
I LOVE THIS SHOW! Firefly 1x3 Reaction! 'Bushwhacked' (First Time Watching)

#firefly #reaction #firsttimewatching Hi, my name is Elie Moses and I am a 22 Year-Old Law and Film student here in Sydney, Australia. I have decided to watch Joss Whedon's FIREFLY for the FIRST TIME! Here is my first time watching and reaction to Episode 3 of Firefly 'Bushwhacked'! THE REAVERS RETURN TO HAUNT MALCOM AND HIS CREW! Talk crap with me on Social Media! TWITTER -​​​​​ INSTAGRAM - Business - Firefly first time reaction

Elie Moses

1 year ago

hello there welcome back to the channel my fellow  brown coats it is your boy Ellie Mose your 22 year old lawnfield city Australia shooting a shot  baby and today we are up to episode three of firefly titled bushwhacked and no I ain't talking  about the Daniel Stern movie but yes we are making our way through the series last episode we had the  train job which was the original pilot that aired um when the show came out it wasn't the actual  pilot intended um Serenity which was the first episode
we watched but last episode we got  to see the second pilot which was Ed or the actual one which aired when the show came  out and if I was to make a quick judgment on which one I prefer I much prefer Serenity I think  Serenity is the better pilot by far in my opinion um I just think Serenity due to the run  time uh it had more time to get you got more time to get a hold of the characters  and understanding of how they got on board um Better World building in my opinion as as  well with the visu
al cues rather than just getting it handed to you on a platter I felt  like the second episode rushed a lot of the world winning aspects and really explained it  to you a lot and I felt like it dumbed down the audience in my opinion but yes never mind we have  seen the first two episodes we have seen both the intended pilot by Joss Whedon and the actual  pilot which aired but yes now we are up to episode 3 titled bushrag let's waste no more time  let's have some fun let's get into the reaction w
e found a new solar system and hundreds of newers  were terraformed and colonized okay the central planets formed the alliance and decided all the  planets had to join under their rule it seems like this recap is like on that point happening  everything and this from what you guys have said it might be just the Disney plus version that's  inserted this chat um but yeah I really enjoyed the comment section last episode um all the  comments have been fantastic you guys giving me an understanding o
f anara's role as a companion  um and questioning certain elements about Malcolm which I like as well and I gave a theory one of  the comments I think was about why Malcolm would let a priest involved or a ship Shepherd to come  aboard someone is highly religious and I thought to myself I'm just like okay we know Malcolm  has lost faith because in the first episode of Serenity you know he kissed the cross um in  the opening battle but then towards later in the episode you saw his sort of views o
n faith and  outlook on God and religion and I think Malcolm as a character he is amused by a lot of things like  you saw in the episode the train job that you know um that he saw there were Alliance people on  board and that just made I guess the heist all the more enticing for him all the more fun um  that he's you know doing it while slipping past Alliance soldiers and even in the first episode  when he played the trick on Simon about Kaylee being dead you didn't tell he finds Amusement in  c
ertain certain things and I feel like him having Shepard on board and allowing him to be on board  is sort of an amusement thing for him where he's just like he's gonna take pleasure in it have fun  with a religious person on board because he knows his views on religion he's not a man of Faith  anymore and I think he's gonna have fun with that I think he's gonna uh be uh sort of and like  he's gonna have and he's gonna seek enjoyment out of seeing Shepard have his like religious Imports  on cert
ain things Americans just a bit like he's just gonna toy with him muck around I feel like  it's sort of like an amusement thing in my opinion in my opinion just judging off Malcolm's um like  what Malcolm has done in the last two episodes Hey space basketball Space Jam River's like what game is  this what sorcery is this haha hey yo and Nara you  cannot enter the room like that proximity alert must be coming up on something oh  my God we're all doomed who's flying this thing all right that would
be me back to work sure yeah little Kelly's always fun man short play for us tomorrow don't mind a lot of the ball looks like it's just  duct taped it's like a spherical object it's just duct tape all around it and they continue to  play the game despite a proximity alert oh [Music] yep time out time out you're enough the guy we just ran over here feeling closer get you close close  enough to ring the doorbell what is it it's a ghost oh man I'm gonna have a I swear if  Riva is right and it is a
