
How Do Hunters And American Farmers Deal With Millions Of Wild Boars In Texas | Farming Documentary

How Do Hunters And American Farmers Deal With Millions Of Wild Boars In Texas | Farming Documentary Amidst the sprawling terrain of Texas, a relentless struggle unfolds between hunters and American farmers against a relentless foe: the wild boar. These untamed creatures, numbering in the millions, wreak havoc on agricultural lands and native habitats, prompting a concerted effort in wild boar hunting. Seasoned hunters, often partnering with local farmers, embark on expeditions into the wilderness, armed with rifles and aided by skilled hunting dogs. Through the lens of this enthralling video, viewers are immersed in the adrenaline-fueled pursuits and strategic maneuvers of wild boar hunting. Interviews with participants provide firsthand accounts of the challenges and triumphs encountered in this rugged endeavor. The video captures the essence of the wild boar hunting culture, showcasing the camaraderie, determination, and reverence for nature that define it. Against the backdrop of Texas's vast landscape, the battle against the wild boar symbolizes the delicate balance between conservation and the preservation of livelihoods. As viewers delve into the heart of this timeless struggle, they gain a deeper appreciation for the resilience of both hunters and farmers in the face of nature's formidable challenges. Hello everyone, welcome to Mouse Farm channel ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Mouse Farm is a place to help you discover great things about technology in the field of agriculture, livestock technology, processing technology and food processing technology, etc. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔴 COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER Mouse Farm doesn't fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect. We use under: Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. "fair use" is allowed for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarships, and research. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔴 Some of the material used in the video belongs to the esteemed owners. Any issues related to copyright, please contact: copyright@swagmedia. 🔴 You are the owner of the materials used in this video, let us know in the comments. We will follow your request immediately. ♦ Subscribe to the channel here: ♦ Website: ♦ Twitter: ♦ ♦ Video may contain copyrighted content based on Fair Use fair use laws #agriculturetechnology #processingfactory #moderntechnology #mousefarm

