

A prison transfer goes horribly wrong when a jailbreak is attempted soon after arrival. But things go from bad to even worse as the severe thunderstorm causes a flood that brings alligators in with the rising water! Can we survive currents, criminals, and carnivores? Let’s find out. Subscribe to @Bingexpress for more movie content!! 🍿


2 days ago

Our story begins with a flood in progress, as  an unprecedented storm is hitting Louisiana and causing water levels to rise dramatically. Most people have been evacuated already, but several have chosen to stay, including  these two random people rushing into an abandoned building for shelter. Not the best place to hold out, but any port in the storm right The man, Clarence, is doing what he can to fortify the place, while the woman,  Sommer, refuses to help and just complains. Suddenly the door
bursts open,  and as Clarence tries to fix it, he's yoinked outside by some unseen force. As Sommer stares on in confusion of what just happened, a hungry growling  alligator enters the building. She doesn't just let it take her as well  however, and to her credit does try to escape, before picking up a plank of  wood and using it as a weapon. She's even able to take out one of the creature's  eyes before it knocks the weapon out of her hands, grabs her by the leg, and does that famous  death r
oll alligators are known for. Game over for her, I guess.  But hey, an attempt was made. We now cut to a prison bus, as we're  introduced to several criminals in transit. There's Big Jim, arrested for  drug trafficking and distribution. Jox, in for armed robbery and vandalism. Floyd, in for murder and various hate crimes. Angelo, in just for murder alone. And Cody, in for cop murder specifically. Lots of killers here apparently. The bus is having difficulties traveling  through the storm, so the
y radio a nearby sheriff's department to request shelter  for the night, which they are granted. As they make their detour to that station however,  they are seen and followed by a group of criminals planning a jailbreak for one of the convicts,  who are a bit confused by the bus's sudden change of direction but undaunted nonetheless. They're driving a truck that is hauling a set of jet skis, which I guess they  brought in preparation for the flood. Not a bad plan for if and when the  roads aren
't suitable for cars anymore. Over at said police station,  one of the officers is down in the cellar gathering supplies and  fixing exposed electrical wires, when a couple of alligators enter through  what I think are ventilation shafts. Hearing them he turns to investigate,  but drops his flashlight in the process. As he attempts to fish it out of the water,  something fishes for him right back, and he is quickly dragged under and eaten. Well, that's one down already. The bus now arrives and t
hey begin  escorting the convicts inside. After being treated to a completely  redundant scene where we are reintroduced to each prisoner one more time, they  are placed in their new holding cells. So far so good, minus that one  guy in the basement at least, but things are about to go from 0 to 100 as the  criminals make their move for the jailbreak. They immediately open fire from outside  the station, causing a fire fight between them and the few officers inside. Neither side takes any hits t
hough, probably because everyone is just  firing blind instead of actually aiming, and eventually the jailbreakers are able to get  the upper hand just by having superior numbers. Unfortunately due to the storm, the  radio signals are knocked out and the officers can't call for backup. Not like they could get there very easily anyway with how the weather is,  so it looks like they're on their own. One of the officers from the prison  bus tries to be a hero, but the fool just stands out in the op
en and shouts for  five armed criminals to simply "freeze." Yeah, don't attempt to shoot any  of them or anything, just ask nicely for them to give up why don't ya? This goes about as well as you'd think, as he takes some buckshot to the chest. His sacrifice wasn't fully in vain however, as Sheriff Jo is able to capitalize  on this distraction and tag one of the attackers in the neck. Nice Shot. But now that they are out of ammo and outmatched, the officers surrender  themselves and their weapon
s. Thankfully, the jailbreakers aren't interested  in mindlessly killing everyone, and just want their compatriot Russell Cody released. As they have one of their men tend to the one with the neck wound, the rest follow  the sheriff and deputy to the holding cells. Once there they tell the other prison bus  officer, Stamper, to forfeit their weapon as well, which he reluctantly does. The leader of the crooks, Rafe, has Cody set free from his cell, and puts  the remaining officers in there instea
d. I'm sure the inmates at least are happy to  see this roll reversal on their captors. Rafe does leave Sheriff Jo out though,  in order for her to guide a member of the crooks to the surveillance cameras. Smart move. Unfortunately, it's located in that previously mentioned flooded basement, and  we know what else is waiting for them down there. Or maybe not, as apparently the alligators  got tired of waiting and have come up to see what all that commotion was, and finish off the  wounded crimin
al before he has time to react. Don't know what's worse. The half ton killing machines, the gun toting intruders,  or the murderous prisoners. But let's look back and see if anything could  have been done differently for this scenario. The bus full of prisoners should never  have been traveling in the first place. This storm is causing a statewide emergency  according to the news-position broadcast in the beginning, and as such they never  should have green-lit transporting dangerous criminals i
