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5 days ago

Hello friends welcome back to my channel so this  is a mobile pop basically this is iPhone mobile pop means you can use in every phone but is it  has got an i iPhone logo or Apple logo now we will see how to use it so just flip it and see here  just pull it okay and it's [Music] done and next see here white color and just peel this [Music]  slightly done okay you can also remove this one it's done okay okay now I have got a phone  see this is the phone what I'll do is just see in this condition 
I will just place it here okay and just press okay it is  done now let's see how to use it okay use your two fingers and hold this okay [Music] see okay okay see now it  doesn't fail off you can use it this way okay you can also press  it in this way see this way and you can watch any [Music] videos okay see and you can watch videos this  way also now thank you for watching this video please subscribe like and comments thank you