
How to Become a CFRE in Australia & New Zealand: March 21 2024 Broadcast

This free one-hour webinar just for fundraising professionals in Australia and New Zealand will give you a solid overview of the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) process from start to end. You'll learn what CFRE certification is, how it helps you fundraise to globally-accepted best practices, and how it sets you apart professionally. CFRE International staff will explain everything you need to know to become a CFRE: 1) What CFRE certification is 2) Career and personal benefits of becoming a CFRE 3) Steps to become a CFRE 4) Starting your application 5) Meeting the application requirements 6) Preparing for the CFRE Exam 7) Employer support for becoming a CFRE Plus Ryan Ginard, CFRE, shares his tips for a smooth CFRE experience. Watching this webinar qualifies for 1 point in the non-fundraising education section of the CFRE application.


11 days ago

hi everyone my name is Ashley Gatewood I am the  communications and marketing director at CFRE International and I am thrilled that you are along  with us today for this very special presentation just for fundraising Professionals in Australia  and New Zealand about how to become a CFRE we are going to start with some housekeeping really  quickly we are going to take your questions there's a question pane feel free to pop your  questions in there are two question breaks today where I will stop a
nd look at what's in the pain  and we will address those questions together we have an application online that is free to start  if you haven't yet started your application you can begin it at my cf. if you would like  to start filling that out while you listen along today that can be great thing to do because you  might hit a question in the application and you can just get it answered by me as we go along  today we are recording today's webinar I will send a link via email out in about
24 hours  along with a link to the slide so you don't have to furiously take notes we will make sure  that you have all of that good information all right so with that said I am going to uh jump  into the slides we are very fortunate that we have Ryan jard with us today we are going to  hear from him in probably about 8 to 10 minutes and then he'll also come back in at the end he  is a Cy in Australia I'll do a proper intro of him shortly but just note that we have Ryan with  us and he will be
sharing some great information with you so to get started about what the cafrey  is we are the only globally recognized accredited certification for fundraisers this is our biggest  point of differentiation there are many wonderful certificate programs that are Australia specific  or there used to be a fundraising certificate for New Zealand different country specific ones but  our certification is global so once you earn it it means the same thing in Japan as Australia as  New Zealand as the UK
as Canada the US anywhere you go the same four letters after your name mean  that you have met the same requirements we've been around for over 40 years we've been in Australia  and New Zealand since the early 90s so we have a couple of people who actually have hit their  30-year Milestone of being CF frees in Australia and New Zealand everything we do is grounded  in ethical best practice fundraising that's what we're here to promote the certification is to  ensure that your fundraising practi
ce aligns with ethical best practices all of us want to believe  that people are are ethical and nonprofits all the time but we know that unfortunately that is  not always the case I worked for nonprofit early in my career in Washington DC where my coworker  stole between. five and million dollar the true amount was never arrived at because it was a very  convoluted kind of scheme that put me personally and professionally on the this path of hearing  a great deal about nonprofits and their ethic
al commitments and their ethical fundraising I  personally I've been with cfer for six years and before this I worked for the fundraising  Institute of New Zealand for three years so it's very near and dear to my heart about ethical  best practice fundraising we have over 7700 seares across more than 25 countries countries  Australia is our third largest market for cfes so the largest market is in the US followed by  Canada followed by Australia this North American presence is heavily because we
were founded in  North America but we have had a growing number of ceries in Australia over the last five six  years that I've been at cfer we have 118 right now and we have we have about a dozen CF frees  in New Zealand we had 20 at one time a number of people retired but we've had uh some new people  becoming cfes earlier in their careers there which is great to see so that number is good for you  because when you have it you will stand out as a professional in your country for going above  a
nd beyond the great thing about the cafre with there being 7700 certificates worldwide is that  it's not something everybody has when you have it you really stand Head and Shoulders above you are  showing your commitment to this profession and to the standards I'll talk a little bit generally  about the benefits of certification in just a broad Viewpoint here A certification why is it  important right you don't want to get your haircut by a hairdresser that doesn't have their license  you don't
want to take your taxes to an accountant who hasn't been certified a certification is  Assurance for the public and employers that you know your stuff that you've demonstrated your  knowledge it's been tested by an exam you've met a certain set of requirements people can put  their faith in you we are accredited by the an national accreditation board which is based  in North America but they have multilateral agreements around the world so um as a result of  that our accreditation is recognized
worldwide so our own program has been found to meet the rigors  required of a solid certification program so you can have faith in us we know what we're doing  when we're certifying a certification is great for you because a certification is created by  making a set of standards for a profession right so in fundraising CFRE we have created a set  of ethical best practice standards that have resulted in an outline of required knowledge this  is through our test content outline which I'll talk abo
