
How To Let Go of People You Love(d) / Trusting God When You Leave Relationships - Christian Aaron

In this video I share 9 tips that you can apply to your life when you are having to walk away from people in your life that you love or once loved. This by far is no easy reality and I have personally been able to do this with the guidance and grace of God. This is not an ode to "cancel culture" because I strongly believe that God created us to be in community. Yet, this video shines light on when to know its time to depart from someone and how to actively apply this reality in your life in a healthy and healing way. May you be encouraged, inspired, motivated and strengthened in this season of your life! I'm here for you in prayer my brother and sisters! TYPE IN COMMENTS BELOW: What or who is God asking you to release yourself from in this season of your life? Please be respectful in your comments :) Let's stay connected y'all!! IG: Signup for Weekly Newsletter: Church launching soon!

RISING with Christian

2 weeks ago

what do you do when God releases you from someone you love or loved let's talk about [Music] it hey guys guys welcome back to Rising with Christian I am just honored that you are rising with me today whether you are on YouTube or you're watching on our podcast this this episode today this spiritual talk like it really hit home with me and like this topic is real um the reality that there are people that we love in our Liv life that we have loved that we've had some type of relationship whether i
t's professional whether it's biological and we have to come to the day where God is like I need for you to go your separate ways and boy does that hurt let us pray God oh you are so real Lord you are real there is nothing that we have to hide from you God and so today even in our emotion as we navigate certain seasons and peoples and thoughts and emotions God I pray that you just keep us in this place of safety a place of healing God a place of nourishment Lord God that even when we have such c
onversations that we can pull on the fact that in the Bible you said that you will bring a comforter God so just Comfort all of those who are listening or may encounter such occurrences in the future Lord God just take over get the glory get the honor I praise you I lift up your holy name and I pray this in your son's name amen all right guys so let's get into it all right I do want to preface it by saying that this is not a um video where I'm going into the me myself in our phase where you just
cut everybody off and there's absolutely no one in your Circle and you're going to do it all by yourself I'm binding that Spirit up because God created us to be in community and he created us to um live and pray for and worship with and commune with one another so I am not one that subscribes to that mindset however I will say that there are times and seasons and people that God has clearly um told told me to rid myself of whether it's socially whether it is um mentally like just Christian I ne
ed for you to separate yourself from this person and so um today we're talking about what do you do when God tells you to leave someone you love and I know that this is also very applicable to romantic relationships yes I'm married but listen I've been there before well I'm so in love and I'm like God this is it Lord please make it work give me a sign and he gives me a sign and I'm like give me another sign like I don't like the first sign and so whether it's you know you had a work bestie and y
'all used to do everything together you used to go to lunch you used to text you used to hang out and now it's like o things have shifted I want you to lean into that posture today and I want you to prayerfully take away something that will help you navigate and disconnect in order for God to bring more into your life all right so let's get into it to it how did we end up here so just last week I was getting my nails done at a new location super excited um and the first thing that I noticed is t
hat they had a playlist I don't know what music they were playing it was a mixture of like jazz and like R&B and I was just vibing I even caught myself singing out loud which is something I never do but I was just just totally in the moment okay and so halfway through this song began to play and I just kind of felt myself shrink and I'm like Christian what song is this what song is this and I remember the lyrics and it automatically brought me back to this place in my childhood where th
is family member will always play this song and so when I hear this song which is very sporadically it always brings me back to that moment and I began to yearn for not what is but what could have been and I began to stay in that place of nostalgia and just happiness and wow you know things were great and things were good and goddess like Christian I got you and so he began to talk to me as I was getting my nails done um the importance of letting go of people that we love and I will say that the
re have been people in my life where God is like let them go and it's been I can count on one hand the amount of times that's happened and then my flesh right someone does something says something don't show up don't support I'm like oh I'm cutting them off and God is like no we're not going to be Petty we're going to turn our cheeks 70 * 7 um and you're going to learn learn patience you're going to learn forgiveness you're going to love learn love like there's there's there is um a lesson to be
learned from every person in our life and so yes there's been a few people that God has allowed me to cut off and others where God is like they still have a certain reach within my life it may not be what it used to be and I wanted I wanted to I wanted to bring that up although it's not here on my notes and I have them in front of me I wanted to bring that up because we in we are in such a cancel culture like we in a society where oh this person doesn't like my picture they don't follow me they
never do X Y and Z and we automatically want to cancel them but but in my maturity in Christ God has just revealed to me that people are sometimes in their own Seasons they're fighting their own battles they're in their own obstacles you think aesthetically that they are are just so confident to have it together but but internally they may be crying they may be depressed they may have suicidal ideations and if this is so I bind all of that up in the name of Jesus but I have began to not become
