
How to Read Sheet Music

A helpful guide created by an unqualified individual. Now that you can read sheet music why not use your newly-found skills to play the theme from this video?


7 years ago

(一個十二歲嘅細路教你) 點樣睇譜 (由一個冇資格講音樂嘅人教你) 由譜號開始啦。呢個係譜號 呢個喺開頭嘅符號話俾你知要喺咩音開始玩 主要有兩種譜號,低嘅同埋高嘅 另外仲啲有你咁大個仔都未聽過嘅 兩種譜號係由中間嘅C音連埋 你會發現音樂有好多嘢都係關C音事 除咗調音之外,係用A音嘅 除非你係樂團入面,就會用A上面嗰個音 呢個係假設你個樂器嗌嘅名係真係嗰個音 樂器嗌嘅名係真係嗰個音嘅包括 長笛,弦樂,琴,長號,大號,巴松管,雙簧管 而樂器嗌嘅名唔係真係嗰個音嘅包括 單簧管,小號,色士風,法國號,行進圓號,有啲嘅粗管上低音號,騎呢嘅長笛,直笛,軍號,短號,騎呢嘅長號同埋大號 音符會喺份譜上面啲線同埋啲罅度出現 啲音聽落係唔一樣嘅 您可以將佢哋放埋一齊去令到佢哋好聽 (撞音) 呢個係全音符,有時佢係四拍,但係有時又唔係 呢個係二分音符,係啱啱嗰個嘅一半 四分音符,係二分音符嘅一半 而八分音符,係四分音符嘅一半 呢個規律可以一路繼續落去,所以你想要幾短嘅音都得 例如呢個就係二百五十六分音符, 英文叫 demisemihemidemisemiquaver 你一定會覺得呢樣嘢真係好有用 依家你識咗
啲音同埋拍子,係時候講下啲重要嘢 同埋搞清楚呢啲係乜嘢 我哋逐個講喇 呢個叫你要記得唞氣(如果你唔記得咗) 停低,望一望,跟住再繼續 呢個好簡單 但係呢個唔係 數到五未試過咁難 無人同你講過呢個 唓 細聲 再細聲啲 嘥氣啦 唓 大聲 再大聲啲 嘥氣啦 大聲,跟住細聲 大聲... ...跟住細聲 你見到嘅時候已經太遲嘞 即係要返番去...唔係...等陣先... dooloolooloolooloolooloolooloolooloolooloo 呢個要吹長號先好玩 ...亦都係吹長號嘅唯一樂趣 你應該唔好淨係望住份譜 好似solo咁,但係大家都有份 你唔重要 你...一啲都唔重要 至少你有份 你以為完咗 有人錯咗音 ... ...停 撞音撞音撞音撞音撞音撞音撞音撞音撞音撞音撞音



The 64 bar rest: "You are a percussionist."


"Play soft, softer, don’t even bother" Trumpet players: "P means POWER"


there’s a guy in our band whose name is dakota. one day the band director said “everyone look at the coda” and we aLL TURNED TO LOOK AT DAKOTA


Lets give a moment of silence to the beginners who thought this would be helpful...


"Put them together to make them sound nice" My ears are bleeding


This entire video is the essence of “Never have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with”


"dont forget to breathe" me, a violonist with anxiety: ty i forgot for a moment


The breath mark isn't reminding you to breathe. It's telling you that you don't get to breathe until then


Ah yes. I recall my failure to breathe while playing the piano


"You can put them together to sound nice-" o b o


“This is only fun when playing the Trombone… This is the only fun thing about playing the Trombone.” As a trombonist I have never been more offended by something so true


When he said “you were never informed of this” for solo I felt that


8 bar rest: You are unimportant 64 bar rest: You are very unimportant 256 bar rest: You are a percussionist


“Counting to 5 has never been more difficult” “You thought it was over”


The “by a 12-year old” bit will always forever make me laugh for a week straight every time I think about it And we all know the classic “demisemihemidemisemiquaver” which will never not be hysterical to say aloud and that’s a fact


[Gliss]: "this is only fun for trombone" I see you forgot about mallet percussion


“This is easy, and this is not” FACTS.


“Counting to five has never been this hard.” Stravinsky: laughs in 13/8


shows common time “This is easy.” shows cut time “This is not.” As someone who had to play something in cut time, I agree. THAT WAS VERY HARD.


"You're unimportant" "You're very unimportant" I mean yeah but why'd u have to do that- 👁👄💧👁