
if you repeat an answer he'll kill you | Family Feud PART 2

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11 months ago

Last time on Game Grumps! We're in trouble here. Tell me something that is purposely sold, with a hole in the middle of it. My ex-wife! She's drunk. It's the Toni Grumps! I'm a Grump! And you're a Grump! That's a Grump! It's Game Grumps! I'm a Grump! It's Game Grumps! I'm a Grump! And you're a Grump! That's a Grump! It's Game Grumps! I'm a Grump! It's Game Grumps! I'm a Grump! Oh boy, oh boy, here we are. Tell me, Arin. Yeah, go ahead. What's going through that big, big brain ears? I'm thinking,
I'm hot, I'm ready to go, let's do this. I would love that. I would love that. Let's do this indeed. We're playing the Feud, Arin and I discovered last time that we could play directly against each other, and that was fun. That's really fun. Family reunion, have a rematch. Win ten online games. These are all stuff I can't- Win the car? Wow, you can win the car. How's that? What the hell? Don't even know how that's possible. All right, there's still- play on the 4th of July? Give me a break. Oka
y. All right, yeah, but we should make a full family this time. A full family? Yeah. Oh my god. There's still just two controllers. One controller per team. Who's got time for this? Dude, calm the fuck down. I'm sorry, you're right. I got a little crazy. I'm gonna add players, I'm gonna add fucking her, and you gotta join in. I'm gonna add Dr. Robotnik over here, I'm gonna add could be a mom, could be older sister, and then nice blonde lady. And I'll take the rest of the people. Oh, I didn't pic
k my girl. Hold on. You can undo it. Shit. No. I'm gonna add B. B. I can't. You f'ed it up. Oh my god, I can't believe that. You have to take my girl. I'm Mr. Steal Your Girl. Anyway, here we go. I'd love to add player, but you're making it extremely difficult. Okay. Fuck. That's my girl. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Like my fucking face is getting all red. I'm Mr. Steal Your Family member. Shovel Knight. Shut up. Dip. Shut up, dipshit. Profanity detected. Alright, I'm good. Okay. Well, I
'll edit my name from yarldren. You got like the team of chads. That's, oh, dang it. Oh, well, there we go. B goes backwards. B for backwards. Nope. Alright. Boy, that's a mess. That looks like a fucking logo you'd see on Geoguessr. And you're like, where am I? I don't know. I'm like, gosh. And then GeoRainbolt comes in and is like, here I go, like zooms in from space. Yeah. He's in Thailand right now. You've been keeping tabs on him? Yeah, because I follow him on Twitter. Oh. He's been travelin
g indefinitely. That's very cool. I guess he wouldn't know the places to see. Exactly. What say we meet today's Feudan families? These folks are looking lean and mean. Are they? The one in the middle is. The other ones just look like nice women. Normal human beings. I look at this fraternity of idiots and a nice lady. You fucking wait dude, fucking go. You can't swear on the show, guys. Profanity detected. So when a whole pot of fucking ED209 or whatever comes out, what is the ED20 whatever 409
giddyup comes out. You have 10 seconds to comply. Oh yeah. That's right. Don't say profanity. I need two people. I'd buy that for a dollar. Hold up the Nintendo switch pro controller. What did you do, Arin? What? Oh, it's just telling like, if you're actually playing with real people saying like, this is your character, whoever this is. Got it. The answers you need to find. Oh, that's so little. Buzz in first to get a shot at answering our survey. We know. If you can find the top answer, you'll
choose if you're- Wrap it up, Lucky. God, that girl's so fucking cute. We asked them the following. Name a creature that lives in a shell. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Nice buzzin', Tech. Spongebob Squarepants. Who lives in a shell? Snarl. That's good. Oh. Snail, yes, dang it, it's a fucking turtle, but there's still a, but I don't know any other ones. Oh, all right, let's hear it. Let's hear it. And then use that hat to sort me to Harry Potter school. Can you tell how versed I am in the lore? Harry Potter
school. That's the place. I watch all of the movies. Yeah. Just retain nothing. No, we all have at some point. Yeah. Oh shit, do I want to play? Yeah, I'll give it a shot. Well, we'll see if your family can sweep up the rest. Welk. Horse. Two answers are left. Sassy. Horses aren't real, Dan. Okay. A horseshoe crab. Okay, how about crab? Okay. That'll do it. We have an answer. It's bleeding on the floor. Let's go find it. After I answer this, I'm going to find that blasted hedgehog. Robotic look
s great. He's been trying. He's working out, man. Eating healthy. Fuck. Ninja turtle. Ninja turtle. Lobster? That could work. Hey, answer. Interesting answer. Let's see how wrong it is. Lobster. Oh, fuck. It's not up there, so this is your first strike. It's in a shell. Leonardo Donatello, Michelangelo. Pick up the team with one other fellow, Raphael. Tortoise? Oh, that could work. We petted them. No. Tortoise. Hm. Shit. Insect? Fuck. Incidentals? Lives in a shell. Oh. Godzilla. Oyster. Oyster.
Oi. Show me Jews. Close. Oi. All right, buddy. All right, buddy. From my house. All right, buddy. From the office. She does look like Angela. Yeah. What was it? Oysters. They're only on the half-shell. Barnacles. Oh, man. Clam? It is clam. Dude, when you said, like, I've been, you should have, if you could see inside my mind for the last, like, two minutes, it's just been like, clam, clam, don't say anything that sounds like clam. Don't say slam. And then when you were, like, choosing oyster, yo