so offended to not become so about me but I've began to say the prayer God reveal to me how it is to handle certain people so I just want to say yes there are going to be some people that you love that God requires you to absolutely move on from stop communication or stop meeting person or modify right um the way in which you you you talk to them and then there are just some people where God is like give it time I'm working on them through you I'm working on you through them like like however Go
d wants to do it God will will be done so I just wanted to preface that so I am now going to provide and I believe I wrote down um nine steps to help you uh walk away from a relation relationship a person a situation that is not benefiting your life spiritually where God is like this is the end you must run and flee in order for you to survive so the first thing that I wrote down is that when you're walking away from someone who you love you have to have acceptance the first thing is acceptance
acknowledging that this is um a natural part of life's journey and growth and you can only progress in what you accept you can only heal from from what you accept you can only make the necessary course changes from what you accept and denial is something that the enemy has Us in in in so many ways and so in order for you to say hey there's something not right with this relationship I am feeling belittled I am disrespected I am putting Harm's Way I am not valued I am not loved I am not cherished
you have to accept the fact that you um are feeling that way and one of the things that helped me with my acceptance is I went to therapy or I talked to someone that is trusted where I can really just talk about my emotions and get it out there and navigate it emotionally so first y'all you have to accept the second thing is you have to trust in God and I know that this is something that we talk about often but if if we're walking by faith and if we don't know what tomorrow holds but We Know Who
Holds Tomorrow we have to trust that this God who created the Stars the moon who created us who brought this person in our life and who was leading them to exit our life that he has our best interest at heart um trusting meaning that you have faith that what is meant for you will come to you and what is not meant for you will no longer um would no longer be in your orbit and and honestly trust is like trust you can trust God and still you can you can trust God and still have emotions that are l
eft from that trust you can trust God and say oh I know this is the best best thing for me however I am going to mourn this relationship I am I I'm going to trust God despite the reaction of the emotion that I may receive and that right there that right there when God can trust you in this area of relationships and navigating then he can begin to trust you in other areas of your life if he can trust you with this thing our heart right because letting go of people that we love is a heart thing it
's not just the mind it's a heart thing if he can can trust you with your heart then he said I can trust you in other areas and so we have to trust that God is in control that what is meant for me is meant to be like whoever is supposed to be in my circle will be there and that you will give up control of trying to navigate and manipulate the people places and things in your life like you truly surrender like when you trust you throw your hands up and you say God it's in your hands whatever the
outcome is I know like I think about um Jeremiah it's like I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you plans to give you a hope in the future like I know that God it has something so much greater in in this situation so I'm going to walk and trust God even when I can't trace God Amen all right so number three is ooh God Holy Spirit I need your help with this one God gave me releasing yourself from titles releasing yourself from titles okay so with with this particular family member that
God truly released me from and y'all when I tell you I tried and I tried and I tried and I've been over backwards and I tried and I tried and I just got hurt time and time and time again to a point where I didn't even feel safe being in this person's presence because they just had that much anger and resentment towards me for whatever reason I don't know although I felt that I did everything God called me to do but nonetheless I had to release myself from this title I was the blank in this pers
on's life for you you may say wow I am the sister in this person's life wow I am the brother the cousin I am the daughter I am the son I am the mother I'm the father I'm the aunt I'm the neighbor I'm the the colleague that they always go to release yourself of titles because holding on to a title and feeling that we have to fulfill this title till death and until misery and like literally mental manipulation like no God had to say Christian you did everything that you could this person is your i
nsert relationship but I am their father I got you you may not no longer have access to them because I am releasing you from them but I got them so you have to release yourself yourselves of titles like I I felt so guilty there was guilt there was shame and there was even this this muscle of resilience like I have to make it work I have to make it work I have to make it work they are my my blank and I'm like I reached a point where God was like they're your blank but I'm your father I'm your pro
tector I'm your Jehovah I'm your provider I'm your comforter I'm your best friend I'm your prayer Warrior like whatever title that you had you've given this person in your life just know that there is God that can sustain not just that title and and and um role that they had in your life but even greater we serve a limitless God we serve a God that cannot be contained that cannot be defined like in just one attribute so I just want someone who's listening to say Okay God gave me this title this
connection with this person but I'm going to trust the god that created me I'm going to trust the god that brought us together and even the god that may be be asking and requiring us to to to separate and to go our separate ways and so I think that I think that is so important because you know in manipulation and even when the enemy tries to whisper into our ear though that's one of the tactics that that he will use what kind of cousin are you what kind of friend are you what kind of daughter ar