ghost I don't want him in a horror episode I just dealt with one an  angel and I can't take him well I don't care I'm still free you can't take the sky from me there's no Beacon which means it's likely no  one's looking to find her all the more reason for us to do the right thing I was about you  just say a prayer when we slide on by shall I remind you of the story of the Good Samaritan  I'd rather you didn't but we'll check it out oh man No One's Gonna mind if we take a look  around see if the
re's not my values in my life yeah someone could be hurt Jane heard value yeah  yeah someone could be hurt let's get on foreign S as well um where it's like sort of a shot of  the ship and then it just quickly zooms into it really reminds me of the expanse and I know  the expanse came out after but those expanses another fantastic show in space in my in my  opinion I absolutely love the experience and it does use those quick Zoom um shortcuts but he  does use those quick zooms when you have sort
of like a wide shot or uh something of an object  in space and it quickly zooms on in on it the expanse does utilize that a lot but yeah I can  see where the expanse got some sort of influence from in this show because a lot of the elements in  this show kind of remind me of the expanse as well I thought I'd offer my services in case  anyone on board required medical attention you're going in first we'll holler if we need you something wrong but I I suppose it's just the thought of a little  Mi
ler and glass being the only thing separating a person from nothing can do to a man like that  fella we bumped into he likely stuck up under our belly about now what's up space trash  does you know kind of latches on the first big something stops long enough that'd be a bit  like you and your sister wouldn't it Dane man Jane and Simon's relationship uh it's gonna be an  interesting one over this season or sort of season for some reason as well I love how their  space suits they're not your typic
al you know squeaky clean spacesuits it still  has like that sort of a western vibe to it um and like they seem Rusty worn down even  like the color grading on them or like the color of them like very Brown very dull like  colors um and they're not like Crystal Clean as well they're not yeah I just I just like the  style stylistic choice of that in my opinion foreign also doesn't have access  to potentially the best resources serious crude disappearance  uh we're in for a horror someone was in t
he middle of an entry oh my how does TV static get me grab your med kid let's hope it man  wants us both over there on a double whatever I ain't waiting I'll meet you over there  but don't take forever still gotta get suited up foreign Simon is in this situation and everyone's just got no suit on um what are you doing here and what's with  the soup oh another one really hilarious I got time for games as well lend a hand you  can run with Kaylee two and three two and three episodes each no need t
o be greedy we're all  the people ship says lipo launched more than a week ago we're gonna assume everyone got off  okay anyway we're just here to pick the bones so you two start in the engine room Jane you  take the Gathering you um had this on wrong Simon's just getting bullied sure you signed on  Lifeboat wouldn't hold a third of that I know wash any luck I think I found something that pretty  well matches that class layout looks about right seems to me any valuables if there are  already lik
ely be stored somewhere it's engine running we should be long thank you I really like a lot of the handheld  camera movement being used this episode um especially to make it feel like you're  actually present in the ship as well you're walking with them um and the camera's shaking a  lot it's not like intense shaky cam but like just you know just a bit unbalanced locked I don't  know say that's like to be a very good sign ah man nah man those those and me  don't mesh well together as well I love
the atmosphere of this episode so  far as well here like you can tell you can tell not everything is gonna go according to  plan or not everything is is what it seems as the characters make it out to be you're still  uncomfortable and on the edge of the heel seat despite like the episode giving no hints as to a  mysterious creature entity or what's gone wrong um you just assume okay a Lifeboat discharged um  with all 16 passengers on board but um as we heard before um a Lifeboat can't carry tha
t many people  so in the back of your head as these characters are traversing the ship and looking obviously for  valuables you're just thinking to yourself wait this isn't what it seems there's something wrong  um something has gone badly wrong as we saw there was a individual that crash landed on the window  um and that's playing in the back of your head as your characters or as our characters or our  heroes are constantly walking around this ship um and I'm interested to see there's like  a r
eally good Aura of mystery here gin seed protein crop supplements everything a grown  family needs to make a fresh start on a new world about a fortune forget the rest we just take  this stuff you need a hand I'll get out of here sir even on a Lifeboat you'd think those  who escaped would find room for some of this exactly what happened hi River nobody escaped oh what a reveal that's some  Hive mentality stuff that's some alien stuff don't ask questions what a switcher what a switch up fantastic