u hit C, and I was like, no. Well, I thought clam. Yeah. And then I was like, no, but clam's... A shelled clown? Oh, God. Look at that guy. He has a man bun. Fuck. Son of a bitch. Turtle. Form of turtle. Form of snail. This is, like, the worst crime fighting unit. They all start, like, freaking in the foot. Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. Shotgunning beers and shit. Punching each other in the face. Come on. Come on. Hit me with the chair. Yeah. That's a let's fucking go group of guys if I've ever seen one
. Awesome. And then their younger sister. Hi. We're all embarrassed. She keeps us in check. Come on. Ooh, sassy's up. Sassy and dizzy. Fuck. This is going to be a face-off to remember. Hi, I'm sassy. I'm dizzy. It's good to meet you. Why are we named, like, Pac-Man ghosts? Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. I'm really handsome. Name something you get for someone who feels faint. You're in for a good time. Salts. A swift punch to the face. Ah, yes. I hope that counts. Yes. Good. Salt. Good. Fuck. All right, fine, w
hatever. Suck my dick. Take the answer. Take the dub. Uh, do I win teeth? Short. Are you sure about that? I don't know. Yes. All right. Jesus. Answer number one. All right. The decision is yours. Will you play or pass? Will you live or die? Wow, I like the mix. I'll play. See what happens. Oh, man. All right. It's not an easy one, but... No, it's not. Let's see what happens. It's your go. What do you think? Ah, shit. Wake up. Coffee? Uh-oh. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Could happen. Is that one of the ones
we've got left? Coffee. Dang. Fuck. Fiddly dee. Monster energy. All right, Plucky. Hi, I'm Plucky. I'm 30. I'm a duck from Tiny Dunes. Ella later go down the hole. Yeah, you might know me from that. Uh-oh, not Tylenol. Uh, painkiller. Yeah, I guess. Paper bag? Oh, that's good. Yeah. That could work, actually. There aren't many answers left. Is it there? Paper bag. Nope. Damn, what the fuck? Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. color. That's what I was thinking
, but... No. Boy, this is tough. Fan? Oh, yeah, sure. A falcon! Bring this man a falcon! Like an 1820s theater goer? Yeah. Oh, my goodness. That's all I can think of. All right Thank you. Oh, okay, if they're thinking like that then yeah, there's one that I can think of Yeah, why doesn't he have teeth? Everyone else has teeth. Why doesn't anyone have teeth? Yeah Everybody has teeth but him. I know it's the worst Ice dang. All right. Good luck. Homie. I was gonna say ice pack, but I feel like ice
would have done it Steal I'm not like that Dig deep give me a correct answer and you snatch these points from the other team. Okay Their wallet. Oh for not from Pills pillow pillow could work. That's what you're going with. That's a good one No that I think that's right Wow, man Towel like cold compress I can't imagine what these are. Let's tidy up those pesky missing answers. Yeah We want to see three a Shot of bourbon cold cloth. Yeah, I Wouldn't have known how to phrase that. Yeah. Oh Yeah,
I guess that makes sense I was automatically thinking lie down instead of yeah, yeah Current scores. All right, I guess it's not good to lie down when you're feeling faint, right? I don't know like stay awake. Oh, yeah, I guess I'm thinking like concussion. Yeah, if you hit your head Yeah, lie down relax take a load off. Yeah, and if you feel the light coming just go to it You just told me to get my face on Jesus lucky. What kind of Mickey Mouse bullshit is this? Nice to meet you. Nice to meet y
ou, too. I like it when there's a lot Mm-hmm. Oh points are doubled now. Do you know what that means doubled? What fruit are you? What do you think? Well, what would most people say pair I think oh I See you're asking people to self-judge like that. I don't know I didn't do it Man, I'm just answering. It's such a weird thing to me. Yeah, tell me What's your what's your self-image like this is for Family Feud, by the way, I Mean just name fruit. Yeah, yeah fruits that look vaguely like humans if
I were to create anthropomorphic fruits I'm gonna need your guests. Yeah, I mean that banana was like peanut butter jelly time, right? Somebody's got a Identify with that. Yeah, for sure. Well bananas what I'd say about myself. I'm fucking banana kin All right Yes, look at yours bananas are really good methylene sources if you want to ripen fruit quickly put them next to bananas Is that right? Mm-hmm Apple Great answer Bunch of grapes like what would people say they're like I'm just trying to th
ink like if there was like a cartoon show with like talking fruit who they'd pick like Annoying Orange Yeah, just think of every Annoying Orange character like the orange for instance Here we go Right Oregon The fruit Oregon Let's see if it's up there sure, I always like to imagine he's throwing the answer magically up there No, you failed to find an answer, which means you get your first strike of the round. Don't do it again. Oh This all Watermelon I Mean every fruit is the same that durian th
e answer? Dragon fruit melon Wow after melons five. Yeah, three more left I guess most people think they look like pears bananas and apples. I have an apple pen Grapes I sure right, whatever I don't think so little hairy Kiwi Dang Two strikes our other family need to get ready. This what fruits look like people. I feel like there's one that's for sure Really? Yeah Did I could think of to the truth take your lemon We're fruits in my head no, right It's like there's only like 300 of them in the wo
rld. I'll just say Kiwi Yeah, crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. That's one That is a fruit We dang oof all right Arin, it's up to you big oof It's probably the smallest you if I've ever had in my life honestly What is it Arin I'm pressing on my hip flexor Oh pineapple oh Oh Wow and I sang the pen pineapple apple Dang it I I guess so because it has like hair on top to Thanks to two frickin idiots like somebody probably said peach as a joke Yeah I'm all right actually eggplant. Maybe it could be some kind o
