
If Black People Said The Stuff White People Say

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9 years ago

Wait a minute. You don't listen to Taylor Swift? No. Girl, I am like whiter than you. *Cheery, banjo music plays* Was it hard to grow up in the suburbs? It must have been really boring with no police activity or anything. Your hair is amazing. Thank you. You know it's kind of like my Golden Retriever. It's so limp and lifeless. Like how do you do that? Your name is so easy to spell and pronounce. Is it like really easy to get a job? Check out these photos of me volunteering at an orphanage in Eu
rope. Look at those little White boys and girls. They were so inspiring. Oh wow! You know you don't sound like a dumb hick at all. *Clicks teeth*. That's so cool. You are so pretty for a White girl. It was really sad when Romney lost, huh? Good ol' Mitt... Couldn't do it... Could not do it. You are dating a White guy. Does he have like a really tiny penis? Aw, you must listen to that rural music, right? You know who you look just like? Who? Jennifer Lawrence. So I just saw Titanic. How are you d
ealing? I had no idea your people had it so hard. Your skin is so pale. Can I touch it? Oh wow! You know I was just talking about that with my friend Jeremy...He's White. I don't even think of you as White. I don't! I really don't. Wow! So you have to wear sunscreen? That is so crazy. Hey, uh, I'm from out of town. Can you help me find some meth? What do you mean you don't listen to Macklemore? You're White. I've always heard that White girls are super boring in bed. Oh hey! Yo! What's up my cra
ck-- Whoa... Oh. Naw man it's cool. You know, I can say it. My girlfriend's White. Yeah... Not cool, man. Ok. My bad, Daniel. My bad. It's Greg... *Cheery, banjo music plays* Greg... Greg. Greg... Daniel. Greg. *Cheery, banjo music plays*



BuzzFeed - fighting racism with more racism!


I heard that "I'm pretty for a black girl" comment. I almost cried. People are so ignorant and disrespectful.


"You must listen to that RURAL music." Took me out 💀


Wassup my crack....🤣🤣🤣 all of these are spot on.


Videos making jokes about minorities, white people tell them to "get over it, it's just a joke." Video turning that rhetoric around on white people, "stfu, how come only whites get racism these days, and not minorities?" And yes, that's not all white people, just some that do this.  I expect people replying angrily will be those very racists.   These aren't "white" jokes just making fun of white people.  They are direct reversals of comments that are quite often made to black people, which is why there is no "If White people Said the Stuff Black People Say..." because again, that happens in real life.  


Someone said to me the other day that they were blacker than me because they knew about a movie I didn't know about.


I’m from a country where African people are very welcome and loved ones. I hadn’t even known that some of the questions were sensitive before I went to the US for a summer. When I was there, I met with a black person and said her I liked her hair. I was so real. Because I wanted to make my hair braid. And she looked at me so weird. It was embarrassing for me. And then I couldn’t continue asking which hairdresser she was going? I normally tell my friends if I like their hairs or ask for hairdressers. But I learned it’s a touchy subject in the US. I think, because of the this shameful history, people are so sensitive. And it’s quite understandable.


“Wait, you have 2 kids from the same person?” “Wait, your kids father is still with you?” “Wait, there’s no one in your family that’s in jail?”


”those little white boys and girls… so inspiring”


"You r so pretty for a white girl" 😂😂😂HAHAHA


My 😂😂😂😂 This is soo hilarious; you all displayed the madness perfectly. Bravo 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


This will never get old. I'm crying 😭😂😂🤣🤣😂 so true tho


"Your hair is amazing, it's like my golden retriever's. It's so limp and lifeless." "My bad Daniel".


I can't imagine someone saying you're pretty for a black girl. That's so mean.


I hate when people say ' oh you trying to act or talk like you're white, or black etc' how could act or talk like a damn color


"I'm outta town can you help me find some meth" that went from zero to one hundred real quick.


"Can I touch your hair?" I remember in middle school white people would ask me that. I always felt like a rare Pokemon and shit lmao


Wow, I'm white and I'm not even butthurt. I think I'm the only one.


Bro I'm white but since Im a ginger I 100% relate to the hair touching. One time I was helping my grandpa by jewelry and this old woman just feels around my scalp and giving me compliments. It felt so much fear at that moment.


Lmfaooooo I soooooo needed this morning laugh 🤣😂🤭😂 I’ve been told way worse and they have the NERVE to say “ Oh no offense “ after🤨