
How to Hunt with ShotKam Camera ⁠— Hunting Settings & Tips

2-MINUTE TUESDAY: Here's how to customize the ShotKam settings before bird hunting (dove, partridge, goose, duck, pheasant, etc.). Use the mobile app to select these settings: Target: Flying Birds Shooting Device: Semi-Auto (other options available) *All other settings on "Normal" Fully charge your ShotKam overnight the night before your hunt. Turn the camera ON once you are setup, then it will go into sleep mode to conserve battery after 30 seconds. BUMP THE GUN BEFORE SHOOTING to waken the camera, then shoot within 30 seconds. Each time you bump the gun it will restart the 30-second timer. After the recoil, you will see a blinking blue light at the back of the camera to indicate that your video was saved. Overview of the 3 steps: 1. Select your gun type and target type in mobile app 2. Calibrate the crosshair 3. Bump the gun before taking a shot Leave a comment with any additional questions. Buy now: Contact us:


3 years ago

Hej og velkommen tilbage til en anden To Minut tirsdag, hvor jeg tager nogle af dine de mest ofte stillede spørgsmål besvarer dem på under to minutter, så lad os starte uret. I dag skal vi gå over hvordan man kan fugle jagt med ShotKam, så ShotKam er vandtæt. Helt beregnet til gå ud på jagt efter ethvert miljø, men den vigtigste ting er at sørge for at du fuldt ud forstår, hvordan du fungerer ShotKam, inden du går på jagt. Så vi begynder med at oprette forbindelse til ShotKam's Wi-Fi og sikre, a
t indstillingerne er korrekte. Så du vil lave det sikker på, at det er på Flying Birds and the korrekt pistol type. Så vi skifter målet fra Clays, som er standard til Flying Birds, og så er vi det vil ændre skydeenheden fra Over-og-under til semi-automatisk gemme dem indstillinger, og så vil du have lyst at kalibrere retiklen også, har vi fik en anden video til det. Lige så en gang vi har indstillingerne korrekte på Flying Fugle og den rigtige pistol. Når du går ud til marken, og du indlæser din
patroner, du får typisk bare luk handlingen og kameraet efter 30 sekunder går i søvn Mode. Du vil se en langsomt blinkende grønt lys, og det betyder, at det er i en batteribesparende tilstand. Så du kan være det står i lang tid, før du ser en fugl der er ikke noget problem med kameraet løber tør for batteriet. Når du ser en fugl der kommer ind, hvad du gør er at du har at forårsage en vibration gennem tønden. Så du støder enten på forenden eller støder pistolens røv og den vibration vil vække k
ameraet. Så hvis din ler skyde, der lukker handlen, vækker kamera, men hvis din fugl jager med en lukket handling du bare støde pistolen. Det bliver solidt grønt, og så har du det fik 30 sekunder til at skyde. Så alt hvad du gør så støder du på det, og så monterer du, skyde, så ser du en blå lys bagpå kameraet til angive, at videoen blev gemt. Du kan re-bump på ethvert tidspunkt for at genstarte det 30 sekunders timer, så det er det. Kameraet er vandtæt. Det varer typisk fire til fem timer, når
fuglejagt. Så håber jeg at denne video er nyttig. Tak så meget meget for at se, lad os venligst spørgsmål i kommentarerne nedenfor og her er vores foretrukne ShotKam-video i ugen.



As always, plain,simple,to the point...great work Shotkam team...great job Emily, keep us Shotkam lovers going... huge thumbs up


Informative 2 minutes as usual ❤ from Pakistan.


Thank you . This young lady does a great job.


Is the lens cover flat or curved so water doesn't pool up? Duck hunting is awfully wet in the PNW.


Hello, would it be possible to get a screenshot of settings for semi automatic in hunting mode (birds) Thank you vers much.


There is a clever red dot sight Hartman MH1 which has an interesting feature - it can detect mounting motion of your weapon and wake up not from any motion (like previous model MSE AQC-1) but from a specific mounting motion. If you can incorporate this feature in Shotcam it would be of great use in hunting scenarios


Great video! Interested in buying this camera for more useful practice on the track preparing for bird/grouse hunting in Norway. Also considering it for recording while hunting reindeer. Questions: 1. Is there a way to put the camera to "deep sleep" to preserve/prolong battery time beyond 5 hours, when i.e. we take a midday break during grouse hunting? 2. Would be cool to have the same feature on the camera as on my Swarovski rifle scope, where the red dot (or ShotKam) turns on when the gun is in horisontal position and off in vertical position :-)


Curious will they have a remote control in future models and does it start recording as soon as you turn on or does it only record after detecting a shot and how far back did it start recording


So say about bird hunting in one comes in quick and I just quit shoulder and shoot without bumping would it still save the video


Once you change from clay birds to live birds do you have to calibrate the shotkam again? Or can I just make the change?


You mention changing to semi auto when shooting Live birds but can i still shoot over and under in live bird mode with a closed action? Thanks


My camera worked perfectly for the first 3 hunts. The last two I’ve gotten home and ready to look at videos to unfortunately not have anything to upload. Am I doing somethin wrong?


Personally i have notice it records clip sometime even without bumping.


What does the camera do differently in flying birds mode vs clays mode? I have teied both modes on my shotkam and I'm not sure I can tell what it is doing different.


In the flying birds’ mode, can I make longer than the 30 seconds the time that the camera goes on sleep mode? Sometimes especially in the in woodcock or partridge hunting, 30 seconds is not enough.


What about upland hunting? Will the slight bumps of walking start the camera? Same for shooting an over/under when upland hunting too?


Is it just for 12 gauge or can it fit on 20 gauge too?


Does your phone need to be on and connected to WiFi while shooting for it to record?


Awesome video. Called the shot too early on that goose hunt... lol


if it stars recording when we press the safty button to shoot it would be really better