
How to create AI video voiceovers for free in Microsoft Azure - AI text to speech In this video, I show you how to set up the AI voice services in Microsoft Azure and then use the service to generate mp3 or wav audio files from text using the text-to-speech offering. This is available using a free Azure account. I then show you how to download the produce audio, so that you could then use it in your own content. Hope this helps, please drop a like and subscribe. 0:00 Intro - 0:22 The main portal page 0:40 Creating the speech service 0:57 The basics tab, region 1:15 Naming your service 1:53 The network tab 2:21 Creating the service 2:45 Speech service overview page 3:00 Allowing your IP to connect 3:16 The Speech Studio 4:55 Going through Audio Content Creation 6:15 How to save and export your created sound files 7:00 Review the downloaded files and outro #AI #voiceover #contentcreator #free #azure #howto

David's How To?

17 hours ago

Hello everyone today I'm going to  show you how easy it is to set up and then generate AI voiceovers through  text to speech in Microsoft Azure. This is available with a free account. So first of all go to and sign in with your microsoft account.  you can create one if needed Once signed in, you'll be in the main portal page From here, we go to the search bar  at the top of the page and type in speech and speech services will appear  under "services" in the drop down menu Click
speech and you will eb taken to  "Azure AI Services | Speech Service" Now click "Create" Choose your subscription, and a resource group. If you don't have any  resource groups yet, create one. The name here is not important, a resource group is just a container for services. Now, choose a region. Typically here we  want to choose a fairly local region, however, for this example, I'm choosing North  Central US as it has more AI voice offerings. Give your speech service a name. It will be  conve
rted into a URL so does need some uniqueness. You'll be told if the name is already in use. In Pricing tier, you can choose free to make use of the free services, or, if you have a billing  mechanism, you can choose the standard tier, which offers more options. Be aware of the pricing details link if you choose the paid-for version. We'll be using the Free tier in this video. here I click create for some validation and  then click network to visit the network tab. I change to selected networks a
s I want our  speech environment to be restricted to me. As I was editing this video I remembered  that virtual networks may not be available to free users, so, you can leave this on all networks for now and we can come back to this after the speech service is created. Click next to proceed. Now click next through identity and tags then  click review and create, followed by create. Azure will now create your speech service.  Once created, click to go to resource group to see your new speech serv
ice in the  list. It may take a refresh to load Once you can see your speech  service, click on it. Here you can see some details about  your speech service. The overview page. Now I'll take you through setting up  the network restrictions. So click on "networking". on this page we want to choose "selected networks and private endpoints" and where it says  "firewall" at the bottom click the box next to "Add your client IP address" Then click "save". Now, we can go back
to the overview  screen and "go to speech studio" Ok In the speech studio page, scroll  down to the Text To Speech section and click on "Try out voice gallery" The voice gallery will now load. If you see any error messages like I have on  the screen, wait a minute or so before reloading the page. It can take a little while for the firewall changes we just made to update. Refresh the page and eventually  it will load in properly With the page loaded, we'll now see the AI  voice catalog. We can c
lick a voice name to select it and then, over to the right, where it  says default, we can click to play a sample. "The second step will follow at least five weeks  later. Coming no sooner than the 12th April" You'll see that there are a lot of voices to  choose from here, some are marked as OpenAI, we can click one to sample it. These may  not be available in your chosen region. You can sample some of the  other voices here as well. When you've chosen a voice  to use, click Try it out. Here you
can see that the OpenAI voice we have  selected is not available on the free tier. Other voices are though. So, we'll click Sonia, and we'll type in some text And we'll choose to play that in the cheerful style "This is a test of  Sonia, she is in the free resource layer" Now let's click "Go to audio content  creation" to generate some real audio In the Speech Studio, Audio content creation is where we can type or paste  the text we want our AI
voice to say Here I'm typing in a few sentences Above the text window, we can set a quality level for the output Over to the right is where we choose from a number of options to change the voice and style we have to assign a voice to each sentence We can click play and it will play the  sentences from the selected paragraph onwards "Hi this is what I want Sonia to say" "This  is the second sentence" "Thanks for watching" We can introduce punctuation to  affect the cadence of the speech "Hi, thi
s is what I want Sonia to say" "This is  the second sentence" "Thanks for watching" If needed, we can change to a different voice notice the voice change affects  the selected paragraph only "Hi, this is what I want Ryan to  say" "This is the second sentence" I'll change some more text "Please leave a like" Now, I'll save the current  text to the cloud storage Finally, I'll show you how to export  the sound files. You can export to the cloud audio library, or to local disk on  your computer. I'
ll save to local disk Here you can change the output file format,  as well as choosing how many files the output is broken up in to. Click export, and the files will be downloaded by your browser. And, with those files download, you now have your AI voice over Let's open them up and have a listen "Hi, this is what I want Ryan to say" "Please leave a like" I hope that this video was helpful, please leave  a like and subscribe for more content. Thanks
