
How to Make an Adventure Module

In today's video we're going to take a look at how to easily make a module in Foundry VTT V11 and use the Adventure document to package up your adventure so that all of your folders and journal links will continue to work when imported in another world. Learn more about the Adventure document here: If you're on a version prior to V11 you can create a module following our packaging guide here: Check out the Foundry VTT merch store:

Foundry Virtual Tabletop

11 months ago

Today we’re going to take a look at one of  my favorite new features from Foundry V10, Adventures. Adventures make it easy to bundle  up your content so that users can import it into their worlds and they keep everything  from Scenes to Playlists organized so that all of your links and folders continue to  work as expected after they’re imported. We’re going to start by setting up  a module, creating an Adventure, adding some of the content from our world to it,  and lastly we’ll build the Adven
ture so that it will be easy to import. Let’s get started! Unlike other things in Foundry like Actors, Items, and Scenes, there’s no tab for Adventures  in the sidebar. That’s because an Adventure needs to be in a Compendium Pack. Since I want  to make this Adventure installable by other people I’m going to make a module, give it a  Compendium Pack, and store everything in it. In V11 of Foundry VTT you can easily create  a module by heading to the Setup page, clicking on the ‘Add-on Modules’ tab
, and  clicking on this gear icon. If you’re still on V10 you can check out our packaging guide down  below to learn how to make a module yourself. Once you’ve clicked on the gear we can start  making our module! First, we’ll need to enter a title. You can name your module whatever you  want and you’ll notice that the package ID below is automatically created based on your title.  If you want to change it, just enter a new ID in the field. You’ll want to make sure that it’s  all lowercase and us
es dashes instead of spaces. If you plan on distributing this module  you want to make sure that the ID is unique because two modules can’t share the same ID. You can leave the Package Version as it is or change it if you prefer a different  versioning scheme. The Package URL can be left blank or you can add a link to where  people can learn more about your module. The description can be plain text or  include HTML and should be a simple description of what your module includes. The compatibilit
y fields define what versions of Foundry VTT your module works with. The  minimum version will stop anyone with an older version of Foundry from installing it and  setting a maximum will ensure that no one with a newer version than what you list can install  it either but you don’t need to set a maximum. The verified version is just the latest version  you’ve actually tested against. We can leave these all as they are because we’ll be building the  module in V11 which means it won’t be installab
le by anyone using V10 or earlier versions. Then we can head to the ‘Authors’ tab where we can add everyone who is going to work on this module.  Just press “Add Author”, enter a name and any other details that you want and then you can add  more authors or remove any that you don’t need. Next up, we can choose the Compendium Packs  that we want this module to have. You can add a Compendium Pack for anything but I’ll just  add an Adventure pack. We can set the pack’s label and just like the Modu
le title you can  see its name is being generated automatically. One important thing to know for Adventure packs  is that if you want it to include system-specific content like Actors or Items you’ll need  to set the game system for that pack and anyone who isn’t using that game system  won’t be able to import your adventure. If you just want to store Scenes, Journal  Entries, Cards, or Playlists you don’t have to set a game system though and  everyone will be able to import it. If you want a pa
ck to only be visible to  Gamemasters just check the “GM Only” checkbox. Lastly, we have ‘Relationships’ which is where  you can define any systems or modules that your module relies on. You can select any game system  or module that you currently have installed and give it a category. If your module requires a  specific Game System leave it on ‘Game System. If you have a hard requirement for a given module  you can set it to be a “Required Dependency” which will prevent users from activating yo
ur  module without also activating that module. “Recommended Compatibility” will encourage users  to install and activate the selected module but it won’t require it, and “Known Conflict” lets you  tell users that your module will not work with another module that they’re currently using. Once you’ve finished filling everything out press “Create Package” and you’ve  got a brand new module ready to go! With our Module created let’s jump into our  world, activate the module, and we can now see the
Pack we made in our Compendium Tab!  Through the power of editing I’ve also already created some content in this world that we can  use. If you’ll be distributing this module to others just make sure that anything you’ll be  including in your Adventure stores its assets in the module’s folder. For example, this Actor  has its portrait art stored in my module’s folder. Now that we have our Compendium Pack and some  content we can make our first Adventure! Almost. The lock next to the Pack means
we can’t edit  it. You can unlock a Compendium Pack by right clicking on it and selecting the Toggle Edit  Lock option. Then you can open it normally. It’s empty right now so press the Create Adventure  button and you’ll see the Adventure Builder pop up with tabs for Summary and Contents. The Summary tab contains all the basic information about your Adventure like the name,  banner image, banner caption, and description. The Contents tab is where things start to get  interesting. You can drag an
d drop any content, including entire folders, from the sidebar or  the Macro bar onto the builder and it will be staged for inclusion in your Adventure. It’s easy  to remove anything from the staging ground that you don’t want by pressing the x to its right. Once you’ve added everything that you want to include in this Adventure you can press Build  Adventure. That will take everything we’ve staged in the Builder and pack it into  an importable Adventure. As you can see, it’s now available in ou
r Compendium Pack and  if we open it we’ll see everything we filled out before exactly how other users will see it. What if we forgot something or want to make changes though? Thankfully, that’s easy  to do! Just right click on your Adventure, select Rebuild Adventure and you’ll see the same  window as before. If we change to the Contents tab we can see everything that was already added  to our Adventure no longer has a green background since they’re no longer new additions. If we  add some new
content to the Adventure though it will be highlighted green and if we remove  something that was already in the Adventure it will be highlighted in red to show that it  will be removed when we rebuild the Adventure. There’s one thing that’s very important to note  here though: when you press the Build Adventure button absolutely everything in the Adventure  gets updated. That means if any content is missing in your World it will be removed from the  Adventure. For example, if I close this windo
w, delete an Actor that was part of the Adventure,  and then open the builder again you can see that the Actor now shows in yellow which  means it will be removed if we press Build. The best way to make sure that you don’t  accidentally delete anything is to create a new world, import your Adventure,  make any changes that you want to make, and then re-build it. That way you  know that everything in your world is using what’s in the Adventure and any  changes you make will be caught. Then, just
add any new content you’ve made to the  Adventure and run Build Adventure again. Once you’re finished, you can distribute  your module exactly how you would normally. I hope you enjoyed that Adventure as much as  I enjoy this shirt from the Foundry VTT merch store that you can find in the description  below and I’ll see you in the next one.