use of lighting there as  well Zoe okay from above sir galley River No One's Gonna Hurt You no mercy no  more than we already did no mercy lots of Mercy we got lots and lots [Music] oh yes he's a real Beast so  wonder you're still alive that's a dub for Simon real hero killing all them people what no we  don't believe that maybe he was infected by some parasite do we I don't know Captain would  have brought him on board without the case dope them I don't think just  do it no mercy no resistance
I noticed that some of the individuals  hung up had a hole in their chest like a open up like a xenomorph  had burst out of the chest or they got hit by a plasma Caster by a predator did open up what's inside is he infected how's  our patient aside from borderline malnutrition he's in remarkably good health so he'll live  then which to my mind is unfortunate not a very charitable attitude Captain charity  be putting a bullet in the spring pan receiving the suffering the more we can do for now n
ot after what he's  seen what do you mean the ship was hit by reavers oh okay oh girl that's not good can you know you don't no way we'll run into like I said before  you were crazy guilt the rest I took a walk in space just a second ago  you said that don't matter what I said Breakers don't leave no survivors speaking  wouldn't say they did what are you suggesting we took him off that boat this place he's  gonna live from that wallet I don't accept that whatever horror he witnessed whatever  ac
ts of barbarism it was done by men nothing more reavers ain't men of course  they are too long removed from civilization perhaps but man and I believe there's a  power greater than men a power that heals they were too busy gnawing on your insides we were saying man they forgot how to be he got out to the edge of the Galaxy  to that place of nothing and that's what they became why are we still sitting here it was reavers shouldn't we be gone work ain't  done so substantial money value sitting ove
r there oh I ain't going over there with them bodies no  running away not a favor is messed with them Jane I'll go shout out Simon dealt with bodies I'd  like to go with him maybe see what I can do about putting those folks to rest she's already resting  pretty good Sheriff we ever thought of that how we treat our dead as part of what makes us different  than those did with slaughter I can have these people looking over my shoulder once we're done  I ain't saying there's any peace to be had on t
he off chance there is spokes deserve a little of  it I love the character interactions in the show I think I've got you figured out all right and  Nara could put me to sleep with her voice and that's that's a compliment okay she's  so calm and Susie pretty Captain what you just said I didn't think you were  one for rituals and such I'm not but I figured it'll keep Killers busy for a while  no reason to concern that was to be done huh what is that booby trap reavers sometimes leaving  for the re
scue shift triggered it on the last time and when we detach it blows oh I don't  know she tight until what Neighbors come back looks like they've jerry-rigged it with a  pressure catch it's the only thing to work with all these spare parts probably bypass that  easy we get to the DC line you tell me right now little Kayla you really think you can do this  sure occupy the others while the main cruise deals with the problem besides if I mess up  it's not like you'll be able to yell at me so if the
of the episode before the train job  was the first episode that aired this was the first introduction to the reavers right um  and still you get a sense of how afraid the characters are and sort of what the reavers  sort of are and they're sort of established um uh stature in the universe um but in my  opinion I still prefer the first episode interaction with the Reaver ship going by  and how scared everyone was and the tension in that scene and them coming into The Fray  again later in that ep
isode in Serenity but this does the job quite well as well with  how afraid Jane was um and yeah you saw him in the beginning of episode playing  games with Simon marking around sort of had that cocky attitude rivers are mentioned  Rivas hit the ship and Jane's scared to crab and reavers are savages I reckon River has some sort  of connection to individuals in pain or something along the lines of that And So It Begins oh she's done it Shadow Kaylee everyone's home wash let's go ah great s come b
ack like it's gonna matter just do it uh it's the alliance boarded sexual position how are they gonna get out of this one what are they wanted for it's not available stack everything right here playing psych  I don't want to seem like we got anything to hide I'm gonna give them Alliance voice the  wrong impression now go run fetch your sister you gotta show that you've got nothing tied  be straight up honest with them if it's a routine check they'll just routine check the  thing there's no way o
ut of this with a fight is this your vessel it is bought and paid for  I'm captain Malcolm Reynolds and is this everyone captain my way of crew it is though in our  infirmary you're going to find a fellow We rescued off that dearly saved him I guess you could say  straight through the back that's the common area that guy ain't gonna be found I  take it you rescued them as well I searched this vessel I won't find  them will I no children on this book I didn't say each other  siblings adults I mis