e you what kind of parent are you but you have to recognize and realize that that that the holy spirit is your navigation and and there's been so many times in my life where God is like turn left or turn right or stop or go and it didn't make sense to me but I I did in my way and then I ended up hurt or delayed or um almost getting myself hurt but I've just come to this the spiritual maturity in my life that When God says to let something go or when God says to um that that the season for this p
erson in your life is up then I have to be obedient to that why because God is 10 years ahead God is two days ahead God already knows their heart their intention he knows what's capable he knows what's around the corner so ask God God to give you the wisdom to to to to teach you the grace and to remind you of his mercy and it doesn't mean that you can't wish this person well it doesn't mean that you can't pray for this person if it falls in your heart but it also doesn't mean that you have to be
in proximity and in relationship and communication with them so rid yourself of titles all right the fourth thing is self love recognize in the importance of prioritizing your own well-being and happiness even if it means letting go of relationships that no longer serve you recently I did a video on seasons and one of the things that I learned while I was in college when all of my friends were like falling away and acting quote unquote different on me my mom revealed to me that people come and
go according to Seasons in your life and so when you have selflove when you know that that that that you are worthy that you are enough that there is nothing more that you can do or give to a person a situation then you begin to say it's nothing wrong with me like you begin to defend yourself you begin to say yes I can prioritize my mental health and I don't have to have guilt I can say no and prioritize myself because I love myself and not have to be guilt shamed and so self love love is so imp
ortant it is so um it has to be a a foundation um within your journey because this journey gets Rocky and as Christians as Believers especially as women like we would go above and beyond for somebody and at our own detriment and God is like no I need for you to love yourself because why I love you God sent his only begotten son that who whosoever loveth him shall not perish but have everlasting life God want us to live a life of abundance of happiness and joy and peace and we deserve it we deser
ve it because letting go of someone means that we get to gain something so much more all right so I hope this is making sense um let's talk about Divine timing number five when you are letting go of someone you love you have to trust in the Divine timing of God trust that God has a plan again for everyone and sometimes letting go is necessary for both parties to align with their higher purpose sometimes they have to release themselves from your life not because of you but because of the journey
that God needs for them to go down maybe they're so dependent on you maybe they're so relying on you maybe when they get in your presence they forget who and whose they are Maybe um there's something about I don't know your your light and your in your and your um your resilience that they just cannot tolerate and so God may require you all to to to separate not because like again of how they've treated you but because of what God needs to do in their life alone isolated and what's also important
in the Divine timing is there has been some people that I'm like ooh we this is it okay we will never ever talk and then God brings that thing back around and when he does it's like nothing ever happened it's like the the Friendship the relationship is stronger it has a better Foundation like we both have grown we both have been wise and so again trusting the Divine timing of God that God has a higher purpose and that there is absolutely nothing that happens in your life that is just by happen
stands it is ordained by God um the next which is number six is actually a posture and is gratitude gratitude gratitude y'all what are you grateful for and gratitude allows you in such a hard decision to appreciate the lessons and the memories that this shared person you're letting go of allowed to come into your life gratitude honestly may come at a later phase where you look up one day and you're like wow I may not have talked to such and such in a while but you know what I'm grateful for the
Memories We had I'm grateful for the Insight that I gain I'm grateful for the faith that was built from that relationship I'm grateful for the the scars that I've healed I'm you know you just begin to have this posture that truly everything works together for the good of those who love the Lord that it may not have been um uh it may not have been ideal it may not have been um a perfect moment it may not have been a perfect relationship however God you allowed it to happen so I'm going to see the
good and sometimes it is hard to see the good it's like what could I possibly pull from from this relationship this person has really just came in and destroyed my life or they just brought so much negativity and I just I just ask that you TR trust the process you may not be there today but as you continue to rise in God rise in Christ in your relationship you continue to live life and allow the Holy Spirit to mold your heart and your mind you'll begin to see a glimpse of light in the dark Dark
ness but again if you're not there like show patience to yourself give yourself selflove give yourself a pound in the back right like you're doing the best you can and um one of the things that allow me actually I'm going to say this on the next one because I think that what I was about to say is more relevant to this next point so I would go on to say number seven is forgiveness um forgiveness is releasing inner resentment or bitterness towards the person you're letting go of to forgive them as
well as forgive yourself of any perceived wrongdoings forgiveness is a journey and not a destination it is a journey it's not a destination and so when you're talking about forgiveness often times we like to look at the person that caused harm or um that belittled us or took away our selflove or took away or tried to take away our power and I just want you to know that forgiveness is is a dual process you're forgiving not only the person but you're forgiving yourself because when you have gotte
