
I Was Abducted By Aliens, Here's What Happened | Alien Disclosure Files 2024 | S1E13

There are three types of close encounters, sightings, fleeting interactions, aliens taking humans for extended periods. We meet real people who have experienced alien life up close. These are the *Alien Disclosure Files 2024* 2024. Stars: Joe Garner, John B. Wells, Ron James *Licensed from Total Content. All rights reserved* Greetings Earthlings! *SUBSCRIBE TO SCI-FI CENTRAL!* - 👽🛸👾🚀🪐 WATCH MORE FREE SCI-FI CONTENT RIGHT HERE! - 🚀 Full Action Sci-Fi Movies: 🪐 Full Sci-Fi Movies: 🤖 Full Horror Sci-Fi Movies: 👽 Full UFO Documentaries: 👾 Full Conspiracy Documentaries: 🛸 Full Roswell Documentaries: 🛰️ The Picco Incident | Full Web Series: 🕵🏻‍♂️ The Conspiracy Show | Full Episodes: 💫 Full Drama Sci-Fi Movies: 🚀 Full Sci-Fi Movies From The Asylum: ** All of the content on this channel is under legal license from various copyright holders and distributors. We ask you to please contact us if you believe there are any copyright issues via - ** #unacknowledged #FreeFullSciFiMovies #ScienceFictionMovies

Sci-Fi Central

15 hours ago

Close Encounters of the Third Kind are the ultimate proof that they are here however more often than not witnesses to these encounters are ridiculed shamed and suffer in silence media Outlets have sometimes contributed to sensationalism or debunked UFO stories impacting public belief and skepticism like it's starting to be covered in mainstream news but you know you can always tell when the story is coming because the the the news person starts to Snicker and it's like when are they going to tak
e this seriously although 20,000 Witnesses simultaneously saw the Phoenix Lights UAP more than 25 years later it's just another YouTube video Decades of disclosures and denials today we make contact with those who have made the ultimate contact stories of Close Encounters so invasive and terrifying they they had tubes that they attached to the top of my chest and the unimaginable and I said I have a baby and they want it and all of a sudden my legs went apart and nothing was touching them these
are the alien disclosure files the 1972 book by Jay Allen heinik titled the UFO experience a scientific inquiry established three distinct categories for close encounters with alien life Close Encounters of the first kind also known as ce1 are visual sightings of an unidentified flying object seemingly less than 500 ft or 150 M away that show an appreciable angular extension and considerable detail I witnessed a UFO in broad daylight Close Encounters of the second kind or C2 is a UFO event in wh
ich a physical effect is alleged this can be interference in the functioning of a vehicle or electronic device animals reacting a psychological effects such as paralysis or heat and discomfort in the witness or some physical TR ANS like impressions in the ground scorched or otherwise affected vegetation or a chemical Trace so I'm lying there relaxed and I start realizing I can't move my hands I can't move my feet can't move my legs and finally Close Encounters of the Third Kind or C3 are UFO Enc
ounters in which an animated entity is present these include humanoids robots and humans who seem to be occupants or Pilots of a UFO they had their long arms down like this and they had the big black wraparound eyes science fiction literature and films have contributed to the cultural fascination of UFOs and alien encounters often shaping public perception the number of reported alien abductions is difficult to quantify accurately because these reports often rely on personal testimonies and may
not be accurate L documented additionally many UFO and abduction reports remain unverified and are often met with skepticism from the scientific and mainstream communities many UFO and alien abduction stories can be attributed to Natural phenomena misidentifications psychological factors or hoaxes physiological factors such as sleep paralysis are a relatively common phenomenon in which someone experiences a state of immobility just before falling asleep or upon Awakening or better explained by D
r Balan jalal's lecture at Oxford University so sleep paralysis might be one of the most interesting phenomena in the entirety of of of medicine if not science I mean here you have this condition where you're lying your in your bed suddenly you might realize my God am I awake I feel like I'm awake but I'm entire I'm entirely paralyzed I cannot move I cannot speak right and you might have this feeling of an intruder in your bedroom approaching your body you know choking you strangling you okay ev
en potentially sexually violating you okay that's that occurs pretty commonly the search for the truth has a broad range of factors to consider as convincing as the correlations may be with extraterrestrial life we must always consider the Unexplained as well survivors of these events live somewhere between science and the supernatural I wonder how much of this is physical like they're you're literally not in the bed where there is a witness of someone being lifted or they're missing they're not
in the house um I wonder how much of it is physical and how much of it is astral scientific investigations and research continue in the field of astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life but concrete evidence of such encounters has not been confirmed to date but one thing is certain there are people who claim that we should be looking for more than some rocks from the heavens the US government has confirmed uaps caught on radar but what about Close Encounters of the first kind by th
