
How to Show Impact through Digital Grant Reports ft. Jeff Rum | Instrumentl Grants Workshop

In this session, we will be diving into the world of grant reporting and exploring how digital tools can help you effectively communicate the impact of your grants. In this Instrumentl Partner Webinar, we learn: - What is a digital grant report and how can you use it to show impact from grants - Why Grant Reports are important and how does digital help - How to Create the Best Grant Reports to Show Your Impact w/ tangible tips and examples - How Instrumentl saves you time and money in finding, tracking and managing your grants all in one place 🖥 Link to presentation slides: 👉 Start your 14-day Instrumentl trial and find grants for your nonprofit here: ⚡️ Go here to register for our future free grants workshops: // Timestamps // 0:00 - Introduction 04:23 - Agenda 05:49 - Effective Grant Reports 10:21 - What is a "digital" report? 12:31 - Why a digital report? 17:59 - Power of Storytelling in a Digital Report 21:55 - Examples 35:25 - Yearly Demo 41:00 - Instrumentl Demo 47:08 - 3 Learning Takeaways 48:40 - Following up with Jeff and Freebie Details! 50:27 - Q & A ​Jeff Rum is Co-Founder of Yearly and is Founder & CEO of ignite: action An award-winning creative director and marketing strategist, Jeff has nearly 18 years of experience in marketing and communications, brand strategy, social media, and digital advertising. Jeff’s consulting work includes projects with Fortune 500 companies such as Bose, Fossil, Mercedes-Benz, and PepsiCo and he has led campaigns with nonprofits including Human Rights Campaign, Save the Children, Johns Hopkins Medicine, and United Nations Foundation. In 2018, Jeff published his first book, Post with Purpose: A Digital Strategy Handbook. Instrumentl Partner Webinars are collaborations between Instrumentl and its community partners to provide free educational workshops for grant professionals. Our goal is to tackle a problem grant professionals often have to solve, while also sharing different ways Instrumentl’s platform can help grant writers win more grants. 👉 Start your 14-day Instrumentl trial and find grants for your nonprofit here:


11 months ago

Dionna: Okay. Hi everyone, and welcome to How  to Show Impact Through Digital Grant Reports with Jeff Rum. This workshop is being recorded  and slides will be shared afterwards. So, keep your eyes peeled for a follow up email later in  case you want to review everything from today.My name is Dionna Arimes, and I'm the partnerships  Marketing Manager at Instrumentl. And I will be your host today. In case it's your first time  here, this free grant workshop is an Instrumentl partner webinar. These
are collaborations between  Instrumentl and community partners to provide free educational workshops for grant professionals.Our  goal is to tackle a problem that grant professionals often have to solve while sharing  different ways Instrumentl’s platform can help grant writers win more grants. Instrumentl is the  institutional fundraising platform. If you want to bring grant prospecting, tracking, and management  to one place, we can help you do that. You can set up your personalized grant rec
ommendations using  the link on the screen here, on the previous screen.Lastly, be sure to stick around today for  the entire presentation. At the end, we're going to be sharing you a freebie resource. More details  to come after Jeff's presentation. Now, with all that housekeeping out of the way, I'm very excited  to introduce Jeff Rum. Jeff Rum is co-founder of Yearly, and founder and CEO of Ignite Action,  an award winning creative director and marketing strategist. Jeff has nearly 18 years o
f experience  in marketing and communications, brand strategy, social media, and digital advertising. Jeff's  consulting work includes projects with Fortune 500 Companies such as Bose, Fossil, Mercedes  Benz, and PepsiCo. And he has led campaigns with nonprofits including Human Rights Campaign, Save  the Children, John Hopkins Medicine, and United Nations Foundation. In 2018, Jeff published his  first book, a digital strategy handbook.Okay. And then from here, we ask that if you have  any questi
ons throughout this presentation, to please put three hashtags in front of your  question to make sure that it stands out in the Zoom chat. Otherwise, we will also have a section  at the end for live questions.With that, Jeff, take it away.Jeff: Thank you so much. Thank  you, Dionna. And it's so great to be here. I think you went on mute for like -- the tail  end of my bio, which is great because that's the least important thing that we'll be talking  about today.So as was mentioned, I've been i
n the agency world for a long time. I've been  running my own agency since 2005. And then this idea of Yearly kind of came up through that  experience. Having worked a lot with nonprofits, the annual report always became the big monster  every year of work. Nobody really wanted to work on it, but everyone knew they had to, so.And  then other reports, board reports, grant reports, impact reports came out of that. So, the idea  behind Yearly was to make it easier for nonprofit organizations to bui
ld their own reports to make  them engaging, interactive, and hopefully more effective for the funders, for the donors, and for  those who are interested in learning more about all the incredible work that each of you do on a  day-to-day basis.So, let's jump in here. So if you wouldn't mind using the chat, I'm going to ask,  I'm going to pop up questions throughout the hour. And the first one is just if you  can put your name, the organization, and answer this question. Like, what do you  believ
e makes an effective grant report? So, and it doesn't necessarily need to even  answer the question of digital grant report, but what do you think makes an effective report?  So if you could all use the chat, if you'd humour me, that’d be great too to hear your answers.  And I'll be asking questions throughout the presentation today. At the end, we'll have time  to answer questions that you have as well.Okay. Great. So, what are we going to talk about  today? We are going to -- I'm going to shar