ut a little bit later today but a good  certification results in a designation that you can use after your name some people say you know  they became a CFRE in Australia or New Zealand they put CFRE after their name and people said  what does that mean they might not necessarily know what a CFRE is but they'll ask what do these  initials mean many SE frees in that part of the world have told me that it becomes a great entry  point to tell High net worth individuals donors employers what the CFRE
certification stands for  and people go well that's exactly who we want to work with right that's exactly the kind of major  gifts officer we want to work with that's exactly the kind of person we want to hire somebody who is  so serious about best practice ethical fundraising uh certification requires maintenance you don't  just earn it once and sail off into the sunset and say you know what that was fun A certification  requires you to continue learning that is what makes it so valuable I tol
d you the cfre has  been around for over 40 years we actually have two current cfre who earned the designation  in 1981 if they never did another minute of professional development all of us would be  pretty terrified right but because they're cfres we know that they have recertified we know that  their body of knowledge is current there are now nonprofit degrees out there which are absolutely  fabulous because they put a lot of people on the pathway to becoming a cfer there's a very easy  leap
to make from earning a degree in nonprofit management or something related to nonprofits  and fundraising I'll talk about that a little bit more in the application section but credentials  and certifications do have a leg up on degrees because they're Evergreen right so a degree you  do once and it's done I have a masters from 2005 it's horrendously out of date right but your  credential because you're recertifying it stays fresh it shows that times change and you keep up  with them as a cfre in
the cfre community in order to become a cfre you have to agree to abide by the  international statement of ethical principles and fundraising the donor Bill of Rights and our  accountability standards in addition to your local laws why is this important well what's  great about this is because the CFRE process has uh a grievance committee right so the CFRE  community has a grievance committee if you ever are concerned about another CFREs Behavior we have  a way that you can report that it can b
e looked into right very fortunately in my six years at  CFRE that's not really been an issue but we have that mechanism to ensure that people are playing  by the roles right because it's very difficult um sort of within our own countries and our own  professions necessarily to always be able to flag that the benefits of being a CFRE there are many  many uh that people report we do a survey every other year and we ask our CFRE what do you like  about having the credential what is it helping you
with so people tell us it is great because  it signifies their competence right immediately you see these four letters after someone's  name and you know okay this person is serious about fundraising they've gone a above and beyond  they've earned a voluntary credential this person is exactly the kind of person that you want to  work with you want to hire you want to be it also can help you get uh basically a pathway into CFRE  only events if you go to the FIA conference every year they have a f
ellows and CFRE event which is  a wonderful networking opportunity the fundraising Institute of New Zealand conference I know is been  on Hiatus for a little bit but historically they always had a fellows and CFRE event there as well  becoming a CFRE enhances your credibility because it shows that you have met standards and that  you are committed to the profession right just like when you see your accountant with their  certification your board certified doctor right you know okay I have an ass
urance in working with  this person also career advancement I have been to the FIA conference for a few years unfortunately I  didn't make it this year but the last two I had a great opportunity to speak with recruiters there  many of whom said you know we know what the CFRE is when we see it on a candidate CV we really  light up we love to interview CFREs we love to put them forward because we know that they have uh  a very very solid foundation of fundraising behind them if you have your site
set on working overseas  particularly the US and Canada having your CFRE is a real foot in the door many job postings here  say CFRE preferred in them especially for director of development and higher levels so I don't know  what your career aspirations are but if you are considering maybe coming over to the states  or Canada just know that your CFRE carries a lot of weight in these communities all right  so with that you've heard enough from me for a little bit we are now going to hear from Rya
n  who I'm super excited to bring on to talk about the career benefits as he has experienced them  Ryan became a CFRE in March of 2021 so he's got three years under his belt so he's got some good  experience that he can share with you he is also the author of future philanthropy and nonprofit  Moneyball he is currently the head of advocacy for Effective philanthropy um and the founder  or sorry and I that is at minderoo foundation and he is the founder and director of fundraise  for Australia he
not only that but he is our official CFRE Ambassador for Australia so what  that means is Ryan is your person on the ground that can help guide you through the CFRE process  if you have questions so I'm going to go ahead and bring up Ryan's slide and he is going to take  it away and talk to you a little bit about the career benefits yeah thanks Ashley and thanks for  the opportunity here to speak uh yeah I also got recertified this year so um obviously a uh you  know a reup as it were and to mo
ve to minderoo and be like on the funders side uh a lot of people  ask why you want to continue this accreditation I said it was important for a number of reasons  uh being an effective philanthropy understanding how we give our money and the issues around uh  Pay What It Takes uh and a number of the other issues that we have seen kind of entrenched into  our social sector even fundraisers being seen and how we kind of carve out space for them I think  it's an important designation uh to have an
