
I Produced a Reggae Song In 1 Hour

This is what happens when I produce a song and intrusive thoughts take over. Make sure you don't end up like me after writing your own. That was some good good. Produced in Ableton Live 11 with: .strandberg* Boden 8 string guitar Dingwall NG2 Adam "Nolly" Getgood signature 5 string bass Getgood Drums PV Matt Halpern signature pack AKG C214 mic Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 interface Neural DSP Plugins: Archetype Plini X, Archetype Abasi, Archetype Petrucci, Darkglass Ultra 1 hour of music production 1 week of everything else Writing, production, mix and master engineering, video production, and editing by Ian Van Oosterhout Jerry Mane IPI # 1063962058


5 days ago

[haunting music] [horrifying sting] Back for episode three of 1 Hour Productions ...hopefully everything goes right this time! Alright, let's dive right into it. Time starts NOOOOOWWWW! Alright, I'm feelin' like a reggae song today. First thing I'm gonna want here  is definitely a nice groovy bass line. [chonk] Get that nice and chonky, that's what we need here. Tune! Tune the bass! Oh f-f...fudge, okay. Oh, no distortion. In order to save time  I'm just gonna tune the strings I need. [bass slid
es and bloomps] Everyone's probably going to hate me for this, but that's okay. I'm using a pick. Good enough! Alright. I mean, do we even really need a B section? Hmm. [metals a bit instinctively] Yeah, that's reggae alright. [pffts] Okay, come on! Chhhyeah...! That could - that's a bass... line. Hoo hoo hoo! Record time! 7 m- oh, no. Gotta have like a... [mimics bongo roll] I hear that all the time in reggae, what is that, rototoms, or what? Yeah, rototom? Gon' go... d-d-d-doong. [d-d-dooong]
Hahahahah. Peerrfeeect. No, that's... awful. [wheezes and chuckles] For anyone who thinks I plan this ahead - no, I just edit out a lot of the stuff where I'm doing this. [screws up edit totally on purpose to be meta] Ahhggg... [typing] Reggae. Hyuhuhuh! [air escaping balloon lips] Oh, this is great. This is real great. Hmm. [ala Eric Cartman] ♪ We gonna make - make it riiiight! [snare baduladooms] Get a piccolo snare? Maybe? Okay this is - this is going  just swimmingly. It's funny, any time I'
m doing something other than metal it's so much more of a challenge. But I'm alright with that! That's the whole point of this. [ala Geddy Lee] ♪ Concert hall! [adds reverb to drum fill] I need a drunk kit now. Timbuktu, nice. Funky Beans? Heheheh. It's like every band practice ever when you're trying to have a meeting. [drums flail] 'SEAN!' [laughs at own joke once again] Uhh, you know what - yup. Matt Halpern's playing reggae today. Let's do it. What am I doing, hohh my goodness. [random sound
s fly through auditory cosmos] Not very reggae at all! Let's do it! [hihats sizzle] Aaand with the magic of quantization [boop] okay! Now we need a big old piccolo snare. [as Piccolo] 'My greatest enemy is myself!' We can't be doing good for time. [blast beats on piccolo snare] Okay - staying on track! [snare rim shots] [ala Mr. Burnham] Daddy made you your faaaavourite open wiiiide. [kick and snare hits] That could work. After the groovy bassline - every reggae song needs a 'kaplinky'! [super s
cary sounds] Jeeeez! Scared the bajooby-joobs off me. Thought there was someone in my house. Right... in... this room. Hyukhyukhyuk ohhhh boy. I feel a dad joke comin' on. 'Works better if you plug it in! Hyephyephyephyep.' [boo hiss ree] [adds plucky guitar melody] Sounds pretty good! So we're going to go Kaplinki Left... Kaplinki Right. (JC - everyone loves) kaplinki? (you gotta get) kaplinki. Go! Go! GOOOOO! Hurryyy! (Hard, haaardd! H-) Probably over halfway. Oh yeahp. [kaplinking] I dunno if
I like that variation, either, hang on. [re-kaplinks] Much better. Buch metter. Nope, that doesn't work. [chuckles] [kaplinks in stereo] It's beauutifulll! [rakes] Heheheh. Perfect! I think we need some, like... organ or somethin'. Just like a 'weeeooohhhh'! You know, like an organ sounds. Ahh, maybe this would be cool, too. What is that called... A cl-uhh... clave? No, that's not... clavinet! Oh, boy! We are up to... almost 40 minutes! Just want like a [mouths re-e-e-ew] [bloops and chuckles]