understood no chance they could have stowed to what fireflies tend to have those  Troublesome little nooks do they Smugglers and the like tend  to prefer them just for that reason we'll continue this conversation  in a more official capacity on every inch of this junker talk oh right this is going to set them back a  bit if everything gets tossed out so yeah curiosity a woman of stature such  as yourself falling in with these times I rent the shuttle from Captain Reynolds which  allows me to exp
and my client base and the captain finds that having a companion on board opens  certain doors that might otherwise be closed ahead and you love him I don't see how  that's relevant that's your husband yes Captain's looking forward seem to work out you fought with Captain  Rosenberg fought with a lot of people in the war M sometimes to you is there any particular  reason you don't wish to discuss your marriage don't see that it's any of your business is all right the legs okay I definitely have 
to say it was her legs put that down her legs and right where her legs meet her back  that actually that whole area that is an above it so that you strain your primary  artery function and you end up having to recycle secondary exhaust  through a bypass system just so you don't end up pumping it through the main  atmo feed and asphyxiating the entire crew you've seen what she wears forget about  it have you ever been with a warrior woman foreign hey I love the interchanging cuts where  the char
acters conversating in this episode and I remember Joe Sweden used a similar um uh I forgot  which Buffy episode it was but he used a similar situation of cutting um between interviews in  Buffy um where Buffy was a counselor and she was interviewing different uh children uh from  her school and it was cleverly edited together with certain uh bits of dialogue leading on to  the next character and the same situation applies here however with the interchanging dialogue  here we don't only have Cut
s between different people we have Cuts between also the alliance  searching the ship and what they're discovering and some voice overs of the characters being  interviewed and the alliance at the same time searching certain objects on the ship and I think  it's really well edited and put together foreign that's definitely Jane's stuff Ed Space Commander way of things not  always so plain as on the central planet these fugitives that we're looking  for the brother and the sister is that a fact t
hey also left Port aboard a  firefly class transport Persephone is a big place yes yes it isn't that Firefly isn't and if  anyone's hiding anywhere on it we will find them the one they cannot find is River  because obviously I don't know if she will hold her own in interrogation my guy right there is just looking under a plate Malcolm Reynolds playing 4D chess with the  way he's hiding Simon and river right there hahaha what a fantastic shot just gotta hold the composure for now I love how River
's just taking  it all in being outside the ship my girl's been used to freaking torture  and experimentation and she's like wow I'm gonna make a leap here and figure this is  your first tour out here on the border it's weird but then I can tell by your records you have  a a tendency to inspire that quality in people I noticed your ship's called serenity  you were stationed on here at the end of the war in battle of Serenity  Valley took place there if I recall independent suffered a pretty  cru
shing defeat there some say that after Serenity the brown coats were  through that the war ended in that Valley after a value on the wrong side up they've been  the losing side still not convinced it was Obama how you attack that transport still finding the  same battle Sergeant only those weren't soldiers you murdered they were civilians families citizens  loyal to the alliance trying to make a new life for themselves and you just can't stand that  Canyon so we attacked that ship then brought t
he only living Survivor to our infirmary I'd ask him  dumbass Captain only I'm not sure he'll be able to speak with his tongue split down the middle  because I haven't seen that kind of torture since we're Bound by law you need to be concerned about right now things  go the way they are there's going to be blood y damn they made him watch they probably tried to turn  away they would have let him you call him a survivor he's not a man comes up against that kind  of will the only way to deal with
it I suspect is to become it he's following the  only course left to him first I'll try to make himself look like one cut  on himself desecrate his flesh and then he'll start acting like one you  better go check on your Medics captain let's have two and he's up here to escort Sergeant  Reynolds to the brig you idiot honestly this Captain is so frustrating I love I remember  um when I talked about the first episode the first episode was really well in terms of World  building it was a lot of show