d sends a a message to to the field that minderoo  is definitely looking at how our fundraisers operate as we look to double giving by 2030 as  the government said but I digress um in terms of cfre look this this has been a game changer for  my whole career I mean was get cut to the chase I wouldn't have been able to come back to Australia  from the US um I wouldn't have been able to get the jobs I it was um privileged to work in in the  US if I didn't have my CFR it really opened the door uh to
have those interviews and discussions  about how I could make an impact it definitely showcases best practice and professionalism um  again in a largely self-regulated industry uh this commitment is extremely important um When  we struggle each day to really convey what we do internally to our leadership and board and  externally uh to the organizations that we're seeking funding from even the donors uh that we  again go out and uh discuss what they um giving might look like their legacy Etc ag
ain it just  shows a commitment to best practice and I think I should have underlined that slide there because  I think that's um goes largely to what Ashley's conveyed as well um it's a accountability as well  so globally accepted standards helps lift up our field here and as you a lot of you would know  we've got the productivity commission doing a national inquiry into our field the Department  of Social Services create a new not for profit blueprint so again um we are in a spot where  we're
not seen in the space there is no data around fundraising in Australia except for um  what we have with the CFRE when you give your tax return uh there's no way to put in that you're a  fundraiser in fact there's no way to uh share that your position Works in a not for profit anyway so  working on that so being a CFRE is really leading the charge there and again just uh the commitment  to Excellence uh ethics and shared values I did the CFRE because it espouses how I want to  approach the work u
m I want to build resources in a way that um does stand up uh to I guess that  torch of um a lot of your gift uh processing uh gift agreement uh folks do when you're trying to  make sure the money is given out uh in the way that the donor expects so all these things give  you the skills the background the knowledge uh to move forward effectively so um yeah in terms of  career benefits this is the thing this is what you want to do and um the 118 um folks in the field uh  you know that that is a r
eally small number and we can do more and be more and that that and that  there is a lot of jobs going around so that's a simple equation there so hopefully that helps on  again the career benefits there Ashley excellent thank you so much for that Ryan I am also going to  just put through the chat there the link if you do want to start your application follow along with  me um if you have any questions for Ryan you can also put them in the question Pane and when we  have our question breaks we c
an Ryan's mind is a person who has had the CFRE for three years so  thank you so much Ryan and we will hear from you a little bit later all right so speaking with  your employer over 50% of CFRE tell us in our survey so we do a survey every other year to  our entire certificant body that uh so over 50% report that their employer has contributed to  part or all of their initial certification fee making a case to your employer may or may not  be easy depending on what their professional developmen
t budget is their culture of continuous  learning but I always say it's worth having the conversation you know how to time conversations  you're an expert at asking for support this can be a great way that your employer can invest  in your knowledge it's third-party validation right it's not just you saying I know this it's  a globally recognized body that is attesting yes you are an expert in this you can add it to Grant  applications and donor conversations you know what a great Steward of fun
ds what a great Steward  of relationships ethics and accountability are never going to go out of style right at least  in good organizations so that's a great case that you can make to your employer because if you  haven't measured your knowledge against globally accepted ethical best practices you may be doing  something that's not totally by the book but not out of any bad motivation it's just you haven't  assessed your knowledge at that point right so a lot of people say that the cfre process
even  preparing for the exam doing the education for the requirements bolstered their confidence and  they were learning a lot along the way that they got to put into practice even before they became  a cop Frey so there are a lot of benefits to this to become a cfre first you complete a Symetra  application and I'm going to talk to you about the three main application segments in a few  minutes here we then review your application then once it's approved you are sent an  email with instruction
s on how to book your exam you will make your exam appointment  once you pass the exam you are a CFRE that's all there is to it so an application and  an exam I'm a little broken record here but start your application for free there  is no downside to it the application is looking at your accomplishments in the last  five years so we're going back to January 1 2019 the application itself will not expire  so if you created an application a year or two ago you haven't gone into it we still have  i
t you can just log in you don't need to start from scratch you can fill it out over however  long it takes you to fill it out essentially you don't have to fill it out in one sitting by  any means the first segment of the application is education this is where you are going to  enter in education that you've participated in this application works on a point system  and I'm not going to go down a whole Rabbit Hole of points we'll just kind of look at it at a  a easy to to understand top level bec
