
How to Hunt Deer : Baiting Techniques & State Laws

Learn baiting techniques and state laws and regulations on baiting from a hunting expert in this free deer hunting video. Expert: Hugo Izzo Bio: Hugo has been hunting since he was young while growing up on a ten thousand acre plantation. He has hunted a variety of animals including deer, duck, quail, dove, and squirrel just to name a few. Filmmaker: Reggie Hayes

ExpertVillage Leaf Group

16 years ago

Hey this is Hugo at Expert Village. This section is on baiting for deer. Now a lot of places in the United States it is illegal to bait for deer. In other areas, it is a common form of hunting and basically for baiting what they are talking about is bringing in some kind of attractant and dumping in a spot to concentrate the deer. In some of the northern areas, in some states in the north of the United States, baiting you can bring in apples and different things to bait, corn, different things.
Other places in the south it's generally illegal to bait deer. Anything that attracts deer. Now you can plant food plots for deer, anything that stays in the field that is not considered baiting that is a very common form of nutrition and just good sound deer management technique. You've got to be careful. You've got to know the rules and regulations for the general area that you are hunting in and knowing if it is illegal or not to hunt and also you want to think about it too, we are not going
to get into it here but the ethics of baiting or not baiting. A lot of those questions you've got to answer you need to go and find out what is the right thing to do for your general area and also what you are comfortable with.



Man baiting rules. I wish I could put a line and a hook on my bait and catch deer with a winch like fish.


I hunt in the woods, i live in the woods, I hunt for food and materials, whatever makes hunting easier is better for me, illegalizing any hunting techniques is only for sport hunters who dont hunt out of need but for fun.


Salt licks and apples!


I live in Virginia and have been hunting for 26 years. We can kill 2 deer per day in my county. As long as you want to buy bonus tags, you can literally kill 2 deer per day, every day of the season. I've taken well over 200 whitetails with a bow and none were over bait. I have mixed emotions here as I do plant food plots for hunting purposes. Yes it's planted, but it's BAIT and the deer come like metal shavings to a magnet. I'm not condoning baiting, but to me it's kind of the same thing.


hunt like u wanna hunt


you know.. Many people gets their living by hunting


Funny how man planted crops, yet you hunt around crops thats not considerd bait, but if i bring apples or corn thats baiting. What is hunting if your not ambushing the animal.


@cumminsboy071 no baiting is for kids. love to see them shoot that first deer!!! DEDDY alway said,"you ride with a thief,you die with a thief" keep it in mind!


@cucharesx someone's an anti. Some ranches and property in general are thousands of acres. miles and miles of food for deere. Hunters can't be everywhere. So why not draw the deere in. If hunter's didn't do what they do now. Deere population's and animal population's in general would skyrocket and disease would kill them and they suffer. Hunter's are the world's greatest conservationist.


I really don't understand the point of this video. We all know it is legal in some places, illegal in others. We know there are many differing opinions on the ethics of baiting. So, what's the point of this video?


@freddythestandard I'm not anti. But why pretend it's "hunting" when you lure the animals w/ food and then shoot them from ambush.?f it's OK then why is it outlawed ? It Sounds like lazy murder.


So you feed them, sit on your arse and wait for the sitting duck, great if you are in a wheelchair like me.....go hunt if you can use your legs.


@cucharesx sorry lady,thought u were a guy.I have long hair and beard!?


baiting isnt hunting!! its called im a dumbass who dosent have patience or use a grunt call, thank god its illegal where im at because an awful lot of bait stands would be dispaearing


If you do not like baiting fine however then i hope you dont stick a worm or use a fancy spinner on your hook when your fishing cuz gusse what that would be bait....that grunt call its a form of BAIT a decoy is BAIT rattling antlers is BAIT seriously if you want to make the hunt more challanging go nuts i saw on youtube some dude killed a deer with a spear and i didn't say one bad thing about it to each thier own worry about anti hunters stop attacking other hunters!


If you do not like baiting fine however then i hope you dont stick a friggin worm or use a fancy spinner on your damn hook when your fishing cuz gusse what that would be bait....that grunt call its a form of BAIT a decoy is BAIT rattling antlers is BAIT seriously if you want to make the hunt more challanging go nuts i saw on youtube some dude killed a deer with a spear and i didn't say one bad thing about it to each thier own worry about anti hunters stop attacking other hunters!


Any Hunter who baits an animal is not a Hunter.... He is a Poacher.


@cucharesx putin us down for using bait is like us putin u down for being gay,TO EACH HIS OWN


@MrJaws82 What's with the lisp?Goatee,shaved head and a costume.Village people wanna be?