
House Party: Lights Out - PART 2 - Game Grumps

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6 years ago

Hey i'm Grump, I'm not so Gruuump, and we're the Game Grumps! Arin: Doesn't ever feel like your butts gonna explode. Hey everybody welcome back to Game Grumps. Dan: Game Grump Arin: Alright, apparently there is a sensor nudity button. Dan: That's a good sign. Arin:Which is always a good sign. Dan: Yeah *laughs* *faintly* Dan: I noticed you didn't click it. Arin: Uhh... Dan: *stutters* Welcome back to House Party, we should say that first. Arin: Should I-I should probably click the sensor nude-
nudity. Dan: No no! I wanna see it *faintly* fuckin' Matt and Ryan can do that shit, NO! Arin: They're not gonna cut out scenes Dan: They might, you know. Arin: They won't they'll just censor the boobage. Dan: Do you do you really think so? I don't think so. Arin: I want to talk to Derek Dan: And now I'm never gonna see Derek's beautiful black penis *giggles* It's Katherine. Arin: She's cute. Dan: "Katherine's part of the cool clique, and she's smart, and she has a boyfriend should I even waste
my time?" Arin: Oh, my god. Are you a fucking idiot? Talk to her, she's a human being. "I could use a drink want me to grab you one?" "I feel like we use the word 'need' outside of it's intended purposes." Dan: What? Let's not get deep dude. Arin: "I like your glasses they make you look smart" Dan: "Always a pleasure, Kathrine". Arin: These are all so rude. Dan: I-de-bu-I could use a drink is probably the least shitty one. Kathrine: Typical acts like you're doing the girl a favour and get her so
me drinks in hopes of getting her tipsy so she loses her inhibitions And makes poor life choices, and then you might have a chance of getting laid tonight right I think I'll pass Arin: Yikes, tough crowd. Dan: Cool.. Who are you talking to? *laughs* Arin: Do you want some beer? Kathrine: Ew, do I look like I drink that shit? Arin: Cool, she's my favourite so far. Dan: She's fun at a party. *laughs* Arin: Yeah. Dan: Welcome to the party! Arin: She seems like she's actually talking on her phone to
o. Dan: *gasps* Arin: Oh, hi. Dan: Agh, she's wearing a bathing suit. *sarcastically* Thanks Arin. *laughs* Both: "Rachael's pretty cool. Dan: I heard she's friends with some really prestigious people like Vicki Vixen." You know The Vicki Vixen? Arin: She looks very cute. Rachael: I don't believe we've met. I'm Rachel. Arin: Hi nice to meet you Rachel. Dan: She looks too sc-terrifying. Arin: "So what's up? Are you enjoying yourself at the party?" Rachael: I was having an okay time until fuckin
g Frank stole my thermos. Arin: What are you in middle school? Dan: And they took the whole lunch box and my fruit snacks. Arin: He took my capri-sun! Dan: "Frank's a dick. It's just something we all have to accept". "Let me let me talk to him". I could figure this misunderstanding out that would be amazing I would be very appreciative. No sweat. We just became acquaintances nice Reds thermos Okay, so these are all my missions Okay, so Frank was over here right. I can't remember who Frank was o
h, yeah What's up, man? Don't look ever fuckin Thurman. Don't even talk to me if you want this fuckin thermos Frank is an asshole And he has a short fuse. I've known Frank like that I should prop How's it going, dude? Wait you're not drunk. Are you I'm completely sober. I'm plastered good. I'm straight edge I can't stand assholes who get drunk at parties why you at a party? It's like my civic duty to beat the ever-loving shit out of anybody I see with the drink Oh, that sounds fun contribution.
Helps make this world better. Oh anyway. I'm looking for a thermos Uh, uh heard somebody said they had some alcohol. What do we do? What do you think about Katherine Frank stealing from girls this has gone way too far? Super about Katherine, okay, dude. She's so hot I'd give my left nut for a night with her Weed I Need a left nut and you need a night with Katherine now. I'm plastered dude I just had like 12 shots since we started talking No stupid asshole. What are you doing? Man? What he just t
old you his arms went crazy though Game over good job. You fucked up. I have to really yep Load you didn't save a game damn. It well I right It's fine. It's not like I did anything. Okay. Let's start a new game and talk to Katherine Jeez get all down on me up on me down on me. He just said he hates anyone I didn't know the game would be over. I just thought it would trigger something weird happening It did and where the fuck is my friend Derek you have to talk to it You have to do a ton of shit
again, dude You have to wait till everyone gets there, then you have to take the speaker then you have to get the fucking Chardonnay Oh like getting a speaker is so hard Aaron look. I'll just talk to this girl You're pissing me off worse than Frank you don't There's so many things you could do here. This is her party I probably shouldn't be a dick to her if I want to stay so I should talk to her Um do I know you that was a dick to her before Uh-huh, that's sweet see See it's like the better time
line now Yeah, you're she's terrifying up close So all I had to do was say something nice to her. That's it that was good. I did it. See I'm learning I'm doing good stuff. Who's this that's the nice girl from the? Bath from the the tub yes I heard she's friends with some really prestigious people like Vicki vixen did she like get changed and shit I Don't believe we've been I'm Rachel. Yes nice to meet so no installing her thermos. Yes, you fucked it up I was having an Okie Frank's door That woul
d be done. No sweat. I walk in done already caught up cool I just got to talk to Derek and Frank and Madison's sister and Get the Chardonnay and get steal the speaker and talk to Derek hey there and talk to everyone you've talked to her hey Derek Derek don't sit down. Hey, buddy. Good. Good friends already. I don't know work Week sounds good, buddy Done easy and I want to talk to the crazy drunk girl though Though now that you're supposed to because that was the bad time line Oh shit good job. N
ow. You have to start again What yep, oh no, he's fighting me. You're done. Dude. What's game over. You told me to steal the speaker Well you told me mm-hmm all right We'll be right back and we're back okay. Hello, so okay, so I'm starting to think like maybe Well first of all oh yeah, we got we got all our shit done. We stole the speaker again, and it was pretty nice Arin: So I'm starting to think like maybe there's like Arin: There's like an alignment chart to this and maybe I should be like a
