. How is Maya being created? The more the soul is creating bonds with the drama, the more Maya it is inviting. The more margin Maya gets to convert it into resolutions in the form of different situations. Don't come as much as clapping means that the final scene, you know, the transformation of destruction has started, this is the meaning of clapping. If there are some questions , which cushion is this? If you don't understand, then clear the question. No, Yogita Ban, you put the quest
ion again, here Baba says take the paper, now for the paper, Baba tells who will take the final paper, in which he says that only one thing will come, that is, the destroyed Maha Complete, the destroyed Moha has been done. If the papers have not been done then what will have to be done for the papers? The soul will have to leave everything, isn't this the Sunday Murli and on Saturday Baba has completely explained that one will have to leave everything, so we understand this in the same way by le
aving everything. Baba had told us in the Avyakt Mudli that we had discussed in giving up everything, that giving up four things is included in it. If you leave everything, then four things means no problem, no complaint, no question, no weakness, so if you have left all these four things then If you have left everything, then now Baba says that what answer will have to be written in the paper? If these four things have been left, then you will have to leave everything. Now Baba tells that where
ver we have created the maximum identity or where we have the most comfort zone, isn't it? So Baba says that he will come only after leaving it, for whatever you naturally leave you know, the paper will not come for that, the paper comes to test the weakness, if the paper comes difficult, then here Baba is saying Madhuban. If the people have to leave Madhuban, then the people of Madhuban are living in Madhuban, then we do not know how much we will be separated from the place while living. We sta
rt carrying labels on so many things here, then where we have made the level higher, if the paper for the same thing comes then the people from Madhuban will have to leave Madhuban, then the people from Gyan Sarovar will have to leave Gyan Sarovar, the people from the center will have to leave the centre. Those who live abroad will have to leave the foreign country, then we will have to leave everything. In this way Baba is saying, leave what is, where we think that this thing is not here or it
will not come, where perhaps we too are something. We are still so attached to things that we don't even have the idea that this is also a part of the cartoon show, we have to leave this too, we have to leave everything, some labels, some way of thinking, some understanding, that's all. The time works so automatically that even the soul feels that it was we who brought it or whatever we did not bring here will have to be left here. Yes, Baba had said in a Murli that in order to become a destroye
d mouth. To experience all the relationships. Right ji, the question here is that in the papers that are coming, the soul is not able to understand as to whom in which paper, at which level identity has been created and who is playing the role of mother in law. Yes, it is not important to understand which identity it is attached to, no, nothing will be achieved by understanding this. The main thing to understand is that we have to practice that no matter how much we are coming into our imperisha
ble form. So whatever identity there is, it will dissolve in it, no matter what kind of complaining there is, if there is any kind of question, then it will dissolve in it. There is nothing to be done by understanding it, by understanding it, it is not even our intellectuality that can understand the logically just thing. It is better if we know that there is an identity here and we should take responsibility for it and practice it. Baba had said that if Baba's soul left then why did the Brahma
Brahmin children not do so, then here Baba says that all If we have to leave, then we are ever ready. Baba is showing us this scene. We have to keep watching together that this is the matter of leaving, to the people of Gyan Sarovar, to the people of Gyan Sarovar Center, to the people of foreign countries, this is this scene from now onwards, this scene is now this. It should be created on a second, if it is said even on this second or don't leave this second, tomorrow it is said that you have t
o leave this place, if you have to leave this place, then is there a response here, we are also contemplating it, we are also grasping it. He is talking to us, Murli is being played in a general class, it is not a matter, for this soul Baba is saying this, it is being understood, it is awakening that you know this can happen, this will happen, just listening . At the time of 'We are not just listening, really understand that this is what you are being told, God is actually saying to each one tha
t now you will be told to leave, what is your immediate response, then lightly, keep checking here many times, so much you know. For years and years we have been listening that Baba says that whatever is visible with the eyes will end. We have been listening for years and years, sharing the points, writing and telling after that and then someone in our family . I have left my body and have been completely shut down and have been crying for years. Then we have not taken even a little bit of what
