
How To *actually* Receive PRINCESS TREATMENT 👸

#feminineenergy #lostfemaleeducation #princesstreatment A lot of people may grimace at the idea of treating a woman like she’s a “princess” but it’s actually a completely normal and valid desire for women. Let me explain… Join my Patreon for the complete, unfiltered version of this video and to join my book club: If you can't join my Patreon then you can still support my content by clicking "like", commenting, sharing it & watching the video all the way through 💞 Thank you *so* much for watching & please subscribe for more content like this. Instagram: @femininetheoria Chapters: Intro - 0:00-2:28 The feminine as the judgmental ideal - 2:29-5:55 Is he a prince or frog? 5:56-7:42 How men fall in love - 7:43-11:21 Take sex off the table - 11:22-13:03 Value self respect OVER male attention - 13:04-14:26 Charm instead of nag - 14:27-19:07 Treat him like a man - 19:08-20:47 Actually take care of yourself - 20:48-21:18 Outro - 21:19-22:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, welcome to my channel! I'm Jasmyne Theodora, I'm an Orthodox Christian and I make content about the art of femininity (from a virtuous, Godly perspective), lost female education and faith. Please subscribe if you enjoy my content and thank you so much for watching. FAQ: Height? 5'9" Race? Biracial Religion? Orthodox Christian Background? Bachelor's degree in psychology Relationship status? Married Children? 1 Business inquiries: please email me at (╹◡╹)♡ (if you see this, comment an unpopular opinion of yours!)cn

