
I Finally Got Pets in Minecraft Hardcore! (Episode 2)

Welcome to Episode 2 of my Minecraft Hardcore series on 1.19 where today I explore some caves and tame some pets! Although I've tried to keep it as Vanilla as possible, I'm using a few mods including Iris Shaders, Journeymap and Just Enough items. #minecraft

Miss Yammy

9 months ago

hey guys it's Yami and welcome to episode 2 of my hardcore series so today I would like to go down into the mines and try to get myself a full set of iron armor is that going to be possible I don't know I've also discovered in this haul there seems to be a bunch of mobs so yeah I need to be careful of that look there's a skeleton and there's like creepers in there as well what are you doing in there but also it might be a good idea for me to at one point open that up and collect some bones BBA c
an use it as some kind of farm speaking of farms I have decided to plant some more stuff down here to try to grow so I've got melon seeds and pumpkins and my weeds so yeah let's see if this actually grows but I do want to make an actual Farm on my Mountain can I kill this fish can I just Whack Him oh my gosh I can there's so many of them this could be a great source food hello little fishies I'm sorry you must die maybe I should leave some salmon though I don't know if the fish breed so I don't
really want to be killing them all this was not part of the plan today but I could actually tame an ocelot with this salmon and I know where Austin will live step number one find a stray ocelot stray cats can be found no villagers and luckily for me I know where there's a village here kitty kitty where are you okay where are you if there's a cat down here whoa what is that place maybe this is where I can go mining oh my gosh this is like the perfect place to go mining but before I do that I kind
of need to get some more coal I get so distracted in Minecraft I'm like I want to do this I want to do that and I end up not doing any of the things I actually want to do story of my life well I really do want to find a cat that's going to be my mission now and I definitely saw one here last time so it's gonna be close oh goodness is it getting dark it's good job I'm in a village I'm also going to steal your crops hope that's okay I will replant them though I am a good citizen oh I can sleep al
ready what the heck oh the chickens have joined me in bed hi why is everyone in here now I didn't invite you guys he's locked me in the Villager has locked me in here he's like you're not leaving to like get your money sorry pal I don't have any money I'm gonna steal this though I need it okay I'm going on a very big caving Mission today and I need to make bread I can't believe this I saw a cat last time this time it's disappeared I can't believe it yo have you seen any cats because I'm kind of
looking for one it has to be a cat somewhere I swear I saw one last time well the cat Journey didn't really go very far I will find one though it is my destiny there's a cat out there for me somewhere maybe I'll have more luck another day but today I'm gonna head down into that mine that I found because it looked pretty cool down there I am kind of scared about this not gonna lie it's either gonna make me stronger oh I'm going to die oh gosh it's really dark in here hello is anyone in here hopef
ully not all right this is looking pretty good so far I can see some iron I think I can see something down there too oh there's an Enderman right we're not gonna pay attention to him she's gonna collect this coal and I need to try not look him in the eyes oh gosh there's loads down there I can hear zombies oh no oh no oh no this is bad no thank you please stay away from me is he dead I hope so oh he's coming back no no this is not good I don't want to be a friend stay away I just want to check o
ut whatever this is oh it broke can't have been anything good then oh here comes another one I feel like I'm XP grinding oh no there's a skeleton okay I'm leaving I'm leaving this I'm scared no no no no no no no no no no absolutely not get me out please hello Mr skeleton if you chase me up here I can get your bones and then I can get a pet wolf oh my God I'm gonna shoot me but now it's time it's turned at night time it is night time okay this is not going to plan at all this is actually really b
ad I'm gonna go to sleep quick hurry up okay good where did the skeleton go there he is it's the skeleton dare you to come out here oh my goodness he dares he dares too ow he's got a good aim I can't go into the mine until he goes away I don't know if I want to he's gonna kill me this is really not good where is he the under this tree he's using the tree as protection no fair oh my gosh there we go haha he's on fire that'll show you burn baby burn I think he's dead did he drop a bone all of that
for nothing it didn't even drop a bone that was my chance of getting a pet wolf I think there's iron right there that could be so useful I need some armor to protect myself yes give me all of the iron all right I got four pieces okay gonna need a lot more than that yes my first pieces of iron can you believe it I can make myself some boots give me that protection feels so good to be suited and booted it's gonna be loads of bad guys in here I just know it this is actually a really good place to
mine and as soon as I see another mob I am leaving oh yep yep there's a zombie oh my gosh I need to not panic so much that's what's gonna kill me the pancake but I don't want to die this is Hardcore that's what's so scary once I die I can't come back okay how much iron do I have right now I have 19 pieces it's pretty good I'm just gonna go outside again recollect myself make myself some more armor and then we're gonna go back in let's get the furnace out I can make myself a helmet yes helmet acq
uired this is great oh my gosh I literally need one more piece of iron and I have a full set of armor I'm sure I can find iron somewhere else but I just don't feel like this is the right place for me because I feel like I'm going to get murdered something is definitely going to kill me in there because I haven't played Minecraft in so long I feel like I'm being super passive but I just don't have the confidence yet mobs are very scary where else can I go mining without the fear of death what abo
ut here oh I can see Iron I can actually see Iron down there so maybe this is the place to go I'm gonna make myself a Stairway down yes there's iron what else is down here imagine I come across a diamond more iron yeah there's an Enderman oh my gosh I think I'm in the same Cave System but just a bit further down this is ideal though I can get the iron without dying oh my goodness I managed to find some more iron I didn't die I'm so proud of myself in this very moment yes doggy are you proud of m