n so close with someone right whether whoever you loved romantically biologically professionally when you've gotten so close to that person and dismantles you begin to question like wow how did I let this person get so close to me how did I let down my guard how did I end up in this situation like how did I end up blinded why did I give them so many chances and you begin to have like this dialogue with yourself that isn't necessarily helpful or fruitful so yes you have to forgive yourself you ha
ve to give Grace to yourself and mercy to yourself just as well as the other person but again it is a journey not a destination and what I was going to say previously is one thing that helped me in my journey to forgiveness of this loved one is that I had to realize that this person loved me interacted with me communicated with me using the tools that they had and we have to understand that everyone's tools and their tool bucket is different this goes back to how was how were they raised how did
their parents talk to them what was their upbringing what was their neighborhood like um were there people telling them that they can be whatever they wanted to be or was there a person that was belittling belittling them and now they're just causing this repetition in in their lives unto others and so this particular person I pondered one day and I said you know what they did the very best that they could given the tools and the wisdom and the Insight they had they did the very best and althou
gh I don't use that as an excuse because I do believe that the tools are like an evolution that you're constantly learning and you're constantly growing and you're constantly trying to become your best self when you begin to add other tools to that box however this person gave up on life long a long time ago this person um did not have mentors and positive influences this person was raised by the streets and not God and so their values and principles and communication is not the same however giv
en the situation that they had I said they did the best that they could this the same way that he's communicating with me now is how he communicated um 10 15 years ago the same tools right and so it's not to give a a person and an excuse but then we also have to realize that we are not fall unfall in um individuals that we too are capable of error that we sometimes get it wrong we sometimes have to ask for forgiveness even forgiveness unto ourselves and so we are all striving to become our best
selves we are all striving for this this Godly excellence and sometimes we get it wrong however when when when it becomes a pattern and a lifestyle that's when you know okay and for me God was like it's time to go like this person was not trying to change this person was um stuck in their ways they didn't want to add new tools to their toolbox they um hurt themselves and others with these tools and um yeah God I was like yeah I I give you permission to release yourself from this this situation a
nd this relationship and so um forgiveness is something that has allowed me to live life free of anger like what forgiveness does to our body and our CS like it increases our blood pressure like it increases anxiety and stress it Inc it it it it it affects our blood flow it affects our endorphins like there's so much chemically that forgiveness does unforgiveness does that I can't afford to not forgive somebody like I I can't afford to try to become my best self knowing that there are there's an
ger and resentment that I am festering on day in and day out that is now affecting my purpose and affecting my trust with others and affecting how I open up and affecting my ability to commun with others again it's a journey it took me a while to get here however you have to say God open up my mind open up my heart God teach me in in your word that's why it's so important to get in your word god teach me in your word how to navigate this and then God will bring you to scriptures and he'll encour
age you and he'll remind you that that that he is there that he'll Walk Through The Valleys with you and the mountains with you and that his rod and staff will comfort you and that you're more than a conqueror like God wants you to get this thing right he wants you to become your best whole self but again you must surrender and say God it's in your hands it's above me it's it's above me Lord you know these emotions they leading me in a path that is that is not um that is not ordained by you God
just take control and guess what he loves when he's he God loves when you say just just take control just just just just take over my heart take over my mind take over my texting take over my calls God just take just just take over God absolutely love that so on the last two things the first is spiritual growth number eight is spiritual growth when you let go of someone you love you allow yourself the opportunity to grow spiritually which is you embracing the opportunity for personal growth and
evolution that comes from letting go of relationship knowing that it opens space for new more aligned connections to enter your life again earlier I said that God created us to be in community and so when God allows one person to leave when one door closes guess what truly another one does open and so when you are spiritually growing you are allowing God to pour more into you so again you have to understand understand that you're not being spiritually attacked when a loved one is has to go you'r
e not um you're not being spiritually depleted like you are going to become your best whole self again you may not feel like that now oh God I just got a flashback to 16year Old me and oh I'm so in love and oh my gosh like oh this is just the end of the world and now I look back and I'm like God thank you for allowing me to spiritually grow in you to trust you okay thank you Lord oh thank you thank you thank you all right so the last thing is compassion um walking away from someone that you love
knowing that this is what God has ordained allows you to unlock a level of compassion like none other um and this this process um of Letting Go with compassion is not just for them but for yourself and the other person so both of you and in this process you understand that everyone is on their own own journey of growth and Discovery everyone has their own battles they're fighting everyone has their own means of communication everyone has like their own setbacks and their own I would say even de