n these conditions. Once on the road though, it was smart to call for place to use a shelter to avoid the bus  crashing or getting stranded in these conditions. Just unfortunate that the nearest place was so  small and understaffed for such a situation. In fact, maybe the sheriff should have  refused having them all stay if their station wasn't properly equipped to  handle that many convicts at once. Of course they would have had at least  one more officer on duty to help if he hadn't become gat
or food in the basement. But I can't blame him for not seeing that coming, as alligators are typically afraid  of humans, and are more likely to flee when seeing one than to approach for snack time. Attacks do happen occasionally of course, but it's more likely when the alligator  is cornered and feels threatened, or is defending their territory or nest. But for the purposes of this film, let's suspend our disbelief and assume these are ravenous  alligators that are starved and bloodthirsty. So
the only other way the officers could  have stood a chance against this oncoming assault by the jailbreakers, would have  been to not waste their bullets by firing randomly until they were out of options. Had they just held out or regrouped into a safer position in the precinct, possibly even  hitting up the armory for more ammo and weapons in the process, they could have held the line  longer and not had to surrender to begin with. But now that they have, let's  see where they go from here, and
if they can turn things  around from this point on. The sheriff takes a single member of the  crook's crew to the basement as promised. Not sure why they would only send  a single person with her instead of having the entire group to make sure no  funny business happens, but here we are. While in the flooded room, Sheriff Jo checks out  a flashlight left on and underwater, only to pull up a severed hand still grasping the device. They soon find the source of this carnage, as a one eyed alligato
r crawls down the  steps after them and enters the water. Guess this is the same one  from before that got Sommer. The crook opens a fire on it, but the  water protects the beast and hides its exact location, and it eventually  chomps down and rolls the attacker. The sheriff uses this opportunity to escape and  seal the room, and with it the woman's fate. But since the creature is trapped in there,  that means the crisis is averted, right? Well not exactly, as the gators find  and swim through t
he comically large ventilation system the police station has. Rafe comes to check on the situation, which again  just begs the question of why he didn't go with them to begin with, and finds some of his other  crew members body parts floating in the water. That tells him exactly what they're dealing with. Well that and the fact that he soon after several  alligators chasing the sheriff up the stairs. The first floor of the precinct is now flooded up to everyone's knees. Dang! How did the  water
level rise that high, that fast? Well regardless, the alligators are  using this to their advantage and swimming towards our characters at high speed. They attempt to regroup in the prisoner room, but Rafe gets dragged out by his leg in the  process, despite Cody trying to save his life. Have to admit, didn't expect for the crooks  leader to get gator gotten this early in the film. All that remains of the jailbreak group is  a lone gunman, who releases the prisoner so they can deal with the sher
iff for him. Not sure why he doesn't just use the shotgun he has, but maybe he doesn't want to be held  responsible for additional murder charges himself. The inmates are quick to attack Jo, but  thankfully do so only one at a time, as they underestimate her power. Angelo is first, and chokeslams her onto a nearby desk, but she uses an old phone  and the prison cell door to knock him out cold. Floyd goes next, but she dispatches him with ease  thanks to using handcuffs as brass knucks. Clever! B
efore the others can have  their turns now however, Cody turns on his rescuer and forces  him to lower their weapon at gunpoint, claiming they have to all work together  towards the bigger threat at hand. Which is both a good point and smart  decision that thankfully they all agree with. This leads to everyone being freed, as well  as the cops getting their firearms back. The sheriff informs the group that there are  at least four alligators loose in the building, as the one inmate, Big Jim, sha
res his  personal experience with these creatures. Giving the others plenty of reasons to be afraid,  and shutting down any ideas one of them may have had about facing the beast directly. So what's the plan at this point? Get to higher ground. A simple, yet effective one for avoiding the flood waters and gators. From there, they can hopefully get to the jet skis to be able to escape this nightmare.  Let's hope they can make it that far. So since the hallway is full  of swimming apex predators, t
he group attempts to leave through the ceiling. After the sheriff gets up  there off camera somehow, I'm guessing one of the inmates lifted her up,  she lowers a sheet rope for the rest to follow. Things go well at first, until  one of the alligators gets the door open by random chance when it  attacks it and hits the door handle. Not sure why it was bashing the  door to begin with, but I suppose we can suspend our disbelief a little further. Stamper notices the door opening, and knocks out Floy
d with the butt of his gun in order to  use him as alligator bait so he can escape. Floyd somehow manages to recompose  himself before he is eaten however, and begins climbing to safety. So all is good? Well not so much, as the man needs a hand making that final  stretch, and reaches to Jox for help. But Jox hasn't been enjoying Floyd's  racist attitude thus far, and lets him know this by "accidentally" letting  him drop back down into the water below. The cops try to help the inmate by shooting