Mouse Farm & Agriculture

6 days ago

hello my friends wild boards are  becoming a serious problem for tixon as millions of wild Boors invades  Farms damaging crops and threatening other animals so how can we prevent  these attacks let's watch much the follow while BS spread from 30 to  50 states in the US especially in Texas as in recent years  they have caused damage to crops and Farms depicting harvests and threatening hunting to deal with the invasion of  wild Boors and the results have been positive faced with the significant 
increase in the number of wild BS the implemented a hunting plan to control the situation every time they go hunting Hunters  move into the forest with careful preparation bringing bows arrows bow strings and some  necessary amenities such as knives and food they need precise hunting skills  to avoid danger and effectively take down herds of wild board the correct  aiming distance is about 20 to 30 ft which is enough to ensure  quick damage and kill the target but did you know that Hunters  can
not only take down wild BS with guns it takes them a long time to  practice and master professional skills have a certificate of hunting wild boore but thanks to the efforts and perseverance  of hunters this measure has had a positive result thanks to the application of bows and  arrows hunting techniques the number of wild Wars has decreased by 30% each year helping to  protect corn fields and reduce pressure on Texas Farmers this helps the economy stabilize  Food Supplies and reduce crop prote
tion costs at the same time it creates  the potential to increase the corn expert turnover of the State of Texas and  increase the reliability of corn product quality and before moving on to the next  more interesting method I'd like to ask if you're having difficulties dealing  with the invasive wild boore species if so please leave a comment with the  number one in the comment section and now let's continue watching the rest  of the solutions throughout the whole video besides using bows and a
rrow to hunt Texas  Farmers also use traps to control wild boes to set traps they choose locations  where wild Boors are frequently active round iron traps are about 3 to 4 ft  in diameter and the trap area is about 7 to 12 s ft traps are firmly installed into  the ground and Sh while BS do not Escape Farmers often use an attractive  bait to attract wild bores to the Trap one of the most popular  baits is corn or grains natural or chemical scents can also be used  to enhance the effectiveness of
the lur each time it is activated the Trap  will catch 10 to 15 wild BS to know when wild boes are trapped Farmers often check  periodically using tracks underground or camera systems when wild boes are trapped they well  Harvest them safely and effectively this process not only helps control wild Wars but also  protects other animals and helps stabilize Farmers income and according to experienced hunters in trapping wild boes the best  time to trap wild bors is at night as they often travel in
groups to  search for food according to the recorded cameras do you see that the number of wild  bors at night is greater than during the day the hunters told me that they  felt happy when they were able to deal with twice the number  of wild Boors in one night it was a night of them sleeping well however  both approach are supported by a large number of Dix many people think that hunting  and trapping wild Boors is inhumane but farmers in Texas found a responsible  and a reasonable solution af
ter capturing them so instead of Exterminating them they often  transport captured wild borers to sanctuaries each time they are trapped they are taken  to conservation areas such as the East Texas reservation or the Sam Houston reservation  where they can live naturally without harming crops to effectively control wild War  herds new measures can be applied such as using satellite technology  to Monitor and predict areas where wild boes often operate thereby  focusing on control measures in the
se areas are you thinking like me that  moving them to a conservation area is the best solution here they live and  grow naturally without causing harm to Farmers in particular they do not have  to worry about running away from Farmers hunts from the above measures farmers will no  longer have to stay up at night to find and chase away wild BS so the real question Still  Remains if you have any better methods than the above mentioned methods please comment Down  Below in the comment section to l
et everyone know those are the efforts of Texas farmers and  Hunters to protect the natural landscape and ensure ecological balance for Animals  I think you should try traveling to Texas to visit the wild Boors and  the reserve and see how they are raised are they well cared for the lean  environment ensures that they cannot escape to harm the corn farm what do you think about the  issue of wild boore Invasion causing damage to crops comment number one if you agree with  the people of Texas brin
ging wild boes to the sanctuary if you disagree about hunting with  a bow and arrow comment number zero thank you for watching the entire video like and press the  channel subscription button to watch to Nick's videos the surgeon deer populations in the United States has created a series of  challenges for farmers and the environment deers are herbivores they G many  different types of plants from grass to trees and crops every year they often appear in  fields creating a great threat to the cro
ps invasive deers can cause about  $1.5 billion in damage each year to the US Farms according to estimates by  the US Department of Agriculture this damage includes not only damage to crops but  also have fixed the infrastructure and the livestock with approximately 30 million deer in the United  States the population is growing rapidly creating enormous pressure on the ecosystem and  economy uncontrolled growth causes growing challenges as we enter the 21st  century we are facing an unexpected