f gourd pumpkin I was thinking pumpkin, but I was like who would say that that is a gourd Peach yeah, you called it man, man. You would have gotten that no matter what there's a lot of fruits that start with P Yeah, pear peach pumpkin pineapple They should start it like like a group a band a group chat oh No, hey guys started a group chat for all fruits starting with P Somebody like does like the haha response and nobody ever Hey guys just wanted to update you guys know what's going on with me T
humbs up response That's four years of silence Okay all right now, it's still anyone's game because for this question the point values are tripled Name something you squeeze to get more out of it Dang it anything you squeeze like a lemon lemon Lemon it's worth a shot Something you squeeze to get one out of it. I mean what you squeeze to get something out of fuck We've got I know the better one orange. That's what I'm going for yeah, that's a great one top answer Name something you squeeze to get
more out of it It looks like somebody sculpted his hair with clay. Yes, it does It's like ran a pic through it oops oops oops squirrel The Oracle I'm squeezing more information out of her Barely that's a better answer all right you won the face-up, so tell me play or pass only have to play I Hope your family can find a top answer the other girls like They're the only other one other family here, I hope you win Not towel I think it would be towel. Is it there towel hmm? That's your first I would
consider that ringing more than squeezing yeah, maybe you're right Cheese my own dick Oh, sorry Please God, what is that first one? I would love to be a stranger walking in on this recording session. Yeah sponge another chair nope Apple what the fuck recording Disneyland, but cheeks nope I Can't do anything something you squeeze oh Toothpaste yeah, yeah, you you it showed up when you typed in T. Oh for You're going for towel. Yeah, and I was like oh, it's gonna. See you You didn't see it. No no
it just came back to me because of that you can't do that on television Gag where they have the tiniest little bit of toothpaste, and he's the dad's like don't throw it away You could get so much more out, and he presses it and like a fire hose Shoots all over everybody so funny um But now I'm really out of ideas yeah bottle oops Yeah, oh Okay, yeah, I mean you could be wrong if you want You were so close. Oh to the right one. What is it? You mean like the kind that comes in a bottle But I'm go
nna write cats up just to be annoying okay I'm not gonna cuz I don't want to risk it Cat cats up that's not correct That's like trying to put them both together Show me cats up It's like them, but it's like caches Got a dollar sign in the middle Yeah, that does make sense I mean you got two with bottle honestly Yeah, I mean, I just couldn't have foreseen that they would like ask me for the specific thing that's in the bottle no Fuck yeah, got it We'll be going for second in the fast money around
okay All right, I guess it really is for all the marbles how weird yeah, it's kind of I mean whatever like it's fun It's fine. It just makes me want to concentrate on this a lot more I'm glad you caught your own rhyme there. Yeah, oh Did everyone hear that can I do that line again? There's a rhyme in it. I want to do it a certain way You're gonna be surprised how I do it We need just five answers, but they need to be good because your competitor gets a go after you Your time begins now your tim
e ends now you see at the circus elephant Horrors Name a word that can follow the word hot to make a food or drink dog ass Ass Name something you'd hate to realize you're out of when getting ready for work Soap food yeah, so Air traffic control Damn yeah Wow you called it Now it's time for the other family to step up and play you better believe I'm ready to step up and play I'll kill you screaming jingle bells are jingling Unfortunately clown yeah, right as I like submitted. I was like Oh Yeah n
ame something you'd hate to realize you're out of when getting ready for work wives Time oh damn I'll put it anyway name an animal with big ears My ex-wife. I just love the idea This guy having like weird lore about his ex-wife a rabbit Yeah, that's good name an occupation where there's no room for error ever sandwich artist That's a really good one these are good answers Oh Thanks for putting your hand on my arm I Don't know elephants are pretty yeah Like movies about gladiators Oh Dog is the b
est oh My god those both weren't the best maybe coffee Tamale a break I wouldn't have even thought of that What's a hot tamale something you'd hate to realize you're out of when getting ready for work You said Astro glide oh Man places to store the body Stinky bastard I thought gasps was the first sure name an animal with big ears What I think rabbit takes it Two strong answers right there. Oh Oh shit, oh you got that one this is some of our best performances apart from that double-zero answer N
ame an occupation where there's no room for error It's gonna be real close you gotta beat me by 14 for sure oh my god Yeah, you just have a brother who's an air traffic controller. I'm surprised even one person said it Yeah, it's common. I mean it was right there Good job Arin Once again for the second time in a row one of us won the actual game And then the other stole it is an uncool way during the bonus around. I mean, it's a legal way, right? I guess I guess that's how it's done here in this
version. Oh fuck. Yeah, I reached level 10 shit How do we get the car man? I didn't realize that was an option. I have no idea. We got it when the car somehow Nope wins. I'll go on game facts and find it out. Yeah, cool. Thank you so much This was so much fun. Yeah, all right. Thank you for joining us We will tomorrow is something completely different kisses and hugs goodbye candies and nugs