e some of my own experience, what I  believe makes an effective grant report, also, the idea of what a digital report  is, what do we mean by a digital report? We're going to show impact in digital reports.  So, like how do you actually go ahead? If you're creating a grant report using a digital platform,  how do you make the impact come to life? So, we're going to be looking at some examples, which  hopefully will inspire each of you. And then also, just how to go ahead and build a digital repo
rt.I  will show you a little bit behind the scenes of Yearly, how it works, and the easy platform  to use. We just updated it. So, you're all going to see like Yearly 3.0, which just came out  about a week and a half ago. And then we'll also talk about metrics. How do you measure if your  digital report is actually effective or not?And then as I said, we're going to open it up  for questions using the chat. So at the end, we'll be able to hear from you. And hopefully,  I can answer questions tha
t you may have. So, thank you so much for everyone engaging  with the chat. I really appreciate it.Okay. So, effective grant reports. What does  it mean to have effective grant reports? I think we want to show funders the impact of their money  and of the work that you do. So, what I've seen a lot of grant reports look like, they have a lot of  facts in it, a lot of information. But the key is really showing the impact.And as a marketer, and  as someone who's been in the marketing world for a lo
ng time, I do a lot of training on storytelling  and how to make stories come to life. And I think doing a grant report as a digital piece, you have  the opportunity to show funders. Not just tell them the impact of your money, but of their money,  but actually show them. And secondly, we all know that funders, very similar to donors, they want  to feel in control of how their contributions are being used.So one thing that I remember many  years ago, I looked at a study done by Norman Nielsen, a
nd it was about how non-profit  organizations build effective web-based mostly -- and back at that time, it was -- they  were websites, but how donors were interacting with it. And the study showed that what donors  most wanted to know were two things. One is, what does your organization actually do? Why does  it exist? And secondly, where does the money go? Right? So, we want to see where the money goes.  And the report also found that most organizations, unfortunately, were not making it easy
for  donors or funders to find this information. Like, what do you do? Why does your organization exist?  And why are you important in the world? And then, even more importantly, if I'm going to give  you the funding, where is it going to go? So, I think an effective grant report will show  donors now the impact of their money. But where the money is going? And how the  contributions are going to be used?And next, we want to also use a grant report,  especially if it's in a digital interactive e
ngaging online report to be able to convince  funders that their investment was well worth it to showing the results, giving them the  opportunity to see how the investment was used, and then what the impact and the results were at  the end. So, sharing things like testimonials from other funders or sharing some of the data that you  were able to capture are good ways to convince and persuade funders that this is a really important  investment.Funders, as you all know, look at their philanthropi
c investments these days in a similar  way that they look at their financial portfolios or investments. So, they want to make sure that  they're seeing a return on the investment. And then finally, we want to be able to show evidence  of the impact. It gives funders the control they want over their contribution. So, showing them  that the impact of their gift is actually going to make a change and whatever the service or  the work is that the organization is doing. And not just within the organi
zation, but how is  this impacting the community that they're serving, the greater world, the actual aspects of  the work that you're doing. So if you're in a space where you're working on poverty, or  the environment, or if you're doing global work, like showing the impact beyond just the  boundaries of that particular place, I think can make a really great way to show the  effectiveness of a grant report.So, these are just things that I wanted to share. I think there are  many other things. I'
d love for you to put in the chat ways that you think of any specific examples  you've seen of effective grant reports. And we could kind of scour the chat throughout the hour  here today and see what you've come up with.Okay. So, moving on from what we know makes it  a really great or effective grant report. We’re now going to talk about what do we mean by  a digital report? So, as I mentioned, back when I was running an agency and an organization  would come to us and say, “We want to create a
web-based report.” We'd often use -- we do a  custom web development and we'd create something that was kind of like a microsite, if you  will.And a lot of what grant reports are today looks what -- like what you see here on  the left of your screen. It's usually created in Word. It's a document. It has all the facts.  It has some formatting in it. But it's pretty much a way to just show the funder all the things  that they've asked for and you put it in a report, and you send it in, either as
a PDF or a Word  doc, or anything like that. And some require a format like this. So, if this is what's required,  that's what you need to do.But what I've seen, which is really exciting, is that a lot of  funders are open to getting reports in other ways, right? So, it could be a video or it could be a  web-based report or an interactive component of your website. And so, when we say digital report,  we mean something that's where there's a link and you can get it, whether it's a website or a 
microsite, or something that you can interact with more than just a PDF. Right? Because a  PDF is flat. It doesn't allow interactivity. You may be able to include a link. That's about  it. But what we wanted to do in, for example, in creating Yearly is to build a platform that  would allow people to not only get the report and read it, but experience it and experience the  impact of your work, be able to see video clips and be able to understand the data from animated  graphs and illustrations,
