
How is life in Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 | Indian Student lifestyle

#samarkand #uzbekistan #travelwithak

Travel with AK

4 weeks ago

This city is Samarkand, its earlier name used to be Mara Kanda. this big naan costs 100 INR you people will get walnuts which are available for around Rs. 350 and in India it is available for INR 1000 brother, if it is worth Rs. 800-1000 looks very beautiful. And look at the design here, on all the walls, if you get $100 exchanged here, which is INR 8200 in India, here you will see 12 to 13 lakh soms, here notes of 50000 are available, meaning 350-400 INR you are feeding me biryani, brother, ar
e you making me drink tea too, brother? When he returned home from Ukraine to India, he was welcomed, he was fed sweets and a cap It was shaking from above, be responsible for your life, get out of here, we have no responsibility Hello everyone, welcome back to the channel, so all of you are very welcome again in a new video, if you guys watched the previous video. Well, we had come to Uzbekistan by train from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan is very beautiful and very cheap. Currently, I am present i
n Samarkand City, which is a very historic, very beautiful and very different place. And today we are going to explore with Zain Bhai, he is a medical student here, earlier he was in Ukraine for three years, brother, then in Ukraine, as you all know, there was a * etc., so he is here. Shifted here to Uzbekistan and friend, in today's video I am going to show you many things, I will tell you all the prices from Samarkand city, brother, literally you will be shocked, Uzbekistan is so much cheaper
and if we talk about the first impression. See, there is something like this in Uzbekistan which is very unique, especially the Samarkand city, see how unique and how beautiful it looks, so let's go brother, first cross this road and then take a Yendex taxi from here here Like we have Ola and Uber, They have Yendex here which is very cheap, brother, if I have to go to the market from here, if it is 3 km, I will have to pay only Rs 50 for a taxi, so you can imagine, brother, you cannot get a rick
shaw for Rs 50. Yes, but you people will get a taxi, so let's go to the market here and what is the name of that market, Siyob Bazaar, Siyob Bazaar is the biggest market here, you will get all the things and everything, from dry fruits to clothes, all blankets for students. For this, everything is good and very cheap. Yes, it is very cheap. If you people want to know about a country, how people live there, then the best place is the market, so first of all go to the market and start from there.
Let's see our exploring. We have booked our taxi. The distance from here is 4-4.5 kilometers from here and we are getting 10000 Som for about 60-70 rupees. You can travel comfortably from 5 kilometers. It is so cheap traveling in the local city and other things in the market and will show you further, so friends, we have started our journey and you can see something very beautiful and very unique. You people will get to see the infrastructure, brother, see how wide the roads are and see the
colors of the buildings, the buildings are of sandy color, you people will not get to see many colorful buildings and see the cleanliness, this is the statue of Amir Taimur, so see brother, our Yendex driver brother dropped us here and we have reached the local market here whose name is Siyob Bazaar and see brother, the local people here are carrying load of goods from here literally by the carload. Hey brother, now those locals will set up shop in their area, so the atmosphere is like this, loo
k at how crowded the market is, the main market will start later, but still you can see here, a small market has been setup outside too look, there was a little rain this morning, so there is some water, come on brother, look brother, they transport pumpkins in small vehicles, they have kept all the vegetables etc., such small shops are set up and see what is written here. It is Siyob Bazaar, so let's go and explore the market. How much are all the things available here? What is the whole scene,
how expensive is it, how cheap is it? And man, one thing I have just seen is this whole market which you are looking at, Siyob Bazaar. Just behind it is the Desert Square which is the most famous tourist spot of Samarkand. Look at the back, you will get to see it which is very beautiful. So friend, we are entering from the back entrance of Siyob Bazaar and here at the back As shown to you guys, you can get a more beautiful view from here, see this brother, Desert Square, there are three madras
as here, one two and beyond this, there are two more, I will show them to you later, but see how unique the view is. And it looks beautiful and see, the market starts from here, which you can imagine is very big, you will get to see all the things in 500 to 600 meters and first of all, I want to exchange currency here or through ATM. Have to withdraw money and let me tell you guys, if you get $100 exchanged here which is Rs 8200 in India, here you guys will get to see 12 to 13 lakh soms, so ma
n, there is going to be so much money, so if you get ATM then first ATM I am going to show you people in great detail, so let's start our journey. ATM is visible but brother is saying that you will not find any currency exchange there, so let's go to the currency exchange there. Will get it done by hand and see here brother, it is a small restaurant and all the dishes are available here, it is written about it here, so see here they also eat samosa but it is called somsa and see manti means it