I'm waiting for the day that I faint in front of Dan and I wake up to him offering a scalding hot coffee along with a falcon.


I chuckled when 'boyfriend' popped up during the question "Name something you squeeze to get more out of it"


Arin unironically typing I-N-C immediately after saying insect is so funny


"Horses aren't real." SURE THING THEY'RE REAL!


I cannot get enough of Arin's little "great answer" in his old woman voice


Imagine when you win the car it becomes a playable character, and whenever you answer a question it makes an unbearably loud horn blast


Dan's family is definitely a frat house with someone's girlfriend, but Arin's is crazy mad scientist and his harem of ladies.


31:23 For anyone curious: To win the car, a family has to win five consecutive games (against the AI). You don't have to win the Fast Money rounds for all five games but the achievement sometimes doesn't unlock if you don't win Fast Money for the final game of your streak.


absolutely would sign myself up to watch game grumps actually be on family feud but drunk


12:59 dans ability to perfectly mimic a noise never fails to make me laugh hysterically


Arin weirding out at the fruit shape question really emphasizes just how little of Harvey-era Feud he has watched. Questions from that version include: - 5 or 6 different ways of asking "Which female celebrity has the best ass?" - "If you're a cannibal, what would be the tastiest body part?" - "Name a kind of crack" - "Which of the Seven Drawfs best describes your wife in bed?" - "If Santa was sick on Christmas Eve, who would he get to deliver presents?" - "Name something you know about zombies" - "Name something a man has that he likes to polish." - "Tell me a nickname that starts with the word Sugar" - "If you were an octopus, what would you do 8 of?"


Clams truly are Arin's one weakness.


I would love it if when I was feeling faint, like just really out of it, Arin & Dan come running into the room frantically screaming "DAN, GO START SOME COFFEE, I'LL GET THE SALT!" "ARIN! THERE'S NO TIME! I'LL HAVE TO GET THE INSTANT!!!" "WHATEVER, JUST HURRY! WE'RE LOSING HIM!!" Meanwhile I would just be like wtf and zonk out on the ground😵


We love seeing two completely real families coming together to battle it out for completely real money once again 😂


Arin typing 'I-N-C-' for Insect reminds me of 'What does EYES Spll? E-YES?"


I've seen the top 6 version of the "what do you get someone who feels faint" for this game. One of the answers they give is literally "Air" 😅


the fruit one question: fashion/health magazines and internet articles always try to compare femmine bodies to fruit to tell us how to "best dress" ourselves, lol -- like if you have a big torso and slender legs they'll call you an apple and if you have slim shoulders with big hips they call you a pear and if you have a small middle but big shoulders and hips you don't even get to be a fruit, they just say you're an hourglass 😂


LOL. To anyone feeling faint: absolutely lie down. You don't want to pass out and crack your head on the floor. You can wake up with broken teeth or a possible concussion.


Everytime they do a Homer Simpson impression it always reminds me of Dan’s son from Doodle Date


Anyone else screaming TOOTHPASTE when Dan typed towel? Just me? OK