mons that they're having to fight and so compassion like I I think about ooh okay Holy Spirit you want me to share this okay so I have a newsletter and um in the newsletter like I can see everyone that that subscribed and then so often you have people that unsubscribe now granted these are people that I've interacted with um I've done conferences with I've G to school with and so at this point it's not it's just a few hundred so it's not a ton of people and um most of them like 90% I know I'm on
a personal level and so there's times where I go in and I can see that someone unsubscribed and it's like ooh God has had to work on me because I feel so rejected I I used to feel rejected I used to feel like why me like like what is it about like my Ministry and I thought we were cool and then I would go down this whole rabbit hole but then God began to show me compassion for others because he was like all right you feel like they're rejecting you then he brought me to a moment in my life wher
e I rejected God I wasn't spending time with God I wasn't reading my word I wasn't being obedient and heeding to the instructions I wasn't putting God first like I was scrolling before I was reading my word like there was so I wasn't in my devotionals like I promised I wasn't showing up on YouTube guys this is a huge one I wasn't showing up on YouTube and my podcast like God told me to and in essentially I was rejecting God but then I thought about it like but God still loves me he loves me so m
uch that he's like it's okay Christian like I still love you I will still give you the anointing I will still pour wisdom in your heart like like like no matter what you did yesterday my mercies for you will renew every single morning and so that right there has just shifted my posture to have compassion on my myself when I don't meet the mark and for others when they don't meet the mark in my life and so I just hope and pray that um that compassion piece alone was something that can really carr
y you this week so let's go into a question um this is tough guys but we can trust God with hard things the question that I have is what person place or thing is God asking you to separate yourself from and if it's not a person if no one comes to mind if it's not someone you love maybe it's something you love maybe it's a sin maybe it's a lifestyle Choice maybe it is something that you do that does not glorify God that you love that essentially is a relationship and so what relationship what par
tnership what have you given your attention to that God is requiring you to rid yourself of yeah that's tough ooh that's that's that's tough that's tough so tough that I'm about to pray for you and so I just want you before we go into prayer hold your head up high like when I tell you I trust God so much and I release releas everything to God like there was a person in my life where like I would dream about them and I would just like go throughout the day and think about them they consumed so mu
ch in my life and God was like Christian let them go you try let them go and there's a release on the other side There's Hope on the other side there's Community there is people that embrace you that see your value that will bring out the best and not the worst y'all one time I was in a Walmart parking lot and and I had to be around 18 or 19 years old and I was dating this guy I was in a car with my mom I said Mom pull over because I got to get something off my chest y'all I got out that car and
I said what I had to say okay let's just say I didn't curse but I literally gave this person a piece of my mind I got back in the car and my mom with her classy sell she said Christian never let anyone or anything get you out of your character o yes Holy Spirit there are some things and some people that has been getting you out of character maybe it's something that you've been watching on TV maybe it's something that you have been listening to when your ears and it's really like like like mold
ing your posture and your walk with God but whatever it is it is time to let it go so that you can get back into the character that God has for you let us pray oh God you are just so marvelous you're so wonderful God I just thank you that we can trust you with the hard things Lord we know that you love to see Us Victorious God we know that you love to see us um Bountiful in joy and peace and happiness God but we also know that life sometimes bring us curveballs in people places and things we kno
w that every day God that we are battling in sin God trying to become closer to you more like you and our thoughts our speech our actions God but more importantly God who we have in our Circle because we know that our Circle influences God we know that our Circle infiltrates God we know that our Circle can really bring us closer to you or further away from you guys so I just pray Lord God that you begin to give us Insight Lord Insight of what it is that is hindering our relationship with you wha
t it is and who it is that is really holding us down that is holding us captive God because you you've you've created us to be free God and and and to soar High to higher Heights God to not be bound down by burdens and obstacles and people God but Lord God to soar like wings on wings like eagles God to to run and not grow weary Lord to walk and not faint so God I just thank you for people that are just aligning right now spiritually God I pray that you cover them I pray that you keep them God I
pray that you give them Clarity and insight God I pray for their discernment God I pray that they have Clarity and spend time with you god before they begin to test relationships and begin to have transparency God so Lord God get the glory get the honor get the power get the get our faith God get us together Holy Spirit we pray all these things in your Mighty son Jesus name amen all right guys so who's excited to let some things go oh oh oh oh yes I pray that no in all seriousness I pray that Go
d gives you strength God gives you Clarity and that you continue to rise why because the world is waiting all right be sure to like subscribe share this channel stay tuned y'all because we have so much more wisdom in store I love y'all have a blessed day rise this week [Music] byebye [Music]



