
How to make a volcano: A super quick and easy project | Natural History Museum

Why not get your lab coat on at home and try out this classic erupting volcano experiment? See the full written instructions and find out more about these incredible geological features: ---------------- The Natural History Museum in London is home to over 80 million objects, including meteorites, dinosaur bones and a giant squid. Our channel brings the Museum to you, from what goes on behind the scenes to surprising science and stories from our scientists. Subscribe to our channel for the latest films and live broadcasts about the natural world Browse our shop: Website: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:

Natural History Museum

4 years ago

What you need Craft supplies, 200ml bottle, A3 card Food colouring, water, vinegar, bicarbonate and washing-up liquid Step 1. Create Place your bottle upside down, in the centre of the card Trace around the bottleneck then cut out the circle Wrap the card around the bottle Tape it in place Cut around the cone to create a volcano shape Step 2. Decorate Decorate your volcano Step 3. Prepare Mix one tablespoon each of bicarbonate and washing-up liquid Add two tablespoons of water and mix Pour the m
ixture into your volcano Mix one tablespoon of food colouring with half a cup of vinegar Step 4. Experiment Add the mixture to the volcano... and watch it erupt



I needed to make a 3d model of any natural disaster and this tutorial helped a lot


Thank you it works very easy


Me and my sis and dad tried it! It worked so good this helped my science project!


This video really help me for doing my school project experiment, it was really cool. Thank you very much UCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/dG5IY-mhEof9jgSykoCgBw


Me and my mom followed the tutorial and it worked!! It was very cool yo look when it erupted thank you so much for helping my volcano science project. You should try it!


thank you so much, i really needed this for a project that's due tomorrow and luckily i have all of those items, just have to buy the ingredients!


It's so beautiful




I will try to make the volcanic eruption soon. Hope it works!


Man u just saved my life thank you


Love the music track on these. Please share!


Nice idea 💡


i needed this for my science project and it seems quick and easy and I am so glad I have my materials because my project is due tomorrow!


thank you


out of curiosity what does the washing liquid do to the chemical reaction? Also can the food colouring be added into the volcano rather than the vinegar? thinking of doing this for gender reveal.


Big help man


thank you so much po