
How to improve your speaking skills and find people to talk to in English

*** CAMBLY DISCOUNT *** 1 Week Exclusive Promo | 1:1 and Group English Lessons with native speakers - VERONIKAGROUPS / 0:00 Use Cambly 2:39 Use social media 3:48 Use meet-up groups 4:42 Use English-speaking clubs 5:34 Why is speaking English important? ---- New here? Hi there 👋🏼 My name is Veronika Mark. I'm an educator, English lover, and YouTuber. I make videos on YouTube to help you have a fun time learning English. I also teach courses and create engaging English-learning materials. If you like to nerd out about the English language as much as I do, you can subscribe for weekly videos! 🔗 LINKS Enroll in my Speaking Club: Get my workbook and improve your English: Follow me on Instagram: Follow me on TikTok: 📧 GET IN TOUCH Email:

Veronika's Language Diaries

9 months ago

hey guys and welcome back to my YouTube channel  today we're gonna talk about how to find new people to speak English with sooner or later in  your language learning Journey you will start feeling like you are ready to speak English  to a real human being I'm ready you're bored of speaking English to yourself or not speaking  English at all and you would really love to start speaking to people if you're not there yet don't  worry about it just keep on watching this video and maybe you will learn
a few useful tips you  might use in the future the First Resource is cambly cambly is a platform where you can take  online English classes with native speakers and cambly is actually one of the websites that I  started using a while back probably the first time I use the app and the website was two years  ago I know that at the very beginning it might feel a little bit scary to speak English in  person so taking online classes is a great place to start on cambly you can take private  classes a
nd speak to a tutor one-on-one or group classes which is an amazing choice if you want to  meet new people a few days ago I took an English class on cambly and now I want to tell you guys  how it went so first when I joined the call I was a little nervous because I knew that I would have  to talk to you know new people a teacher and also a couple of new students yeah so one channel is  about like self-improvement I talk about moving abroad but then once we actually started talking  I just felt c
ompletely relaxed because everyone was so nice and chill and just I love talking  to them our teacher was from the United States and he used to work for Disney in the past so he  shared a lot of interesting stories with us and he even recommended a movie to watch this one if you  have not watching this movie check it out it's an amazing movie and there's also a book that you can  check out as well I have read the book before and I loved it a lot my favorite part of the lesson  was the game we pl
ayed called the vibe check which was all about sharing our interesting stories so  because I live in Mexico I have to learn Spanish because people here speak Spanish so a few days  ago I went to the doctor before you know going there I decided to only use Spanish because it  was like I know my doctor speaks English but I I can't like I I can't allow myself to continue  using English here and so I know that right now I can recommend camley to you guys for an exclusive  price on group and one-on-o
ne lessons make sure to use my discount code Veronica groups this discount  code can also be used with a free trial and it's only valid for one week so click the link in the  description and use my code to apply the discount now the second resource you could check out is  social media this is a bit tricky but it might work sometimes for example I often do live streams  on my Instagram page in English and I receive a lot of questions from you guys so you could also  potentially start an Instagram
page and do live streams in English and this way you will be  meeting new people and speaking English to them but if this is not something you want to do  you can also go to my Instagram page and watch my Instagram live and there in the comments you will  see that there are some people who leave comments and say that oh I'm looking for a language buddy  you know I'm looking for like a language speaking partner would you like to talk to me again this  approach doesn't always work but you can che
ck it out if you love using Instagram or social media in  general other platforms where you can find English Learners obviously include Twitter and Reddit  on Twitter when you type in English learning you'll be able to find so many amazing resources  the same thing is true for Reddit you'll be able to find a lot of nice subreddits ask questions and  maybe even meet interesting people the next reason Source you could check out is different meetup  groups if you live in a big city there is a very
high chance that you will have like a Meetup a  language Exchange program like something like that and it's extremely easy to find on the website  called also if you go to Facebook and again type in language Exchange in your city for  example language Exchange in Mexico City you'll be able to find different groups that focus on  that this is actually something that I have used a lot in the past and thanks to different Meetup  communities I got to meet so many different people from dif
ferent countries around the world I  even once went to a Meetup Group where people only talked about Formula One it was all about F1  you know the drivers they're racist and obviously everyone was speaking English and Resource number  four that you could check out is English speaking clubs again it's extremely easy to find an  English-speaking Club if you want to attend an English-speaking Club online all you need to  do is type in on Google you know English speaking clubs online join and there
are so many different  communities you'll be able to find this way also of course I have my own English speaking club and  I talk about it all the time on my social media and here on YouTube as well but something that I  love doing sometimes is attending speaking clubs in person so if you are able to attend a speaking  Club you know in person and in person speaking club that could be even better because interacting  one-on-one you know with a person might be pretty scary but it is something that
will help you a  lot in your language learning so now that we've discussed different ways you can use to find new  people to speak English ways so now that we've discussed different ways you can use to find new  people to speak English with let me just briefly mention why practice is saying speaking in English  or in any other language is extremely important first when you speak the language you improve your  pronunciation and it is impossible to improve your pronunciation if you never speak it
allows you to  hear and mimic the way others speak and this way you can sound more natural the second reason is  that it builds your confidence a few days ago I attended a networking event organized by Nick  Gray who published a book about organizing a party in two hours and there I got to speak to  a lot of different people in English and that really builds your confidence because you had to  practice a little bit of public speaking right or just speaking to each individual person but still  i
t is difficult it is scary but it is so useful reason number three is it helps you enhance your  vocabulary again during the same networking event my friend was trying to tell me that this guy Nick  was really pronouncing every single word clearly so you can say that this person enunciates words  well when they speak so when you talk to people in real life you learn new Expressions a lot  faster because usually this is the expression you need right now and that is story connected  to this happen
ed to me a few days ago when I had to go to a dentist appointment and there I  had to learn the word bite and teeth in Spanish because I hadn't known those words before so it  was interesting because now I remember these words so well and I know that it will take me quite  some time to forget them and hopefully I will not forget them reason number four why speaking  is important is that it improves your listening skills talking to a real person in real life  is completely different from watching
a YouTube video or a movie because first off you don't have  subtitles using subtitles is totally okay and the last reason is that when you speak to new people  you are exchanging cool things about each other's cultures and this is always so interesting this  is probably my favorite thing about speaking to new people from different countries language and  culture are closely connected so when you speak to a new person in English for example and they're  from a completely different country you g
et to practice your English but you also get to know  more cool things about their culture so I think it's going to be it for this video thank you guys  so much for watching I hope now you understand how important it is to improve your speaking skills  and also now you know what resources you can use to do that also if you would like to check  out cambly and practice speaking English with native speakers and other students make sure to  click the link and a description and if you want to continu
e watching more videos from me about  speaking English don't forget to click on this playlist thank you guys so much for watching this  video and I'll see you in my next one foreign