is momo. then see the different types of kebabs here, you will get to see many such things, so we are going to try the local food here too, see brother, we are doing currency exchange here. If you are giving $100, you'll get 12 Lakh som here you will find many currency exchange people here we are negotiating, they were saying that you will get Rs 12 lakhs for $100, but we Negotiate a little and then they said you will get 1220000, so we are getting 50$ exchanged, how much are we getting for $5
0, 610000, it's fine ok, as you have seen brother, we have got $50 exchanged, which is made in India, 4100, 4100. I got 6 lakh Uzbek Som, 610000 if you can to become a millionaire, 7000 then you will become a millionaire here, you people will get so much money, 6 lakh went into your pocket, now let's see. Well, brother, what is there to see in the market here? Well, brother, there are a lot of things to see. There is a separate section here, if there is fruit here, on the other side there is d
ry fruit, there are all such things, so let's see what we can see. Look, here are all the dry fruits, this is walnut, brother, ask me how much per kg is this walnut, call 55000 55000 50000, how much will it cost in India, 350 350. 350 brother, you will get walnuts which is around Rs 1000 in India. You can get it for Rs 800-1000 brother, in India you get 800-1000 INR per kg of walnuts and here it is Rs 350, so you will get some idea of ​​how cheap it is, whereas we have just started exploring
and see brother, here it is like this. I showed you a big dry fruit shop, then they ask how much are the almonds per kg? 120000 kg almonds 800 INR, this is a good This is from samarkand different prices, different locations. Okay. This is a special almond and it is a little cheaper than anywhere else, so you will get to see so many different types of almonds here, I have never seen so many types, brother, you are getting the test done, brother, how is it? It is a little salty but very good in t
aste. India and also see here like Afghanistan here you will see so many pomegranates and at the same time we will definitely drink so many fresh juices of pomegranate and here the most special thing is that I was telling you that the Naan here is Uzbek Naan which is very different, it shines completely and is very heavy. 15000, so see brother, this Naan which you are seeing will be of one and a half to 2 kilos and This Naan is so big, it costs 15000 Som, which is approximately equal to ₹ 100,
this Naan is so big, and let me tell you one thing about this Naan, it remains good for a long time, which means you can eat it for a month, two months, three months. If you keep it, it does not spoil, see, and in the middle of it, there are seeds embedded in it` see how colorful the naan is, brother, it is very colorful, what is there in the middle of it? These are the designs, this is the design, what is the meaning of this, what is that meaning, this is sed, kun sed means some type of like
good, it is colored, it is kept after coloring it, for sweetness, it is kept with jaggery for taste, then see this is worth 40000 Som means 280, it is worth 280, brother, one naan is worth 100, the smaller one is worth 100, brother, one naan will be eaten by about six-seven people and look at the design, how cool it is. Where do you people buy these things from the market? It is better to buy here, we buy it in bulk, onion, garlic, all these things, buy them from here, they are available very c
heap, we buy onion from near the house, we buy it in bulk, potato, cabbage, carrot, potato, all this is available in bulk here. Well, it is good and it remains cheaper than India, that means it is very cheap, it is much cheaper than India, brother, it is much cheaper than India and look, it can become a little expensive in winter, it becomes expensive in winter, it becomes expensive, okay and now It is winter so it is a bit expensive but still it is much cheaper than India. Brother, look at ho
w much it is shining. Is it beetroot or beetroot? It is beetroot. You can also see different types of carrots here. People will also get yellow colored carrots. Look, this is the carrot which is yellow in color and is orange in color but it is a little different and there are different types of vegetables also, there is some spinach, fenugreek etc., everything is available here. Most of the time, ladyfinger etc. are not available, ok ladyfinger is not available here, there may be some problem f
or the veg people, ok here brother, you people have heard that ladyfinger is not available brother, something must be happening this is a very big market. You can see that this section is a complete vegetable section, here you will get such red chillies and all these things, it is not that brother it is not available here, many types of paprika, red pepper etc. etc. are available. Everything is available here in cooking, Indian beans, Indian beans, you will get food, I don't know all kind of, s
o are you feeding me today or not, then feeding me today, India? Then friend, let's go first. I am talking about sugarcane juice. Brother, lets drink pomegranate juice because brother, very fresh and very good pomegranate juice is available here and see how many quality fruits are kept here, come on, there are many shops, but that man is very much, brother, he had first invited us by showing his hand, so he would have pomegranate juice soon. The business will also be done brother, let's go bro