challenge to traffic safety in the  United States deers cause traffic accidents the situation becomes  dangerous when deers not only invade residential areas but  are also causing many traffic accidents according to statistics from  the US national highway traffic safety administration referred to as  the nhtsa each year there are about 200,000 traffic accidents caused by  deers with a significant number of death injuries this not only creates a  dangerous situation for Traffic Safety but also c
auses a huge financial  waste for the community the estimated economic loss due to traffic accident  caused by deers each year is about $1.1 billion this cost includes  vehicle repairs Medical Care and insurances dear hunting is a popular activity  in the United States especially in rural areas Hunters often choose areas with many deers such  as forests grasslands and Farms to begin their Adventures the hunting process takes place  by hunters searching for deers and using hunting tools if the de
er is not dead after the  first shot the hunter will continue until it's dead daytime hunting offers many advantages  such as better visibility increased success rates and a diverse selection  of hunting methods in the United States many states such as New York Pennsylvania  Illinois and Texas offers daytime hunting licenses however regulations can vary  from a state to another so Hunters should check carefully before setting out daytime deer hunting is not only a sport but  also provides unique
recreational experiences bringing participants Closer To Nature and at  the same time enjoying the fresh air of the countryside night deer hunting in the United  States is an effective method of controlling deer populations and  protecting Farmers crops through the use of large headlights farmers can easily  detect and shoot down harmful deers and their fields the advantages of this method  includes the deer's poor night vision making them easier to detect farmers  can also take advantage of ti
me when deers leave the forest to hunt  helping to minimize damage to crops however not all areas in  the united states allow night deer hunting regulations can vary by  state but typically it always includes licensing requirements headlight wattage  shooting distance and a flat FL light use although this method brings many  benefits but also has certain risks such as the risk of accidents and  negative effects on other animals therefore compliance with regulations is  important to ensure safety
and protect the environment night deer hunting is not only a form of entertainment but also an  effective means of managing deer populations deer hunting in snowy  Fields is a popular activity in the United States during the winter the  hunter moves through the snow field looking for deer tracks and then  uses a rifle to make a hunting shot this offers many advantages including  being easier for deers to see against the white snow and the ability to reach them more easily deer hunting and snowy
Fields not  only provides an enjoyable experience but also helps control deer  populations and maintain Natural Balance licensed in Areas with heavy snowfall  and large deer populations the activity requires Hunters to comply with specific state regulations  in addition preparing the right gear for cold weather Hunters also need to be careful when  traveling in the snow and follow State safety regulations deer hunting in snowy Fields is  not only a hobby but also a responsibility requiring atte
ntion and respect for the natural environment doing this activity properly we will provide a unique experience  and protect our natural resources there are many different ways to deal with invasive deer populations  now let's go to other areas in the United States to see how farmers are  dealing with deer populations let's keep watching why is the wild beer population  growing so rapidly in the United States they are present in 50 states about 10 years ago American went  camping in the forest an
d encountered wild beers their numbers are very few and  they're very scared when encountering humans they feed them human food  quite often they have made made them dependent on human food  making them more irritable and angry they attack people's cars and steal their food they move towards the city looking for food from agricultural Farms attacking  cattle farms and raging through trash cans the US government had to come  up with measures to prevent them to prevent wild animals from  accessing
livestock Farms there are some simple and effective ways that we need to do a first solution is that in outer Farm areas there should be a surplus feed  regime for maximum production instead of providing too much food each  day calculate the amount of food needed for the full price to minimize waste and  avoid creating an attraction for wild beers minimizing food scraps  not only saves resources but also reduces the number of wild beers in the area excess food not only creates  opportunities fo
r wild beers but can also lead to changes in their  behavior as they rely on food sources more easily by reducing food waste we  can create a safer environment for livestock and prevent wild beers from  accessing Farms ensuring that both both parties can share the same habitat  without causing termites to each other in addition using measures to  protect animal feed is also an important solution solid Barns and electric fences can be used to ensure that livestock  feed is protected from Ma by wi
ld beers this not only protects the feed  but also ensures the safety of your livestock fences here will be built around  cattle farms and trees the energy panel system will energize the fence ensuring  that there is always electricity for the fence however there are some fences  that they can still get through they will try to steal the food as they are very disappointed increased security is  another important part of preventing wild beers from entering Farm residential areas insto security ca
