
How to Convert SVG to Lottie - Free Online Converter #lottieanimation #svg #animation #converter

Hey there! Ever wanted to jazz up your designs with some cool animations? Well, the SVG to Lottie (.json) converter tool has got your back! It's super simple just a few clicks, and boom, your plain SVG turns into a snazzy Lottie animation. No need for extra installations or tech wizardry. Give it a shot now and bring some motion magic to your creations!


1 hour ago

we can create animations from svgs using the svg2 Lo converter provided we can put our SVG files here after they are uploaded we will see a bunch of Animation presets right now we can't see the animations because I'm using a white color SVG and the background color is also white I will change the background color using the inspect panel we can infect the wrapper element then modify its background color like this okay now we can see all the animation presets I will select one and save it t
o the workspace in order to download it once we save it the will appear if it is blocked we can see it in the right corner of the address but we can click on this link to open the animation editor from here we can make adjustments and modifications if you want and finally download our animation using the given file format