That made me laugh, so I'm gonna use that. I think that was it... [matches guitar line on clav] Also that's just remind me - I realized I've been pronouncing Jordan Rudess' name - I've been saying 'Rude-ess' for like, 20 fricken years. [wheezy guffaw] When did I start listening to Dream Theater? Let's pause for a sec. 2000... 2002? My buddy Josh (what up Maes) brought in this CD - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence - it was a double disc album. Amazing. First song (off disc 2) The Glass Prison has
these arpeggios [dododododoodle] [continues diminished phrase on guitar] Anyway - that inspired me wholeheartedly to get into guitar. [awful ear-shredding organ note] Cheese and crust. [Weezing] [beauty organ chords] Suuuure! Yep, that's uhh... I guess that's good! [another wheezy laugh] Just a beautiful disaster. How 'bout some uhh - [pop pop boo popop] Just take the best one outta that... around here. Heheh. Huhuhuh. What am I doing with my life? [heavy inhale] Ohh, man. 'Sick Lead'! [legat-oh
yeah] They really love slappin' on like, wayy too much effects. Maybe it's just so you sound good right out of the box. [floopydoops a lead then mimics guitar] Weeowoweeow! Hohh, jeez. [ala Stonesour] ♪ Got no tiime t-tiime t-tiime. (ONE SECOND) Got no tiime t-tiime t-tuuune mah muthafuggin' guitawww, baybayah. [leads] Yu - in order to save time... copy this down here, and we're gonna pitch shift it down an octave! [pluperfect octaves] NAILED it! [nyuuhhh] Kay. Wuhh - what else do we need? Boon
g. Boo-bup-bup-bup-bup! Yeah, that sounds pretty cool! [boongs up an octave horribly] Nah. Haha! Or, maybe that's another one I could just pitch up? [small alien child sings] [enjoys the moment way too much] [sharp inhale] Th-featuring Alvin and the Chipmunks. [Shayne Topp's again] [boom-bap-baps pan left and right] Pfffsh, I'm alright with that. (Hah! Hah! He said it! He said it!) Let's bon-gooo! That's absolutely perfect, let's go, I got like 2 minutes. [song songifies] Alright! That is our so
ng. (...and there was much rejoicing! Yaaaay, yaaaay!) You know what? This is gettin' me in a mood for something in particular, here... [flashback sounds actually flash forward but it's kinda back because remember that first scene? Huh? Heeehhh?!] ♪ [intrusive thoughts] Heart trying to escape my ribcage What's the date? Should I make amends with that kid from the 8th grade? Everybody hates me I wish Jim Carey would keep making comedies Swayze still looks great Isn't it crazy we're made of more t
han 99% energy Must be amazing to be first on the moon cheese with a diaper full of pee We could end poverty if we just distributed all the food properly How many bones are in my feet? Should I keep on eating meat? (yeah) Can anyone really be free living under a supreme authority Where the hell'd you get this weed I feel like I'm in a dream The imagery is too profound, I think I need to go to sleep... wait Is this reality or Mary messing with me? Why do I have to spend 33% of my life working for
 the man who doesn't give a damn about who I am? Is modern society really just widespread imprisonment? Intrusive thoughts are winning again ... I really need a friend [boom-ba-pa and string sling] [inspiration strikes too hard] I stay up all night wondering why I'm tired (hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooooo) My mouth's so dry I really need some water (hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooooo) I forget why I'm so paranoid and I'm grateful (hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooooo) Wanna close my eyes, I think I'll light one more bo
wl... (wooo-hoooo... shit)



I hope I didn't scare the bejoobie-joobs off you with this one


Fan-flippin'-tasitic! I think this is my fav one so far!!


Irie mon