meras to  monitor wild beer activity which can provide valuable information about their prisons so what would you do if you know a wild  beer was nearby can you take appropriate security measures run as fast as you can  and tell people around you about their prisons to ensure your safety and everyone else please quickly notify  the security agency so that they can promptly assist you in handling these situations educating people in the  farm area about how to avoid wild beers is another importan
t part of this strategy awareness of how to respond to Wild beers  and how to practice safety measures can help create a safer environment for  both humans and wild beers in the same area just take a quick look at how they handle it  to know what you should do if you encounter such a situation think about how to handle it  yourself and learn skills to protect yourself in addition to these  measures hunting is also one of the most widely used measures in the US states it has become an important p
art  of counter measures against wild beer attacks this is a task that not only  requires professionalism but also ensures the safety of people in wildlife in dealing with wild beers Hunters  have an important role in finding and capturing them there are often people with diff knowledge of  beer behavior in ecology along with Advanced hun skills Hunters are trained to identify wild  beer tracks monitor their expressions and predict the beer's potential actions to ensure  their safety and the saf
ety of the natural environment they can't place  cameras in areas where wild beers often appear to monitor their behavior as well as well as placing crates of  their favorite food so they appear faster once the presence of wild  beers has been identified in an area the us hunters often apply careful security measures wild beer hun hunting is a  process that requires precision and patience Hunters use hunting tools  and Aid safety approach to capture the beers they will travel in a group so they
can  properly support each other during the hunting process the ultimate goal of hunting wild beers  isn't to completely eliminate the species but to ensure that the wild beers and humans can share  the same habitat without posing a threat to each other American farmers dedicate  their time and knowledge to carry out this work carefully and mathematically  playing a vital role in maintaining the balance between humans and nature  and the fight against wild beer attacks what do you think we shoul
d do to  prevent this beer attack please leave all your comments Down Below in the comment section  and for now let's continue watching this video you know it it's Australia we  have a bit of trouble with those wild rabbits now you might be thinking that  rabbit meat might be a good choice for a meal and actually you're  not wrong it is delicious and nutritious but you see the problem is that we  Australians especially the farmers don't eat wild rabbits since 1945 feral rabbit  populations have
grown widely across Australia to the point where there  are approximately 200 million wild rabbits recorded this creates an uncontrolled situation  with major harmful effects on the environment and agriculture furthermore wild rabbits  tend to carry a variety of parasites and bacteria raising concerns about  health risks associated with rabbit meat consumption with their ability to be  transmitted to humans these parasites and bacteria pose a serious threat to the  health of people who enjoy eat
ing rabbit meat to control the ongoing situation  Australians have destroyed millions of wild rabbits after taking measures to poison them not stopping there a series of  other measures have been introduced making rabbit meat one of  the meats that Australians hate researchers injected rabbits with  vaccines before releasing them into the wild devising a strategy to devastate  rabbit populations using biological weapons these vaccines are only transmitted within the rabbit population and are  un
likely to sprit to humans or other species however transmission  within the rabbit population was rapid and resulted in a series of epidemics IC cases this makes consuming infected  rabbits impossible for Australian farmers who fear the potential risk to human health eating wild rabbit meat in Australia is a controversial and IM multifaceted  topic with many different views and arguments one of the main concerns about  the consumption of wild rabbit meat is it is potential to contribute  to the
growth of feral rabbit populations some have argued that eating  wild rabbits could make increasing wild rabbit populations extremely  difficult and is valid for several reasons in this situation hunting  of wild rabbits could also create an evolutionary pressure on the wild rabbit population strong and agile rabbits  are likely to survive in human hunting environments while weak rabbits we have to  utilize different survival tactics to avoid capture this could promote the evolution  of wild rab
bits creating a wild rabbit population with new Sur survival and reproductive characteristics as specific example could be developing better hiding tactics  or greater speed and escaping a threat wild rabbits can develop the abilities  to be alert and assist situations quickly to avoid being caught and these traits can be  passed On to the Next Generation through evolution in addition the focus  on Hunting healthy wild rabbits may also affect the population structure of wild rabbits wild rabbit
populations  can become genetically diverse as only some rabbits have the opportunity to  participate in the reproductive process this can lead to a loss of  genetic diversity and leave wild rabbit populations vulnerable  and the phase of other environmental changes furthermore wild rabbits are known  for their ability to reproduce extremely quickly raising concerns about the negative  impact on the Environmental Al and Australian agriculture a single wild rabbit can give birth to hundreds of ba