good guy about some stuff? Dan: Yeah, I think that's the point. Arin: Cause I think there's probably whipped cream in here. Dan: No, we talked to Derek a second ago But this time we did it after we spoke to the girl who (chicken nuggets!) who.. Who wanted the whip-its, so we should find Derek and see if that we can ask him about whipped cream. Arin: Hey Derek... Dan: Can I talk to you about whipped cream for a second? Dan: Good fucking talk, Derek. Arin: Yeah... Arin: What's Amy's deal? Dan: Oh
shit! Arin: Uhm, Panic...with an exclamation the disco, dude. Dan: Uh, Kenny from Panic! At The Disco played the guitar solo in the new ninja sex party song. Arin: What? Dan: Yeah! Isn't that rad? Arin: Really? Dan: He just heard it in the studio When he was working with our producer, and he was like, "Oh my god, I wanna be a part of this." Dan: Because fucking awesome! Arin: Holy shit. I'm kind of jealous. Dan: Yeah, I'm jealous of myself for not being there... when that happ
ened. Arin: Oh you weren't there? Dan: No. I wasn't even there Brian was there Arin: She freaks out...did Amy say she was looking for Derek? Dan: Uh... I think so? Dan: You got it! Arin: Yay, me and Derek are still friends! Dan: Such friendly friends. Arin: Hey Rachel. Well, I didn't find her thermos yet, but you're still looking great Danny. She's really pretty. Arin: Alright, so I gotta talk to...hold on. Arin: I saved it...right before. Dan: Oh yeah, we didn't speak to Frank yet. Arin: We sho
uld give him some drink-- Dan: NO! What, are you kidding me!? Arin: I don't know! Maybe that'll ingratiate him to me... Dan: That's exactly what he just PUNCHED YOU IN THE FACE for doing! Arin: Well like, I'm giving it to Dan: Just talk to him. Don't give him the Chardonnay. Dan: DO NOT! Confiscated this off. Oh yeah, he looks fun He's a psycho Alright, just talk to him for God's sake Ando oh, man. He's not interested in fucking I'm completely sober. I'm straight edge J. I can't stand
assholes. We get drunk at parties Holy shit. Oh, Jesus. I tell you what we got to do. We got to conduct ourselves a sting up The play oh, I asked him what should we do if somebody has alcohol? oh And you in one minute See if you can get whoever it is to confess about having some alcohol in them when I walk by and then I'll take it From there, if not. I'll just go back on patrol. Arin: What a nark! Dan: What a fucking lunatic! Ass get out of the house Oh man solid plan Frank. Let's do it. This g
uy's giving straightedge people a bad name. Yeah I Don't know man. It could be fun to do this sure and narc someone out I've got a minute before Frank comes and finds me so who sucks the most Wait you want to get someone thrown out yeah, Oh give the drunk guy. I mean the fucked-up guy. Oh Steve this guy he's a douche and no one like Patrick Patrick You're a douche sure no one likes come to Thailand brah any luck finding painkillers. Hey, dude Can I borrow your phone you should watch out for Fran
k? I told him oh, man. There's so many choices Yeah, it's how do you know Madison me and Maddy your cousins. She'll never admit it though she pretends She doesn't know me most of the time. It's fine though. I don't particularly like her either Oh shit parents are close and she gets a lot of shit if she excludes me who wouldn't trust a smile like that here Hey, I saw some booze under the sofa in the living room that oh, no way brah Thanks for tipping me off to it Frank's got it all on lockdown an
d I need to keep my buzz for things you should give him the Chardonnay yeah Dude I'll take some wine thanks, buddy, you're the best not sure that was exactly what I suppose Oh, you fucked it up load game. What I'm not sure that's exactly what I was look look. Uh huh, it's come for Patrick Patrick Patrick Yeah, I think you got a taco and brah Oh your good friends now Frank I'm telling how's it going dude staying away, yeah, good talk Frank Well did he no he doesn't all right fuck it you made a go
od friend With with Patrick. Yeah, well, I wanted to get him kicked out though. I know you blew it, but I don't like Patrick Yeah, you fucked up nice your best friend. What do you have to say about this Frank? How's it going? Though? Oh you fucking asshole from the alcohol Frank? I overheard somebody saying they had some alcohol. What do we do? Shit oh, that's it okay, but I already did this all right whatever um go to uh He's got alcohol in his fucking hand now, I know Starting to think the AI
in this game might not actually be the strongest thing in the world That's it going brahs Wasted sorry brah. I don't think I know you well enough to trust you with it nothing personal Just the bras gotta look out for himself well. Let's go look up totally know what you asked him for yes That's the first cell phone Wow Brah any luck finding paevey. I'll tell him Frank Bank. He doesn't scare me Oh Every time I see Frank I hide it down the front of my pants I was here before Frank got here And we s
howed up and started scooping up all the booze yeah through this, baby Down my pants you really you really slidin undercover. No, I'm feeling good oh My god, okay, Frank's coming. I saw this this time you better bring it. I've cornered him. I've Cornered Patrick. He's not gonna. Put it down his pit. Oh he put it down Patrick: "Hehe, nice try ;)" That motherfucker put it down his pants fuck you Patrick. I think you were supposed to give it to him. Just as he was coming That's it go Damn it All ri
ght forget it this is a fool's errand. We should be talking to girls for God's sake well I don't know ask Frank about the thermos What he got really up to you last time didn't he he sure did but you know what? Fuck it. What's the worst that can happen? We have to load the game in all endowed Staying away from God han stealing from girls Yeah, do it. Oh here we go Frank's got a bottle oh, I'm gonna fuck his shit up Yes, yes cool Oh my god, I'm so excited oh, oh damn. Oh Oh sick you dropped the bo
ttle you can get that later yes Get him this is Like the best street fighter, I've ever seen Street fighter sick. I kicked him right in the wall. Oh my god Wow oh he's dead. He's dead Cool cool yes, I got those hot yeah, everyone feeling good about what happened here. How's it going? Old blood is gone. Talk on third. I just killed a man hey Patrick you all right. Yeah, you won't be needing this no definitely not take Now damn it. Oh fuck. I was just cleaning before I'm outta here. I'm outta here
. See ya Kid how's it goin through? He's definitely still follows you Where's Derek where's Derek I need him to help me in this place help. How's it gone to other girls or? Dick Frank you me how's it going buddy? Hey Amy said she's looking for your help. How's it going? Yeah, oh, thank god protect us Oh How's a concert Wow okay next time I gave rooms oh Man, I got that got really intense yeah That's cool. I'll tell you how it's going dude not well uncensor the nudity please I Need something you
got to give me something in this area. What are you? I'm just trying to make it easy on my bros