ause inside the application it spells out all of the point  values right there so I won't uh rehash that here but what's great about this application is  that you will put in the education that you have attended that's fundraising related if you  present you can also enter that if you say Ashley I hate talking in front of people there's  no way I'm going to present that's 100% fine it's not required it's just if you do you get points  one thing people love about this application is they attend f
undraising education and they put it  in their application right straight away they log it so they don't forget it when it comes time  for your annual review you can go into your C fre application and you've kept track of all the  education you've gone on so you can say to your boss during your annual review well you know  I went to two conferences and I did 16 hours of webinars right so you can make a case for  you know more professional development funds while you're poised and ready for promo
tion that  kind of thing but people love this application because it's a natural repository of where  you can store all of your great education accomplishments which you can use um and leverage  for yourself even outside of the cfre process so fundraising education we accept pretty much most  varieties of it the big ones are conferences web ARS workshops master classes panel discussions  roundtables all of those good things are going to count we can also take up to 10 points of  nonffundraising
education so this has to be something relevant to your job you know people  love to submit stuff like yoga for fundraisers which sounds really nice but it's not going to  qualify because we need to see that it actually is going to contribute to your fundraising success  so thank like Finance classes maybe a webinar on leadership if you ever do a public speaking course  these are the kinds of things that we're looking at like I said we are going back to January 1  2019 if you did education before
today which I'm sure a lot of you have done you want to jog  your memory about what you attended a great way to do that is to go through your calendar people  run searches on their email inbox they get their receipts from conference registrations uh credit  card statements you know whatever might help you jog your memory because you're probably sitting on  a lot of points you don't have to start this from square one because we're looking at what you've  done from January 1 2019 forward if you h
ave an academic degree this is the one thing that can be  outside that five-year timeline any year any major if you have a Bachelor's of French literature from  2012 it will count any year any major if you don't have an academic degree that's completely fine  it's not required but just know that if you have one we can award points for it you can also earn  points through service learning this is our term for volunteering if you volunteer in a general  role or if you volunteer on a committee or b
oard that's all going to count this also includes  volunteering at your Children's School at your place of worship the volunteer commitment does not  have to run 12 months of the year many volunteer commitments are short-term we understand that  if you do a beach Cleanup in the summer for two months that's fine right that it doesn't have to  run all year long if you're like Ryan and you're a prolific author or maybe you're just dipping  your tow into authoring on fundraising topics we can also a
ward you points for that uh cannot be  self-published and it must be a 500w minimum there are all kinds of qualifying education types I'm  sure you are a person with a lot of points right now a lot of people say to me I started filling  out the application and then I realized how many points in education I had and I thought oh my gosh  I'm almost at the threshold I may as well submit it and uh get the show on the road and take my  next professional step so just know there are all kinds of ways t
hat you can earn those points now  one of the things that's really great about our application is that we have a lot of information  right at your fingertips FIA are amazing they submit a lot of their conferences their different  uh education Ventures their certificate to us so that it is prepopulated in the application uh  this means is if you attended these you were participating you just go into the application  and you see on the left side those red letters that say education from approved p
roviders  you simply type FIA or fundraising Institute Australia in that box it'll populate up and then  a drop- down menu will show for what FIA has run and had pre-approved for cfree education if you've  been on their conferences going back 2019 forward right it's these points are right there for you  so you just select them you'll be good to go you don't have to go back through your calendar and  reconstruct everything all right and good news if you are a member of fundraising Institute New 
Zealand they also have a number of their trainings and offerings also pre-populated in here so if  you attended any of those you can just locate them and it is a breeze to get them added to your  application if you're looking for fundraising education you can check out my education finder  we have this available on our website if you go to ca at the top there's a little  menu it says my education finder in there we have offerings from Australian providers I  know changing company has a
number of offerings that you can learn about through there if you do  blackbaud's Raiser's Edge training that qualifies so there are a number of opportunities at your  fingertips if you are looking for Education uh some of it in my education finder is paid some  of it is low cost and some of it is free have a look there the second piece of the application is  professional practice which means you working in a paid professional fundraising role the requirement  is that you need to have worked 36
months in the last five years in a paid professional fundraising  role we're going back again January 1 2019 if you have worked for three years since that time  pat yourself on the back you have met this requirement if you work 40 hours a week at least  50% of your duties and responsibilities need to be fundraising related if you do marketing half the  time and fundraising half the time that's all good but we do need to have at least 50% fundraising  related if you work 20 hours a week 100% of t