Jasmyne Theodora

1 day ago

[Music] I think practically every woman who's in a relationship has a deep craving and a need to be treated like she's the woman in the relationship see when I say princess treatment I don't mean a man showering you with materialism getting you the new iPhone every year paying for your $200 B monthly manicure giving you his credit card to go on a shopping spree every weekend that kind of materialistic minded treatment is not going to make you happy trust me a prince does happily provide for you
but overc consumption does not make anyone happy what I mean by Princess treatment in this context is getting treated like a woman a man treating you like you are the feminine aspect in a relationship you may think that because you would be the woman in any given relationship that men are going to default to treating you like you are the woman in the relationship but unfortunately that is not the case Modern Men widely don't treat women like women mainly because Modern Men are discouraged from b
eing self-actualized men men have been so demoralized by secularism androgyny hypersexualization adult content and the villainization of masculinity that they don't really view women as women anymore which is why you often hear dejected demoralized red pill men refer to us as females instead of women I don't like the redpilled manosphere but they are being honest when they talk like that because they see us as mere females that's why Modern Men so often only do the bare minimum for women romanti
cally they see women as the bare minimum of what we are we're not women to them we're male light to them we're just technically female and that's it that is why these kinds of demoralized red pill men don't see the benefit of treating women that well if you brought up the concept cept of treating a woman like she's a princess to a bitter redpilled man he'd probably laugh in your face and think that any man who' treat a woman like that is automatically a s i mean those men don't even see the bene
fit of giving women sexual loyalty and yes it's probably because they're selfish but it's also because these men have been so demoralized to the point where they don't see the feminine in women anymore and it's the feminine in women that Sparks the prince in men you see classically the feminine to the masculine is the manifestation of a judgmental ideal classically men have viewed women as these ethereal Beautiful Creatures whom they need to impress whom they have a strong urge to show off for y
ou'll even see this in nature you'll see the male bird show off to the female bird to seduce her however the female bird just is she does not need to do anything except be herself to get the male's attention but the male needs to actively improve ress the woman and this is because even in nature the feminine is most simplistically the manifestation of being and the masculine is the manifestation of doing that is why it is more than okay to want princess treatment as a woman that urge is simply y
ou wanting to be treated as the feminine in a romantic relationship as the receptive passive aspect and less as the take charged provisional leader and I don't mean passive in the pedora of sense just in the manner of being I really changed my mind on the word passive after reading this other book but that's for another time even sexually women are the passive receivers we receive the man sexually he does not receive us sexually so of course that's going to manifest in other areas of our romanti
c relationships with men as well but Modern Men again don't really view women as the manifestation of a judgmental ideal Modern Men Don't view women as ethereal Beautiful Creatures whom are worthy of being impressed and served anymore I do believe that de deep down men do still view women as the feminine that's just un immutable part of a man's nature it has just been repressed by modernity and that potential is truly unlocked and optimized when a man sees you as a woman sees you as the judgment
al ideal who is worthy of being impressed and served who is motivated by your sheer Beauty and femininity to happily and passionately go out of his way for you A man is going to treat you like a princess like the woman in the relationship instead of merely the female in the relationship when he views you as that feminine ideal and falls in love with you simply as that there is a dark side of this however if a man falls in love with the idealized concept of woman instead of falling in love with h
er specifically then once she inevitably starts to do things that are not in line with his pedestalize overinflated idea of her because she's only human and not perfect then he may start to stop putting an effort because he has been disheartened by his disillusionment that is a different issue though that is a perversion of the concept of the feminine usually carried out by heterosexual immature men or boys more aply that's something that I hope everyone looks out for to make sure that they fall
in love with the man or woman instead of falling in love with their idea of him or her but I'm digressing a man will give you princess treatment will treat you like you are the feminine aspect of the relationship when he simply falls in love with you as the feminine his chivalry and gallantry will be inspired simply by you and embodying the feminine that is what femininity does to masculinity it inspires it there's no wonder why in an age where classical femininity is no longer instilled in wom
en and where masculinity is demonized in men that men don't treat women like the feminine anymore people often don't even know what that means anymore or if they do know what it means they won't respect the concept which is another point to add here not every man is going to be receptive to what you are presenting him you could be the most enticing gorgeous feminine woman he has ever seen But if he's been so demoralized to view women as simply the male light gender because of perhaps mommy issue
s then there's a good chance he won't be receptive to what you're giving him also don't ever be with a man who thinks he is doing you a favor by giving you his attention he will never ever view you as deserving of Princess treatment if he thinks that simply giving you his attention is a gigantic favor instead of you know part of the bare minimum before got married I witnessed men like this men who thought of themselves as high value Alpha men or men who just made a lot of money and made an idol
out of it you need a humble man you need a man submitted to God because that's the only kind of man who's even capable of truly being humble because that's the only Surefire way he's not making an idol out of himself and worshiping himself and if he views himself as an idol if he worships himself he's going to think that you should worship him too a man if he's not worship shiing God is worshiping something else we are created to worship and so if a man again is not worshiping God he's worshipin
g either someone or something else or often times he's worshiping himself you have to run away from these men ladies and of course men have to run away from those women too luckily because these men have such an inflated ego it's pretty easy to tell who these men are they will brag they'll only talk about themselves they'll lead with their wallet they're very sexually assertive and if these men are not receptive to your feminine energy that is not your fault your job is not to change a man or to
