
I turned Where's Waldo into a Sniper Game

Today im going to turn where is waldo into a sniper game to help save mobile gaming Play the game here: btw if you want access to assets I make and some nice insights check out my patreon WHISHLIST WORLD OF UNLIT ON STEAM


5 days ago

this is a sniper mobile game. It's basically  Where's Waldo for grown man and it could be a fun game but it's like every other mobile game. You  have a ton of ads, pay to win through the roof, energy points that make sure you can't play  through the game too fast, even whale hunting. You know I'm a morally flexible dude but at some  point a limit is reached and this limit is right here at this golden pig, that's my limit.  Games are supposed to be fun or relaxing or anything except that but that
's just how  mobile games are right now and the only way we can change that is by developing better  games... So guess what we're doing today :D Step one of Turing Where's Waldo into the sniper  game is making the sniper. Later we can care about the city, the ragdolls and Waldo but for now  let's care about the problem at hand. We have nothing. So we gonna make a new game, we call it  shoot Waldo. Then we let the player look around just like you know it from every other FPS game  but as you can
see that's not a sniper game, the sniper part is missing. We need a sniper 3D model.  I don't have a sniper 3D model but I can make one by drawing a sniper then we take a picture of it  put that into Photoshop to increase the contrast put that into blender in case you don't have  blender it's a gift from God... and we can use it to make 3D models and Padaping pada pow we have  a sniper 3D model now let's put it into the game. Apply some coding Magic, Camera magic trick WOW look at this camera tr
ick this scope  is actually a complete mess but because the camera is flattening it out, it  looks exactly how it's supposed to look like and here we go we got  a working sniper. FBI OPEN UP!! In a game.. my God But right now there's nothing we  can shoot with the sniper except for these cubes and we're also just  in some weird grid space so I want to first build a city and then put people  into the city that we can shoot then. in the game in the game IN THE GAME I don't know about you but I mys
elf  never built a city so I have no idea how to do that but bononno pisano  didn't know how to build towers either before he built the leaning tower  of pisa.. maybe that's why it's leaning I know City usually has roads and  most of the times buildings too but something is missing here something very important also there's not a single soul out on the  streets here so now it's time to add people. Yep that's a person with an animation but  this person looks the same every time we play the game I
want the characters to  look completely different every time so how do we make that asked Maxy before spending  about 3 days trying out different approaches it's a little hard to explain the  problem but I'll do my best you see the way we animate characters requires  that there's a bone structure controlling the 3D model so for every 3D model we  have a different bone structure for the animations that's not a problem because we  can retarget them but for the ragdolls it is by the way a ragdoll
is just what we call  physically simulated bodies and the way they work is by turning the bones into physical  objects now because we have a different set of bones for for every model I would have to  make a new ragdoll for every single one of them the reason maxy took so long was because  he was searching for a way to have all the models use the same set of Bones  he ended up not finding a way so he had to go through every single set  of Bones and turn it into a ragdoll but now we have a city f
illed with  people look at him making hot dogs these guys are talking he is drunk he's break  dancing to guitar music don't question that LETS GO and if we play the game again  all of them will look different it works perfectly we put in the time we put in  the effort and now we got something great pretty much all it has to do is to add in waldo  and some UI and maybe a main menu, some settings, sound effects oh I forgot about the sound effects  uh whoops gotta go make some sound effects here's
the plan. God bless sticky notes. it's  quite simple actually. These are the sounds we need for the sniper so thats obviously a shoot  sound. I tried to make it with a plastic toy gun but that ended up sounding like a plastic toy  gun so I downloaded two different shot sounds from the internet and now it sounds like that. Then we have the sound the scope makes when you change the magnification. Since cameras  are basically overly complicated Scopes we can use the knob of a camera for  that. So t
hat's it for the sniper, we also need a city Ambience sound. I live in  Cologne so I just have to go outside for that. Hold up Cowboy we need a city Ambience the way  it sounds from the top of a building so your Simple Plan.. it ain't doing it. It cost like 5  years to go on top of this tourist building but you know I was talking to my girlfriend a couple  days ago and she was like last year I didn't get anything to Valentine's Day which is not true  by the way I made a game for her but long sto
ry short I kinda spent the budget for the shoot waldo  game on a Valentine's gift so now I have to figure out how to get on top of a building without  paying for it.. that can't be to hard cmon I found a parking garage with an open roof in  the middle of the city on my way there this guy randomly stopped me to tell told me that  I'm not allowed to ride a scooter Under the Influence. I told him that I'm not under  the influence, he definitely was though. right there is the park house but in the w
ay  are a bunch of drunk people having some sort of parade with horses and stuff. So getting from  one side of the drunk people to the other side is a matter of precise timing and intuition both  of which I am missing but eventually there was a big hole so I just walked over. The garage  part itself was pretty easy I thought they'd have some sort of security but I was able to  just walk in use the lift to get up record the sounds and then take the lift back down and we got the sounds so a pretty
cool day the last one are the UI sounds we obviously didn't  make the UI yet but pretty much all we need is a sound for hovering and a sound for clicking.  We can just use this plastic thing for that so since this is literally plastic it only makes  sense to have the UI look like plastic as well now that this is out of the way we can  make the Waldo 3D model. This guy's hair looks like a match but the jacket is kinda  off so we're going to.. chop off his head *ching* this guy's shirt is the clo
sest I could find so you know what that means *ching* so now we got a nice base let's continue by  making the red and white straps waldo ain't wearing a tie so let's get rid of that his  pants are blue and his shoes beige.. this guy looks kind of old Wait... uh so basically I made a game about shooting a ... actually this is not Waldo this is Waldo's uncle and he did some very bad things like this guy is  putting milk in before cereal he's a disgusting individual so Waldo sent us to deal with hi
m. oh  the name of the game um no this is just a typo what I meant to say was shoot Waldo's Uncle  now on itch for free, playable in a browser this game might not change a lot in the mobile  gaming industry hardly anything really the game isn't even on mobile which uh kind of sucks  I made a mobile game a couple months ago and I was working on a video about it but the  game was trash um so I scrapped the video but I still believe in the concept that if  you made a mobile game that isn't a scammy
cash crab it would do well while forcing  the rest of the industry to adapt at least when enough games uh are released that are  those SC cash grabs but you get the idea