by rabbits each year  creating an incredible reproductive rate this means that each wild rabbit can  produce a large number of baby rabbits and when combined with a high survival rate of  weak rabbits wild rabbit populations can flourish these increased levels not only  create concerns about competition with other animals and their natural habitat but  also create problems related to Australian agriculture with the number of  wild rabbits increasing they can cause damage to crops and Farmers foo
d sources predation of wild rabbits can  lead to an unwanted increase in feral rabbit populations making their control more complicated however to ensure  that eating wild rabbits does not contribute to The Unwanted rise of  the species the Australian government has established regulations and  limits on hunting wild rabbits this is intended to control wild rabbit  populations and ensure that the natural and agricultural environment isn't unduly impacted although eating wild rabbits remains cont
roversial careful management  of wild rabbit populations is an important part of efforts to protect the  environment and ensure natural bance and Australia the smell and taste of wild rabbit meat is often one of the factors that makes  it difficult for people to like this dish wild rabbit meat often has  a full smell and a characteristic better taste making it an option  that is not always popular with people the smell of wild rabbit meat may come from the rabbit diet which includes  Natural Foo
ds plants and even caring this creates a unique flavor  but also not a dish that everyone can accept the ability of wild rabbits to  reflect the smell of wild rabbit meat to their food as part of its natural process  but it can be difficult for many people to accept in addition to the smell the bitter  taste of wild rabbit meat is also an annoying Point bitterness can arise from these substance  contained in meat such as uric acid and other compounds this makes wild rabbit meat often  taste more
bitter than meat from other animals the combination of full  aor and bitter taste creates a damp experience and is the reason why many  Australians dislike wild rabbit meat although there are many ways to soften  the better taste and remove the odor when preparing wild rabbit meat the preference for  consuming the dish still depends on personal preference for many people the  choice between wild rabbit and other meats never seems to have a  compelling reason to change their tastes if you eat wi
ld rabbit meat please let us know in the comment section how does  it tastes like thank you so much for watching this video Until here for now  let's continue watching the rest of the video farmers and Hunters were very concerned  about hunting wild BS can attack them if they feel in danger they gathered many hunters  and hunting dogs to cat wild Boors for each hunt each Convoy started going to the forest to  hunt wild boes this pack of hunting dogs will be responsible for searching for wild BS
the  well Chas and attack if they encounter wild BS hunters will also feel much safer with  the help of teammates and the support of dogs they closely follow their dogs who will split up into different areas to  search for traces of wild BS when discovering wild boes hunters quickly  run back and use hunting tools to catch them it is not surprising that hunting with the help of hunting dogs causes the  number of wild Wars hunted to increase the number of wild  Wars has also gradually decreased a
ccording to statistics from the  US Department of Agriculture hunting wild BS with hunting dogs is the most popular hunting method in the US in 2022 about 2.5 million  wild Boors were hunted with hunting dogs accounting for about 75% of the total  number of wild boars hunted in the US there was a hunter who told the horrifying  story opening a new page in the world of hunting his team made had to face the  attack of a giant wild Bo weighed up to 600 lb however the courage and solidarity  of hunt
ers helped them recapture the wild boore turning it into  one of the biggest trophies ever this story spread widely and created  a new fear in the hunter Community it races questions about the insignificance of  wild BS and their ability to deal with humans since this incident many Hunters have felt extremely cautious when conducting their  hunts because they understand that in the wild world danger can always appear  from anywhere and any time at any moment to avoid being injured during  huntin
g the hunters came up with the idea of using tents  and hiding places to hunt wild boes it isn't difficult to  find areas frequented by wild B there are many traces left by wild  Boors in the forest first we will go into the Forest approaching an area  with the traces of wild Wars setting up tents this tint has the same color as  the trees so it can be used to hide most effectively tins can be used  for overnight and camping right in the forest construction is quite simple  just follow the instr
uctions when buying them once the tent is set up now is an important  time to prepare food for the journey to ensure that wild Boors have the energy and nutrition  they need building a food Tower is an important step this form of food pyramid not only saves  time but also helps saving resources instead of having to sprit feed directly on the soil  this can be expensive and inefficient instead use a simple Tower to spread even amounts  of food throughout every moment of outdoor life with the towe
r is easy and convenient  installation you can enjoy convenient and efficient food preparation ready for  exciting Journeys and experiences with nature after preparing the grain tower  for the wild boar the hunters return to their ttin and began waiting for  the optimal opportunity to hunt wild boes this is a painstaking and patient  process requiring perfect concentration control with their shelter in the tent  the hunter uses binoculars to observe the surroundings and the appearance  of wild b