and things like that. So, it's exciting that we have the opportunity  now to easily make digital reports kind of come to life in a new way that focuses on storytelling,  but also shows the impact of your work.So, why a digital report? Well, there are a couple of  reasons. And we did some surveying of hundreds of non-profits before we even built -- did any coding  with Yearly. And we found that people, funders, or the users of any kind of site like this, they  want to be able to experience it. Ri
ght? So, it enhances the experience through all these  kinds of interactive elements that I had mentioned before.And an interactive element, it could be  a video but it also could be just an easy button that people can go from a part of a report to  a call to action, whether that's to explore something further to be able to go to a particular  section of the website, or to make a donation. Also, having a digital report, it gives the  impression of something more professional, and provides trustw
orthiness. It's more than  just a Word document, right? It shows that you've put some level of thought, creativity,  and interest in what you're trying to show as an organization.And you're trying to tell  a story. I mean, at the end of the day, a really effective grant report tells a powerful  story. And if we can allow you to do that through a digital report, it will get more attention,  more visibility, and hopefully, more funding. What else? It allows you to build these incredible  connectio
ns with funders. So visual storytelling, showing someone's face, showing the recipients  of the work that you do, whether it's children or people who are disadvantaged, or anyone that's  actually being helped by the work that you do, rather than just tell people in a Word document.  Having a visual digital interactive report allows you to use storytelling, but also to allow  to give visuals and pictures and photographs and tell it in ways that you can't do  with a traditional written report.I al
so think it helps you stand out from the  competition, right? So, you're all competing with other organizations to get particular  funding from a foundation or from a funder. So, I think, a digital report, getting  something different than they get from many other organizations will really help  you stand out from the competition.I've also seen folks -- I know that some of the  folks that use Yearly, they'll do a digital grant report. But then they'll also send like  the standard document as wel
l as to complement the digital reports. So, it’s another way to think  about standing out, but also still following some of the rules that may have been set by the  funder. And then it also allows you to better showcase qualitative impact and quantitative  impact by showing statistics and data. But the qualitative impact is like showing testimonials  and being able to hear from the people that are being supported. That's a really great way to use  a digital report to show this qualitative impact
of the work.And finally, as I mentioned before,  it really does keep funders engaged. It keeps them interested. I've seen people use digital reports  in solicitations. Or when they're sitting in a meeting with a funder, they could pull up a  digital report on their tablet or iPad and be able to go through particular areas. Also, if you hear  that a funder is interested in a specific topic, you can kind of migrate to that topic rather  than having them have to go through the full report. So, it
gives you some of that flexibility  when you're meeting with a funder or when you're directing people to a particular part of a funding  report. You can do that more easily with a digital report. Because if it's built in a certain way,  you can send them to a particular URL. So, if it's of a specific project within a grant report,  you can direct a funder to that project. So, there are lots of ways that you can use a digital report  and a web-based report in a more -- it gives you a little bit m
ore flexibility and also scalability.  You can add to it, right? So, it's not just -- it may be something that you -- that you build once,  but it also may be something that you can keep updated.So, these are some reasons why you can use  a digital report for your report. I'm wondering, and I'm curious if people could add in the chat,  if anyone has ever submitted or shared a digital report versus the Word document style that I  mentioned before. And I think it'll be interesting to see how many
folks in the room today have  done or have tried to do a digital report in a more visual storytelling way versus  the traditional word report. So, keep on engaging with the chat box and  we'll see what people come up with. Right.Okay. So, the power of storytelling. This is  everything that I believe in. This is why I love doing what I do and why I've built agencies over  the years. Because I think that nonprofits have incredibly powerful stories to tell. Oftentimes,  I hear them in the hallways,
at a conference, or in the small room, or I find something in a  newsletter and I'm like, “Wow, this is amazing. We need to be telling the story more.”Building in  a digital report allows you to be visual. And it's not just about words, like that old saying of like  a picture is worth a thousand words. It's true. I've seen some incredible reports with such  powerful visuals that you're enticed to read more, you're enticed to lean in and see  what this organization is about.It's also ensured --
you want to make sure that the  content is specifically unique to your brand. So, for example, you want to make sure that it's  authentic. The stories that you tell within a digital report should align with your  organization's goals and objectives. So, it's one thing that you want to be visual and  you want to tell these powerful stories. But it does have to connect back to the mission  and the vision of your organization.Sometimes I've seen some stories told, it might be like  one tiny little
program that's kind of in the back corner of an organization and that's the  story they tell. But it doesn't really capture the essence of the organization. So, you want to  make sure that the content is unique to the brand, but it also connects to the mission and  the values of the organization. A digital report and using storytelling, rather than  having paragraphs and paragraphs of content, it allows you to make it more scannable. And we  know from every report that's out there right now that