I needed this. I wasn't the perfect mother. I had addiction, abuse, and all sorts of rejection in my life. Now, none of my 3 children speak to me. I tried so hard to do it right and still failed. All I ever wanted was to be a mom and grandmother. It's been 3 years and I have released them and continue to seek God for my own character flaws. My heart is broken and grief is so overwhelming. Yet, I am still His. I trust him with my life and what it now looks like. Please pray for me also. Thank you for this wonderful message.


I have been depressed all year over a friend I met last year that only reached out when she want something I'm glad God showed me this channel I feel a lot better ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ


I have lost the person who I love with everything in me. It has been a long time of praying and talking to everyone trying to reconcile. Now I need to move on. This is a leap of faith. I surrender. I have tried everything I could. God please take this and help me to grow, forgive and trust You to take over now. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


You never get over move on when it is ur family ๐Ÿซจ๐Ÿ˜ถNope ur heart never stops hurting but God promise to carry the cross along side me๐Ÿซข๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐ŸคโœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™โค


This was for me i didnโ€™t let go in grace


Your points really blessed me as I am in the process of letting go someone I am "in love" with. I quote in love because 6 months from now I will look back and say, I thought I was in love. lol But letting go is hard but I believe that I have to trust the process and know that God has someone better that would be a blessing to me on my spiritual journey. Thank you! I needed to hear this.


This is so true! The isolation is a Season as well! God be the Glory ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ


Thank you for sharing. This is definitely where I am in life right now. I am learning to surrender to God and let go of relationships that are not healthy for me.


hi I am viewing from living in Seattle Washington this topic is very real in fact I think God has released me from them my grown adult kids long before because they refuse to heal from the past, and our conversations are okay as long as I don't confront anything or step on any toes, I think for my family to heal is to involve therapy and a mediator in using their kids as pawns whenever I want to have a visitation. They keep saying I am bringing up past but the past has not been dealt with completely and I receive lip service forgiveness but no actions backing it up. I think we will depart from each other eventually because its not working out. I want healing for us to truly bond and not be fake or using each other to get stuff.


Thios was the most prophetic message that I needed to hear to fulfill the remaining part of my release. God has healed me but I am so over it now. God is so good to me and He is answering my prayers. I am feeling it; seeing it; and believing it. Amen Christian and keep it coming.


I need to watch this ... but the part I can't fathom and find very hard to do is have the patience to wait for the new to come into my life. I've let go of the old so now is the time to find the new person in my life... Why does the wait seem so impossible??? Lord help me... Imma need to watch this in depth ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ


Something told me to listen to you this morning ,i got my answer on what iam going through now thank you and thank you Jesus


This was a true blessing. Iโ€™ve been mourning a couple of people for years that God has released me from. Thank you for the obedience to the Holy Spirit.


This was awesome and much needed! Thank you


I loved this message! Thank you for sharing โค


Thank you for this on time word!! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™Œ๐ŸฝAmen!!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝโค๏ธ


Yes yes and yesss!!! So true


Just subscribed โค I love your spirit . Thank you for the realistic content .


Whew! #3! This was right on time and so on point. Thank you for your obedience to God in sharing this โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿพ


Thankyou for this I feel that Lil light