we have been listening to and what they have been telling us personally. While listening for so long, we have not taken even a little bit of it personally. As if this entire knowledge is from someone else. It's all for someone else, you know, Baba, I 'm just telling us something, there's not even a little bit of personal in it, whether it happens here too or will come here, so it's between me and Baba, it's very much you know. It is very strange that when that situation comes to you, we are comp
lete, our way of thinking is as if there is no difference in some baggage, the old thinking that is complete, the old perspective that is also active is one percent in it. There is no difference , so don't be like this, you know, so much time goes by, we can't bring that time back, so every time it is being talked to us, it is being talked to us, so if you are ever ready, then help us. Clap your hands, take ever ready paper, announce it tomorrow, announce it tomorrow, say yes, I am amazed, today
I was thinking about this, Baba was saying, announce it tomorrow itself, don't leave it even after going there, go there, correct it a bit and come back, it is not like that. I am wherever I am, wherever I am, I am there right now in a second, I can go now and like this, I am ready, I am ready, not even my office, not even a cot, not even a room, not even a cupboard, not like this, don't say that there is a little work for two days. do it and come We go after two days and Baba says no, order is
order, think yes, do you have the courage to leave this level, think yes, because the more courage we show from within, the more difficult it is to leave the paper. Whenever a paper comes and it is difficult, whatever paper is coming, if we have the courage to cross it, then we will cross it, but the one who has the courage, everyone's number is different in courage, so someone has had the courage. That yes Baba is saying, okay yes, this can be left as if it is like an intention setting that th
e more we listen carefully to Baba Murli, the more our courage increases and the resolutions that come with that courage. There are people who say that yes, I can do this, I can do this, then for some people it will be that to give up one small thing, yes, I can do this much, right? And for some people, it will be that when Baba is talking about anger. We are talking about place, we are talking about routine, leave it aside, if he shows courage for it, then the paper of the level at which he is
showing courage, he will get the paper of that level, it will be hard to see from outside how easy it is for them. Neither has it been an easy situation for them and for someone else it would seem that it has been very difficult, but the challenge has come according to the courage the person has and then if the person has the courage to reach level 5, he will be given the challenge. When the paper came, if he passed it, he would get 5 marks. And someone had the courage to take such a big paper o
f 90 questions. The teacher has now passed it, so he got 5 marks in one paper and only one. He has taken 90 marks in the paper, so it depends on our courage, how much courage we have, the marks we have or the teacher's paper will also come according to that and there are also marks which will be given according to that. So here in the outside situation, if we are thinking that wow, they are getting easy paper, that means their identity is less, otherwise no one has less identity, so everyone has
made many of these, then how much Baba has told us. It was made clear in the Sunday Murli that all life is on hold, so don't think from outside that if someone else's paper is coming like this or you are feeling like this, then it means that I am missing everything from here, it's a matter. Off, how much courage do you have? If you have the courage to leave everything, then the paper will come again with the same question and then if we have won in just one question, then there are a lot of mar
ks, so paper checking is not happening here. On what basis will we get our ultimate number , marks or how many marks have you scored? If you want to score more here then Baba says that do not say that it is a little work, after two days the order comes, otherwise the order will come out tomorrow, where? Where do you want to go? If you don't want to go then take out the order. The order is ready. Not saying yes with courage. Not saying yes with courage . The question here is that sometimes even a
fter thinking, we are not able to behave with someone the way we want. The reason is, is there any previous karmic account, like we want that if that soul comes forward, we will give him a lot of blessings, but when that soul comes, there are resolutions from both the sides, we make efforts for our upliftment, so there is no part of me in it. Do you make efforts for your upliftment ? No, there is no sense of mine in it. There is only one thing for which we have to take total control, that is our