hat must be fundraising related easy breezy our third  requirement here is professional performance this is you raising funds or showing your impact I'm  going to explain the two ways that we have that you can meet the requirements in this section so  firstly because we're accredited our accrediting body uh has a requirement right that we need to  show that people are able to fund raise so the requirement is to have raised the equivalent of  1.375 million US dollar in the last five years that nu
mber might sound High depending on where  you are but I will break it down for you the application has a currency converter in it and the  reason why this is in US dollars is because we're accredited the accrediting body does not allow us  to have one amount for New Zealand one amount for Australian dollars one amount for taibat one  amount for Euro and so on we're only allowed to have one and that's to show that everybody has  not that standard right so we're going back again January 1 2019 but
the really good news is that  we recognize fundraising as a team sport it can be really difficult when you're on a team project  that's brought in funds to you know people get all in their head about parsing that out so let's  say you are a bequest fundraiser you close a $3 million gift that gift comes in right that's  you that's all you that's perfect you put that in your cfre application but there are a number  of things Direct Mail pieces digital fundraising campaigns gas things like that wh
ere you are more  than likely working with other people in your team right so let's take this example of aala if  you were one of the team members one of the three people on that team and that Gala brought  in $250,000 you would claim that for yourself each person on that team would be able to claim  that $250,000 if they worked on it because things like gas can be very difficult right because there  could be quite a mix of how that money is coming in you might have two people working together o
n  an Ask stuff along those lines so no know that if it's something like a DM piece like I said a  digital fundraising campaign an event a run walk all of that where there's like a real team effort  from your organization we recognize that and that is how you will count the funds if you're in a  smaller organization or you want to just use this alternative avenue to meet this requirement it is  open to you this is Communications and management projects so this will satisfy the professional  perf
ormance requirement as well a project just it sounds obvious but I'll go over it it just has to  have a start and an end date and a stated purpose or goal hitting send on your weekly e newsletter  every Friday that's not a project right that's your job that's what you do but a project would  be if you overhauled your newsletter end to end you redesigned it you changed your calls to action  you changed the day you send it on and now it's bringing in 12% more donations year-over-year  that's a pro
ject so that's a good way to think about it we have a lot of examples on our website  there's a very good chance that you have completed some of these in the last five years and you've  got some points just sitting there waiting all right so the initial certification cost is $700  us if you are an FIA fins or educate plus member one of the benefits of being a member of these  organizations is that they give you this 20% discount like I said 50% of CFREs over 50% have  said that their employer co
ntributed a part or all of the cost some people cost share they do  5050 some people say to their employer they cut a deal they say I will pay this upfront when I  pass the exam I want to be reimbursed we've had a number of people use that Avenue it's a great  motivator to study even more thoroughly but it also can help your employer feel a little bit more  at ease if you are not a member of those three organization one of those three organizations the  rate is $875 it's an all-inclusive fee whi
ch means that includes us reviewing your application all  the testing fees so when it comes time to take the exam you're not going to pay to book at the  exam site it's us sending a digital badge when you become a CFRE so you can announce to your  network on LinkedIn and Twitter that you're a fresh CFRE plus it includes us mailing the hard  copy certificate to you anywhere in the world so there's no additional fee if you're in Australia  or New Zealand your fee that you've paid for the initial c
ertification covers Us sending that  certificate to you wherever you are all right so we are now going to look at how the exam is  created I know a lot of people have trepidation about the exam I want to be your Sensei so that  you feel comfortable and confident the number one thing I can tell you is that this exam is on  your chosen profession right this is what you do multiple days a week you have at least three years  experience behind you before you take the exam you are smart you are Savvy
you are committed you a  person that goes extra mile you are a lifelong learner right so you are going to think about  this exam hopefully in a way that doesn't feel scary but it's a great way for you to fortify  your fundraising knowledge and make sure that you don't have any gaps so the exam questions  apply no matter where you are so if you're in Rotorua if you're in randwick if you're in Rio  anywhere in the world the questions are going to apply to you it's not an American exam it's not  a
North American exam it is a truly Global exam we refresh some of the questions every year that's  to keep it current with fundraising best practices but also for exam security the language of the  exam it's Universal terms we don't make up our own nomenclature we don't pick terms out of the air  we are using terms that are globally recognized the way the exam is created is designed so that  when you study for it it's going to lift your fundraising knowledge and this is why a lot of  people say o
kay when I was studying for the exam I learned things that I could turn around and put  into practice in my department before I even took the exam right I'm learning as I'm going it's  been a great motivator it's keeping me on track for that the way the exam is created is every five  to seven years we run a global job task analysis where we ask fundraising professionals which  fundraising tasks they perform how often they perform them and how critical they are to their  fundraising success this
