
How to Think Like Highly Successful People Do (4 Habits)

Have you ever wondered how highly successful people think? Whether you're striving to reach millionaire status or simply seeking to enhance your daily routine, In this video I’m going to share practical insights and motivational guidance on how to think and act like highly successful people do. 🎯 You’ll learn how to start your day right with morning habits that set the tone for success and cultivate a success-oriented mindset Set yourself up to win by diving into the psychology behind success, exploring how your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality and influence your outcomes. If you are interested in self-improvement, cultivating a deeper understanding of yourself & discovering how to take your life to the NEXT LEVEL - Book a free call with me. Let’s connect on social: Instagram: Testimonials: Linkedin: Facebook: TikTok: YouTube Video URL: Video hashtags: #successhabits #selfdevelopment #audreaturgeman

Audrea Turgeman | Mindset Coach

2 days ago

Have you ever wondered how successful people  think? What is it that they do differently? I've read dozens of books on excellence and  spoken with many highly successful people and I've come to find that there are only four  main habits that all successful people have in common. So in today's video, I'm going to share  with you exactly how successful people think so you can achieve whatever it is that you want much  quicker. Now what makes someone successful? There was a study shown in over 190
countries that the  most important quality that successful people had is optimism. They are very optimistic and they are  very positive. They believe they will succeed and even more so they don't just believe, they know  they will succeed, they have a sense of knowing, like I know. They are future oriented, they're  optimists, they idealize and they think about where they're going. They ask, what would my  future look like if it were perfect? Have an idea of your perfect life in 5 years. What wo
uld  it look like? You could be fit, you could have a great family, you can have Financial Independence,  the five years are going to pass anyway so what are you doing in the meantime?Now successful  people have great health, high levels of energy, they live longer, they have loving relationships,  happy friends, happy people they like, they feel that they do meaningful work, you see how much  you like yourself determines your optimism. People will like you as much as you like yourself and the 
benefits that successful people have is wonderful feelings of self-esteem, they have feelings  of doing wonderful things with their lives, dreaming great dreams. Another quality that they  have is, Clarity. You cannot hit a Target that you can't see, so create a dream list. Write  everything down that You'd like to have if you had no limits. Focus on what you want and let the  how take care of itself. Think of it like a car, a car driving through the middle of the night  with the headlights on c
an only go about 100 or 200 ft forward, and you can actually drive  this way and make it all the way from California to New York driving through the dark because  all you have to see is the next 200 feet and that's how life tends to unfold before us. If you  just trust that the next 200 feet will unfold and after that the next 200 feet, your life will  keep unfolding that way and eventually you will get to your destination of whatever it is  that you truly want because you want it. So what three
wishes would you dream of? you see because  a dream written down with a date becomes a goal, a goal broken down into steps becomes a plan,  and a plan backed by action makes your dreams come true. So who inspires you? Read some  of their books, discipline yourself to do what they did, play like a child, fantasize.  Fantasize a beautiful home, a beautiful car, it always begins within your mind. Visualizing a  positive mental image of whatever you like to do, be, and have, is the right direction.
See and  feel yourself having it and then ask yourself, What is one step that you can take today with  what you have to move you forward? Another trait that all successful people have is they are very  goal oriented, they have very clear written goals that they think of every single day, so write  your goals down. Research has shown that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to  achieve them than those who don't and the reason is, Clarity. Writing down your goals helps you  clar
ify what you want to achieve, so take a pen and a piece of paper and write down 10 goals that  you'd like to accomplish in the next 12 months. The goals you write down start to to come true at  a rate that is crazy and you can write more than 10 if you like. Write down what you want and be  so clear that the Universe can help you get it, see your goal every day, visualize, feel, and  act. You have one responsibility with your mind, give your mind one image that is equivalent to  what you want to
appear on the outside and by doing so you give the universe an absolute  crystal clear image of what you desire, so write down your goals every day it's the most  wonderful thing. If all you do is write down 10 goals and review them every day it's amazing,  you can have one to make more money, one to get in better shape. In less than six months when  you write down the goal, you program it into your subconscious mind and that's when life begins  to be transforming incredible experiences will st
art coming to you and be magnetized to you so  give it a try. Have you ever written your goals down? Let me know in the comments. Now another  trait that all successful people have is they are Excellence oriented, they do what they say they  are going to do and simply put Excellence means a commitment to completion, you never want to  forget that. In order to achieve anything you need to develop skills that you've never done before,  you see if you want something you've never had, you must be wi
lling to do something you've never  done. You see if you look at the top earners in any field throughout any industry, everybody  that's in the top 10% was once at the bottom 10% they simply became persistent with their goals to  achieve their plans, so persistence is the key. As long as you become Unstoppable, your persistence  will increase your self-belief your desire and your persistence is your belief it's possible.  There are no limits to what you can accomplish except the limits that you
place on yourself  so write out your goals clearly and make a plan for what you need need to do to achieve them.  This is the great secret that nobody tells you but it's very simple and it's this, we get paid  for results, we get paid for being good at what we do and getting positive results. You see, the  law of compensation states that we are rewarded for right action, so our rewards in life will  always be in direct proportion to our service. If we give poor service, we're paid poorly, if  we
give great service, we're paid handsomely, so being highly compensated really comes down  to these three things, the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the difficulty there  will be in replacing you. So what is one skill that if you were excellent at would help you the  most? And the reason I ask is because, it is our top skills that help us the most. So imagine your  future and determine the skill that you'll need to be successful. And the final trait that all  successful people
have is, they are very growth oriented. They're constantly seeking continuous  growth, they set aside time every day to either read or learn something new that will expand their  mind and gain knowledge. You see, reading is to the mind as exercise is to the body. You activate  more brain cells, so strive to learn something new every day. You can read for 30 minutes or listen  to a podcast of something educational because if you keep learning and trying and growing and  seeking and stretching put
ting one foot in front of the other having faith trusting and believing  in yourself you will succeed it's simply a matter of time there are people that can have every  disadvantage but they keep going. You can be in the top 10% but you've got to make a decision  and don't take it back say to yourself I'm going to do whatever it takes, I'm going to turn the TV  off, I'm going to read more, I'm going to study, optimists say I can be in the top 10% and when  you do achieve all the things that you
desire, people will look at you and say oh you sure are  lucky but no, you make your own luck by making your own Road. Your time is your life. When you  study something, always trade money to learn, you'll always have a higher return on your  investment when you invest in yourself because here's the thing you should always work harder on  yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job you can make a living, if you work  hard on yourself you can make a fortune. So invest in yourse
lf, the more you believe in yourself, the  more confident you become, the more confident you become, the more you'll like yourself and attract  success to you. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. So I hope you enjoyed this  video, if you did be sure to like, comment, share, and subscribe and you're definitely going to want  to check out this video next, I'll see you soon!



Thanks for watching! Have you ever written your goals down?


This is like a sign of what I needed to hear, . Your video motivated me to look at success differently. I will pay more attention on how to deal with my mindset, thanks to you . Can you please tell me where is best to contact you to have better guidance on having a positive mindset?...