flight and if we concentrate completely on our flight, then there is no sense of me in it. So I am running out of puns and this is what you know about personnel account, which I think understanding is very important that we understand it properly. I think we have discussed it many times in the class but it may be new people who join. So , the number of new joiners is increasing, so we will summarize it a little, just in two sentences, but you go and look at the earlier classes on how to underst
and the personnel account, because if you do not understand this then then It will remain the same, people who are joining please, there were two old ones, there were two classes specifically on this, in which only this was talked about, so whatever identity is created behind the personnel account, that too under what identity, that's it. It is there even today because of that, so it is not that earlier we did it like this and hence it is a karmic account that whatever was done earlier also, wit
h what identity was it done and even today if that identity is there then it is that energy from both the sides. Or we don't care about both the sides, from this side the energy is being negative, its reason is the old one and the next one is not the previous one. Is it my own identity that we have held on to, is there any point of view that is limited, this part of it, we have held on to it, so until there is no detachment from this part, then whatever old one, which is being called a personnel
account, which is any previous personnel account, There is no previous personnel account, it is not understood that hence the identity of all the personnel accounts is still present, so it must be some previous account of vocabulary, it is better to say that it is still ad present, then the way to remove it. Baba told that the more you come into your truth and shed light, then Previous Next Previous or whatever identity you have, they will end. So yes, one more time, the topic of Karmic Account
and Identity. Yes, you can take it, yes you can definitely take it, now the essence is this. The thing is that no previous personnel account result is coming to me, no, it is not so, even when the previous personnel account was created, the identity with which I had created the personnel account is still there and that identity will be destroyed today. So all the karmas that have been done due to that identity will be destroyed, so the thing to pay our attention is that it is not just that thos
e actions are happening, how many times that action happened, it is an identity. Where the identity ends and the identity ends, all the deeds done by it, all the words spoken, all the resolutions created till today, by keeping that identity, not that I understand myself, I am thinking that we Is it senior or am I? You know, I don't have the courage. I am weak. No matter how much you have done so far, considering yourself weak, you have not spoken at the right time in the right things. You know i
n the wrong things. Yes . I have done it, I have remained silent, some wrong decision is being taken, I have remained silent too, so it is because of the recognition that I am weak or I don't have the courage, whatever mess I have made so far, I will leave it here. Then all these sins, all the destruction will happen, so we don't use the word 'past karma' account, it is present very much present, it is now, so Baba says to this , look, yes, we are not doing it with so much courage, it is okay. S
o for today, this one point which I hope you have understood is that we invite papers of that intensity according to the courage we have, so if we had more courage then yes the paper may be difficult and that If we have passed the difficult paper, then our marks get very high, that is why we saw as if someone was saying behind us that grandmother had cancer, this happened to her, if mumma got cancer, then what does it mean ? There were many identities within him, no, there are many identities wi
thin everyone, but the more courage the soul has that I have to be free from this, the bigger the paper is coming and the bigger the paper one is crossing, the more marks are increasing. So there are many identities within everyone and if no paper is coming then it is a matter of great problem, if no paper is coming you know morning turns to night then night turns to morning then morning turns to night. One month has passed, Murli is also listening, everything is going on normally, it is a matte
r of big problem that some paper is coming, it means that the soul is not having any courage for anything, it is not studying from within. We are just following the routine but studying. If we are studying then the courage to free ourselves will come from within. There will be a strong desire from within to become free and the one who has that strong desire within him will get papers and He will pass the papers, his marks will be either 80 years out of 100 years, Dadi Janaki was a godly student
in that 80 years, major papers, so many major papers, paper after paper, so many and here we are thinking that we will get 20 years in 10 years. I understood that this means that grandmother had so much identity, it is not ours, it is not clear from the paper how much identity is there, this is an unsaid rule, an unspoken rule that everyone has a major identity, everything is in the bond of life here in the drama. You are trapped in bondage in a very good way, but the one who is getting the pape