make him fall in love with you your job is to inspire him by simply showing you who you are and that is really such an important lesson you will never get a man to fall in love with you by doing a bunch of things for him I'm not saying that you should not do things for him but that is not how you get him to fall headover heels in love with you have you ever heard of a story of a woman doing it all for a man and it ending well with her acting as the wife when she's only the girlfriend or with he
r just bending over backwards for him every day dropping him off and picking him up from work because he doesn't have a car paying his bills moving his furniture doing this and that and this and that every single day no none of that will make a man fall in love with you because none of that is how the feminine inspires the masculine a Man simply falls in love with your spirit a man falls in love with your beauty and your womanliness a man falls in love with your innocence and Purity he does not
fall in love with you because you do so much for him because of your competence and your technical skills we do we fall in love with men because of their competency and their mad Home Depot grade level skills but men don't because men and women are simply different and what attracts men to women and women to men is very different you're not going to get more respect from him more attention from him more passion more more desire from him by simply doing more for him if you have shown him who you
are if you simply presented your spirit to him by being your beautiful feminine self and he's not interested he's not returning your texts calls making plans to see you actively showing you that he likes you and wants to be with you then please take that as your crimson red first class one may take it out of there and on to the next Prospect if a man is not head over her heels for you for simply you from the start there's nothing you can do to get him to love you because that princess treatment
comes from him falling head of heels in love with you as a feminine woman and you will not embody the feminine in the relationship you will not perceive as the feminine in a relationship if you're taking up the masculine role by trying to impress him by doing things for him again I'm not saying you shouldn't do nice things for him but that is not how you get him to fall head over heels in love with you men are kind of simple that way not in a bad way just you know that's how simple their wants a
re it's actually really beautiful that way that Simplicity and their desire is really beautiful you could also say that you are emasculating him by taking up the masculine role in the relationship which is absolutely not going to get you princess treatment that's either going to repel him because he's masculine and not going going to tolerate that or he's going to receive that emasculating treatment and basically be the woman in the relationship and then you're going to be the one giving him pri
ncess treatment no woman no woman in the world genuinely wants to treat her man like the woman I will die on that Hill listen I have witnessed so many relationships in which the woman just bends over backwards to get a man to like her and he does not like her he does not respect her it doesn't it she's just you know she's like this nice option this nice comfortable option for him but he's not the woman whom he is like head over heels in love with a man again he falls in love with your spirit wit
h your Purity with your innocence with your femininity he does not fall in love with you because oh she just does so much for me and that is why I'm absolutely head over heels and love with her she just does so much for me no that's not how to get a in in love with you so you just need to embody the feminine aspect of relationship getting the best out of him is going to start by bringing the best of yourself be wholesome be flexible be cooperative don't be combative be pure be receptive to leade
rship in the appropriate context don't be independent don't mother him let him do the man so you can be the woman as corny as that may sound make room for him to be masculine you've also girl you have got to take sex off the table not forever just until marriage and if any men out there are grimacing at that comment then respectfully you're not yet a prince I'm sorry but you're not because you have made an idol out of sex because sex is more important to you than following God and giving her wha
t she deserves which is commitment before sex sex is a lot for women modern women often think it's not you know look at our of problem it's so sad what women are doing to themselves but if a woman having sexual boundaries is too much for you then you don't really want to be a prince you you want to have your cake and eat it too and I know that to especially any non-religious ladies out there that this may seem like too much but this was the standard for centuries up until birth control men didn'
t expect sex in return for being just a decent guy the goal was marriage the goal was to impress the lady enough that she'd want to be with him in holy matrimony women basically communicated that if you want to be with me if you want me to give you wely benefits then you're going to have to marry me and the men understood and respected did that and the women of course also understood that they wouldn't receive full provision until marriage as well the standards were a two-way street and this wor
ked taking sex off the table worked it weeded out the immature lustful boys from the mature optimized men who were willing to put in the work to quote unquote get the girl you have to clearly communicate to him that you are saving sex from marriage and you have to suddenly communicate to him through how you carry yourself treat yourself what impresses you what you ask for what boundaries you enforce what it'll take to get you to marry him you always always have to Value self-respect over male at
tention if you make an idol out of male attention then you will be okay with not only the bare minimum but also disrespect because simply having their attention is enough for you simply having them in your life is enough to make you want more doesn't matter if they're disloyal doesn't matter if they're incompetent doesn't matter if they're lukewarm or if they make you anxious just none of that matters if at the end of the day they're texting you and liking your Instagram stories when you make an
idol out of male attention it's almost natural to do this women covet male attention because it makes us feel desirable and that's an addictive feeling some women are even willing to share a rich man if it means she he is still in her life and that is making an idol out of male tension and money if you have had trouble in this Arena before a quick effective exercise you can do is write down your absolute non-negotiables and make sure each man you pay mind to takes off each non-negotiable for in
stance here's an example of a five tier non-negotiable list one needs to be an Earnest Christian two needs to make me feel secure three needs to communicate with me every single day four needs to speak kindly about his friends and family and five needs to be employed simply by writing down your absolute non-negotiables you'll be able to reference them once a new man enters your life and make sure you're not compromising on self-respect for his attention I'm not sure which number we're on but you
