
I tried animating in FLIPACLIP....

This was certainly something :DD HAY original animation meme: Making an animation using a mouse: How I animate in FireAlpaca:


2 years ago

This is probably my most requested  video ever. A lot of people really wanted to see me try animating in flipaclip. A little background here. I have actually tried flipaclip before, many many years ago. Back then  I decided after trying it for a bit that it was too frustrating to use. At the time, I was using  a computer mouse and GIMP and Windows movie maker to animate on my parents’ computer. neither  of these programs are designed for animation, you could even argue that GIMP isn’t even desig
ned  for drawing, yet I preferred the combination of those two programs over using flipaclip,  which IS specifically designed for animation. But that was many years ago. How about now? *inhale* Look at the size of this phone!!! :DDD Back in my  day, the screen of my phone was this small, and it was like... 64 pixels or something. Like  what is this?! This.... This doesn't even properly fit into my stupid woman pockets. WHAT'S  AHPPENING???!!! I'm having some trouble with drawing with my finger b
ecause I can't see what  I'm drawing. This is a problem for me so. I stole a pen from my brother so I can actually draw like  a person, thank you very much. Uhhh it's still not perfect.... but you know like it's doable. It's  FINE. AAAGHGH! Why are these ads so long!!!!! So. Can you animate in flipaclip? YES. But it  lacks a lot of the features that I personally prefer to use when I animate, and a lot  of other features are behind a paywall. I think at this point I should just give a quick  remi
nder that I have never gone to art school, taken art classes, online courses,  anything like that on animation. Jaiden Animations said in one of her videos that  she learned to animate by looking up on youtube, “how to animate” and then following the  tutorials, I literally just went “agghh I’ll figure it out”. Nowadays I use Firealpaca to draw  my frames and then put them all together in Movie Studio Platinum 13. Which means that some of my  methods of working are probably a little weird. For e
xample, I like making these really THICC  lines for my lineart. But when you don’t have pen pressure, which I didn’t in flipaclip, thick  lines suddenly look really bad, so I had to go for really thin lines, kind of like when I was  animating using a mouse. A lot of people don’t like to use pen pressure when animating so for  them this probably wouldn’t have been a problem. Another thing that I found a little frustrating  was that either the flipaclip app was a little laggy, which could of cours
e also be a problem  on my end, or it has some sort of an automatic stabilizer that you can’t turn off. A lot of  people like it when their lines get stabilized a little bit, I PERSONALLY DON'T. IT'S STABILIZING THE LINES!!!!! AND I DON'T WANT THAT!!!! Now, flipaclip has a lot of features that are behind a paywall, such as getting more layers and  being able to add music to your project. I ended up not paying for anything. I probably would have  paid to customize the onion settings if I had read
through the premium features carefully enough  to notice, but alas, I did not. And FRANKLY, I THINK BEING ABLE TO CUSTOMIZE THE ONIONSKIN  IS SUCH A BASIC FEATURE THAT IT SHOULD NOT BE BEHIND A PAYWALL, I don’t care how cheap! In the  end, I didn’t pay for any of the premium features. Personally, in the end I didn’t really mind  the ads, they were infrequent enough that once I stopped accidentally exiting the project every  two minutes, they didn’t really bother me as much, except for the coupl
e of ads that just…. Wouldn’t  leave after the ad was played? Like I just… couldn’t close the ad???? And I had  to restart the app? The app would also crash sometimes. Not often, but at one point it  kept crashing every time I opened the project, and I started freaking out, because I thought that  what if I just somehow corrupted the project and all my work ahs gone to waste? Luckily, after  the app crashing 4 times in a row every time I opened the project, it magically just… never  crashed agai
n. Not sure what happened there. I was able to get around not being able to  see anything but the previously drawn frame by copying the other frame I wanted to see onto  a different layer and then making that layer transparent, but it took me a while  to figure out that I could do that. It took me a while to figure out a lot of things. To kind of illustrate that,,, this is the first bit of animation I made,  and this is one of the last ones. I did sort of learn to use the app better towards  the
end, and then it was much faster and much less frustrating. I can understand how someone might  like using this app, especially if they do not have access to their parents’ computer like I did  as a kid. But at the same time, I think I would definitely still pick gimp and windows movie  maker over animating in flipaclip. There were a lot of problems that I had, such as the fact  that whenever you selected and moved something, the undo option would just… stop working for  some reason??? The tool
s that flipaclip offers you are very limited, I especially missed the  magic wand tool, when at one point I realized that I had accidentally colored the background of  a frame white, and the only way for me to get rid of that was to redraw the frame. It wasn’t a ton  of work, but little setbacks like that start to get increasingly annoying the more you get them. I added the music to my animation in my usual editing program. I sort of made two versions of  this animation, one in which I pretty mu
ch only added the music and left everything else as it  was, and then another version in which I also used my editing program to add a little bit of camera  movement and the sort since camera movement is pretty difficult to do in flipaclip. I decided to do the HAY meme since I already had the song downloaded to my computer, and following  the tradition of the Animal Cannibal AMV, I animated Tigerstar warrior cats  tormenting yet another poor kitty cat. So. Again. Can you animate in flipclip?  Ye
s. Would I recommend flipaclip?