people tend to scan content and not read  content, whether that's on their phone, because we live in such a digital portable world now, or if  they're just reviewing something on screen. So, having a report that breaks up content by putting  in visuals, by putting in quotes, by putting in iconography and illustrations, and being able to  break that up allows people to really scan it. And that's what you want. You want to make it  scannable so that people are staying engaged.And also, you can be
selective. Sometimes it's  one powerful story that can really capture the audience and really showcase what you do without  having so many different stories on the page or being able -- or having to report on a lot of  different recipients. Sometimes in a digital report, the power of one is really important  because that one great story could be better than having many stories that kind of fall flat or stay  kind of at an even level, if you will. So I like organizations that when I see the repo
rt and I go  past that first page, and it has this beautiful picture of someone, usually an individual that was  impacted by the funding and telling their personal story, like that could be a really powerful way  to show the work in a grant report, especially if it's digital.And then finally, you want to make  sure that you're editing what you do. So, I always tell people like, “Get someone else to look at  it for you. Look at it again yourself and review it before putting it out and sharing it
with  funders.” Just because it's visual and it's on a website that can be changed doesn't mean that you  should follow the same process that you would with a document that you want to make sure it's being  reviewed.Okay. So, we're going to talk about just, what are some tangible things that you can do to  make your grant reports kind of look and feel more engaging and relevant to funders? So, the first  thing is using infographics. I still think the term infographics is a little bit dated right
  now. But the idea of not just having text but being able to use information and illustrate that  information. So, it could be like the percentage you see her on the right. So, giving people a very  clear idea of how their funding is going to impact the work. But also using iconography and pairing  it with photographs and being able to show.I know in Yearly, we have the ability to -- as people  are scrolling through, there's like a little bit of slight animation. It just gives a little bit  mor
e visual interest. And instead of just, again, like putting things in bullets, you can actually  make it more easily digestible and easy for people to scan as they're going through the material in  the report. So infographics are, I think, a good way to break things up.Videos. I love videos, all  the data points to videos being the most effective online content right now. I don't  think that's going to change very much, especially with the growth of things like TikTok  and other platforms, YouTu
be especially. But if you have some really great videos, they  don't have to be the most well-polished, well-produced videos. Just showing the impact of  your work and using videos as a way to tell that story in a grant report, certainly, you'll stand  out from the competition.And again, we know videos are effective because people watch more videos  than they do read things online today. There's a lot of data to support that, so. And pairing video  with a summary of what the video is about and o
r a quote that pulls out the video. I mean, it's a  really powerful way to engage people in a digital report. And again, this is something you can't  do with a PDF or you can't do with a document. So, I think that's a really good thing  to think about. If anyone uses video and as part of a grant report, please put in  the chat. And if you have a link to that video, you could put it in there too. Not that we  want -- we don't want people going off this presentation right now, but you can -- we ca
n  follow up with it later. So, I think videos are a great way to engage funders.Timelines. Donors and  funders love timelines. They want to know like, “Okay. Where do you start? Where are you now?  Where are you headed?” Right? So, giving people the timeline of a specific project that they may  be funding or a project among other projects. So, maybe a larger initiative that you're doing.  A timeline is a great way to visually show something. Again, without having to write it out  in so many dif
ferent paragraphs of text that you can say, “Okay, here's some of our key moments for  this particular project.” And it shows them like that you have a vision, right? It shows them  that you're thinking about the future of the project and where you need the funding so that it  can continue to grow.So, this is an example of a timeline from one of our Yearly reports. There  are so many ways to illustrate a timeline. You can do it vertically or horizontally. You  can do it with photographs. You cou
ld do with icons. But the goal is to really make it  easily scannable. Again, a little bit of text, good negative space so that people could follow  it. And just really easily show the people and the funders what the timeline of the project is.Okay.  So another thing, and I mentioned this before, but what you could do with a digital report is  include buttons and links so that when you get to a particular part of the report, like if you want  to have people -- if they're interested to learn more
about a particular project or see the  results, maybe it goes to a full -- a more detailed research report or something that you  have to show, rather than including it all in the text, you can link to it. So in this case, we're  just showing you that you can have like an invest button or show people that they can really make  an impact. This is actually taken from an annual report. But the same idea, you could put into a  grant report, a button, a link, some way to kind of show people more inf
ormation without having  to clutter the actual digital report itself.Okay. So, testimonials. I think this is the -- one of  the widgets that most of our customers on Yearly use, which is using the testimonials. So, it's  pulling out one vote from, again, it could be from a funder or it could be from a grant recipient,  it could be from someone that was affected by the work that you do. But pulling out testimonials  and using others to -- it's like using others to really sell what you're doing is