e because I'm proud of me oh he walked away well that was incredibly humbling I can't believe it though guys I actually managed to get iron I got 11 pieces of iron okay I have enough now to make my leggings I am now wearing a full set of iron armor it was quite traumatic to get to this point but here we are and I could also make myself an iron sword and my very first iron pickaxe it feels so good okay well that was the first job I wanted to do today okay the second thing I want to do which is pr
obably going to take me a really really long time is to make a staircase to the top of this mountain yeah it's gonna take me a very long time isn't it but that is what I want to do so I'm gonna make it happen how many stars can I make right now 24 stairs oh my gosh I'm gonna be here forever aren't I I think this might be a good place to start actually how wide should my stairs be three seems I could go to mount oh my gosh it'll take me forever to do I'm gonna need a lot more Cobblestone it's a g
ood job this mountain has loads of it oh my gosh what is this place it is so in there this is pretty cool actually it's like hollowed out and I can get all my cobbles down from here all right let's get mining foreign okay I should have enough Cobblestone now look how far I've dug down oh it's very dark should probably go to sleep good morning Minecraft oh my gosh there is a skeleton oh my gosh no no no no no oh my gosh no no no no I killed it I killed it and I got bones oh my goodness by beetroo
t seeds I could maybe now tame a wolf do we think a wolf is Going to Be Tamed with only two bones there's only one way to find out oh there's a creeper right there run away good maybe try and kill him boom take that and this yes check me out I've got gunpowder all right let's put everything in here that I don't need the emerald the hay bales the Flint my blast furnace I don't know what that does and the gunpowder don't need that back to making my stairs let's go surely this is enough stairs let'
s continue my stairs getting closer to the top I do feel like making the staircase so it is going to be the death of my eye in trouble oh man shovel died somehow I've not managed to get to the top of this mountain that is crazy how far do I have to go I must be so close surely so it's either one of the best ideas I've ever had or one of the worst ideas I don't know which one it is yet I don't actually know what it looks like at the top of here oh my goodness daylight I can see it was it worth it
not really the View's not that great but that's not the point of this staircase the staircase is gonna allow me to build at different levels of this little Mountainside my idea was to build a farm and I could maybe have that on this layer here and this could be my first Farm I want to do multiple Farms so on this layer I could have my wheat farm on the next layer I could have my carrot farm and so on all the way up the mountain that's my idea don't know how far I'm gonna get with that okay so I
've done my staircase for my future Farm now I would like to try and tame a wolf I only have two bones oh actually make that three so I don't know if this is gonna work but we can always try Little World fees where are you where the wolf's at I found a wolf will you let me tame you will you be my pet wolf let's see one bone oh my gosh I tamed it with one bone seriously I was gonna count up to like three but no I'll take it can I save another one okay there's another one up here who has just murd
ered a sheep perfect can I tame you with only two bone let's try that's one and that's two I tamed him oh my goodness guys I've got two wolves they are so cute let me know some name suggestions for these wolves down in the comment section and I'll pick one of your names and when I eventually get a name tag that's what I'm gonna call them I do feel a lot safer having some wolves now my wolves can attack and keep me safe Loki said that there's still no ocelots around or Stray Cats hey you're a big
guy okay so the last thing I want to do today is to expand my farm and maybe add some chickens depending on if my eggs hatch okay so before the sun goes down let's do this okay a new pan for my chickens I've got 12 eggs so hopefully I get at least two let's see how many chickens I can get oh I've got one that's good come on I need at least two seriously I just got one chicken from that oh my gosh that's terrible I think I have more eggs in here I have four eggs come on seriously just need anoth
er chicken come on thank you damn it what the heck right maybe I can layer a chicken to my farm I just don't know where the closest chicken is oh oh I can see some chicken here this is actually great if these guys follow me this could be amazing yes come with me I have seeds you're going to live in a very magical pan you're going to make me many chicken babies and you're also going to make me loads of eggs and it's gonna be glorious yay I have a chicken farm going now have it baby okay this is a
ctually really good the start of a farm this is great I've got so much food now but guys that's where I'm Gonna Leave today's episode remember to leave me some name suggestions for my walls down in the comments and I'll see you in the next one



Let me know some name suggestions for my wolves!


your wolves Luna and Lupin🌙💙


Name one of the wolves Pickles! idk why it was just the first name that popped into my head😅 Loving this series so far❤


YES YAMMYY! SO PROUD Episode 2 and already full set of iron armor??


I suggest having a shield! It costs only 1 iron and 6 wood, and it can help nullify arrows and creeper explosions (if you block a creeper you take 0 damage)


I think Zelda would be a cute name for a wolf :)


Ella,emily,estella sound like rlly good names for your wolves❤


Nova, pickles are some other people's ideas and i think they're really cute!


Name suggestion: Bonny, Bona, and Bear


Got a few names for ya: - Damian - Buttercup - Grogu


Name a wolf Jimmy or warrior


I think a nice name for one of your wolfs would be Iris😊




Mother is back


Dog name ideas: snugels pepers


Hone and Kokkaku, it means bone and the other means bones bcs 1 bone for the one u tamed wit 1 bone and 2 bones for the one u tamed for 2 bones :3


I really suggest you to get a shield to kill the skellies!! Then you can get an army of wolfs ✨🐺🦴 And the blast furnace smelts the ores faster then the normal one!


Dinkie and kiki? For ur wolves?


name a wolf Nova


You can named them Kiki and mimi