ther, we are talking about brother, but Salaam, welcome, 20000 ok fresh, see brother, fresh pomegranate juice is also being given in full, brother, full bottle is kept but he is making a new bottle. thank you as I was showing it to you people, here the note of 50000 is available, which means 350 or 400, for India, see brother, it will easily be filled in two glasses, it is full ofvfresh pomegranate juice, 10000 and 20000. I have received a return note, brother, we are dealing in Rs 10,000-20,00
0, here this glass is gone, still I feel like I can make two more glasses, easily, brother, it's fun, it's fun, watch a special here. What type of tea is available, this is tea, saffron etc. are visible in it, see how much it costs, 50 grams around 15000 soms, 50 grams 15000 soms, 15000 soms, means 50 grams tea worth around 00000 soms, and why do we drink this tea? It is good for digestion, for heart problems, it is good, you can see. India, Shahrukh Khan, Shahrukh Khan, Shahrukh Khan Shahrukh
Khan and Jimmy Jimmy here, all these people watch a lot of Bollywood movies and I was telling you guys about this herb here, you can see how many types of herbs you will find here. See, there is a leaf in it, something like saffron, if you drink it brother, blood pressure etc. and your Heart disease, all these are curable, this is what these brothers are saying, look here, you can find the traditional caps which the local people wear, see brother, they wear something like this because it is v
ery cold, it seems that the weight is not more than light. And this brother see brother I see a very unique thing this is halwa, so it has a little bit of sugar in it but It is so different, shall we taste it Sure. Let's test it and see what kind of milk this milk is made from, it means it is made of milk, it looks like milk, it is balli type, I have frozen it a little but it looks quite different, brother, it looks very sticky and also see this here. But this is the pudding here, so friend, th
e most dangerous and different thing in this market was seen here. Look here, there are so many different types of * , look at the design on them, how well they are made, what all the things are here. But it is available in the market and this one, see how much it is made different and you can customize the entire design. If you want to get some specific design made, then you can get it made. Look, brother, asking rate, how much is 5 lakh som for 5 lakh som? It is for 700 100,000, this big one
of 4,000, the good big one, which is a came from one place, from one place to another, it came from one place here, from there, it came with a handle, so all these things too. You people will get to see the market here and see here brother, what a beautiful view of the desert square, so now let's go here and explore it well, I have given you a glimpse of the market. You must have got the idea that how cheap things are available here and what kind of scene is there, what things are available h
ere and how they are, then you people will get a little idea of ​​how the people live here, so see us. Come out of the market here and look here, there is a small cart, if you want to go through this, then you will leave it at the main gate there. How much is he taking? He said 5000, I said no, he is saying 3000, he is saying 3000, how much 3000. It is ₹14-15. Brother, he is taking us for 14-15 INR, in this small buggy, so let's go brother, see the views, how beautiful the architecture is, so
let's go brother, I will show you all the way ahead. You guys are very welcome, you saw yesterday that as soon as we came out after exploring the market, it started raining and it started getting cold and we had no arrangements, neither did we have a jacket nor a hat, so it started feeling very cold. I said, if you make a video today, you will definitely fall ill and you are looking at this cap. Brother Jain, brother said, it is looking very good, try it, friend, I am also feeling fine, you guys
can comment and tell me how you are feeling. I will take it, if you like it, then today we will show you all the things which we were going to show yesterday, Desert Square and many other things, we will show you today, but before that we have come here to have breakfast, brother. Something traditional, what is available here brother, the host gets the senses, the traditional food here is the traditional food here and pulao, yes there are carrots, there are gram, raisins, rice, gosh, they giv
e yoghurt together, so let's brother, let's try the local food here and this There is some traditional restaurant, first you have to place an order here, then you can go inside, see how beautiful this restaurant is from inside, brother, it is completely built in traditional style and we are sitting here, see brother, there is a whole mountain here. It looks so right, we are sitting at the table, see, this is going to be our food, here you will get salad, this is pulao, this is naan and tea etc
. You people will get green tea here, so go out after eating and drinking. Now let me take you guys around the whole city, Samarakan, which is very nice, but before that, let me show you one thing, this building that you are seeing, Zain Bhai, who studies medicine here with us, lives here. We will do a thorough tour of the city and then in the evening we will go to their house and will prepare food there and feed them. If you are saying so then you will also get to see that the medical student