was last run in 2022 we had respondents from 21 countries including  Australia and New Zealand and we had thousands and thousands and thousands of people respond  to this the is important because this ensures the exam is relevant we are asking you things  that you need to know we're not an exam that was created in 1999 and it never gets refreshed  and you're going oh geeez like this is all old hat right your prep for this exam is to help  you be a better fundraiser today knowing what fundraisers
need to know right now in this moment  to be successful in the role the exam is divided into six knowledge domains that you see here on  your screen we are very very transparent about what the exam covers this job task analysis has  found for many years that these knowledge domains are key to a fundraisers success you'll see that  securing the gift and relationship building so we have the number of questions in the one column  the percentage of the exam and the other securing the gift and relat
ionship building make up over  half the exam these are critical to your success as a fundraising professional right because  if you can't secure gifts and if you can't relationship build you're going to have very  limited success so the preparation for this exam is designed heavily to help you fortify and  strengthen your knowledge across these six domains but especially in these two critical spaces we  have a test content outline on our website this is the road map of the exam for you it's a PD
F  I always say print it off highlight everything you don't feel confident you can answer an exam  question in or that you haven't directly worked in yourself that will be your personal study plan  road map that's going to be where you need to focus your time if you're an expert in volunteer  management you're probably not going to spend much time there right if you've been doing that  for for 20 years you want to use this time to study to address any gaps in your fundraising  knowledge we have
a resource reading list we don't have one book that we say you have to read we know  people like to pick their own books these are four comprehensive books that you see here on your  screen that are from the resource reading list you may have one of these maybe your co-worker has  one of these your library has one of these I'm all about doing everything as cheaply as possible so  you've got four fabulous options here if you want to just buy one book and consider that done when  you read whicheve
r book you've selected you're going to think about what you highlighted on that  test content outline that's going to be where your major areas of focus are going to be that's where  you're going to spend extra time you're going to take handwritten notes because they mentally stick  better than highlighting passages and this is going to be how you will confidently prepare for  the exam we have other resources available to you to help you the third one here is the glossary  this is on our website
as a PDF it's free this is the language of the exam I told you it's in  universally understood terms this glossary is what you want to familiarize yourself with you do not  have to memorize any of the definitions on it not at all we don't expect you to memorize definitions  but get familiar and you'll you'll look at it and you'll be okay I understand these terms and that  will help you feel more confident and ready when you come to the exam we do offer a practice exam  it is a paid product you
don't have to buy it if you don't want to spend the money I totally get it  I just want you to know that it's available to you this has a bank of 320 questions some of them are  retired off old cfre exams it is a sub subcription which means that you can take it as much as you  want within 30 days it's $59.95 people like this one if it's been a while since they took a test  so that they can kind of just get back into like okay how do I get into this state of thinking but  it's also very useful if
the highlighting on the test content outline is not feeling good for you  if you doubting yourself well I don't know I think I know this but I mean do I know this it's been  a couple years since I worked in this do I think I know what I think I know the practice exam  will help you determine that definitively we also have a study guide again it's another paid  item you don't have to use if you don't want to it's $49.99 it's available on Amazon it is a good  resource if you like an old school wo
rkbook style right so it's got practice questions space to  inventory or knowledge a lot of good info if you just like to have everything in one hard copy  book form if you're an FIA member good news there is a free FIA study group for people pursuing  their CFRE it started on February 26th but you can jump in now um there's a couple sessions left  they uh I believe are running it again later this year if you want to be kept in the loop on that  email like I said it's free it
is virtual so there's no reason not to do it even  if you're maybe just contemplating the CFRE if you want to jump into it because it's going to just  help you feel prepared plus people love this study group because they get to meet other people and  grow their Network it's awesome for that when you take the exam I'm going to show you in Australian  Zealand the testing center uh information so Pearson view is our partner in Australia and  New Zealand and globally they administer the exam hop ov
er to CFRE type in your  postal code it will populate a map I've done this one for Sydney you'll see that there is a map with  the little flags of where their test centers are there's also a list of all the locations so  you will know exactly where you can take the exam if you're in New Zealand what I love about  Pearson Vue is they're everywhere they're even in Invercargill right they're everywhere so if you're  in New Zealand there are a number of test centers available to you a