oys they know that every caution is necessary cuz wild BS have the  ability to quickly to detect any intrusion when the time came the delicious  scent from the food attracted wild boes from afar the appear from the  forest coming in flux looking for food at this point the hunter is prepared  and covers their destination with amazing Precision they aimed at the wild Bo's  paralysis Point defeating them in the first shot when wild Boors are paralyzed  they immediately fall down and the hunt ends t
he use of off-road vehicles  of hunting is also very popular you can drive on any terrain to hunt  which is much safer than setting up tent with the vehicle's shape it can  carry a ground of four people hunting together across flat areas the chance of  being attacked by wild Boors is almost non-existent the hunting triap went very  well herds of Pags were killed with each use of hunting equipment after being  killed pigs will be brought home for pressing so the pig will be hung up  and the proce
ssing process will begin the pig skin will be separated  vertically from the pig stale down after separating the skin the internal organs will be also removed each piece of meat  will be divided and brought into cooking almost all wild boore hunters in the US love  this dish however each person will have different flavors the meat will be cooked for quite  a long time with patiently until you enjoy it how wonderful each piece  of meat is tender and very delicious have you ever tried the grilled
wild  board dish before please let us know about it down below in the comment section right now and for  now let's take you to another area with more great thanks locusts are unique insect species  are now becoming a serious threat to crops and socio economy across continents  including Africa Asia and America even Africa they gather in millions at break Nick  speed and destroy everything in their path this phenomenon has attracted the attention of the scientific community and  environmental man
agers around the world the Locust epidemic not  only causes serious economic damage but also threatens  the well-being of ions of people they have the potential to destroy crops  and increase food shortages and famine causing instability among farming communities  and those who depend on food from agriculture in addition locusts  also have the potential to cause health problems including diseases and  allergies affecting people's quality of life to deal with this threat  the use of pesticides ha
s been considered the most effective measure to destroy locusts however it should be noted  that this method can cause negative impacts on the environment so it's important to look for other Solutions including research  on preventive control and use of management methods sustainable management is  essential to ensure the safety of the natural environment and humans in the future Sparrow a bird that favors a variety  of seeds and Grains including rice corn and beans are becoming a serious  threa
t to crop yields around the world the Sparrow's ability to cause damage cannot be underestimated and it threatens  the global food and agricultural establishment nit traps have become an  effective measure to reduce damage caused by Sparrow the operating principle of  nit traps is based on lurring birds into the net and they are made from highly  durable Nets that can withstand the height of sparrows n traps are placed in areas where Sparrow  commonly occur such as near rice corn and bean fields
however the harmful effects of  sparrows are still great on the fields according to a report by the food  and agriculture organization of the United States referred to as the FAO Sparrow are  one of the most common PS of crops in the world in the United States and Europe sparrows  cost millions of euros in agricultural damage each year but in Asia sparas caus billions  of dollars in agricultural damage each year so to minimize this  damage the use of nit traps along with other protective measur
es is extremely important Sparrow can significantly impact  the food and economic resources of countries and research the implementation  of effective protection measures will play an important role in  protecting food resources and agriculture peasants a pissed present in all fields are becoming a  serious challenge for farmers although it is less harmful than  some other species Fant population are growing rapidly causing nuisance and damage to Farmers one of the traditional  means of controll
ing pheasant is hunting however this method is becoming  increasingly ineffective and dangerous Farmers have realized the value in Catching  fants and raising them as a valuable asset this has led to a decline in Fant hunting  and opened up a new approach to managing this population raising fizzin on their own Farms has  proven to be one of the best ways to control Fen populations it helps Farmers control the  quality and quantity of fizzin in their controlled environment minimizing  impact on f
ields and natural food sources in particular pheasants raised on  farms can become an additional source of income for farmers and help maintain  the ecological balance in the area by catching fizzin and raising them  Farmers not only minimize the impact of these birds on their fields but also  create a sustainable solution to the problem this demonstrates the change in Farmers attitudes and actions while helping  to prict fields and the agricultural environment now not only pheasants  deers are
also one of the invasive species across fields in some countries around the world they are set to regularly destroy Fields by eating people's crops causing  billions of dollars in damage annually this is posing a serious challenge to  the Agriculture and the economic apparatus of many countries the government has taken Extreme  Measures such as hunting them to control the situation residents and Hunters  traveled to these areas to hunt deers and their populations  were suppressed in just a few y