r is flying very well. Here, in paper spirituality, in the spiritual perspective, getting the paper means that you are becoming free, not getting the paper means it is a big problem, right? You are studying, the student is studying and he is not getting the paper, this is very big, what is happening inside, this is big, you know, this is a matter of problem , till the end and minute, Brahma Baba is getting the paper, major papers last second. Meaning of major paper in God's eyes, in God's eyes,
in Satguru's eyes This soul is flying, it means that the paper is coming, the student is strong, he is a good student and that is why every storm is a gift, what happens to the one who is studying, the one who is studying, you know him, it is his attitude. It remains that he solves more question papers, he solves more and more. You know, our students used to be all together, there is one student and right now he has not finished his book of papers and there is another student, she is so He has a
lready answered that book many times and has memorized all its questions. It is word by word. Still he keeps doing it again and again. Keeps doing it again and again. He keeps doing it again and again. Neither does he enjoy it because now the one who has studied it enjoys it. That is, brother, do I want questions? Now until the exam is coming, I want questions because he enjoys it, he will ask questions again and again, he will write answers again and again. You know, the student who is prepared
is saying, Baba, if there is preparation, then there is preparation. Those who have already done it or those who are preparing will feel that I have studied this topic today itself. I should get a question from it today so that this topic gets finished for me. Today itself I have studied this topic in Chemistry. Today I have read this formula, give me a test paper for it, so here you know, the meaning of this is that the more papers there are, the more papers are coming, it means that the soul
is focused on flying, no paper. It is not coming here, there is a lot of accident in spirituality, it is very unlucky, no paper is coming, what is the mean student studying, we are very unfortunately thinking, if you get a little one day, it would be better without me. This should not happen, this should not happen, even if you make this waste resolution, this will happen without you knowing, this will happen, then those who are sleeping, they are not getting papers yet, yes datchi, what Baba is
saying here is that sometimes we should also think about this. We feel for our part that this will happen or this will not happen without us, how will it work, then we start feeling that our part is immortal and will never end, so what is every part here, what is every lesson and proverb. No one is indispensable. There is no one here who can be replaced. Everyone here is replaceable. All the lessons and all the characters are replaceable. Let us not think for anything that if we are not there t
hen how will it work? Right, we need a mother, then what will happen, everything is happening on the stage of this drama, if the father is not there, the children will grow up, if the mother is not there, the children will grow up, if the wife is not there, the whole house will survive, if the husband is not there, the whole house will be fine. Even if no one works from home, things go on. Everything goes on in the show. The show goes on. Something happens to some character of some part of the s
tory. This may happen. The story never stops. Nobody is indispensable. This is our illusion. That brother, if this part of ours is not here then how will it work, how will it work, then these are the limited roles, the limited relationships we have, we feel that if this part will not happen, then how will the rest of the relationships depend on this. So, this illusion that we are carrying is limited, like if she is a mother, then she needs a father, if there is a father, then the child means lik
e this, if there is so much responsibility of the father, then all this is a burden, so Baba is saying that this is what they There is a resolution that this should not happen without me or this should not happen, do not even make those resolutions. When Brahma Baba was transferred, what did you think about what will happen without me, it will not work, it will not work, let me give you a direction, if I have given direction then Brahma Baba is before leaving. Nor did he even have a thought that
I will give a direction and tell him that brother, I am going, I will prepare a little bit, I will do a little bit of that, while everyone was thinking that every buddy was you know massively. Whatever role the dependent had on that part of that cradle, beyond that all the rest were very major dependents, but Brahma Baba never received that dependency. If he had received it, he would have thought that I should also leave after telling him something. I should give them a little assurance, so oth
ers may depend, that is their problem, others are thinking that without you nothing will ever work, that is their problem, but if we have to live in the light, then Brahma Baba never received that dependency. Everyone else used to think that Baba will stay till the end, without Baba, this work would not be possible, do everything by asking Baba, He was quiet and used to do everything perfectly, He never received dependency, always. He put forward the truth that He who is there is running this Ya