s here. How is their life and see brother, this is the view of Samarakan city which is very clean and very beautiful city and see there are some such colonies here, see brother, now our Yendex will come here, we have to go by car. Our number is 265. Brother, the car has arrived. It is parked in front. Brother, it is parked in front. 265. finally, we reached the desert square and it looks so beautiful. What can I tell you, so let me move ahead. Let me tell you a little bit of its history and sho
w you a little bit, then we go inside. Brother, there are tickets to go inside, so let's go. First, let me tell you a little bit and then I will show you all the things clearly. But it looks so beautiful, man, look at this, when we were going inside, we met a student here, he was saying, 'Brother, I want to improve my English a little, so I talk to the tourist, you are a student, yes, I make videos, it's fine.' Okay you want to improve your English ya ya okay what do you study here just in high
school now you are in high school what's your name Burat. My name is anas anas fam ya nice to meet you two brother so let's talk a little English improve Do it brother, we have reached the desert square as I showed you guys and it looks so beautiful, can't you see is basically Persian architecture and you guys know a little about this city. If I tell you, then you all will know brother what is its relation with Persian, so this city Samarkand, its earlier name used to be Mara Kanda and it used
to be in a province named Shok Diyana which is in Iran but now brother you People will know that summer section is in Uzbekistan, so see brother, if you want to go inside, you will have to buy a ticket from here, show the ticket and go inside brother, how much is the ticket for tourists, 50000 so 50000 som and for citizen citizen if 5000 ok so Like our Taj Mahal, you would also know that the local people who live there, It is less and the foreigners have to pay more, so brother told that the
tourists are charged 50000 soms. Brother, how much is 50000 soms? 350 INR. 10 Times. 10 Times More Yes, brother, for the people of India, it is 50000 Som, which is Rs. 350 and for the local people, it is 5000 Som, which is ₹35, we will get the ticket from here, see the tickets, the price is written here, see the ticket. The prices are written, let's take the ticket and go to the desert square, brother, see brother, we have to scan to enter from here, the ticket got scanned, it opened and we c
ame to the center point of the desert square and let me tell you guys. In earlier times, if the king had to announce something or say something, then here he used to give orders like, 'Brother, * has to be done, someone has to be *' or 'Brother, I have to distribute food for free', that is, order anything like that. as I had shown you, there was a market nearby which is Siyob Bazaar. In earlier times, 100 years ago, the entire part that you are seeing here also used to be a market here. There
used to be all the markets but now they are closed, so let's go inside a little bit, I will show you people and man, all these passages are so beautiful and so old, look at these old doors here. See you and see the view from here brother, see the design here on all the walls, see such photo shoots also happen here, people wearing traditional clothes come here to get photographed and now we have come to the inner part and you guys. Let me tell you one more thing, what you are seeing here in the
desert square, there are three madrassas which are built at some distance apart, one of them, see, is on this side, this is the one you are seeing. There is a dome inside it, there is a madrasa inside it, there is a mosque inside it, small gardens are also built here and see here there are shops where traditional clothes are available and here is the cap which Khabib wears, that type of cap. All the things here are from the ex- Soviet country. You will see caps of that type almost everywhere.
So friend, let's go inside this shop and see what all the things are there. You can see all the traditional clothes are kept here and see the door here. Brother, it is so small that you will have to enter from here by bending like this. See brother, this is a very colorful shop here. This thing seems to be of little use. Brother, as you all know, I buy this everywhere. This is a fridge magnet. So let's get a fridge magnet from here too, Samarkand and many more things, you can see rings etc.,
this is an antique shop, many of these things are available here, plates are colorful and traditional cap look, I have bought such a cap from Xinjiang which is absolutely similar because the culture here and the culture there are almost the same. Ask, how much is this for? The Fridge magnet? How much is this fridge magnet? means ₹ 15000, 15000 means ₹120, 120, okay friend, ₹120 is fine, so let's choose one of these, which one looks right, brother, see, I have taken this one, a fridge magnet, whi
ch is quite good. It is more different, I used to take this one again and again but I said, brother, this one looks good, brother, it is quite heavy, it is made of metal and look, I have also taken this one, which looks much better. I got it worth 5000 Som which is approximately ₹35 and this is 20000, that means how much is this, this is 140, so it's okay friend, if I got both this for 140 and this for 30000 Som, I bought some stuf from here and here brother, now if you have so much stuff, you