* CAMBLY DISCOUNT * 1 Week Exclusive Promo | 1:1 and Group English Lessons with native speakers - VERONIKAGROUPS /


Thank you Veronika, you, the TV show "Amphibia" and heavy metal are just some of the reasons why I can now speak fluent in English. Thanks Veronika, we love you ;)


Your voice is amazing


You are the best teacher! Beautiful voice, excellent way explain thanks so much Veronika


You really have a gentle voice. love your voice and your teaching skills veronika😊


You sound is so clear that's why i can get every words you speak.🎉 you are also pretty and funny😅 I love you veronika❤


Thank you a lot for you advices


I watch your videos just to hear your voice😊


Your video is so useful for me❤dreaming to speak fluent English and travel all around the world


Hi veronika I am Indonesian. Thanks for your explanation


In the cover of the video, your smile is so lovely and like an angle.


Thanks for your lessons. I'm wanna to sound like you


Excellent YouTube channel. Congratulations. Thank you!


Congratulations for 600k ❤


Hey there!! I watched the movie where the crawdads sing in 2022 and now I'm reading the book! But for me it's a little difficult because I'm not really good at English but it's a great story


Hi Veronika ! Have a good time. Thanks for this video.


Hiii Veronika ... Your voice is really nice and you are very impressive and beautiful....


Nice video, thank for your work here, i like how you speak in english... i get it everything so clearly!


Your smile stole my heart 💝


I feel very comfortable watching your videos, because I can understand every word you say :P, I would like to understand what my boss tells me like I understand you.