
I made a Stick Figure Animation Course!

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Alan Becker

4 years ago

——我们准备好了吗? 你们开拍了吗? (笑) 噢,这有些难。 那么这个课程是怎么制作的呢? 这个课程基本上有3个 主要部分。 第一部分涵盖了我目前 动画制作的工作流程。 我怎么精心构建我的视频, 规划我的故事, 创建动态分镜头布局, 与其他动画师合作, 现行的动画制作过程, 我怎么建立背景, 以及不同的资产, 视觉效果, 还有声效设计。 当我们从头至尾制作我们的动画时, 这个部分会带领你 经历每一个 步骤。 在下个一部分, 我实际上本着 最初的animator vs animation 视频精神,制作了一整个 animator vs animation video 30秒长的视频 以及在20节课里, 我向你展示完整的过程, 在实际的软件里 从创建一个新的文档, 到导出最终版的动画。 这是到目前为止 我发布的关于 动画制作过程 最详尽的探究。 在最后的部分里, 我讲了一些关于我成为一名动画师 的个人经历,它是怎样一种体验, 以及如果你也感兴趣 把它作为一个职业,你应该期待什么。 如果你想在YouTube上 成为一名动画师, 专注于你的故事讲述, 而不是你的动画品质。 提升动画品质 总是很
好, 但是真正吸引人们的 是你正在讲述的故事。 成为一名动画师是一个延迟满足 的无限循环。 你要工作很长时间 直到你最终看到一个巨大的回报 我不会拿这个工作 跟世界上其他任何工作交换。 我的名字叫Alan Becker, 欢迎来到简笔画 动画制作课程。



Hey! Hola! Halo! Olá! Chào! 你好! 🇪🇸 El curso está disponible en español: 🇮🇩 Kursus ini tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia: 🇧🇷 O curso está disponível em português: 🇻🇳 Khóa học có một lựa chọn tiếng Việt: 🇨🇳 本课程有中文选项:


Teacher: well, you can't make a stick look so good.. Alan Becker: Finally... A worthy opponent.


This man took a simple stickfigure to a whole new level!🔥


I absolutely love how stickfigures became its own course in animation. I love stick figure animations since 2013 and it makes me happy that people like Alan are improving and inspiring others by his work.


Congrats on 20 Million subscribers! You make one of the best story telling animations in all of YouTube!


"How many 4th Walls did you break?" Alan Becker: Yes


I agree. Story telling is important and I think that's why your animation videos appeal to a bigger audience. Great job!




The most important about this is patience


Ты так много для нас сделал, мы тебя не забудем! МЫ ЛЮБИМ ТЕБЯ, АЛАН!


100 years from now a biography should be written of Alan titled... "The god of Stickmen"


Obrigado por existir Alan Becker, surreal o nível de animações suas, você fez parte de minha infância, gosto de você, contarei histórias para os meus netos sobre você 🇧🇷❤


If Alan Becker and his stick figures can't get to Youtube Rewind 2019, stick figures will destroy Youtube again


Alan, I suggest that you make a video game for mobile and pc. Just using these stick figures you can do so many things as we already saw in your past videos. I believe that a lot of people would play your game and or games if you do make them. With your talent you should do as much as you can. You could make a story telling kind of game because you already have a backstory of the 5 characters, a fighting game with the 5 of them, or even a mind game considering how they can get out of everything when they are in trouble. I really love watching your videos because of how the characters have such a connection with one another. I just love how the story is made and how it can twist and turn and it doesn’t even have to make sense! But you still continue the story leading to something that makes the last part make sense. I was about 7 years old when I first watched your Animation vs Animator and vs Minecraft. I loves them so much I at least watched them 5 times each. And after the years it all came back. If you made a game for the public, not only would you make a lot of money, but you would also make people happy. People always say they don’t do it for the money, but everyone does it for the money. You just don’t care for the money more than the people that watch your animations. So I- we would be happy to see a multiplayer or even single player game in the future!


Your work gives me so much inspiration, the last Animator vs animation was totally awesome! Specially the movement and camera angles, how smooth everything was!! I just hope I could SOMEDAY even get it how the camera movement from upside down and all the way works. Great work!


This man took a simple stickfigure to a whole new level😃


"being an animator is a constant cycle of delayed gratification" my procrastinator ass: oh hell nah i changed my mind


Love the vids


The man.. the myth.. the legend. A Goddamn Stickman


Give him award of his edit skills and his hard working