
How to Set Up Your PS4 External Hard Drive | Inside Gaming With Seagate

Your PlayStation system is basically a computer—and that means you’ll eventually need more storage to expand your game library. The portable Game Drive for PlayStation is a great place to start thanks to expansive hard drive capacity of up to 4TB (enough to store 100+ games!) And bonus—it’s super easy to use. Here we’ll show you exactly how to set it up and get playing within minutes. Read more: Product Game Drive for PS4 Systems | Connect Linkedin | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Support Web | Twitter |

Seagate Technology

4 years ago

大家好,我是Maka,欢迎收看 Inside Gaming with Seagate。 来快速了解一下如何启动并运行 Seagate的PS4系统专用Game Drive。 让我们来一探究竟。 PS4就是一台计算机, 它的主要部件和PC的主要部件 没什么不同。 PS4出厂标配了500GB或1TB硬盘, 可用于容纳大约 10到20款PS4游戏。 [平均游戏大小为35-50GB。数量用法示例仅用于说明目的。] 利用外置硬盘, 比如Seagate的这款 2TB Game Drive, 您可以让PS4的游戏存储 容量快速翻倍。 设置非常简单。 把它从盒子里拿出来 插入可用的USB端口即可。 不需要外部电源, 而且PS4的格式化流程 非常快速简单。 连接后,您会在屏幕角落 看到一条消息, 告知您已发现设备。 消息还可能会提示您设备不受支持。 您需要将硬盘格式化后才能使用。 从主屏幕上点击Settings(设置), 然后滚动到设备。 向下滚动到USB存储设备, 您会看到PS4已自动检测 到Game Drive。 单击硬盘, 选择Format As Extended Storage (格式化为扩展存储
) 并按照提示操作。 完成。 返回系统菜单,单击Storage(存储), 您会在PS4内置硬盘旁 看到新的外置硬盘。 请注意,PS4会自动将 这个新硬盘指定为其主安装盘。 您可以在存储菜单中更改默认设置。 如果您想,您还可以把它 拔出来带到朋友家, 加载到他们的游戏机中。 您可以随身携带您的 所有PS4游戏。 Seagate与PS4合作,专门 开发了这款Game Drive, 采用专有的品牌标志和兼容固件。 外观很相衬, 而且您将获得流畅的游戏体验。 这些硬盘适用于任何一代PS4。 Seagate让您利用这款 专为PS4打造的Game Drive 轻松扩展您的PS4游戏库。 感谢观看。



This is the kind of videos we need. Clean, simple, fast


2 and a half minutes of simple straightforward information without excess garbage Thank you.


everybody needs this for cod now


I DIED when you said a 500 GB can hold 10 games like I can’t even have 4


two and a half minutes straight to the point, no witty puns or wasting time. Absolutely appreciated. Buying one on amazon now


10 games for a 500gb console haha I have 3 and it’s still telling me to delete more for modern warfare


Who else is here because of Modern Warfare?


Thanks a bunch for getting straight to the point instead of making a longer-than-10-minutes video. Very clear instructions too, much much more informative than a 10 minute video.


When you play modern warfare so you laugh but also cry at the fact that he said 500 gb could hold 10 games 😭


Looks like he wants to laugh after every cut


As the older sister of a 10yr old who is addicted to PlayStation, thank you for making this quick and easy


500 gb: let me tell you about modern warfare 1tb: let me show you about my updates


10 to 20 games? Nowadays a call of duty game is 200gb** bro


Straight to the point quick and easy THANK YOU thumbs up 👍🏾


Finally a video thats only two minutes long and not 500 hours


Who else here because of modern warfares next update...


I wanna know how sad of a life the 136 ppl that disliked this video is. Its literally a short effective video. Its crazy to dislike something like this Great job Bro!!


I just bought mine I got the Seagate 4TB Game drive at Walmart on sale for $115. I was so tired of running out of hard drive space on my PS4 resulting in me having to delete a game or some of my previously saved game data just to play a new game..... I’m hoping this will solve all of my issues. In The research I’ve done the Seagate game drive is the best external hard drive available on the market today!! I’m glad I went with Seagate 👍🏻👍🏻


Thank you so much for this excellent quick and easy setup tutorial! Your video was perfect!


When I got this thing and realized I had to set it up, I thought I was screwed and then I searched up a video and this was the first one to pop up and it was literally the exact same storage thing that I had so thanks a lot for the vid man