more effective.  We know this from the for profit sector, for sure. From people like sponsoring or influencers  saying that they use a particular product, it’s the same thing here. So having it come  from the words of the recipient or from a funder is, it's more authentic and feels good to the  funder, rather than it coming from you.So, I would say like scattering testimonials to  support the message that you're trying to tell the story that you're trying to tell is  really a great way to use a
digital report. It also gives you the ability to use  photographs, imagery, and text, and individuals. So, it's like kind of this way of using a  little bit of the copy, but telling a really great story out of it. So, it's one  thing that we see people doing a lot.And then that moves into like impact stories. Right?  So, we oftentimes see organizations using Yearly as an example to tell great impact stories, to  be able to spotlight someone. In the platform, it's easy to just kind of put in the
photo and  then you can include some copy. But the idea here is to, again, spotlight on people that are  being supported. So, grant recipients, it could be the results of the grant. We're able  to allow people to move up in life. And you want to show the impact of that through  some kind of impact story or spotlight.Now, this could be done certainly in a PDF or in other  ways. But what you can do here is update it so you can add -- we've seen some organizations continue  to add spotlights as th
e work is moving on. So, they keep it in one report. But they're continuing  to add impact stories. And their report continues to grow. But again, it's digital. So, you have  the ability of putting things in and taking things out. So, that's one thing to consider  when you're creating a digital report.Photos. I love including photos of real people.  On Yearly and on other platforms, I'm sure you've seen on Canva and  things like that, you can pull in, oftentimes, like free stock photos, which is
  great. And some organizations need to do that for a variety of reasons. But if you can get  real authentic photos from the organization, from the work that you're doing, I mean,  that really shows the funder and the end user just like the -- I don't know, has like the  good feels of what the work is that they're supporting and what they're doing.And you  compare that, again, with using data points, right, so you can have -- in a digital report,  you can have great imagery, authentic photos, go
od illustrations, and also pair it with good  data, right? And showing them what you were able to do with funding or what you will do with  additional funding. So, I think it's always a good idea to kind of diversify the content  and use data combined with great imagery.This part I love because it's something really  different and talks about making you stand out. If you've seen a really great social media post --  and sometimes we have funders that -- I'm sorry, organizations that find incredib
le testimonials  on social media. So, someone will actually write a post and say how they've been helped or  how the organization has supported them, or why they're giving to an organization. And you  can -- on Yearly and even if you were building a digital report on any other kind of web-based  program, whether it's Squarespace or WordPress, or anything like that. But certainly,  in Yearly, you can take a little bit of code and embed an individual post.So again,  instead of telling people, “We
were able to help these recipients. We were able to make an impact  through certain things that we're doing.” But show them that people are actually talking about you  on social media or that they're creating posts, that thank you or that celebrate the work  that you're doing. It’s a great way to, again, illustrate a point without having to say --  without having to use your own words but being able to really complement it with social  media. And that's another great way to use a digital report
versus a static report, because  you can embed some of those social media posts. And if it has a video, you can embed it with a  video. And if it has a slider, you can embed it with a slider. So, it's a great way to make the  report more interactive and also get your point across.Illustrations. We've talked about. There's  immense ways that you can use illustrations, diagrams. This came from one of our customers  at Yearly who -- they created this illustration outside of Yearly and brought it in
, because  they wanted to show the, again, the impact, so, and how they do things. So, they were able to --  they could have said this in a lot of words. But instead, they created an illustration.So,  think about when you're creating different parts of your report. What are the best things to  write in prose or a narrative? And what are the things that you can create and show maybe with an  illustration that really tells the story? It could be a four-part. It could be an approach that you  want
to show. But instead of writing the approach, you want to show the approach in how you do  the work that you do. So, that's another way to think about using digital.I'm going to keep  us moving here so we have time at the end for more questions. A few more left, and then we'll be  able to wrap this section up. Partner support. If you have partners that you're working with as part  of a grant, or part of the work that you're doing, including them in a digital report also  allows you to link to th
eir website. It allows you to showcase some of their work  in more interesting or interactive ways.So, we've seen people at Yearly using -- building out  reports and integrating partners. And the partners love it because when they're posting the report in  different places, they can highlight the partner, or link to the partner, tag the partner and show  them as a real collaborator in the work that they're doing. So, it's also just something  to think about in general with the report, right? Lik
e, being able to show that you're  collaborating and partnering with others is always, I should say, it's likely something  that funders will want to look at you for.So, those are some like -- hopefully, things  that you could start thinking about. If you take one or two of these with you today, I'll be  really happy because I think it'll make reports really come to life more. So, the next thing I  want to do is, actually, go ahead and show you how to build a digital grant report. So, I'm  going