gya. There is only one master, so he lived in that consciousness, that is why he did not call anyone even at the last second. There was a good amount of time and he did not tell anyone that he was leaving. Do this and in fact what did he do in his place? He gave the direction through his prosperous state, not through his mouth. What did he do through his completeness? What did he give the direction, that is, whatever power's will he did while holding grandmother's hand, he gave the signal from h
is state, then from his state. Everyone stood up but no one cried. Everyone felt that a lot of power had come inside us. Everyone reached such a stage of maturity so suddenly that they gave a signal from the situation. Everyone stepped up and played their game. What happens in the world where we keep receiving dependencies, then what happens when we leave, everyone's status goes down, isn't it, everyone's status goes down and where the situation indicates, the mouth goes down. If everyone else's
situation was different, everyone's game was, everyone had their own responsibilities, so they thought that this is my department, mine is Murli's department, I will do only this much work, this is his department, I will do only this much work, like Only Baba left this way and gave a signal that His complete stage came within everyone that now we have to take care of Baba, He is the Master and now we have to fully support Baba, so every buddy you know spiritual maturity, there is a subtle respo
nsibility within everyone that now we have to see that When it emerges, for example, if the mother leaves or the father leaves, the children now feel that the elder brothers and sisters feel that now we are the parents of all of them, so all the children, first of all, all have become children and then there is a mother. - If there is a father, then when he leaves, the elder brothers and sisters should understand that now we are the parents, now we have to take care of them, so this is the feeli
ng that Baba gave the knowledge through gestures, not by telling anything through the mouth, but through gestures. Those who are mature, the ancestors have given them direction through their role, role and real life stage, not through the mouth, they should be ready in such a way that if you get an order and leave it, it is missed. If you get an order, if you leave it, it is missed. Only then Baba says, consider whatever stage you are in as a ladder to go to the flying stage, consider it right .
So here Baba says that if you get an order and then leave it, if you leave it, then you have to do this, you tell just a little bit, the order will be done, not after asking, you will not fix the date, you will suddenly give the order to come, that's what is called. Double light angel, the order was given and it went on as if there is an order of death, then what do you think, do you think that look at the center, look at the cupboard, look at the curious area, look at the area, these days, the
re is too much trouble in the area within me, my area is that of the world benefactor. If there is a limited area, then we will have to leave all this. To this, Baba indicates that we will have to leave everything. Wherever we have created some edge, if our comfort is going on anywhere, then we will have to leave everything. This is what Baba is calling double light. Leave something means you get an order in a second, just like in the world, if you give someone a gun at point and say hand up the
n you can do everything even for a second, if someone has a gun then he doesn't even have a hand to take his gun, he is given a point . P says kid, let's leave everything in a second. This is called surrender. Surrender means hand has given up everything, so this is what Baba says that the one who surrenders everything uno, who surrenders everything, then he is light. If he is in the angelic state then double light angel means always hands, now everything has been left behind, for just a second
it seems as if he is holding something in his hands or as soon as he gets the order, he will be freed, he has left everything and came. So, this is our psychology, this is our understanding that right now we are here in our efforts, it is not anyone's fault, what we are saying is that from today onwards, completely jump on this psychology that we are sitting here in this part. Gradually we will leave OK let me practice, if we practice then this will be left, this way of thinking will be left, Ya
no, having crossed this way of thinking, we are already free, the soul is free, the soul is free, there is no baggage on the soul, we have come from this. Two minutes. It is appearing that this soul, you know, is playing the part of Uno cartoon Ananya and speaking on the basis of that, she is planning, but what is the psychology from inside that it is left untouched, I am uninhibited. I am freed, it is just to pass the time, just for two minutes, which is a thread that is tied to the puppet, as
soon as fear comes, I am freed, it is not that I have to make efforts to leave it at that time . See The Difference Is One We Are Understanding Ourselves That I Am Unique I Am This Cartoon And now I have to be free from this I have to become a soul I have to come in a spiritual state And the other thing is I'm a soul I'm uninhibited and I say something For a year for two months I've got one to play Cartoon Ya know this is your cartoon because it's not time yet so let's play with it so we have re