need to charm instead of Nag there is very little as dispiriting to a man than a nagging contentious woman Proverbs 21:19 now what is nagging exactly it's basically constant shrill complaining it's trying to get someone to do certain things through insistence and demand instead of charm when you nag it's likely because you believe that this is such a basic simple task that this person is almost intentionally not fulfilling the task and you're thus tired annoyed and defeated you no longer trust
this person you don't believe it's in this person's ability to do it on their own you need to hold their hand and command it of them and it may work temporarily you may be able to guilt and test with this person enough to get them to begrudgingly fulfill this task while instilling some resentment in them at the same time but it's certainly is not going to be fruitful long term this is a disrespectful response to what is probably disrespectful Behavior and you cannot disrespect someone to get the
m to stop being disrespectful you cannot compensate for being disrespectful just because you believe that you are the correct one your nagging is going to piss them off as much as their carelessness is pissing you off so what do you do instead you charm them into action instead of nagging them into action you request instead of demand you inspire instead of command when you witness a finger wagging guilting self-righteous lecturing politician do you feel inspired to change or to vote for them I
doubt it but when you witness an uplifting Charming patient politician you suddenly want to listen to them right the same principle applies to your personal relationships this person is likely aware of what needs to be done and feels poorly about not doing it and then they're going to feel even worse when you call them out on it unsympathetically now it's actually really simple to charm instead of Nag it actually takes more energy to be contentious and forceful than to Simply softly request some
thing without being accusatory it takes less words too there's a difference between you literally never take me out to eat I'm at home all day I cook dinner all day you could at least take me out once a month and hey I really love to go out this week do you think we could make a reservation for that new place downtown that one also has a call to action a very gentle call to action is a completely human thing to ask it's natural and romantic to hope that your men will do things for you without as
king but as someone who is married with a child I know how naive it is to expect my husband to read my mind men are incredibly receptive to clear communication you want him to fill up your tires ask him you want him to move your fridge so you can clean back there ask him do you have a knot in your shoulder ask him to massage it just avoid being accusatory avoid accusatory language because if this man likes you desires you loves you he wants to make you feel special he wants to do things for you
and clearly communicating what it is you want for from him will really help get your desires fulfilled and it is actually insane what I realized my husband is willing to do for me once I started to ask him if I asked for a glass of water done if I asked him to massage me done if I asked him to cook tonight done most of the time he will just do it without hesitation without complaining and I'm not at all saying this to brag just to demonstrate how much a man who loves you is willing to do for you
if you just ask him to do it this asking not only gives you the opportunity to be served and treated well by him it also kind of serves as a test when you're dating and it's not manipulative everyone tests each other when dating or recording every request is a surreptitious indirect kind of test to see what kind of person you are and a real actualized optimized integrated man won't shy away from serving the woman he earnestly desires trust me if he does he either needs to do some inner work bec
ause he's very demoralized or he just doesn't like you very much and if that's the case if either you know one of those is the case you cannot again do anything to get him to fall head over heels in love with you you should just move on I've also noticed how much verbalized specific gratitude influences my husband's actions if I tell him that I really appreciate something specific and how much it positively affects my entire day he repeats that action over and over again which makes me me feel o
f course Very cherished if I say that I'm having an especially hard day with art todler he'll find a way to come home early so I have his help with her and this is because I verbalized how much it helps me when he goes out of his way to do this the next point is to treat him like a man if you treat your man like a man he'll be more inspired to treat you like a woman and one huge thing to remember in this regard is that to men respect is almost everything love kind of comes naturally to us as wom
en we naturally are very loving and tender but respect is more more subtle and takes a bit more effort to do properly firstly please do not mother him I have an entire video on this it really comes down to expecting him to behave like an adult and not doing the you know little things that he should do himself like taking his vitamins reminding him to go to the gym seeing him struggle with cutting a pomegranate and then ripping the knife out of his hand hip thrusting him out of the way and doing
it yourself also don't tell him how to do things if he has not asked for your advice if he wants your advice he'll ask for it if he's assembling some new furniture don't backseat assemble it for him as an example when he's doing something and just in the zone as long as he's being safe just let him be it's not about being right or efficient it's about respect and thirdly do not belittle him don't talk about things he has trouble doing in front of people or even just dwelling on things he can't r
eally do by yourself like how much he has trouble parallel parking or putting the dishes away properly don't use also emasculating words like child impish boy petulant even if you're kind of mad at him don't use those kinds of descriptive words in order to get through to him he won't only feel hurt he'll feel emasculated and disrespected disrespected disrespected and finally actually take care of yourself again your behavior towards yourself is going to inspire his behavior towards you if you de
monstrate that effort is a value of yours then he's like lik ly going to reciprocate that effort as well simply by exercising consistently washing your hair consistently always smelling good always you know have nice white teeth always dressed nicely always eating well taking your vitamins stretching doing little face massages just genuine and consistent acts of self-care is going to remind him to take care of you too well everyone that is all for today I hope that you enjoyed the video and foun
d it valuable please like And subscribe and comment if you did find it enjoyable and check out my page for bonus content and to support my work and hopefully I'll see you in the next video I got to get off this camera I've been talking to it for like 2 hours filming videos takes a lot longer than what is actually in the final product because I you know take out a lot of things and I take out my stuttering and the pauses and everything like that so I usually talk for like 2 hours and then the act
ual video is Max a half hour that's how much editing I also have to do but is worth it to hopefully bring you guys what is valuable content so thank you so much for listening all the way until the very very end I really appreciate it and hopefully I'll talk to you in the comments [Music] bye