ousands of people at the same [Music] [Music] time to your left there's one behind I got four of them major sighting here the Phoenix Lights UFO incident also known as the Phoenix Lights refers to a series of widely witnessed and unexplained lights seen over the Skies of Arizona particularly the Phoenix metropolitan area on the evening of March 13th 1997 it remains one of the most famous and well-documented UFO sighting in recent history this was a close encounter of the first kind witnessed by
thousands maybe a half a dozen to my recollection lights that just hung in the air didn't move they definitely were not airplanes you couldn't even hear the wind it was so quiet it was just yeah it just didn't even do anything it just came through video doesn't do it justice in real life they're huge they're Amber there's no flare tens of thousands of people witnessed the same occurrence on the same night where a vshape of Lights hovered over Phoenix and then five simonon the governor at the tim
e the next day he had a uh a meeting uh a press conference and he was saying oh it's nothing you know we it's just weather balloons and he had another gentleman who was in a huge uh head shaped like an alien and of course everybody laughed at all don't get him too close to me please many years later f sington had an interview where he said I know what I saw I was told not to say this but at the time I saw a spaceship the size of a football field with a v-shaped formation of light a single craft
hovering over me with no sound and no emission and he said by far it was the most magnificent thing I've seen in my life well I saw a uh a huge craft just kind of come right over a Peak um that was you know was just [Music] breathtaking flooded with phone calls after people spotted a hovering circular unidentified flying object over Manhattan hundreds saw it it was recorded on video October 14th 2010 New York City one of the most populated cities in the world was the site where hundreds witnesse
d a UAP simultaneously this UAP remains unconfirmed Sheriff Deputy Val Johnson was on patrol when he saw Bright Lights hovering on the road ahead when the lights exploded toward his squad car causing damage to his car burns on his body and his watch stopped for 14 minutes this is the big thing that they come to see from all over the United States people have come to see this car whatever hit him started with a broken headlight and up here there is a weird Dent right in the top of the hood broke
the windshield hit the reflector and bent both of the antenna when they found him his watch and the car had stopped for 14 minutes [Music] if surviving a close encounter of the second kind wasn't terrifying enough imagine being asleep in bed while being abducted by aliens on an astral plane meet Camille who shares her Close Encounter of the Third [Music] Kind [Music] a close encounter of the Third Kind or C3 contact two of our three Witnesses Camille James Harmon and Earl Grey Anderson have had
C3 experiences while UAP witness Travis Hinson has had 30 years of Silent suffering being visited by multiple UA P's all as ce1 encounters the prevalence of abduction claims has varied over time and by location during the height of the UFO Abduction narratives in the 1980s and 90s there were numerous reported cases and these cases received substantial media attention but it's essential to know that not all UFO sightings or encounters with extraterrestrial beings are classified as abduction they
they had tubes that they attached to the top of my chest and I think I I believe that they were probably also to my legs but I I couldn't really see down there I couldn't move my head it just moved my eyes I was starting to get scared at this point looked up in the sky and plain his day as if somebody had actually painted it onto the Carolina blue sky was a s shaped Craft um silver with a row of lights going down the middle of it all the lights were going on and off in different colors perhaps E
arth is a petri dish and we have been down here as some type of experiment and on occasion extraterrestrials come down similarly like when we go into the Serengeti and we tag lions and we drug them tag them examine them weigh them check their teeth and then let them go I wonder if that's happening with alien abductions I started having all this anxiety and all these weird physical symptoms and I noticed that I didn't have a menstrual cycle from September like going on several months and that was
unusual some researchers argue that many abduction accounts can be attributed to sleep disorders psychological phenomena or other non alien explanations I had this experience while sleeping of having sleep paralysis twice in one night and I had had that before in my life like very very occasionally where you wake up Frozen in your body and you can't move and you can't talk and but this particular time in this Frozen State I heard a I heard like a synthesized electronic voice say my name off to
my left side while I was in this this Frozen state it was like a column of light and it was this turquoisey blue and when it hit me I curled into a fetal position that's how I remembered it and I went like up up up up up like through the ceiling and I was I was kind of panicking and then the next thing I knew I was unfolded on a table and I was in a room that was very white Misty light so I don't know I don't remember like seeing a spaceship going into a spaceship or anything like that Camille d
id not have her menstrual cycle for 3 months after seeing a UAP with her boyfriend she has felt different since being abducted did she suddenly realize why she was there and I said I have a baby and they want it and all of a sudden my legs went apart and nothing was touching them and that was terrifying because it was like who is moving my legs and then there was a being that appeared between my legs and I couldn't see this being this being was blocked from my memory but I saw a flash of an inst