can try the cap. If you wear it then brother, how is it looking? Brother, I can't even see the face, this one is the Khabib cap, this one wears this one, someone wears this one, this one wears this cap local. We don't wear it, it's just for show, brother, no one from the tribe wears it right now, brother, keep it back, brother, we have it here for half an hour and 40 minutes, and it is very beautiful, but it looks quite similar, see brother, like this. I am showing you such and such things, y
ou people will get to see the entire desert square here, if you are interested in a little history, then you can also see a small museum there. So friend, look, we have come out of the desert square and see here there is a small market like place, if you want to eat or drink, you people are getting burgers etc. Look here brother, yesterday you people had seen that we are in the market. Siyob Bazaar is on this side, from there we had brought this buggy which is very cheap, brother, if you come,
you can sit in it and brother, do not pay much money, do not pay more than ₹ 40, this is There is one thing, there is a punching machine, so let's try it here, you are trying brother, hit, hit, hit, hit, let's see your hit, after you, I will hit more, who will hit more, they will see, all four will hit, let's not see, yes, this is what I am feeling, brother, this strong man. Everyone has become weak now, how much is it brother, 750, how much is 700, okay, okay brother, it is respectable, I had
to remove the glasses, brother, the machine is broken, brother, your brother's machine is broken, 900 Come on, you come now do it, if it goes to 700 then it is okay brother, yes brother, zoom a little while you are ready, best 874 874 brother would have broken the machine but It was saved. I scored 874 which is fine and here But brother, see one unique thing, such type of cycle runs here, see brother, if you have children, you can sit in the front also, you can sit here, there are such strang
e things here too, see this, now walk here, go here. But there is another market nearby, which was shown as Siyob Bazaar, not the one. Let us go to another market which is near Zain Bhai's house. We have to buy some things from there because Bhai is making Biryani and is going to feed us Biryani today. We will go to their house with the goods and it is going to be fun brother, we will stay comfortably there, we will get tea brother, Indian tea is not available brother, we will make tea at their
house and feed them biryani, it will be fun brother, I will show you all the things, many more friends. They are going to come, they will have a lot of fun, brother, are you serving me biryani today, aren't you, are you also making me tea? Brother, our Yendex has come in front of us and what a beautiful evening it has been. You see behind, it means it has been a perfect evening and brother, I do n't know how it is yet. The temperature is strange, you brother, there is a lot of snow at this ti
me, isn't it? Yes brother, there is a lot of snow at this time. Yes brother, it was last last year. I still don't know why the snow has reduced. Snow fall has reduced a lot. Let's go brother, our Yendex has come. So friend, see, we have come to a local market here, I showed you Siyob market, it is a big market, it is a small local market, see, fruits etc. are available outside here and brother, there is a lot of hustle and bustle here in the evening. But a lot of vehicles have come brother, the
re was not much traffic in the morning but look at this time there is a lot of traffic so let's go brother we have to take a little goods from here let's go to brother's house Hindi Hindi Hindi So Here I entered the market, aunty said, are you from India, I said yes, if you are from India, then Jimmy started saying Jimmy, then people are very nice, friend, see, this is a small market, not a big market, here in the middle, sorry. There is a market here, we are getting meat etc. Come on brother,
let's get the things we want and leave from here, 2 hours later, friend, Biryya is ready as Biryani, how much time did it take, brother, it took an hour to make Biryani, brother, it took an hour, it took an hour. Why are you lying? Tell me how much time did it take? It took two hours. So tell me brother, is the biryani ready? So friend brother, here all the brothers had prepared biryani and drank tea very comfortably when the * was going in Ukraine. all the brothers were trapped, only this brot
her too, well, both of you were not in the *, brother, Hitesh Bhai and Suheb Bhai, these three were trapped in the *, so brother, tell me what happened in the *, two of them were sleeping in the morning. I get a call that a * is going off there, what's the joke? I looked around for a while, then a sound came and then a continuous sound, meaning it was about 1 kilometer away from where your hostel was, something like one and a half. What was the scene at the? They were letting people go to the b
order because of that. They were very upset at the border. There was so much public in the border, people from all the countries together, brother, he is coming in this too. Brother was also interviewed on TV in Gujarati news. The guys were putting so much pressure, they were getting worried and *. The border police there, the Romanians, how many days did it take, that is, it took 12 days for you to leave from there and come to India, some 1213 days, it took 12-13 days, oh total. When we were