Ladies, take notes! I’ve been married for 10 years and I am now having to deal with the consequences of the feminist brainwashing of my generation ! I would have paid for this type of information back in my dating days! Sigh. But God is gracious and redeeming! So, if you’re young, single or fairly newly wedded, listen to what’s she’s saying; she’s spot on!


"If he worships himself, he'll expect you to worship him too" WOW.


Value self respect OVER male attention 🎉 👏


Please.. we need more women like you. Honestly I'm tired of feminists, aggressive, rude woman. I'm a very soft woman. Who belives in traditional gender role, God, femininity, masculinity, modesty, health. But sadly I don't find friends with the same mindset 😔


“Let him do the man, so you can be the woman.” Amen! Not corny at all, Jasmyne. Fantastic video! 🌸


This Chanel deserves millions of suscribers but the good thing about not being that the case is that it makes it special😄, but we don't need to be egoistic, every woman needs your videos! 💜🙏. Love the video!


Thank you for this, PMS has been making me act up around him a lot and I just want him to forgive me and know that I love him a lot. I wanna be his princess.


You’re a breath of fresh air. I haven’t allowed myself to be fully feminine for so long because I’ve been afraid of being vulnerable and getting hurt. You give me hope for having a loving, Godly marriage one day. Thank you. 💗


Impish made me chuckle out loud. I love this video and I believe every woman and girl should watch this


I'm a guy (obviously, lol) that is so fed up with how women behave around sex that I decided to refuse to have sex until marriage. Still figuring out how best to communicate that to the ladies.


Recently I watched some videos of another youtuber that I really like, also recently turned christian, and he also said, if you want to seek a real relationship, take sex off the table. At least for some time. So true 💞


My partner does all my chores, all the shopping and prepares every meal on top of working as a doctor whenever I'm ill [or have mental breakdown]. That's princess enough for me.


I’m a man and I approve her message


This might be one of your most beautiful and introspective videos you've ever made I think all of them are, but this one sent me to a deeper self-reflection (edit for grammar)


I love how active you are in the comments section.


Thank you for including my quote in your video! ❤, Alison Helena☦️


As a young orthadox Christian in courting ive held it sternly that i will not be handing over intimacy until my wedding day and jasmyne youve just affirmed that i am on the right track. Thank you and may the lord bless you☦️❤️


Love and appreciate the time you take to make these videos. I could listen to you for hours. Thank you!


oh wow , I'm glad to know the BTS insight shared at the end.. I could've thought these 22 minutes simply came out perfectly directly.. thinking to myself "dang.. why can't I be THIS concise and well-spoken with no pauses when recording?!


“Judgmental ideal” I had never heard of that concept before, interesting