gain you can see the map on the  right and the list on the left the structure of the exam is that's multiple choice great news for  you because the correct answer is staring back at you there are no open-ended question questions  there are no essay questions there are four answer options per question and you are selecting  the best practice the best advice I can give you on the exam is to remember that this exam is not  asking you how you fundraise at your organization right sometimes people go
I need to answer these  questions for how my department fundraises this is about the best practice globally accepted best  practice and it may not necessarily be what your department does and that's not to say that you  don't want to follow best practices right it could be because you have an executive director  who insists that you do something a certain way it could be because right now you're revamping  your fundraising and you're going to tighten it up and make it more efficient and ensure t
hat  it follows these best practices but that's still in process when you look at at these questions  you are looking for the best answer of the best practice you have four hours to take the exam and  one of my favorite facts in this whole webinar is that this is not a 4-Hour exam most people finish  in two hours and 45 minutes we give you ample time we want to set you up for a very good test taking  experience you can move backwards and forwards in the exam you can fly questions to come back to
  later you are able to take a 10-minute break so that you can use the restroom take medication have  a snack we want you to be comfortable refreshed and to come to this with a clear mind we want  to set you up for passing right so we give you plenty of time on the exam the exam score range  is 200 to 800 with 500 as the pass Mark what's great about this you don't have to have a perfect  score right even your doctor when they took their medical board licensed or exam right they didn't  have to h
ave a perfect score you don't have to have a perfect score so just keep that in mind so  as people get really freaked out and they think oh my gosh when I take the exam and there's  two questions I'm sure I don't know I'm gonna just be really in a bad situation there is not  a need for you to be perfect on this all right we're going to look at a practice together  this question does not appear on the live exam will give you an understanding of what  I mean when I say it's a globally applicable q
uestion so you'll see that if you were in  Singapore or you were in Tasmania or you were in the Chatham Islands no matter where  you are this is going to apply when a donor wishes to make a planned gift SL bequest to  the endowment fund the fundraising officer should first one offer to contact the donor's  Financial organization and advisor two explore what the donor wishes to accomplish with the  gift three identify and share with the donor the organization's future needs or four  introduce the
donor to various plan giving options you don't have to tell me your answer  but I'll give you a few seconds to get it in mind all right and the correct answer is number  two this is the ethical best practice you allow the donor to lead with their philanthropic  intent right you don't steer them towards a fund you don't put them in a direction of the new  thing you are letting them guide where they want their philanthropy to have an impact to become a  ceree you recertify every three years there
is no no exam once you pass the exam you're done with  it the cost is $48 us for FIA fins and educate Plus members a number of people who become a  CF free will actually build this into their next employment agreement let's say you become  a cfre you get a fabulous job offer you know that in 3 years you will need to recertify you  can ask ask will you pay for this it is a great litmus test of your potential future employers  interest in professional development but it is something very worthwhi
le asking for and a  number of people do this it's all done by an online application and it's you uh $510 us  at the full rate all right so with that we are going to bring back Ryan and he is going to give  you his CFRE advice don't forget if you have any questions for me or for Ryan put them through  the Q&A we will look at them with uh the last few minutes of the webinar so Ryan welcome back  and take yeah thank you uh obviously some great advice there Ashley which I'm totally gonna  Riff on s
o uh as she mentioned St application is probably number one uh if you kind of wait to  get all your ducks in a row you going to run out of time um the best thing to do is open up a  application now and start adding all the great things that you're doing in there um as actually  said at the end of the year you can actually show it for all the the work you've been doing you  know your um commitment to continued learning um and really just being the best fundraiser  you can be so again it ends up b
eing like a your own like pep talk at the end of the year  especially when you're looking at uh new jobs Etc so application you'll be surprised at how  great a fundraiser you are we're in a very lonely profession so having those reaffirmations  coming from ourself are pretty important uh join a study group this um I took my exam um well in  2015 the first one I'd just been in the space for um three years and that's when they change  it to um that's when you could kick it off and um hang on two s
econds I'm getting accosted by a  ton of birds so let me just show them hang on two seconds all right well while Ryan is doing that oh  great Ryan Perfect all right this is the strangest presentation I've been a part of soly because I'm  in camber at the foot of Mount ay so it's either [ __ ] or other things but um that's uh I guess  always keeping me on my toes but yes please join a study group uh very important as I said uh I  did my exam at the first uh instance and took it all wrong I looked
at a different textbook  uh I thought I knew it or was very young and Brash and um did the CFRE at the Lily School of  philanthropy and thought that that would carry through so um definitely uh make a plan every  fundraiser is different every person is different your approaches um I'm dyslexic so I I found out  pretty late in my career so I decided during co uh that I really wanted to take my CFRE again I  thought I was ready I was prepared and the first uh I did the study group a great one wit
