
How did Buffalo Zoo animals react to the total solar eclipse?

How would Buffalo Zoo animals react to the total solar eclipse? 2 On Your Side visited North Buffalo to find out.


9 hours ago

one of the common questions that we've been hearing at Channel 2 how would the animals react to the total solar eclipse our Dave McKinley got to experience it firsthand today he was at the Buffalo Zoo today David Scott there wasn't a great deal of reaction visible from most of the animals at the zoo with the exception of one group of animals we'll tell you more about that in just a moment but the zoo provided a backdrop as well for a lot of outof town visitors to have something to do with their
families while they waited for the big moment to arrive here's what was going on here earlier today they came from all over came in from Maryland Glenrock New Jersey for some it was planned I saw it on television you back in 2017 he was just born and we said next eclipse we're going for others spur of the moment it's about a 14-hour drive so we made it a road trip for the zoo it was about more than welcoming guests so we have some folks from Kenisha College on ground studying uh polar bears and
gorillas specifically but also checking out what some of the other animals are doing as the moment arrived under mostly cloudy skies each little break brought cheers of anticipation and [Music] [Applause] hope and then at the moment of totality it was just enough to leave the crowd spelt out oh my God look at it no one was disappointed it's beautiful definitely worth every minute to come here yeah would never believe it unless I was here we were pretty surprised when how dark it got we really we
re so your husband was saying your husband was saying it was worth the trip it was worth the trip yeah definitely and to see the animals even beforehand those lions were really roaring beforeand now about the Lions we were told by the zoo staff that the Lions Roar from time to time if you've ever been here you've probably heard them and they don't think think that that was related to the eclipse in fact I was watching the Lions during the darkness the darkest portion and they just kind of settle
d down and sat there and took in the eclipse like everyone else the one group of animals that perhaps had the most noticeable reaction according to zo staff were from the Aven exhibits the birds uh because that uh Darkness kind of came over time a little bit just like you might expect in the evening before it got totally dark and they noticed some of the birds starting to ro Ro uh get prepared for bed as they do every night and then of course the sun came back out and they thought it was time to
get up and have some breakfast I guess so reporting live on your side from the Buffalo Zoo on what was just a memorable and great day overall da for kle Channel 2 News great story