doing the flight, the problem was that the flight was coming after a long time, I was scared, no, the condition had worsened, what the same, the same scary condition, I don't know on which news, brother, were you a local or are you crying? Was it not because of the news that the family members were crying, look like this, a camp was set up here, there were all the students here and it was so cold, look at my hand, how did it come to my senses, look at my brother's hand, I thought it was bad, lo
ok at what kind of welcome it is. Brother, when we returned home from Ukraine to India, we wore the necklace and saw that we were welcomed with sweets, we were fed sweets, we came back alive with a banana hat, we came back alive, the hostel we stayed in was a house type, he rented two rooms. When I had given letters, the man suddenly came up in fear and started shouting, brother, you yourself are responsible for your life, get out of here, we have no responsibility of our own, if the * suddenly
explodes, it was so close to your building. The whole of ours was shaking, the students from India were also *, people were * by the *, that is, not by a *, but by a *, there was some *, maybe in the locals, he * and one of them was suffering from heart disease. By the way, a man may die from his heart, when a * falls, no matter how much you think while sitting here, when the * falls, the house will shake, then you will understand that brother, what is the condition of you, don't you move aro
und in it, that is, in all the places where I am at night. I have roamed around all those places, I am roaming here, I am talking to my mother on the news in the morning, so look, I went to Arsenal, I went to Depe Metro, roamed all over there, took the metro up there and went there, I am ashamed, there was a statue there again. Whenever I go, I am half-way through the search for the bus, just look at the laughter brother, this brother was the most scared and laughed the most and the most tensi
on free man is our Hitesh Bhai, he was the least scared at the border with ease.He traveled around, helped four or five children and even carried girls' bags to cross the border. Brother, I helped many girls. Brother, where did you roam in is a very helpful man. They had made the girls cross the border, they were just helping the girl, hand was swollen, so he had shown it, Bhai's hand was swollen, he was helping brother, show me now, it still seems swollen, He was happy. The people of India wer
e having fun. Those who were in India were obviously thankful. How can we live now brother? Our people know what system is going on there but the people at home are under a lot of tension. Pick up your bags here but there is tension at home. What will the people be thinking, I was so worried by calling, the network was running, the call of the family members to pick up the flowers was not picked up, but no need to tell, nothing is going on, everything is fine, no, no to lie, I will have to say t
he same. They are afraid of being forced, then there is that tension that what will the family think, what is going on, how did this happen, he has run away for three kilometers, he has run away with a bag, I had come by metro, when did you hear this metro, suddenly the city suddenly became that. Someone is running anywhere. Anything is going anywhere. The road was frozen and the whole one side was empty. Ukrainians too were all running. No one was running. There was a three kilometer long line
of vehicles on the border. There were no houses. I did not stop at myself, everyone is running here and there, everyone is giving the right to exit the country. I want to tell you that I had a brother with whom I mean speak loudly, come loudly, he was running on the road with a bag. Amma's call came, son, please pick up the call, what are you doing, answer us, then he replied like this, just one line Amma, while trying to answer you, something got torn here, right now, I shifted here from Ukra
ine. It's done, I made a mistake in Uzbekistan, I have to go back to Ukraine, yes, that will work, but you have completed your studies, there are still two more years left, two more years are left, come on, the same airport is not open, all flights are closed in Ukraine. Neither has it opened, nor is the international flight flying right now, there is nothing happening over Ukraine, there is no one Jai ​​Hind, you people had seen yesterday, we explored the Samarkand city well, after that Those
who were medical students from India, I introduced them to you guys, I went to their house, then we made biryani there, gave them tea, then we comfortably ate there, had fun and joked, you guys watched it till morning. We were there brother till the morning, we ate there, rested, drank tea, so many times such a scene happened. Hope you guys must have found this video very interesting. You must have enjoyed seeing the Samarakan city and then after that the people of this place, the students of
this place. He is an Indian medical student, showed his life style, showed his house etc. So some such scenes happened. Hope you all like this video. If you liked it then please like, share and subscribe. See you with a very good video.



