
How to Deliver Your Video Blog for Business :: Vlog Pod Sunshine Coast Video Studio

Get your brand YouTube channel set up right with my 30min course; In this video, Ben Amos from the Vlog Pod talks about how to deliver your content on camera, and some simple things to consider to best market your small business online with video blogs. Last video we talked about developing your video blogging why, and letting that determine what you will talk about. Okay, so now you know why, and you've got your what... but your still not sure how? It may not be something you've thought about until now, but HOW you are going to deliver your video blogs can a pretty important thing to consider. I'm not talking here about how you're going to record the content, what cameras to use and that sort of technical stuff. That, we can talk about another time. What I am talking about is the manner in which you plan to deliver your content, and this can be influenced by a number of different aspects. The first thing to consider is how do you want to be perceived by your audience. The way your audience will engage with you will be affected by how you come across. My advice is to always be yourself, be comfortable with who you are and consider your video blog recording session in the same way you would a new client meeting. Sure, you may be recording your video blogs at night, after your kids have gone to bed and the home office is finally quiet, but should you really be doing it in your gym shirt and 5 oclock shadow? Next, be confident. This is a tricky one for a lot of people when placed in front of a camera but the truth is, you are an expert in what you do, the vast majority of people who will view your videos will want to hear what you have to say, and you need to be confident and sure of yourself. Finally, don't sweat the small stuff. Remember that video blogs needs to be genuine and real, not over-rehearsed and staged. Writing a script is important for sure, but don't worry about the occasional stumble over a word or mispronunciation. What -- you're not perfect... good, neither am I ☺ And the old adage certainly rings true here... Practice makes perfect, so go out there, start recording your video blogs and keep them coming, the only way to get more comfortable, confident and genuine, is to get started. Why not leave a link to your video blog in the comments below, and don't forget to share these vids on your social channels. For video blogging tips and tricks or to check out our full service video blog management options for local businesses check out

Vlog Pod

10 years ago

Last video we talked about developing your video blogging why, and letting that determine what you will talk about. Okay, so now you know why, and you've got your what... but your still not sure how? I'm Ben from the Vlog Pod. It may not be something you've thought about until now, but HOW you are going to deliver your video blogs can a pretty important thing to consider. I'm not talking here about how you're going to record the content, what cameras to use and that sort of technical stuff. That
, we can talk about another time. What I am talking about is the manner in which you plan to deliver your content, and this can be influenced by a number of different aspects. The first thing to consider is how do you want to be perceived by your audience. The way your audience will engage with you will be affected by how you come across. My advice is to always be yourself, be comfortable with who you are and consider your video blog recording session in the same way you would a new client meeti
ng. Sure, you may be recording your video blogs at night, after your kids have gone to bed and the home office is finally quiet, but should you really be doing it in your gym shirt and 5 oclock shadow? Next, be confident. This is a tricky one for a lot of people when placed in front of a camera but the truth is, you are an expert in what you do, the vast majority of people who will view your videos will want to hear what you have to say, and you need to be confident and sure of yourself. Finally
, don't sweat the small stuff. Remember that video blogs needs to be genuine and real, not over-rehearsed and staged. Writing a script is important for sure, but don't worry about the occasional stumble over a word or mispronunciation. What -- you're not perfect... good, neither am I ☺ And the old adage certainly rings true here... Practice makes perfect, so go out there, start recording your video blogs and keep them coming, the only way to get more comfortable, confident and genuine, is to get
started. Why not leave a link to your video blog in the comments below, and don't forget to share these vids on your social channels. For video blogging tips and tricks or to check out our full service video blog management options for local businesses check out Happy Vlogging