ceived it to play and somewhere as soon as the time is over it is released so here we are clear who I am. I am not restricted, I am this and from here on this, we are slowly becoming free, yes, we are becoming free, that work will always go on, but to be free, this major in psychology requires a leap of understanding. I mean that the soul is free, just like Baba is free and has come for a while to play a part, similarly the soul is also free and has come to play a part, nothing here is mine, it
may be deep but keep thinking about yourself. That all this is mine, I have to be free, so it will always be a struggle, every uno of difficulty, then it will also come in words, but let's see, I have to say a little to others or not, then it is still my responsibility, neither is this a gift. The jump is not of understanding, even after doing everything, from inside I feel that only I have to see, so my convincing is in reverse form and here Ba is saying that how can you be convinced that you h
ave nothing here. If you have come here then you have to be convinced of the reality of who I am, then Baba is saying that you will have to leave all this body consciousness, give this also, there is pride of the body, the consciousness of the body is still light. It is a thing, but pride in the body is very subtle, so it is called pride in the body, where it is mine, there will definitely be pride. If you are carrying any baggage, then it is every soul who is carrying baggage . Whatever the sou
l is, it is single, bachelor, apart from this, if we feel even a little bit that it is mine, then you know that it means that we are trying to come up from the bottom, we are trying to become spiritual by being non-spiritual, but everyone. Soul is a bachelor, every soul is single, have come single, have to go single, apart from this, if there is anything else to think, then it is not right, if it is not correct then it means that we are understanding ourselves that I am this I am made of drama,
I am not made of drama, I have come into drama, I am already free, I am already complete, I have come into drama for a while, that is why the soul is completely single, she is a bachelor and she has come here for a while to play a role, but she also goes to Paramdham. If you are there, then there is a deep conviction that you know the meaning of husband and children, if even a little bit, the same thing is in the same thought, then that means the drama is going on completely, that means I am alw
ays identification, that is why this pride in the body and the body. Leave both the senses, whether it is your specialty, it is my specialty, it is my quality, it is my service, all this is mine, this is the Lord's Prasad, it is not mine, you know in every way, the specialty of the lesson is the quality of the way, isn't it service, there is a chance of service. It is a platform of service, all the text has been mixed and the soul has come complete and he has got this part, as if everyone is int
erested, then it should be seen that ever an actor is telling about his script and how he has signed it. One should see whether the script is written and how an actor talks. We have done theater to some extent, so because of doing theater we know how we look at the character, how we study it and how much the actor remains detached from who he is. If it is a negative role, the one who has to play a negative role has to take care of many things. Even if it is a positive role, your personality is d
ifferent and the character is different. So how do you study the character? So it is like this, create a visual that All the souls are seated, all are equal, capable and everyone has got a unique knowledge that you know you have to play its part, it has a lot of service part in it, this is the quality of this character, this teacher is very good. The character is very good in technology, this character is very good in cooking, so you have to play the role and the actor says okay, I will play thi
s role, it is just that, that is the role. The specialty is that within the role, all that is scripted and if the soul has got that then it is true, but because of what it has got, it starts getting confused that this is mine, my reflection is coming in it, then from there then a lot of things will start happening to us and then it starts happening. We know that yes, as the soul has passed in the drama, we ourselves have invited all these things, but as we say again and again that through Yoga,
Therefore, it is very important for Yoga to understand that to increase the quality of Yoga, the role is completely different and the soul is completely different, the speciality, the opportunity is in the role and the role is different, the soul is different, by keeping this discrimination in front, when we If we enter then we will not consider any thing in the role as mine and there are marks on that thing, there is a flying stage with that thing, then Baba says that all this is Prabhu Prasad,