Mahe Ramadan ka kon intezaar krta h


Islam Jindabad 🔥🌹


Love from India 🇮🇳


Iove from India 🇮🇳❤🇺🇿


Love from Assam nort east😮


First of all, assalamuialaikum 🥰,I am a software engineer, I don't watch your videos due to work pressure, after that I search and watch your videos when I have free time,Stay well, and keep giving us such good videos.💞❣One thing I like most about you is that you stay away from bad things, that is to say, from those things that are forbidden in Islam..


Love from India for Uzbekistan


Mai ek medical student hu Delhi AIIMS se din bhar ke study ke baad aap ka video dekh kar bhut sukun milta hai Thanks dear bhaiya 🙏🙏💝💖💖😊😊😍😍❤️❤️✨⚡


Assalamualaikum ❤bhai up s Saharanpur Allah apko or kamiyab kre


Superb video. Samarkand is such a beautiful place ❤


Thankyou for exploring us world


Rome Rome bhaiyo system hila denge Anas bhaiya❤


Big fan for Rajasthan ❤❤❤❤❤


Very good and informativ video. I bless you for the excelent future.😊


Good morning from Bangladesh


Wonderful 😊


Welcome to Uzbekistan ❤


your explanation and way of talking is so impressive,Love from Assam ❤️


Sending heaps of gratitude your way for capturing the essence of our city so beautifully in your vlogs. Your journey has not only grown your channel but also connected us in unforgettable ways. As you soar to new destinations, here's to more incredible adventures and the lasting friendship we've built. Safe travels, and may your YouTube family continue to blossom as beautifully as your content. Until the next adventure


Very nice bus journey from guwahati to aizawl . I enjoyed fully.