rument it was like a speculum like a like a gynecological tool that was very scary and the next thing I knew that thing was being put inside me and very quickly they took out the instrument and there was a very small piece of something in there and they walked out of the room with it encounters don't get any closer than what Camille experienced and just when you thought that's more than any human being can handle Camille's dentist discovered an implant that was not of this Earth in her mouth it
appears that Not only was something taken from Camille but something was also left behind [Music] [Music] Camille's recollection of her abduction was not instantaneous it took years to put the pieces of her incident back together she would undergo regression therapy with a psychologist who assisted Camille in reliving the event Camille didn't leave empty-handed her dentist discovered something unusual as well and he gets to the point where he sees this spherical mass in my tooth that he says was
not there before he he at one point stopped and he showed me with a mirror and he was banging on it with the little thing and he's like you see this it's really really hard and I'm Drilling and drilling on it and it's barely moving it and I don't know what this is this was not here before it's not your old fing it's not decay and what do you want me to do Camille's dentist took an x-ray and was so convinced of the anomaly that he wrote a letter detailing his finding he finished the letter sayin
g quote as to the nature of the spherical object I am still unclear as to its [Music] nature Earl Grey Anderson has appeared on several episodes of this series as a ethologist and he is also the Southern California Director for muon the Mutual UFO Network unlike Camille's contacts Earl was performing a self-meditation in an attempt to manifest alien contact on an astral plane his wife was present in their bed sleeping next to him uh and I tried this thing called C5 meditation and I sent out a wh
at I was hoping was a telepathic message the whole the whole idea behind C5 communication which is a contact modality is that you get into a meditative State and then you ask them to reveal themselves to you for me it was kind of a lark I didn't think that it would work I I just kind of why not that was my whole attitude and I was thinking yeah you know maybe aliens will pick me up give me the cosmic tour you know what I thought at this point was maybe they're just going to Des sanguinate me jus
t drain me of all my blood and I'll be like one of those cows that they find and I I realized you know maybe these aren't good guys you know it's not ET phone home it's ET we want your blood and uh so but anyway that these tubes detached and they went they went through the hole in the wall I didn't see a machine that they were attached to again it was just still just distance and white light coming that that I could perceive when you look into the black eyes and these were the small little gray
entities and it's like looking into to Eternity you you really can't look away uh there's something hypnotizing about their eyes themselves during the C3 events that both Camille and Earl experienced they had medical examinations they saw non-human entities and experienced telepathic communication as for Camille many of the events she experienced happened over years and she didn't remember much until she sought a regression a regression is when you go to someone who was a certified hypnotherapis
t who can put you in a relaxed hypnotic State and prompt you to examine a Target and get more information about it the regression made the events of Camille's abduction very clear and she was able to piece together events that were blocked from her memory she discovered that her dentist was not the only person examining the object in her mouth so she puts me in the regression targeting the tooth and I come to in the memory I'm on a gurnie or a table or something in this exam room but it's not an
alien exam room and there's two guys in there and they're humans and they're wearing lab coats and they have khaki pants and they have black shoes and all I know is this is different because in this memory I don't feel I don't feel paralyzed I don't feel that Terror of the creatures right I felt drugged I felt very lethargic and barely conscious and all I got from what these guys were doing was the word Troublemaker they were calling me a troublemaker and the next thing I knew they took a syrin
ge and squirted something into my cheek through the outside not in my mouth like that but like through my cheek and that was it that's that was the procedure that I recalled since J Allen heinik created the close encounter grades there have been two extensions added hinek former associate jacqu Val quote cases where Witnesses experienced a transformation of their sense of reality end quote to also include non uction cases where absurd hallucinatory or dreamlike events are associated with UFO enc
ounters as Close Encounters of the fifth kind was introduced by Dr Steven Greer where in a C5 event individuals or groups use specific protocols to establish communication or interaction with extraterrestrial beings these protocols primarily involve the use of contact meditation and use of sounds or signals I feel like a bunch of information is about to come out and I think more people should should be speaking out about what they saw there are more people out there that have seen things that ar
en't speaking up yet because of fear being ridiculed and made fun of and you know at this point I'm like you know I I don't really care anymore thank you to our brave guests on this program and to all of the Brave Witnesses not on this program who stepped forward and encouraged others to step forward soon there will be an army of Truth Seekers and someday soon we won't need alien disclosure files because the truth will have been [Music] revealed