to give you an insider look at Yearly. If you want to use Yearly, there's a free 14-day  trial. You can go on to What I'm going to do is exit out of this and move into the  actual report tool.So, can you all see this on my screen? I hope so. Yes, Dionna? Okay, great. So,  this is the back end of Yearly. I'm only going to do a five-minute demo. So, I hope that you'll take  something from it. So when you log in to Yearly, you have your reports, your brand kit,  which allows you to
put in your fonts and your logos and all that. And this is the Report  Center. So if I wanted to create a new report, I would just call it a new report,  or whatever you want to call it. And then you get into what we call the  canvas.So, this is your initial canvas. There's a little tour here. I'm just going to  cancel out of that. But this allows you to, right away, start building your report. So, the  first thing you'll do is put in a title here. So, we'll just call this grant report 2023.  An
d then you can put in a subtitle here. Best report ever. Okay? And, again, using some of  the tactics or some of the things that we talked about earlier, how do you make it more engaging?  Well, you could start to put in some imagery. What we have here in Yearly is you can put in your own  images. I'm going to search for an image here. Let's see. Someone mentioned -- I’m trying  to think of what someone mentioned before. I think someone mentioned something about water.  So, we'll put something i
n water here so you can put like -- anything you want here. And you  can put it right into the report. So, you kind of drag and drop.So, we have this entire drag and  drop on the right here. So you can put in photos, and stats, and infographics, and testimony. So,  I'm going to put in testimonials right here. So, this is the beginning of your report. And this  is where your testimonial would go. Again, you'd be able to put in an image. You can  have a, let's see, an image of a woman. I'm just do
ing this for the purposes of  being able to show you something. So, you can look at the images and then you can  decide to drop it in. So, we'll go right there.So, and then this is your cover page. You can  add sections here just like you would in any other report so you can -- and then you start  building out the reports. So, I always like to put an intro. So, this will be, let's say, the  impact section. And then we'll add another image. I heard someone was there from Missouri. I'm going  to p
ut in a picture of Missouri. I love Missouri. So, here's your impact.And again, you  can highlight. The one thing we talked about before is impact stories. So, this  just makes it easy. You can put your text here. You can put your image here, and you have  all these things. You can use quotes, buttons, images, cards. You can put an audio. You can  create charts. You can embed social media. So, these are just something easy you can do.I'm  going to show you the result of some reports here. So if
you go to Yearly, you can go to our examples  page. We have lots of different organizations here. I'm going to pick this one. We do a lot  of schools. We work with a lot of schools. So, this is Padua. It’s a private academy. They use  this for their impact report. So as you can see, they put in a lot of great images here. They have  the ability to put in -- you can put in a list if you want to list people, donors, supporters,  and their financials. Right? So, they were able to put in the graphs.
As I mentioned before,  donors want to know where's the money goes? So, this is a great way to show where the money  goes. They could see where the impact of the work is.And these are just some examples of  using illustrations, using graphics. Some of this was built in Yearly, some of it was brought  in from Canva. You can kind of do a multitude of things. And the other thing that we have here is  the ability to just make a visual story, right, like come to life. You could see the ability to  s
how, the emotions of the people. And then we have just general list features. And finally, a contact  page so people want to contact you, or donate. You can put in a donate button, things like that.So,  that's just another thing to think about Yearly. Someone asked me in the chat how much it cost. You  can go to I'll show you -- it'll share everything on the website. If you have  any questions, you can always reach out to me. And I hope that you'll give it a try because it's  here
to make your lives a little bit easier.So, I'm going to go back here to the presenter  view. Oops, sorry. Okay. And I'm going to hand it over to Dionna to talk a little  bit about Instrumentl.Dionna: Yeah. I'm going to try to keep this pretty short because I  know we have a lot of really great questions that I want to make sure we have time for. So, let  me reclaim this and share my screen.Jeff: I'll stop sharing.Dionna: Perfect. Let’s see.  Alrighty.So since Jeff gave such good points on how t
o create effective grant reports for your  organization, I just want to show you some of Instrumentl’s functionality, which can help you  manage these reports and associated tasks. So, what you'll see when you go into Instrumentl is  a dedicated tracker for each of your products or projects. As you all might know, one of the most  challenging aspects of post award grant management is just like keeping everyone in the same loop  and getting all your stakeholders involved in the process. And so, t
hat's one thing that we really  hope that you're able to do once you start to save things into your tracker.So, what you'll see here  in your tracker, the different opportunities that you have saved as matches. I'm going to click on  an example here. You're going to have different dedicated workspaces for each of your respective  fundraising initiatives within each project. And then you'll be able to add different tasks for  the team members who are responsible for different components of the pr
ocess. So right here, you'll  see the add task feature here on the right. We cover things from the start of the process  to the latter half of the grant’s life cycle.So let's say for example, you have a task associated  with reporting. You can create a reporting task, add in description, perhaps you  want to gather testimonials, typos. For example, you can schedule a deadline  for that. You can also schedule that task to a specific person. So, let's say Jane. We want  to make sure that Jane is t
