
Hustle: How One High Schooler Turned Sustainability into a Side Hustle [Environmental Activism]

Linda cares about the environment. And she wants you to care, too. From planting daffodils to painting fences to speaking in front of senators, Linda dedicates all her free time to making the earth a cleaner, healthier place for everyone. On this episode of HUSTLE, watch as this teen activist brings her friends to a beach cleanup and talks about how she’s getting more young people interested in sustainability. Want more Hustle? Visit Want more from American Student Assistance (ASA)? Follow along: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube:

American Student Assistance

5 years ago

- We found a lot of items of clothing. Like we'll find swim trunks and jeans and tank tops. And like, where did they go without their clothes? (upbeat music) We're at Beach 17 right now. I'm in my room right now. We're in BK Rot. I do beach clean-ups, library presentations, I rake leaves and put them in bags, plant daffodils, I speak in front of centers, I speak in front of council people. Repaint the park fences and the benches. I set high goals for myself. Not a lot of teenagers my age really
care like, they'll like throw whatever they're drinking on the floor and not really think twice about it. Like if you're gonna give them a lecture, they're probably gonna go on their phones and not listen to you. So I'll find the way to relate environmentalism to something that I have to do. So if one of my friends likes the beach, then I'll be like, "Hey, we can be environmentalists together!" If you're not educated you're not gonna know what to do. If I'm curious about the environment, or if I
'm curious about something else then I will probably go.. and ask questions. Why do you compost? So it's kind of like an aging process? Why are they in rows? I can teach other people and I can do it myself. (upbeat music) - A really big balloon. It has ice and water. - I don't think anyone will wear it but it's a nice hat. Hope will get you very far, I've learned that. Because if you have hope, then that will kind of give you a push. I guess to do what you need to do. We once had a plastic bag,
it was like a big bag, like with garbage bag, and it took five of us to pull it out. I know we should be thinking our future, but our present determines our future. Focusing on the present is gonna carry on behavior, and it's gonna carry on how we, I guess.. act toward the environment. And that's how I hustle.



I'm so proud of you for standing up for what you believe and for loving your country and planet earlier than most. Take care.💖


Your Parent knew that’s why they named you the greatest name Linda ( means Taking care in #Swahililanguage) What a wonderful name, God bless you in everything you do.


This stuff reminds me a of something from a couple years ago. So I live in San Antonio and every yeah the city holds something of a river clean up thing where peopel come out and just pick up trash in parts in and around the Rio Grande (It's called the Basura Bash, pretty sure that's not how it's spelled, but I know it's Spanish for 'trash). So me and a couple kids from school go and help with it as part of our Rotary Club. Didn't expect to find much of anything interesting, and then we find it; somebody apparently just left a shopping cart you'd find at a HEB right off of the walkway next to a tree. We knew it had to have been there for a while because the tree was growing over it and it was buried underneath some really tough dirt and roots. Girls in the group decide to move, but the rest of us go ahead and spend the next hour or 2 digging up this cart, first with our hands, then using big sticks to push off the tightly packed bunches of dirt on top of it. We felt really proud of ourselves after that.


Well done Linda! It makes my heart glad to see young people being the change they want to see. Keep pushing, keep working and keep studying. We need you leading the Environmental Protection Agency in the future.


She puts the ACT in Activist! She's Super Inspirational and well spoken💜 Thank You Linda and Keep it up, Ur Awesome💜


Very good. Stay inspired. Keep gettin your hustle on😁!


Had to look up this young lady seeing all the ads. Keep up the awesome job.


Awwwww u inspired me to keep cleaning the earth witch I already do but now I clean MORE


That is so awesome!!! Keep doing what you're doing, it is an absolutely amazing cause and watching this video couldn't have made me any happier🙏😊 my YouTube channel theme is "spread positivity" and I believe this video is an amazing example of this!! I'm subscribed((:


❤good job


Ohhh my goodness!!! I really really love what you're doing and I am so proud of you! You're so beautiful, I love your hair and your smile and you are sooooo smart and intelligent! :) I have always thought of ways to clean up the planet but I have always been stuck at where to begin. I guess it's really as simple as gathering some friends together and educating them on how important it is to clean the plant and just start from there! Other people will see and become interested and want to join, naturally.