
How to Create a Floating Action Button Speed Dial in KivyMD with Python إنشاء زر عائم لسرعة الاتصال

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قناة مستر ماجد التعليمية

7 months ago

In the name of Allah the Merciful Peace, mercy and blessings of God in this video I will show you how to create create the floating action button speed dial open terminal window install kivy and kivymd libraries pip install kivy kivymd press enter key close terminal window I gave images folder It has some images , I will use them in my project open the project path press Ctrl key while dragging and dropping the image folder drag and drop the image folder inside the project folder press ok button
the image folder is pasted inside the current project path close the project tab import the following libraries from kivy.lang import Builder from import DictProperty from kivy.uix.image import Image from kivy.uix.label import Label from import MDApp you should be noted there are capital letters in imported modules then create kv variable kv variable will be used to store kivy declarations string start with 3 apostrophes to enter the kivy declarations between 3 apostr
ophes the first declaration is MDScreen you should be careful with capital letters in syntax then put widgets on this screen the first widget item is MDFloatingActionButtonSpeedDial this is the action button to get access to screens or some tasks quickly then put the button properties values id: speed_dial it should have unique id value every item should have unique id so we can call this item using its id after that put the second property data property the data for the button data, it will b
e formulated in a dictionary scheme dictionary scheme contains keys and values root_button_anim: True it is a rotating button effect hint_animation: True this property makes the button expands horizontally it makes the button animated when the mouse hovering then put float layout for the screen this is a material design screen it will organize the widgets on the screen then put the id property for float layout to call the float layout widget using its id then, close the kivy declarations, put 3
apostrophes after that, create a class class Example(MDApp) inherit MDApp module then create data variable data variable will be the type of dictionary data scheme



صراحة الحلقة كانت طويلة لكن فيها معلومات جميلة جدا ربنا يسعدك في الدارين 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😊😊😊😊😊😊


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