My biggest problem with flipaclip is the lack of brush choices.


animating on flipaclip is hard at first, but it gets better over time. I'd say it's amazing for beginner animators!


Honestly animating on FlipaClip is easy for me, but the respect for North if she makes a decent one ToT Edit: Damn you guys really like my comment :0 Also yes, I’m happy to say that North made a very amazing animation :)


As a long term flipaclip animator, it personally annoys me that there isn't a clipping layer. I use it alot in my usual art and animating without it can be annoying when shading. Also not being able to reverse merging a layer. That's messed me up too many times. But to be honest you get use to it after awhile and it's not so bad.


Once you've seen the video, please give me your opinions of which version of the meme I should upload (or both?? or both in the same video????) Also, I have a lot of comments about the fact that flipaclip HAS pen pressure - I meant that I don't have pen pressure because I don't have a stylus. The pen I used in the video is literally just one of those pens that have a tip for using touch screens.


The patience you animators have makes me jealous- I just drew 1 or 3 frames and gave up


the awaiting for premiere chat, casually: ashfur is a sussy baka


as a person who animates on Flipaclip just- This must-have been hard


I’m excited to see north suffer with FlipaClip like we all have


For some reason, before North said she was doing the Hay meme, I swear I'd thought "Hmm, the Hay meme is funky, I should watch some after this" I'm also suprised on how well the animation came out! Great job, North! As for which version to upload, I like the edited one!


That feeling when flipaclip is your only animating app


North: "Flipaclip" Captions: "flipperclip"


Me who is animating a whole series on my phone with flipaclip: (Also how do u have so much AMAZING DETAIL in one frame on FLIPACLIP)


I must say. The premium feature are not expensive, only €11 for everything… and for me that’s so worth it


If Procreate had full animation support, I would be in Heaven. It would blow FlipaClip out of the water with ease. Edit: I predicted it.


The fact you made this good of a animation WITHOUT paying for the extra shit is insanely good dude😳😳 wtfff


finally. someone who also doesn’t really like flipaclip. (as someone who’s generally better and more focused on the drawing aspect of animating instead of the quality of the animation the fact that it has only 4 different brushes and there are no layer modes just drove me insane to the point where i just stopped using it)


Just like normal animation, it takes years to get to know how to animate on flipaclip. But a lot of flipaclip YouTube's I've seen usually use an amalgamation of programs to animate, which is pretty neat.


T I M E T O W A I T 6 H O U R S


As a flipaclip animator I can understand the struggles, plus some of the features like extra layers and removing thr watermark needed to be bought if you didn't know about it already. But I understand and respect your opinion on it.