not mine or the director's because if it is a story then the director has written that in the role. If it is his, then I believe in Prasad, this is body pride, isn't it my understanding of what the director has written in the script, if the director has written all this in our role, then that is good, our soul is closer to the director and the actor is closer to the director. And there is love, but we will not claim the things of role as our own , so this is what you describe, angel, that is, n
o body pride, no body consciousness, no different relationships of my kind, angel, that is, this limited relationship is over, so what preparation now? Will listen to the voice of Father Brahma with attention, Baba is invoking Baba is saying that 2447 Father Brahma, in one way or another Godly whisper of the Father, He keeps moving, Godly and divine whispers keep happening, Baba keeps invoking something. His uno resolution is that which was said above: Come my children, sweet children, listen to
the voice with attention, the Father says: It is very easy to play the drum of completion, you can play it whenever you want, but at least 9 lakhs of Sat etc. are ever ready. Yes, it is number wise but Baba says that 108 number one, 16000 number two and 9 lakh number three are so ready that so many souls have handed over, so 108 16000 or lakh souls have absolutely handed over that surrender and when The story doesn't last for a while. Whatever happens in this story, no matter how it happens, ei
ther our hands are up right now or we have to remind ourselves. Now Baba says that in the result, Bap Dada saw that the present The form of Maya of time is of negative and wasteful thoughts in the majority. The stage of being a world benefactor is to always have the attitude of being unlimited, to have the vision and to be in the unlimited state, then there should not be the slightest negative or wasteful feeling towards any soul in the attitude. Changing the negative things is that. It is a dif
ferent thing, I think, it is a world benefactor, it is completely fine, we will take it later, and the blessing which is there, we will take it later, that's all for today, we will keep till the last what Baba said, so be prepared. Baba has said that at least 9 lakh 9 lakh souls should be prepared, so on this we will end. If anyone has any reflection, any question, then we can ask one or two here. If questions come then let's take them . Someone's question is that they have heard somewhere that
Ravan and Maya are not what they are. If it is the resolution of the mind then the identity that is created within the mind by the soul, then it is their part. On the basis of Ravana and Maya, the resolutions that come in the mind are called Maya and to overcome it, Baba says that it is right that the resolutions of the mind are based on the identity of the body consciousness and on the same basis. This is called Maya. Next to this, there is another question here. The question is that while livi
ng in the manifest, you have to remain unmanifested or today we have talked about that while living in the manifest, everyone is left untouched. Even though it is visible to the eyes for a while, it is in the manifest but All that being left out is called that which is in the Avyakt, that in the Avyakt, it does not have much resolution or in the Avyakt itself we are thinking that I am the Avyakt and I have to become the Avyakt, then it is not so, we are the Avyakt, the soul and have come. For so
me time it will be in the manifest form and again it will have to become the unmanifested form, as long as there is time, the game is going on, so while being here, the soul has left everything mentally, it will be called non- manifested question. The question is that I am in the corporeal world many times every day. I read it and Sunday 's only comes once in a week. Avyakt Murli comes only once in a week. So here Avyakt Murli is read once. How much one page or paragraph is read every day? Then
how can one read or revise the entire Avyakt Murli? If we can do this then we need guidance on this, so here we have more interest in becoming UNO than in studying, there is not much interest in becoming in practice, the more we study, it helps in practice but our ultimate aim is that our Practice means that everything is left, everything is left, everything that the soul has put in has been left, so that practice has to be done and as much time as you get for it, you can take out as many Murli
as you can. Read and Revise. Also, there is another question that I think is something related to drama. There is some question that soul is uno energy and drama is power and energy. So here Baba tells us that the power of the draw is that it is one of its own. We are following a script which we cannot change and for the soul, because the soul is life, the drama is powerless for it, powerless in this way, nothing in the drama can affect the soul, so that's all our discussion on this topic. Is it
a resolution or is it words that the soul is powerful, which means that it has the power within it that nothing gets spoiled by any situation of the drama, nothing gets created and the meaning of the drama being powerless is that that drama has no power. Over the soul, the conscious soul has no power over it, the rest is a drama of life and it is going on as per its script. When Baba says that the drama is powerful, it is the final authority of the drama, then what it means is the power in it.
