
If connections between nodes are in superposition, how does that impact management of the network?

Eric Brown, Simulation Development Lead at Aliro Quantum, answers this question with insights from the research paper “Quantum Internet Addressing “by Angela Sara Cacciapuoti, Jessica Illiano, Marcello Caleffi. From the abstract: “The design of the Quantum Internet protocol stack is at its infancy and early-stage conceptualization. And different heterogeneous proposals are currently available in the literature. The underlying assumption of the existing proposals is that they implicitly mimic classical Internet Protocol design principles: "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how to get there''. Hence the network nodes are labeled with classical addresses, constituted by classical bits, and these labels aim at reflecting the node location within the network topology. In this paper, we argue that this twofold assumption of classical and location-aware addressing constitutes a restricting design option, which prevents to scale the quantumness to the network functionalities, beyond simple information encoding/decoding. On the contrary, by embracing quantumness within the node addresses, quantum principles and phenomena could be exploited for enabling a quantum native functioning of the entire communication network. This will unleash the ultimate vision and capabilities of the Quantum Internet.” Link to the paper: Check out the complete on-demand webinar “Quantum Communication Advancements: Implications and Insights” here: Follow Aliro Quantum on X: Follow Aliro Quantum on LinkedIn: Want the latest in Quantum Networking industry news, research, and deployments? Get our newsletter delivered to your inbox once a month: Want more information on quantum networks? Check out our on-demand and live webinars:

Aliro Quantum

3 days ago

um how does a quantum network stack compare with a traditional Network stack um yeah that's a that's a great question um and actually the first paper I discussed today um from uh BNL ston Brook and um and cect um that paper I think figure two of that paper has a really nice kind of um comparison of the two Network Stacks so so if if you look at I think figure two of that paper basically um it shows the the network stack of a classical Network there's five layers physical layer link layer um Netw
ork layer transport layer and application layer and um they draw the analogy for uh what these layers would be in a quantum network and the analogy that they draw is uh basically saying that a physical layer will correspond to um like a the quantum physical layer link layer will correspond to um robust generation and robust entanglement generation Network layer will correspond to end to end entanglement generation uh layer transport layer will correspond to teleportation layer and um application
layer will correspond to a Quantum application layer so um of course I think this is you know we can't take these correspondences to be like correspondences or anything um but I think it's kind of a nice way to think about things so people have thought about generalizing and uh generalizing the classical Network stxs and um they have generalized this to to [Music] Quantum