don't tell whereas the actual pilot that aired was more of exposition  heavy explaining things that happened in the world where I love the cues of the first episode but  this situation here in terms of the reavers um the dialogue is Well written in  terms of hyping them up as a threat and the anticipation is real or hopefully we do  eventually get to see the reavers this season um and it better live up to the hype um but yeah I  love how the reavers are talked about and the fear in Malcolm Reyn
olds as high as talking about him  and even the captain you know trying to throw them away as if there's some sort of bedtime story  but they're not and it makes you think as well capability of these individuals if they're  making a guy watch what they do to other individuals and it turns in basically to  like one where he has no other option damn I cannot wait but that's that that that that's  a situation where uh telling instead of showing is done really well in terms of building the  hyperten
sity and anticipation for something it's like a ride in a theme park let's go again proceeds of the sale will be applied to the  cost of your defense get them out of here come on it's okay yep yep yep yep yep  he consent team on the ship somehow it sends danger or whatever  you don't have to be afraid let me come back here looking for familiar  ground he's on the hunt we let him go first right if you want to uh thanks I'll really have the advantage I wonder if we see this individual and  how he'
s mutilated himself if this is going to be the first hint in teaser as  to what the reavers potentially look like oh damn hell yeah there you go Captain he saved your life hahaha it takes the cargo far out  I'm done what a dog yeah yeah and we civilized hopefully they managed  to store some of the cargo on board still they should have just left it in the secret  compartment but then again you didn't want to show that you had something tired oh that was that was  a good episode actually I really
enjoyed that one um I think in terms of the first three  episodes I've seen I still think Serenity ranks first possibly and this one um I think  is a by far better episode than the train job um I really enjoyed this episode really  enjoyed the Thriller horror Vibes to it um really enjoyed again the Riva tease um having  seen the first episode it's much better but as an introductory thing to the reavers if this wasn't  if I hadn't seen Serenity it's still great as well um you just get a sort of t
ease and hint  into what the reavers are like and yeah it was it was really really good like really  some really great tension scenes um um and it didn't actually go the way I expected it to go  I thought it was going to be some sort of like um alien creature or maybe some sort of parasite  on board but it was the reavers and that was their introduction um they saved the Reaver introduction  for the second episode that aired and um I really enjoyed some of the character interactions as  I said s
ome of the camera work was fantastic um especially the entertaining um uh the camera  work was fantastic the editing was great as I really enjoyed the editing in the scene involving  the dialogue or the um the interrogation scenes with the captain of the alliance ship you know  interrogating all the individuals on board and how the dialogue led to certain um questions  with other characters it was really well put together and yeah I really I really enjoyed  that episode but again it's the charac
ter interactions that I really enjoy because of all  the distinct backgrounds and the characters and their personalities it won't make it's what makes  the character interactions really fascinating and joining to watch um and then again it feels like  the show is still building up but the episode um is still good despite being  just a normal Salvage operation um obviously it's not what it seems um it  was attacked by Rivas the reavers that are trap they had to deal with that issue and  then you
see the effects of the reavers um in terms of like the individual having to watch  his whole family um being mutilated and destroyed by the reavers like absolutely violated and he  had no other option but to start doing it to himself and it's complete savagery and it makes  you more hyped to see the reavers themselves um setting up a fantastic antagonist for this  season if we ever do get a reveal of them I hope we do um I don't know but yeah it was great  to see Malcolm weave his way out of tha
t situation obviously the captain it's not going to let them  profit despite him saving his life I think he's like I'll choose one or the other listen you get  to leave we didn't find anything we didn't find the brother and sister were looking for you did  save my life but however you are not profiting off this Salvage Mission we're going to keep all the  goods and we're going to destroy all the evidence like yeah a really great episode nonetheless  some really gay atmospheric um scenes involvin
g obviously the other ship that they had to go  on board of and yeah I cannot complain I cannot complain I like this episode I really enjoyed the  episode bushwhacked episode three of fifeline as always hope you guys enjoyed it's been your boy  Ellie Moses take care God bless foreign [Music]