Imagine you're in your room, it's dark, you're laying peacefully in your bed...when suddenly, the door creaks open and all you hear, "How's it goin', dude?" Worst. Nightmare. Ever.


The beginning clip of Matt just staring at the computer killed me lmfao


I love how cutely and genuinely Dan said "She's really pretty" about Rachel


I CHIME IN WITH A “how’s it goin dood?”


"Maybe the AI isn't the strongest point in this game" Picks up wine directly in front of Frank


Matt looked so broken.




aww matt i am so sorry


I laughed so hard I cried while Frank was chasing the boys around the party. Between their panicked screams and their Frank impressions, I about peed myself. Please keep playing this.


"I feel like it's my civic duty to beat the shit out of everyone with a drink." WHO INVITED THIS GUY?!


I love that Arins skewed logic about giving Frank the drink was actually right


I absolutely need a Game Grumps Animated of Frank chasing them like a horror movie villain


I just know I'm going to be lying in bed tonight, my mind drifting off to sleep when suddenly in the darkness I will hear, "how's it goin' dood?"


We need an animation of "how's it goin dood" STAT.


I've watched less than a minute and this has got to be my favorite "Matt & Ryan do this" episode lol


I couldn’t for the life of me remember where I’d heard “how’s it goin dude?” before. It’s Soos from Gravity Falls!


I love how Matt and Ryan are adding little live action bits


Hahaha poor Matt and Ryan😂😂😂


That “how’s it going dude” chase sequence needs to end up in a Game Grumps animated


My favorite part of all of that is that, as you're running away from Frank and you bump into Patrick, and initiate a conversation with him, he opens with something to the effect of "How's it going (most likely brah)?" as if he didn't just get destroyed in the living room a minute ago. Already back up and at it! Patrick's a champ!