He follows his script and ultimately accepts that script only. This is said because it is his final authority. Soul is the embodiment of happiness and how is it different from the happiness of drama. If happiness is from any drama thing then happiness is drama based. Happiness is based on perishable things , it is drama based happiness, it is soul consciousness and drama based happiness means perishable happiness based on perishable things. So Arun ji, what is your question, please put it here a
nd here we are. If you answer that, tomorrow someone else will take the class here, at the same time, post the message, but everyone will join, yes [music] You ask the question Didi Didi Om Shanti Ekash Mein Question I am not that active in typing, so question If you took the meaning to be something else then there were some other questions so shut the first one which was na and soul, soul and drama. That day, in the class on Friday, you had said that soul is eternal but drama is not eternal. It
happens that it was said that neither I had said that look what is the meaning of Anadi like Baba says in the verses that the thing is unlimited, we cannot say that what is the 500th or 400th or 437th Kalpa? We cannot define which one. What Kalpa is going on? Like many children go to the center and many a times we read the Murli, then children and students ask, 'Brother, what number is this? Those who come new, what Kalpa is going on? So we ca n't know.' From this it means drama is eternal, we
are not there, then and the soul is also eternal because once you had given the answer to the soul that whatever the soul is, it is itself a source of energy. That means that it is also eternal. This can never end because whatever 800 crores or whatever 900 crores will go to the Supreme Abode in the final, it is repeated from there according to one's own efforts or according to the speed of one's actions, according to the speed of qualities , in some Satyayug. Some come in Teta, some come in Kal
iyuga, some come in Dwapara, that too has become eternal, so you had said that day that the soul is eternal, Batna, what do you say, the drama is not eternal, so that is why I have asked this question. It was not written as a drama, one was yes, Rama is also eternal, is n't it right and the second question that we asked was like, I had sent you my screenshot, that photo of my diary, so in it I had written that earlier we were like When we talked on Friday, you said that it is must to write becau
se writing creates awareness and concentration. You had told something like this in the Mudly class, then I had sent you something which I used to write daily in my diary and have been writing for many years. So , that's what Didi told us, no, this little Bhaktimarg type is very monotone, so you should stop writing those things, I had also sent you its photo, so I wanted clarification on it, I had stopped writing it for so many years. So I will restart your friends class on this, yes definitely
we can restart it like you said that you know anything is bringing us closer to Baba, Baba is talking to us and we are talking to Baba, His us. If you are having a deep experience, then you should do it. Okay, I will start it today. One more didi, till now I have been reading Sakar Murli only. I only read whatever comes on Sunday. Actually, we wanted to frame the question a bit more. So we wanted to take guidance from you because you have been in the knowledge for a long time, so I wanted to ask
that that is my missing part and Sakar Muli, revisions have been done many times, so I don't know due to some reason, I keep ignoring it. So I said only If Sunday comes, there are six more days to come true, then what should be my plan that if I complete everything in three months and can also revise it, then I had asked for your guidance, Didi, if you want to read all the unexpressed knowledge. Yes , that means how to do it because as I have tried it and tried to do it twice in a day, it does
not happen because the actual value is also our target in reality, if we repeat it 15 times daily then it is not 15. 14 11 sometimes it makes sense. It is a little difficult, it means as if it seems to be true, all the words are memorized suddenly, but it takes time to understand, then what should be my role, meaning, how should I plan, I understood that meaning, how should I plan, so start . I am ali my missing part starting from because time is limited then you can achieve it or Avyakt if you
want to study Abhyas Murali then time is limited so you have to give priority to one of the two if you want to study. If yes, then you can give some time to Avyakt Murli for the next few months and read as much as you can in a day. In place of reading Sakar Murli, start Abhya Murli one by one, just one more time. Whatever is saved with me, I will read Avyakt Murli once or twice, every Avyakt Murli two or three times, then maybe at 80 I will understand, then at 30, no problem, now in that, again
there is over period of time thing. You will understand if I do it like that yes right right right thank you Baba Ha Baba, whatever you say is true Baba, the aim of only one Baba is that we should become soul conscious or the soul should leave the whole drama conscious, then for that you are You made your program very nice, very nice ji ok so Om Shanti thank you everyone Om Shanti



Nobody is Indispensable..All Are playing their role. Maturity, Insight how to become Double Light 😇 Farishta!