he responsible one for this. You can also add collaborators  if you have multiple people working on that. That's a really awesome way to integrate your  tasks into Instrumentl. And once you do this, you'll actually get notified via email of these  upcoming tasks related to the grants that you're looking to attract or manage towards.Another great  tab here is dates and amounts. This is just a place for you to store your submission  date, the amount that you requested, moving to documents and reso
urces. This is really  awesome. As we know, we juggle a lot of logins these days to different websites. So having a  place to store the logins that are specific to this grant opportunity or this funder, that's  a way that you can do that. You can also upload documents that might be helpful for all the folks  that are involved in this funders’ opportunity, such as a testimonial that you completed,  whatever it may be. You can upload that into here.Another thing that you can do is  click into the
actual funder profile. And here, you can really start to dig into the  funder and see funders’ available opportunities here, an overview of their giving, how many assets  they have, what their total giving is. You can click into their most recent 990 forms that we  get. There's their contact information. You have their phone number here. So if you already have  a pre-established relationship with the funder, you can call them to catch up. Whatever it  may be, you can also click into their websit
e. You should be able to click on the website.  I’m not sure what's going on there. But just a lot of really awesome information  in here all in one place.Let's see. And then I love the funder note section,  specifically, because that's something that a place that you can really keep track of, what do  you know about this funder? Do you have someone on your board? Let's say, for example, that  connected you to a key person at this funder. So, that's a really great place to keep track  of all of
that.So going back to the tracker, let's say that you have opportunities that  are external to Instrumentl. No worries. You can actually add those opportunities directly  into Instrumentl so you again have everything in one place. So, the best way to do that is either  by one or you can upload many -- we actually have a template if you have a lot of documents that  you'll make a copy of. And you'll see that you just fill this out and upload it straight to  Instrumentl. And then you'll have every
thing all in one place.So once you -- let's say you  get a lot of projects up here in Instrumentl, here on the left you have your different projects  that you're trying to fund. You'll actually have what we call a master tracker, which will  really be a one-stop-shop in your centre of truth for all things that you have going on in  your organization that you're trying to fund. So, you'll be able to see everything all in one spot.  There's also a really awesome calendar view option so you can vie
w this information in different  ways and have it all tidied up for you.And then the last quick tool that I will go over for  you that I think is really helpful, specifically with reporting is the download report option. This  is actually a new update with our spring launch that was just released last week. We have four  different types of reports that you can create and save and download and share with people. And  they all have clickable and accessible links to people that might not actually h
ave Instrumentl  account. So, that's a really great way to get people involved like board members or volunteers  that you want to get their hands on this work.So, that should cover some of the fundamentals  in terms of tracking side of things with reporting and how you can use Instrumentl to  manage grant reporting. If you would like to see how to do this yourself, we're offering  14 free days of our standard plan. And you can use Jeff's links to access that. I'm  going to share that in the chat
in just a second. But in the meantime, I'm going to  replay this and turn it back over to you, Jeff.Jeff: Thank you. All right. So, I'm going to  move it onto my screen. Correct?Dionna: Yes.Jeff: All right. Give me one second here. Okay.All right. Excellent. So, thank  you so much for the demo. We're going to look at our takeaways. Hopefully,  you learned a lot today. But I think three things that I always think about when it comes to digital  reports are content, storytelling, and impact. So i
f you remember nothing from this,  hopefully you remember those three things.So, the first thing is to ensure that your content is  really unique to the brand. So making sure, above all else, authentic photos, great content that  really elicits like the kind of emotion you want. And it's real. It's coming from your heart.  It's coming from the impact of the work. And then number two, using storytelling to keep  people engaged, being able to tell stories that compliment and are informed by the re
porting. So,  all the facts. But the storytelling actually keeps the folks engaged. And we'll want to have them  come back for more. We hope. And then the impact, right? So, being able to say, it's not just great  stories but your dollars are actually being able to impact this work. And using infographics, using  video, whether it's testimonials, social media posts, all the different ways that we talked about  using or creating a digital grant report, being able to show that impact is going to b
e really  important. So hopefully, those are things that you can take away today.And how to follow up with  me? You can email me, You can visit our website, You can always  find me on LinkedIn. This is the link to start a 14-day trial. There's a code if you want $50 off.  And we also -- if you're a small organization, our pricing is tiered based on the size of your  organization. So, if you're a small organization, we really try to make it affordable. And we're 