at  the gators, but they seem to be bulletproof. That or maybe the police here just  have Storm Trooper levels of accuracy, as the creatures are entirely undeterred,  and quickly finish off Floyd's life sentence. As one of the other gators opens  its mouth towards the ceiling, the deputy fires around down its gaping maw,  finally ending one of the creature's lives. But before they can celebrate their minor  victory, one of the remaining alligators jumps all the way up to and through the hole  i
n the ceiling, grabs the officer by his legs, and drags him back down to the depths  below. Wow, did not see that coming. Well, our characters suffered quite a few  losses, but they did manage to escape for now, and even took one of the threats out in the  process. But could the they have done better? Well for starters, they all could have  traveled in a group to the basement. This would have meant more guns and more  eyes looking out for potential problems, which may have saved the female crimi
nal's life. But whether she lives or dies, there's no reason the rest of the gun toting crooks couldn't  have blasted the rest of the alligators away. Especially while they were fully exposed  and slowly climbing up the staircase. But okay, we missed that opportunity and  alligators are now swimming through the hallways. What next? Well, I say we used the prison cells  to our advantage in one of two different ways. Either we lock ourselves in for protection  and fire away from between the bars u
ntil all of the gators are dead and gone, or  we can go for a more pacifist approach and leave the cell next to ours open,  followed by luring the alligators into it from the safety of our cage. Once they're inside we lock them up and won't have to deal with them  for the rest of our escape attempt. Just have to remember to send animal  control through here once the storm is over. If we don't want to risk facing the alligators  at all however, we can just do the ceiling escape plan like they do
in the film. Just maybe barricade that door before doing so with something like the desk in the room. And maybe send the police up first in order to maintain control over the situation. Wouldn't want one of the prisoners using this opportunity to steal a firearm  and attempt to turn the tables here. After crawling through the ceiling for some time, they knock down a wooden panel  to head out on the top floors. Apparently these upper parts of the precinct  haven't been used in years, and look lik
e they're still under construction. Our tax dollars at work I guess. This explains why the building has  such a horrible leaking problem though. The gang now splits up, with the sheriff,  Cody, and Jox looking through the very top floor for anything useful, and the rest  staying on the second floor to find things. Not a bad call with the amount of people  they have and the dwindling ammo supply. At the sheriff's request, Cody now  shares his life's story, and who these jailbreaking crooks are th
at invaded this place. They're all disgraced soldiers, himself included, that were let go from the army for one reason or  another and turned to a life of crime afterwards when they weren't accepted back into society. Cody was the wheelman for a heist they were all doing where no one was supposed to get hurt, but  he ran off with the cash by accident in a panic after Rafe and the rest murdered some officer. He stashed the money and tried to meet back up with the others, but got caught and blamed
  for the murder, and thus ended up here. So, he's not completely innocent,  but at least he's no killer. And seems like the crooks only want  him free to find that secret stash. After this heartfelt tale, a gator  makes its way up a flooded shaft, and despite them opening fire on it, the  creature still manages to attack Jox. They continue to shoot, but  nothing seems to stop this thing. The filmmakers do know that alligators aren't  bulletproof, right? At this point they even had me doubting r
ational thoughts, and now  my google history contains the question, "can an alligator withstand a bullet?" To which I discovered they may shrug off smaller rounds, but definitely not  stop the bullet outright, and wouldn't be able to handle the semi-automatics  and shotguns being used in this film. They do eventually take the gator out, but  not before using up a hundred rounds of ammo, and not before it's able to finish  off Jox. Rest in pieces, my friend. The group below hears the commotion on
the floor  above, and Angelo uses this distraction to grab a nearby handgun from an unfinished fire range. Not sure why it was left fully loaded and just lying around, but it sure is  convenient for this inmate uprising. Jim tries to stop his fellow prisoner  to not make the situation worse, but takes a bullet for his struggles, as Angelo  wrestles with the guard and beats him to a pulp. The crook of course does nothing during  all of this, as it's not his fight. Fair enough I guess, but you'd
think  he'd at least want to help maintain peace until everyone actually escapes this place. As Angelo celebrates his victory  by seemingly finishing off Jim, the ceiling collapses from the alligator  attack above, causing a stray steel rod to pierce the final jailbreaker through  the chest. Talk about bad luck. Speaking of which, a random gator  enters through the crawl space and takes out Angelo as well while he's distracted. Man, these characters are dropping like flies. As yet another gator
enters the hallway now, Big  Jim, who's still alive but bleeding out, offers to fight the beast so the other two can get away. A brave thing to do with your final breaths. He does Steve Irwin proud as he handles  the creature quite well for a while, even toying with it, but eventually it  gets the upper hand and removes his face. And of course during all this,  the pair just watched on in awe, even though Jim's sole purpose with this  fighting was giving them a chance to escape. Way to make his