h Jack  Alotto again the virtual components are really helpful um a lot of these study groups actually um  just curate this amazing peer learning experience and people take their exams at different times so  knowing that someone's uh achieved it and become cfre really injects some uh enthusiasm into the  room and know that you're kind of in the right place at the right time um so the study group  also sends kind of sample questions little uh snapshots um in between the sessions during the  week
uh so they're they're great and I can't um you know I can't speak highly enough of them and  learn the exam as um as she said it's a multiple choice the answer is there um is there staring you  in the face uh and if you read the question uh it will help you answer and I kind it sounds ironic  right but um there is Nuance in those questions so don't look at it through your experiences look  at it through the experience uh and learnings from the text and one thing I did when I walked into  the exa
m is I wrote at the top of the page donor Centric that's really the the hook there and you  would have seen from the sample question as well while there's two that will kind of scream at you  that these could be the right answers always go to the donor Centric one there and uh the only  time I've seen people uh fail in the exams is on exam day uh they haven't uh fully committed  to the day because it can be quite exhausting a 4our exam so going in there with plenty of time  to go in get comforta
ble and um take it head on you you know all the answers so you again you  you're doing great work you are nothing changes this exam you are a great fundraiser and I again  I failed my first time by one question uh then had 10 years more experience took it again and only  passed by one question and uh something uh some um person U that was mentoring me at the time  said look all you have to do is get 50 plus one uh anything more is showing off so again uh just  know the work and know once you pas
s the exam you can go on and really do uh great things with that  credential so yeah I'd say that that's the advice uh just get stuck in in there um it's uh it's an  important piece of work but a very rewarding piece of work too thank you so much Ryan that's great  advice good motivation to get going all right so we've got one more slide and then we'll go to  the Q&A as I said before we have a CFRE ambassador program Ryan is a cfre Ambassador in Australia if  you want to get connected to him for
mally through the program you can email me at  I'll connect you and he will be glad to guide you through that process all right so now we are  going to go to the Q&A feel free to drop whatever you want into their this is your chance to get  a live answer we have had one question come in about if you fail your exam what does it cost to  redo it and how long of a period do you have to do okay great question I do want to just start off  and say I know a lot of people before they begi
n their application or submit it get very nervous  about the exam if you study 40 to 80 hours that's what we've found recently in recent years is a  real sweet spot for people passing really commit to it don't cut Corners I've seen people say I  didn't pass the exam I mean people have come up to me at conferences and say I didn't pass the  exam and I've said how have you studied and I've had more than one person say I don't have time  to study I didn't study it will require studying if you are u
nsuccessful on the exam there is a  30day wait period before you can take it again and that is so you can have time to prepare right  we don't want people to just like turn around the next day and do it there is a $375 us retake fee  and nobody wants to pay that right we want you to be successful and take the studying seriously  the first time every year some people um there are people who prepare and they don't pass but  we also have people who just rock up to the test center and think I'm a ge
nius and it doesn't  necessarily work out for them so take Ryan's great advice about join a study group that keeps  you on track keeps you accountable I put jack alotto's email address through the chat so he is  based in California but he's incredibly responsive he will be more than happy to connect with you  and um give you some great tips and advice there there uh is a question about attending different  uh webinars where you can get your C free points and I'm going to put a link through the c
hat for  you but basically if you go to FIA webinars Fin's webinars blackbaud webinars changing company  webinars but that are on fundraising topics you're going to be earning those points super  quick that is the online learning has just been such a Game Changer for people to get those  points so you can do that if you go to the FIA conferences all of those good things I just  put them my education finder URL through there bookmark that link one thing I love about it too  is if you look at that
test content outline and you're like oh geez you know what I am like way  way out of shape on bequests you can just go in my education finder look for bequest webinars or  in-person trainings and take those towards your points while building your knowledge towards  an area that you need to study up on anyway so I mean it's a great resource the um another  questions come in I love this question you mentioned published works of at least 500 Words  as the minimum for authoring does this include bl
ogs white papers or just books it unfortunately  does not include blogs and it does not include self-published material but let's say you have  an article that runs in the FIA newsletter pro bono Australia um you know something there that is  going to count so those are are great ways to earn those points through authoring while also Jing up  your CV right because everyone loves to have that little publication line on their CV all right  well it looks like we've answered the questions I just wan
t to thank you all so much for being  with us today I love Australia and New Zealand fundraisers this is one of my favorite webinars  of the year to do so it's just uh been a real privilege and an honor to have you with us I want  to thank Ryan for all of his fabulous information in about 24 hours you will receive an email from aka me you will have a link to the recording and to the slides so I wish you all big  gifts and a wonderful rest of your week take care