competitively priced with lots of different platforms that are out there. But what you get  with Yearly is, it's a digital reporting tool that focuses on storytelling and interactivity, whereas  things like Canva and other tools are great complementary tools, but doesn't do exactly what  we could do with Yearly.So, I hope you all give it a try. And with that, I think we'll open it up  for questions. Oh, everyone gets a freebie today. So you're able to go to this link and  you'll be able to -- a
nd there'll be a direct link in the Zoom chat from Instrumentl,  10 best lessons from 10 grant writing experts. So, thank you Instrumentl for doing that. Dionna,  did you want to add anything else?Dionna: No, you've covered it. I dropped the link in the chat  so you can directly access that. Like Jeff said, we're going to open it up to questions. I have a  bunch of questions that I copied so that we could cover those that were not covered earlier. So,  I'm going to just read out a couple to you,
Jeff. We have about five minutes for questions. If  your question is not addressed, fret not. You have Jeff's contact info now so you can definitely  reach out to him directly if you have any specific questions. Or if you have questions for me on the  Instrumentl side of things, I'll drop my email in the chat as well.But with that, let me start going  off. I'm just going to go from the first question onwards.Jeff: Sure.Dionna: We have a question  from Samuel at Abrams. Is there a photo to text
ratio that we should be aware of?Jeff: Oh, for  photos to text ratio that you should be aware of. My answer is no. I mean, so from a social media  standpoint, if you're using images on social media, there are particular ratios that a lot of  the platforms want you to adhere to. Some of them have gone away. I would say in terms of text to  photo ratio, like if you're putting text on top of a photo, it really should just complement  that photo.So wherever there's negative space, if you could put t
ext there, then it's going to  look a lot better than if you're trying to protect all over an entire photo. So, I don't have an  exact ratio. But I think that you want to use some kind of design sense to make sure that your text  is not overwhelming the imagery. So, that's like on a particular element, like if you're putting  text on top of a photo.For an overall report, again, it's hard to say. I would just try to  keep your text in chunks so that it's readable, digestible, scannable, then have
some photos,  then have some quotes, then have some more text. Just keep it like kind of light, airy, and again,  just scannable so that it kind of flows and people will stay engaged.Dionna: Awesome. Next --Jeff:  Hopefully that answers your question.Dionna: Yeah, let us know in the chat, Samuel, if that’s  --Jeff: Yeah.Dionna: Next question from Michelle O'Donnell, how to submit a digital report on  those pesky website report submission pages?Jeff: That's a great question. So with Yearly,  you
get a unique URL for every report. So, it's like your And  it could be like a slash, something. I mean, if you have multiple reports. So, you can put  the URL in a form, if they will allow that. That's the easiest way to put a digital report  in. If it's a PDF, you have to upload it in some -- it depends on the form. But I would say if  you're doing a digital report, a web-based report, like on Yearly or if you build it on another  web platform, for example, I would
just include the -- just say like, see URL and put the URL  and that should help the funder.Dionna: Okay, Chrissa Campbell is asking. I know it probably  depends on the funder. But can a digital report seem like you have more money than you know what  to do with?Jeff: It's a really good question. Obviously, you want to be mindful of that. That  depends on, I think, the size and the culture within your organization. Look, I think that what  I used to say about annual -- people used to spend so mu
ch money on annual reports and mailing  them out, and printing them, and the shipping, and the photography.So, we actually saved a lot  of organizations’ money by them using Yearly. But I know it does look because the reports look  really nice and it kind of looks like they're all these different interactive elements. But  sometimes that can equate to thinking -- someone thinking it's expensive. You can also share that  this was created with Yearly and -- or created using in-house, your in-house
marketing team or  by a volunteer. I mean, just -- I think just being transparent with donors is always good so they  know how you're building it. But it doesn't have to be expensive at all.Dionna: Awesome. Okay. I  think this is going to be our last question due to time.Again, if your question wasn't addressed,  I will send over the ones that I had, a copy and pasted from the chat to Jeff directly. But  feel free to reach out as well. And with that, from Allison, I'm sorry if I'm mispronouncin
g  this, Leinberger? My experience is that the vast majority of institutional vendors that do want  to report required to be submitted through their own portal and answering specific questions  using their forums, et cetera. Is this more geared towards individuals or as a supplementary  “nice to have” but not “need to have” material for institutional reports?Jeff: So, I think the answer  is yes and yes. So, Yearly was built initially when the idea came about for annual reports. We  only learned
from our users and our customers that they were using it for grant reports, and board  reports, and impact reports. So, people started using them in different ways, and we were able to  capture that.So, a lot of times, digital reports are used for individuals for individual donors.  But we've also seen it with success used for grant making. So, it kind of depends on the funder and  what they require. But I would say at a minimum, it could compliment -- if they require you to  use their form onli
ne to create a request. It can certainly complement that by telling the  stories and sharing the impact of the work. So, hopefully, that helps you.Dionna: Awesome. Well,  thank you so much, Jeff, for a really engaging and awesome presentation. And thank you everyone who  is able to attend and who stayed to the very end. We will be sure to send out a replay by the  end of day today. And please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, either  me or Jeff. Here is my email in the chat.
And, yeah, thank you so much. And hope  everyone has a great rest of your Tuesday. Bye, everyone.Jeff: Thanks,  everyone. This was fun.