sacrifice completely pointless. They soon regret this decision as they're  backed into a corner with an alligator slowly approaching, but are saved at the  last minute by Rafe coming out of nowhere with a shotgun and blowing the beast  to bits. But wait, how did he survive? Well according to him, the gator that  took him away thought he was dead and stored him for later consumption, giving  him a chance to escape when it left. Even though in real life, gators  don't actually exhibit this behavio
r. Geez, how hard is it to google  alligator facts, filmmakers? This time the shells actually work on this  particular gator, and the trio is safe once more, leaving just one more beast swimming  around somewhere for them to face. The plan now is to get to the jet skis. I mean, I thought it always was, but Jo tells them to go on without her, as she has a plan. And of course, she doesn't bother sharing that plan with anyone, and they  just walk there separate ways. And what's this master plan of
hers? Hiding in a room with the one remaining  shotgun as gators gather outside the door. Hmm, not sure where she's going with  this, but let's let her cook for now. Probably wasn't a good idea to let the two  criminals go off on their own unsupervised though, as Rafe quickly points out when he suggests to  Cody that they just dip now and leave Jo behind. Cody refuses to let another  innocent person die however, and even steals the jet ski  keys to convince Rafe to stay. This of course starts a
conflict between  the two as they they start to fight. As Rafe gets the upper hand, he  begins to drown his former colleague. Wait, but I thought he needed him  alive to get the location of the money? Well, maybe he just plans to wait for him  to pass out and forcibly drag him out of the building afterwards. Who knows? Back upstairs, we finally get to see what the  sheriff was waiting for, as all the remaining alligators gather outside her door, for reasons.  Don't know what could be drawing the
m there, but she launches her idea into action, which is  to shoot the propane tanks near the creatures and take them out with a big fireball of an explosion. It not only works, but causes a massive explosion to run all throughout the building, taking  out Rafe in the process in saving Cody's life. Wait, but she didn't know Rafe had turned on them,  and if her plan could have potentially killed one of the others, why in the world wouldn't she  have warned them of what she was attempting? The mov
ie now just cuts to Jo and Cody on the jet  skis during the aftermath the following morning. The whole town is flooded,  but they made it out at least, and the sheriff tells her new friend that  he's free to go, she will simply report him as a casualty from the whole incident. Wow, did he win her over easily or what to convince an officer of the law  to look the other way like this. She tells Cody he's free to go,  she will report him as dead. How did he win her over that easily? They split up,
with Cody presumably heading to get his stash of stolen money that a cop is  letting him keep, and Sheriff Jo gets a free jet ski out of the whole situation. A happy ending, I guess? But was there anything they could have  done to have a few more people survive. If the end goal was to always get to the jet skis, and they seem to be able to get to  them no problem from the upper floors, they should have just made a beeline for them  once the alligators were confirmed to have been on the upper lev
els with them and no longer on  the lower ones guarding the escape vehicles. If we are waiting for a better time to  leave, however, no time was better than when Jim was fighting for us to escape. Standing around and staring is useless. Either we should leave while he's  giving us the chance, or at least help him fight to take take out a threat. Better than hoping a previously killed off character comes back to save us  thanks to the obscure plot reasons. And speaking of that guy, Rafe, if  he w
anted to leave the others behind, he could have just done so. If he wanted to make sure Cody comes with him and not abandon the sheriff, all he has  to do is give her the second set of jet ski keys. There's no reason they have to  carry both or leave together, other than ensuring the other's safety, which  they're not doing by separating to begin with. So just give her a set of keys, and Cody can  either leave with Rafe or stick around for Jo. Everyone wins, no need to have a pointless  fight or
get blown up by propane. And on that note, I have to say  the sheriff's plan was terrible. Propane tanks very rarely  explode from gunshots, if ever. But that's an action movie trope of  course, and there could be a slim chance of it really happening, so we can  suspend disbelief one final time for that. But why was the explosion so massive that  it extended throughout the entire building? Were there tons of propane tanks on  every level that all just happened to be set off in a chain reaction
to this? Because if the movie is saying that was all from a single tank explosion, not only is  that a load of hogwash, but the sheriff almost certainly wouldn't have survived it herself. And why was she doing this to begin with? They have a way out, and escape vehicles  that are no longer guarded. Just. Leave. The alligators aren't going to hunt  us down to the ends of the Earth. And even if we wanted to ensure that any and  all threats were taken out before we escape, this is a pretty crappy w
ay of doing  that, as we see Cody survived no problem by just being under the water. And where would any other alligators not on the upper floors likely be  residing during this event? Exactly. So overall the threat was beaten,  but with a little more cooperation, awareness, and preparation, we could  have saved a lot of few extra lives and kept some criminals in the clink.  So stock up and stick together, because you never know when you may  have to deal with problems yourself. And when it rain
s, it pours. Let me know what you think. Thanks for watching, guys. Binge another one and Peace Out!