ears however it is necessary to carefully  consider whether hunting is the best solution in this situation another option we need to consider is moving them to  National Parks or large natural forests instead of eliminating them in an  extreme way we can consider taking advantage of nature to create  a more balanced environment for deers this also helps protecting biodiversity  and maintains the environmental balance this problem requires careful discussion and  research to find the optimal solu
tion we should consider all options and  listen to the community to ensure that we are implementing effective and sustainable  measures in managing deers and managing our resources and for now you can leave all  your comments down there in the comment section and last don't forget  to share like And subscribe to the channel so you're always stay  in tuned with any of our upcoming videos Farm owners have teamed up with professional Hunters to  participate in trapping wild boes there are Farm owne
rs who do not  have much experience in setting wild boore traps in the afternoon the hunter will go  to the field area to set traps for wild boes when they reached the land area they  started building iron fences to trap wild boes these iron traps range  in height from about 3 to 6 ft seat they will bring down the mesh  frames around the Trap and then begin installation as you can see  the installation is quite simple however you need to install it correctly  according to the steps above until t
he installation is complete the worker will install  the power line and recheck the joints of the Trap once completed the worker will rotate the winch to lift the lower body of the  Trap and install the remote control in each trap the center will  be filled with the types of grain that pigs like to eat the most and then  we will wait for the results via camera likewise traps can  be placed near each other or in other areas showing signs of feral boore Invasion let's watch and see how this trap 
works you can also see that herds of wild bores are starting to approach because  they smell the scent of agricultural products they are too familiar with the  smell of corn in the fields each herd of pigs entering will have the leading male  Pig followed by the female pigs and in their cubs they are very numerous you know during each wild boar breeding season each wild boar  will give birth to about 12 babies per crop just like that the number multiplied and to date the estimated number  of wil
d pigs has reached 9 million back to the traps when the pigs enter the  Trap monitor the camera if there are no wild boes around anymore then the Trap will be activated  perhaps this is the moment you look forward to the most the pigs ran and then hit the Trap hard the material used to make the Trap was  very sturdy so it could block the pig's strength every year in the United States wild boore trapping competitions are held the  contest will be held for a few days to a week wild boore Trappers
from all over come to participate in this contest you  will see the rewards right here these are people who are very  good and skilled at trapping wild boes they have learned and accumulated  experience over quite a long period of time Vehicles carrying wild boes are parked  around a yard each vehicle will be brought into the weighing area to calculate the  total weight of the wild boore vehicle the person with the highest  number of wild boar weights will be the winner and will receive the cont
est prize there are many of these  pigs that are said to weigh 200 to 300 lb a fairly large mass to  be ranked among the top giant Wild boes when they were awarded the  prize they said they had been waiting for the contest to take place for a long time this is also a competition  organized for entertainment and to encourage contestants to  practice their wild boore trapping skills in addition to trapping wild board hunting  is also one of the ways to deal with wild boar invasions the hunters wil
l gather  together and begin their hunting Journey they will learn together and  go to a land where many wild boes Live of course they will hide  in hilly areas they will go to the highest areas on the mountain and  use lenses to observe areas with wild bores when discovering wild boes the hunter  will calm down and aim at their heads to shoot this is the point where the  wild boar becomes paralyzed and faints immediately in field areas hunters will lead  hunting dogs to search for traces of wil
d boar to be able to have these hunting dogs  Hunters had to train hunting dogs for a long time furthermore this breed of dog is  also very expensive and difficult to buy hunting became easier with the  support of Companions and hunting dogs just like that until the end of the day  they will collect all the wild boes and return to celebrate it is estimated that every day in  the United States about 4.5 th000 wild boars are hunted this is a small number compared  to their numbers in the United St
ates there are Hunters who specialize  in hunting wild boes from afar this Hunter was in the mountains and  shot a wild boar at a great distance he was very confident with his hunting equipment and made sure to shoot wild  BS let's take a look at his skills with just one shot the wild boore was  immediately knocked down I couldn't believe my eyes this man chose a high and remote position  to be safer and to easily observe wild bores the times that followed surprised  me his vision and observatio
n are very quick and accurate the wild bores  he saw were all brought down by his skill any animal that appeared was attracted  even the coyote was captured by this Hunter so since these Solutions have been  affecting in preventing the growth of colonies of some invasive species do you believe in  any other bitter solution if so please don't forget to share your comments and opinions  down below plus don't forget to share like And subscribe to support our Channel with  our upcoming videos and la
stly don't forget to share this video with all your friends so  that they can watch it and enjoy it as well