The CGI alligators in this movie weren't the most photorealistic for sure, but it looks so much better compared to the ones in “Jungle Run!” Overall not the worst B movie, but no award winner either.


The way he says gator sounds like Gay-Tour ,which is funny asf


The CGI made me cringe 😭😭😭


0:36 opportunity for hungry hungry hippo joke.


I love how they have Jox, a vandal, on a bus full of murderers lol (I know armed robbery is also a serious crime) I've been to jail FYI. Was in the same block as murderers and chomos


Man from Lieutenant to prisoner, Rico has fallen far...


Can you make a video on the Belko Experiment 2017? I think you'll enjoy it


Those mercenaries would not have released the other prisoners. They would have immediately left once freeing Cody


Really ready for you to take on the cube franchise. We need to know what you would do man


Brilliant another killer alligator. Back years ago there was hunter the croc in the sewer.


Great stuff!


The CGI gator and propane tank explosion are so cringe. Great video, by the way! 👏🏻


Those CGI gators were not quite MK: Annihilation levels of cringe, but not too far from it.


I played RDR2. Can confirm they are almost bulletproof


Out of ammo?


Was this made before crawl?


Alligators aren't bulletproof. Although the occasional .22 might not penatrate their hide practically every other caliber will.


BingeXpress and Roanoke gaming posted in one day, perfect Saturday for sure ❤ your hard work doesnt go unnoticed, bingex stays putting out great work.