How Do Hunters And American Farmers Deal With Millions Of Wild Boars In Texas | Farming Documentary


Quá hây anh ỏi👍❤❤❤


The footage captures the intensity of the struggle between hunters, farmers, and wild boars, offering a gripping portrayal of the efforts to maintain ecological balance and agricultural productivity.


The resilience and perseverance of Texans are evident as they navigate the challenges posed by millions of wild boars encroaching on their farmlands, showcasing a steadfast commitment to protecting their livelihoods.


Innovations in wildlife management techniques and technology are explored in this documentary, illustrating the ongoing evolution of strategies to address the wild boar invasion in Texas.


❤ chúc bạn thật nhiều sức khỏe


This documentary sheds light on the economic repercussions of wild boar invasions on Texas agriculture, underscoring the importance of finding sustainable solutions.


The scale of the wild boar invasion in Texas is vividly portrayed in this documentary, emphasizing the urgent need for effective measures to control and mitigate the impact on farming communities.


Through collaborative efforts, hunters and American farmers are devising innovative strategies to manage the burgeoning population of wild boars, demonstrating adaptability and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.


Witness the strategic tactics employed by hunters and farmers as they unite to address the widespread proliferation of wild boars, highlighting the determination of Texans to protect their agricultural lands.


Environmental considerations play a crucial role as hunters and farmers work together to minimize the ecological impact of wild boar invasions on Texas ecosystems.


Curious to explore collaboration between farmers and wildlife experts in managing this issue.UCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/HvgfY93GEYmqvwLUuYDwAQ


Hunters and American farmers collaborate to tackle the daunting challenge of millions of wild boars invading Texas, offering a compelling narrative of the ongoing battle between man and beast.


Expect to see the challenges farmers face and the effectiveness of their strategies.🤣


Use covid 19 like in humans




In Texas, a gripping saga unfolds as hunters and American farmers join forces to confront the formidable threat posed by millions of wild boars. This narrative vividly portrays the relentless struggle between humanity and the relentless onslaught of nature's creatures UCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/JAJ1XpGpJYnW8wTupZu4Cw